295 research outputs found

    Study of asymmetric traffic influence on IEEE 802.11 WLAN family, enhancement proposals

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    This paper is focused on the study of WLAN performance in IEEE 802.11 networks that are in a situation of asymmetric traffic, where the access point (AP) transmits much more than the user stations (US). This situation is very different from the symmetric one, wherein all the stations have the same traffic load. The paper also presents a discussion of the different mechanisms in order to increase AP priority under the asymmetric traffic situation.Peer Reviewe

    IEEE 802.11g performance in presence of beacon control frames

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    Most studies of the performance of IEEE 802.11 consider scenarios of ad-hoc topology networks and do not contemplate the network broadcast information contained in beacon frames. The paper presents a study of the performance of a WLAN whose infrastructure's topology is such that the access point is in charge of broadcasting the beacon frames. Thus, it is more realistic than previous studies, because beacon frames are usually transmitted in order to announce control information and network identity. Furthermore, in the coverage area, user stations are likely to be working at different data rates, depending on their signal quality. Because beacon frames must be received by all stations, they are transmitted at the lowest data rate operating in the coverage area. The article introduces a mathematical method to calculate the influence of beacon frames on the total throughput, collision probability and delays of the IEEE 802.11g protocol. The model is validated by simulation analysis.Peer Reviewe

    Sobre la justicia en las redes IEEE 802.11e: desincronización de su mecanismo de acceso al medio

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    Since the advent of the first IEEE 802.11 standard, several papers have proposed means of providing QoS to IEEE 802.11 networks and evaluate various traffic-prioritization mechanisms. Nevertheless, studies on the assignment of AIFS times defined in IEEE 802.11e reveal that the various priority levels work in a synchronized manner. The studies show that, under large loads of high-priority traffic, EDCA starves low-priority frames, which is undesirable. We argue that QoS traffic needs to be prioritized, but users sending best-effort frames should also obtain the expected service. High-priority traffic can also suffer performance degradation when using EDCA because of heavy loads of low-priority frames. Thus, we have proposed a mechanism based on desynchronizing the IEEE 802.11e working procedure. It prevents stations that belong to different priority classes from attempting simultaneous transmission, prioritizes independent collision groups and achieves better short-term and long-term channel access fairness. We have evaluated the proposal based on extensive analytical and simulation results. It prevents the strangulation of low-priority traffic, and, moreover, reduces the degradation of high-priority traffic with the increased presence of low-priority frames.Peer Reviewe

    Performance enhancement of WLAN IEEE 802.11 for asymmetric traffic

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    Most studies about the performance of IEEE 802.11 consider scenarios of ad-hoc topology and networks where all stations have the same traffic load (symmetric traffic conditions). This paper presents a study of performance parameters of more realistic networks. We focus the attention on WLAN with infrastructure networks, where the traffic distribution is asymmetric. In this case, the traffic load at the access point is much heavier than that at user stations. These studies are more realistic because most nowadays installed WLAN are infrastructure topology type, due to the fact that they are used as access networks. In this case, the access point has to retransmit all incoming traffic to the basic service set and therefore its traffic load is higher. Finally, the paper presents the tuning of the contention window, taken from IEEE 802.11e, used to increase the system performance under asymmetric traffic conditions, and the proposal of an adaptive algorithm to adapt the MAC layer settings to the system traffic load.Peer Reviewe

    Performance enhancement of outdoor IEEE 802.11 cellular networks

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    Most studies about the performance of IEEE 802.11 are limited to a single cell environment. Nevertheless, the idea of designing an outdoor cellular network based on WLAN IEEE 802.11 results very attractive, due to the several advantages that this technology presents: the low cost of the equipment, its operation in unlicensed spectrum and its higher data rates. If we compare the system performance in a cellular environment with its behavior in a single cell environment, we observe that its performance decreases considerably with the growth of the transmission data rate employed and due to co-channel interference. In this paper, we propose some enhancement mechanisms, in order to reduce the interference influence on network performance. Moreover, we study the viability of using sectorised antennas at the access points. We present its performance under different load conditions and compare this behavior with the results obtained in an isolated single cell environment, which has no interference.Peer Reviewe

