25 research outputs found

    A long noncoding RNA promotes parasite differentiation in African trypanosomes

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    Copyright © 2022 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC)The parasite Trypanosoma brucei causes African sleeping sickness that is fatal to patients if untreated. Parasite differentiation from a replicative slender form into a quiescent stumpy form promotes host survival and parasite transmission. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are known to regulate cell differentiation in other eukaryotes. To determine whether lncRNAs are also involved in parasite differentiation, we used RNA sequencing to survey the T. brucei genome, identifying 1428 previously uncharacterized lncRNA genes. We find that grumpy lncRNA is a key regulator that promotes parasite differentiation into the quiescent stumpy form. This function is promoted by a small nucleolar RNA encoded within the grumpy lncRNA. snoGRUMPY binds to messenger RNAs of at least two stumpy regulatory genes, promoting their expression. grumpy overexpression reduces parasitemia in infected mice. Our analyses suggest that T. brucei lncRNAs modulate parasite-host interactions and provide a mechanism by which grumpy regulates cell differentiation in trypanosomes.This work was supported in part by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) grant, awarded to F.G. and entitled “Long noncoding RNAs as new diagnostic biomarkers for African Sleeping sickness” (PTDC/DTPEPI/7099/2014, start date: 1 January 2016, end date: 31 December 2018); also by Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Early Career Scientist Program (project title: “How parasites use epigenetics to evade host defenses,” project no. 55007419, start date: 1 February 2012, end date: 31 January 2017); and by the European Research Council (project title: “Exploring the hidden life of African trypanosomes: parasite fat tropism and implications for the disease,” project no. 771714, start date: 1 August 2018, end date: 31 January 2024), both awarded to L.M.F. The project leading to these results have received funding from “la Caixa” Foundation under the agreement LCF/PR/HR20/52400019 [project title: “Mechanism and function of epitranscriptomic poly(A) tail modifications in African trypanosomes,” project no. HR20-00361, start date: 1 March 2021, end date: 29 February 2024]. L.M.F. is supported by FCT (IF/01050/2014, project title: “Molecular basis for the efficient biology of trypanossome parasitism,” start date: 1 January 2015, end date: 31 December 2019) and by CEEC institutional program (CEECINST/00110/2018, start date: 1 January 2020, end date: 14 December 2020). C.N. acknowledges the support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) to the EMBL partnership, the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa and the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. S. Michaeli acknowledges the support of the Israel Science Foundation (ref. 1959/20) from October 2020 to October 2025, entitled “Functional analysis of rRNA processing and the role of rRNA modification for specialized translation in the two life stages of trypanosomes” and U.S. Binational Science Foundation (ref. 2015/219) from October 2015 to October 2019, entitled “The role and mechanism of RNA pseudo-uridylation and sugar methylation (Nm) during the developmental cycle of trypanosomes.” The work done in A.D.’s laboratory was supported by National Science Center SONATA BIS grant, entitled “Non-canonical RNA tailing and other post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in T cell-mediated adaptive immunity” (proposal ID: 492777, agreement no: UMO-2020/38/E/NZ2/00372, start date: 22 March 2021, end date: 21 March 2026); National Science Center OPUS grant, entitled “Analysis of the role of cytoplasmic polyadenylation in the regulation of the innate immune response” (proposal ID: 443521, agreement no.: UMO-2019/33/B/NZ2/01773, start date: 2 March 2020, end date: 1 March 2023); and European Union’s Horizon 2020 (H2020-WIDESPREAD-03-2017)–ERAChair, entitled “MOlecular Signaling in Health and Disease - Interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence” (acronym: MOSaIC, agreement no.: 810425, implementation period: start date: 1 November 2018, end date: 31 October 2023).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the true intracellular concentration of free sodium in a halophilic eubacterium.

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    We present new data obtained by 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, which can distinguish free intracellular sodium from cell-bound sodium, showing that the intracellular concentration of Na+ the halophilic eubacterium Vibrio costicola is only 5 to 20% of that in the extracellular medium. Previous methods could not distinguish free intracellular Na+ from that bound to cell structures, and it was believed that in halophilic eubacteria the total monovalent cation concentration inside matched that of the NaCl outside. Information obtained by the newer technology raises fundamental questions about the ways in which these organisms and others which live in hypersaline environments function and cope with osmotic stress

    A New Paradigm for the Study of Corruption in Different Cultures

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    Abstract. Corruption frequently occurs in many aspects of multi-party interaction between private agencies and government employees. Past works studying corruption in a lab context have explicitly included covert or illegal activities in participants ’ strategy space or have relied on surveys like the Corruption Perception Index (CPI). This paper studies corruption in ecologically realistic settings in which corruption is not suggested to the players a priori but evolves during repeated interaction. We ran studies involving hundreds of subjects in three countries: China, Israel, and the United States. Subjects interacted using a four-player board game in which three bidders compete to win contracts by submitting bids in repeated auctions, and a single auctioneer determines the winner of each auction. The winning bid was paid to an external “government” entity, and was not distributed among the players. The game logs were analyzed posthoc for cases in which the auctioneer was bribed to choose a bidder who did not submit the highest bid. We found tha

    CBR with Commonsense Reasoning and Structure Mapping: An Application to Mediation

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    Mediation is an important method in dispute resolution. We implement a case based reasoning approach to mediation integrating analogical and commonsense reasoning components that allow an artificial mediation agent to satisfy requirements expected from a human mediator, in particular: utilizing experience with cases in different domains; and structurally transforming the set of issues for a better solution. We utilize a case structure based on ontologies reflecting the perceptions of the parties in dispute. The analogical reasoning component, employing the Structure Mapping Theory from psychology, provides a flexibility to respond innovatively in unusual circumstances, in contrast with conventional approaches confined into specialized problem domains. We aim to build a mediation case base incorporating real world instances ranging from interpersonal or intergroup disputes to international conflicts.This work was supported by a JAE-Predoc fellowship from CSIC, and the research grants: 2009-SGR-1434 from the Generalitat de Catalunya, CSD2007-0022 from MICINN, and Next-CBR TIN2009-13692-C03- 01 from MICINN.Peer reviewe

    The Argumentative Mediator

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    In this paper we introduce a negotiation mediator in a multiagent context. When negotiation fails, a mediator can interact with the parties, find out about their goals, ontologies, and arguments for and against negotiation outcome, and suggest solutions based on previous experience. An algorithmic schema to be instantiated with particular argumentation, semantic alignment and case-base reasoning techniques is presented. The proposal is neutral with respect to which particular technique is selected. An example illustrates the approach that is framed in the existing body of literature on argumentation and mediation.This research has been supported by Generalitat de Catalunya project 2014 SGR 118.Peer Reviewe