4,219 research outputs found

    Capacity of a Class of Deterministic Relay Channels

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    The capacity of a class of deterministic relay channels with the transmitter input X, the receiver output Y, the relay output Y_1 = f(X, Y), and a separate communication link from the relay to the receiver with capacity R_0, is shown to be C(R_0) = \max_{p(x)} \min \{I(X;Y)+R_0, I(X;Y, Y_1) \}. Thus every bit from the relay is worth exactly one bit to the receiver. Two alternative coding schemes are presented that achieve this capacity. The first scheme, ``hash-and-forward'', is based on a simple yet novel use of random binning on the space of relay outputs, while the second scheme uses the usual ``compress-and-forward''. In fact, these two schemes can be combined together to give a class of optimal coding schemes. As a corollary, this relay capacity result confirms a conjecture by Ahlswede and Han on the capacity of a channel with rate-limited state information at the decoder in the special case when the channel state is recoverable from the channel input and the output.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    State Amplification

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    We consider the problem of transmitting data at rate R over a state dependent channel p(y|x,s) with the state information available at the sender and at the same time conveying the information about the channel state itself to the receiver. The amount of state information that can be learned at the receiver is captured by the mutual information I(S^n; Y^n) between the state sequence S^n and the channel output Y^n. The optimal tradeoff is characterized between the information transmission rate R and the state uncertainty reduction rate \Delta, when the state information is either causally or noncausally available at the sender. This result is closely related and in a sense dual to a recent study by Merhav and Shamai, which solves the problem of masking the state information from the receiver rather than conveying it.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, revise

    Stochastic Matrix Product States

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    The concept of stochastic matrix product states is introduced and a natural form for the states is derived. This allows to define the analogue of Schmidt coefficients for steady states of non-equilibrium stochastic processes. We discuss a new measure for correlations which is analogous to the entanglement entropy, the entropy cost SCS_C, and show that this measure quantifies the bond dimension needed to represent a steady state as a matrix product state. We illustrate these concepts on the hand of the asymmetric exclusion process

    Dissipation and lag in irreversible processes

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    When a system is perturbed by the variation of external parameters, a lag generally develops between the actual state of the system and the equilibrium state corresponding to the current parameter values. We establish a microscopic, quantitative relation between this lag and the dissipated work that accompanies the process. We illustrate this relation using a model system.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in EP

    Adaptive Cluster Expansion for Inferring Boltzmann Machines with Noisy Data

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    We introduce a procedure to infer the interactions among a set of binary variables, based on their sampled frequencies and pairwise correlations. The algorithm builds the clusters of variables contributing most to the entropy of the inferred Ising model, and rejects the small contributions due to the sampling noise. Our procedure successfully recovers benchmark Ising models even at criticality and in the low temperature phase, and is applied to neurobiological data.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters (2011

    Asynchronous multiple-access channel capacity

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    The capacity region for the discrete memoryless multiple-access channel without time synchronization at the transmitters and receivers is shown to be the same as the known capacity region for the ordinary multiple-access channel. The proof utilizes time sharing of two optimal codes for the ordinary multiple-access channel and uses maximum likelihood decoding over shifts of the hypothesized transmitter words

    Optimal evaluation of single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments

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    The forced rupture of single chemical bonds under external load is addressed. A general framework is put forward to optimally utilize the experimentally observed rupture force data for estimating the parameters of a theoretical model. As an application we explore to what extent a distinction between several recently proposed models is feasible on the basis of realistic experimental data sets.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Lower bound on the number of Toffoli gates in a classical reversible circuit through quantum information concepts

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    The question of finding a lower bound on the number of Toffoli gates in a classical reversible circuit is addressed. A method based on quantum information concepts is proposed. The method involves solely concepts from quantum information - there is no need for an actual physical quantum computer. The method is illustrated on the example of classical Shannon data compression.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; revised versio

    Entanglement combing

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    We show that all multi-partite pure states can, under local operations, be transformed into bi-partite pairwise entangled states in a "lossless fashion": An arbitrary distinguished party will keep pairwise entanglement with all other parties after the asymptotic protocol - decorrelating all other parties from each other - in a way that the degree of entanglement of this party with respect to the rest will remain entirely unchanged. The set of possible entanglement distributions of bi-partite pairs is also classified. Finally, we point out several applications of this protocol as a useful primitive in quantum information theory.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, replaced with final versio
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