    Evaluación de IEEE 802.11g en un entorno celular exterior

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    La mayoría de estudios que se encargan de analizar el comportamiento de IEEE 802.11 se encuentran limitados a entornos unicelulares. Sin embargo, la idea de diseñar una red celular basada en IEEE 802.11 resulta muy atractiva, debido a las múltiples ventajas que este estándar presenta: el bajo coste del equipamiento, el uso de espectro libre sin licencia y las elevadas tasas de transmisión. En este artículo se estudia la posibilidad de diseñar una red celular basada en IEEE 802.11, presentando su comportamiento bajo diferentes condiciones de carga del sistema y comparando los resultados con los obtenidos en un escenario unicelular. Finalmente, como métodos para reducir la influencia de la interferencia se propone, por una parte, la utilización de diferentes tamaños de cluster, y por otra, un mecanismo de control de potencia en los terminales móviles.Peer Reviewe

    Actividad antimicrobiana de metabolitos secundarios de Aspergillus fumigatus sensu stricto sobre cepas clínicas de Staphylococcus aureus y Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Introduction. The antibiotic resistance of Gram positive bacteria is a serious public health problem where some palliative measures can be found in the antimicrobial principles of filamentous fungi. Objective. To evaluate the antimicrobial activity of secondary metabolites of a clinical isolation of Aspergillus fumigatus on clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Methods. The liquid fermentation of A. fumigatus was carried out in a liquid broth sulfate, potato and dextrose; using ethyl acetate for the extraction of secondary metabolites. The antimicrobial activity considered as a halo greater than 6 mm was evaluated using the diffusion disk methodology. Results. A mean of 24,02 ± 2,51 mm and 23,62 ± 4,68 mm was obtained on sensitive and resistant Staphylococcus aureus, respectively. For Streptococcus pneumoniae sensitive and non-susceptible, the means were 25,82 ± 4,05 mm and 26,5 ± 5,39 mm, respectively. Conclusions. The crude extract of A. fumigatus has secondary metabolites of alkaloid nature and unsaturated sterols with antimicrobial activity.Introducción. La resistencia a los antibióticos de bacterias Gram positivas es un grave problema de salud pública donde algunas medidas paliativas pueden encontrarse en los principios antimicrobianos de hongos filamentosos. Objetivo. Evaluar la actividad antimicrobiana de metabolitos secundarios de un aislamiento clínico de Aspergillus fumigatus sobre cepas clínicas de Staphylococcus aureus y Streptococcus pneumoniae. Métodos. La fermentación líquida de A. fumigatus se realizó en un caldo líquido sulfato, papa y dextrosa, utilizando acetato de etilo para la extracción de metabolitos. Mediante la metodología de disco difusión se evaluó la actividad antimicrobiana considerada como un halo mayor de 6 mm. Resultados. Se obtuvo una media de 24,02 ± 2,51 mm y 23,62 ± 4,68 mm de halo de inhibición sobre Staphylococcus aureus sensible y resistente oxacilina, respectivamente. Para Streptococcus pneumoniae sensibles y no sensibles a penicilina las medias fueron de 25,82 ± 4,05 mm y 26,5 ± 5,39 mm, respectivamente. Conclusiones. El extracto crudo de A. fumigatus posee metabolitos secundarios de naturaleza alcaloide y esteroles insaturados con actividad antimicrobiana

    Variación radial y axial del hinchamiento, del factor anisotrópico y de la densidad, en el Eucalyptus grandis de Argentina.

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    En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una investigación orientada a estudiar la variación de los hinchamientos tangencial y radial, así como del coeficiente de anisotropía y la densidad anhidra, en función de la altura y la distancia a la médula de árboles de Eucalyptus grandis cultivados en la Mesopotamia de Argentina. Con este propósito se diseñó y llevó a cabo una investigación empírica con muestras seleccionadas al azar. Los resultados muestran que, para propósitos prácticos, puede asumirse que el hinchamiento y el coeficiente de anisotropía tienen una tendencia decreciente al aumentar la altura, y creciente al aumentar la distancia a la médula. La madera de la periferia exhibe un comportamiento más desfavorable desde el punto de vista de los movimientos dimensionales que la del interior del tronco, si bien presenta mayor densidad y consecuentemente mejor calidad para numerosos empleos.The present paper reports the results of an investigation regarding the variation in swelling, coefficient of anisotropy and density, as a function of the distance from the pith and the height, in trees of Argentinean Eucalyptus grandis. For this purpose an empirical research project with samples randomly selected was designed and carried out. According to the results and for practical purposes, it may be assumed that swelling and the coefficient of anisotropy decrease with height and increase with the distance from the pith. Wood of the outer part of the tree stem exhibits more problems related to dimensional changes than wood of the inner part of the tree stem, even though it presents higher density and, consequently, higher quality for many purposes

