684 research outputs found

    Sistemas de produção melhorados para gado de corte em Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    A Embrapa Gado de Corte vem realizando estudos que visam a identificar, descrever e analisar, com ênfase nos custos, os sistemas de produção de gado de corte mais freqüentemente utilizados nas principais regiões produtoras do País. Esses sistemas, denominados modais, são em geral pouco produtivos, como relatado por Costa et al. (2005), tendo portanto grande potencial para melhorias técnicas e gerenciais. Em vista disso, os estudos incluem uma segunda etapa, que trata da formulação de sistemas melhorados, a serem oferecidos como referências para o aprimoramento dos sistemas atualmente em uso. O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta de cinco sistemas melhorados para o planalto de Mato Grosso do Sul, como alternativas ao sistema praticado pela maioria dos produtores dessa região.bitstream/CNPGC-2009-09/12487/1/COT102.pd

    Iron and zinc retention in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) after home cooking.

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    Background: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), iron, iodine, and Vitamin A deficiencies are the most common forms of malnutrition, leading to severe public health consequences. The importance of iron and zinc in human nutrition and the number of children found to be deficient in these nutrients make further studies on retention in cooked grains and cooked bean broth important. Objectives: This work aimed to evaluate iron and zinc retention in six common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars under the following conditions: raw beans, regular pot cooking, pressure cooking, with and without previous water soaking, and broth. Design: Determination of iron and zinc content in the raw, cooked bean grains and broth samples was carried out by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Optical Emission Spectrometry (Spectro Analytical Instrument Spectroflame P). All experiments and analyses were carried out in triplicate. Results: Overall, regardless of the cooking method, with or without previous water soaking, the highest zinc concentration was found in the cooked bean grains. However, pressure cooking and previous water soaking diminished iron retention in the cooked grains, while increasing it in the bean broth. Conclusion: The common bean was confirmed to be an excellent source of iron and zinc for human consumption, and it was suggested that beans should be consumed in a combined form, i.e. grain with bean broth

    Liposomal Taro Lectin Nanocapsules Control Human Glioblastoma and Mammary Adenocarcinoma Cell Proliferation

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    The search for natural anticancer agents and nanocarrier uses are a part of the current strategies to overcome the side effects caused by chemotherapeutics. Liposomal nanocapsules loaded with purified tarin, a potential immunomodulatory and antitumoral lectin found in taro corms, were produced. Liposomes were composed by 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphoethanolamine, cholesterylhemisuccinate, and 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[folate(polyethylene glycol)-2000 prepared by thin-film hydration. Small unilamellar vesicles were achieved by sonication and extrusion. Scanning electron microscopy evidenced round-shaped nanocapsules presenting a smooth surface, 150 nm diameter and polydispersity index <0.2, estimated by dynamic light scattering. Tarin entrapment rates were over 80% and leakage of ~3% under 40 days of storage at 4 °C. Entrapped tarin exhibited an 83% release after 6 h at pH 4.6–7.4 and 36 °C. Both free and encapsulated tarin exhibited no in vitro toxicity against healthy mice bone marrow and L929 cells but stimulated the production of fibroblast-like and large round-shaped cells. Encapsulated tarin resulted in inhibition of human glioblastoma (U-87 MG) and breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) proliferation, with an IC50 of 39.36 and 71.38 µg/mL, respectively. The effectiveness of encapsulated tarin was similar to conventional chemotherapy drugs, such as cisplatin and temozolide. Tarin liposomal nanocapsules exhibited superior pharmacological activity compared to free tarin as a potential chemotherapy adjuvan

    Sistema e custo de produção de gado de corte no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul - região da Campanha.

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    Programa da pecuária de corte no Rio Grande so Sul. Descrição do sistema de produção de gado de corte da região da campanha - Rio Grande do Sul. Benfeitoria, máquinas e equipamentos. Composição do rebanho e desempenho zootécnico. Controle sanitário. Mão de obra. Sistema gerancial e contábil. Resultados econômicos do sistema modal de cria, recria e engorda. Estrutua de custos. Receita e sua composição. Custo de produção e margens econômicas. Custos de produção variando a capacidade de suporte dos pastos e a taxa de natalidade. Considerações finais.bitstream/item/79815/1/COT95.pdfCNPGC

    Sistema e custo de produção de gado de corte no Estado de Rondônia.

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    Panaroma da pecuária de corte em Rondônia. Descrição do sistema de produção de gado de corte em Rondônia. Caracterização da região. Síntese do sistemabitstream/item/139531/1/COT-92.pdfCNPGC

    Iron and zinc retention in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) after home cooking

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    Background : According to the World Health Organization (WHO), iron, iodine, and Vitamin A deficiencies are the most common forms of malnutrition, leading to severe public health consequences. The importance of iron and zinc in human nutrition and the number of children found to be deficient in these nutrients make further studies on retention in cooked grains and cooked bean broth important. Objectives : This work aimed to evaluate iron and zinc retention in six common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars under the following conditions: raw beans, regular pot cooking, pressure cooking, with and without previous water soaking, and broth. Design : Determination of iron and zinc content in the raw, cooked bean grains and broth samples was carried out by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) Optical Emission Spectrometry (Spectro Analytical Instrument &#x2013; Spectroflame P). All experiments and analyses were carried out in triplicate. Results : Overall, regardless of the cooking method, with or without previous water soaking, the highest zinc concentration was found in the cooked bean grains. However, pressure cooking and previous water soaking diminished iron retention in the cooked grains, while increasing it in the bean broth. Conclusion : The common bean was confirmed to be an excellent source of iron and zinc for human consumption, and it was suggested that beans should be consumed in a combined form, i.e. grain with bean broth

    Nitrous oxide losses from beef cattle excreta in an integrated crop- livestock system.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of bovine excreta and of their deposition on the soil in the wet or dry season, on gaseous losses of nitrogen in an integrated Crop-Livestock system

    Sistema e custo de produção de gado de corte no Estado de Goiás.

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar o sistema de produção de gado de corte predominante no Estado de Goiás. Em fase posterior, tendo como referência esse sistema, será proposto um sistema alternativo melhorado. As informações para caracterizar o sistema predominante (modal) foram levantadas por meio de um painel do tipo mesa-redonda que reuniu pecuaristas, técnicos e pesquisadores em Goiânia, GO, em julho de 2005 (Anexo 1). Em um processo de aproximações até se chegar ao consenso, definiram-se a estrutura de recursos e os coeficientes técnicos do sistema de produção modal. Com base nesses dados foram calculados indicadores de desempenho físico e econômico, destacando-se o custo de produção.bitstream/CNPGC-2009-09/11524/1/COT94.pd

    Avaliação dos impactos econômicos de quatro forrageiras lançadas pela Embrapa.

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