    Predicting potential distribution and identifying priority areas for conservation of the Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix flavicauda) in Peru

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    Species distribution models (SDMs) provide conservationist with spatial distributions estimations of priority species. Lagothrix flavicauda (Humboldt, 1812), commonly known as the Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey, is one of the largest primates in the New World. This species is endemic to the montane forests of northern Peru, in the departments of Amazonas, San Martín, Huánuco, Junín, La Libertad, and Loreto at elevation from1,000 to 2,800 m. It is classified as “Critically Endangered” (CR) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as well as by Peruvian legislation. Furthermore, it is listed in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Research on precise estimates of its potential distribution are scare. Therefore, in this study we modeled the potential distribution area of this species in Peru, the model was generated using the MaxEnt algorithm, along with 80 georeferenced occurrence records and 28 environmental variables. The total distribution (high, moderate, and low) for L. flavicauda is 29,383.3 km2, having 3,480.7 km2 as high potential distribution. In effect, 22.64 % (6,648.49 km2) of the total distribution area of L. flavicauda is found within Natural Protected Areas (NPAs), with the following categories representing the largest areas of distribution: Protected Forests (1,620.41 km2), Regional Conservation Areas (1,976.79 km2), and Private Conservation Areas (1,166.55 km2). After comparing the predicted distribution with the current NPAs system, we identified new priority areas for the conservation of the species. We, therefore, believe that this study will contribute significantly to the conservation of L. flavicauda in Peru

    Evaluation of the broth microdilution plate methodology for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Peru.

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) is a communicable, preventable and curable disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). Peru is amongst the 30 countries with the highest burden of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) worldwide. In the fight against drug-resistant tuberculosis, the UKMYC6 microdilution plate was developed and validated by the CRyPTIC project. The objective of the study was to evaluate the use of the broth microdilution (BMD) plate methodology for susceptibility testing of drug-resistant MTB strains in Peru. METHODS: MTB strains isolated between 2015 and 2018 in Peru were used. 496 nationally-representative strains determined as drug-resistant by the routine 7H10 Agar Proportion Method (APM) were included in the present study. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of 13 antituberculosis drugs were determined for each strain using the UKMYC6 microdilution plates. Diagnostic agreement between APM and BMD plate methodology was determined for rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol, ethionamide, kanamycin and levofloxacin. Phenotypes were set using binary (or ternary) classification based on Epidemiological cut-off values (ECOFF/ECV) proposed by the CRyPTIC project. Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) was performed on strains with discrepant results between both methods. RESULTS: MIC distributions were determined for 13 first- and second-line anti-TB drugs, including new (bedaquiline, delamanid) and repurposed (clofazimine, linezolid) agents. MIC results were available for 80% (397/496) of the strains at 14 days and the remainder at 21 days. The comparative analysis determined a good agreement (0.64 ≤ k ≤ 0.79) for the drugs rifampicin, ethambutol, ethionamide and kanamycin, and the best agreement (k > 0.8) for isoniazid and levofloxacin. Overall, 12% of MIC values were above the UKMYC6 plate dilution ranges, most notably for the drugs rifampicin and rifabutin. No strain presented MICs higher than the ECOFF/ECV values for the new or repurposed drugs. Discrepant analysis using genotypic susceptibility testing by WGS supported half of the results obtained by APM (52%, 93/179) and half of those obtained by BMD plate methodology (48%, 86/179). CONCLUSIONS: The BMD methodology using the UKMYC6 plate allows the complete susceptibility characterization, through the determination of MICs, of drug-resistant MTB strains in Peru. This methodology shows good diagnostic performances for rifampicin, isoniazid, ethambutol, ethionamide, kanamycin and levofloxacin. It also allows for the characterization of MICs for other drugs used in previous years against tuberculosis, as well as for new and repurposed drugs recently introduced worldwide