127 research outputs found

    Optimal battery charge/discharge strategies for prosumers and suppliers

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    We discuss the application of classical variational methods to optimal charging/discharging strategies for a prosumer or storage supplier, where the price of electrical power is known in advance. We outline how a classical calculus of variations approach can be applied to two related problems: (i) how can a prosumer minimise the cost of charging/discharging a battery, when the price of electrical power is known throughout the charging/discharging period? and (ii) how can an electricity supplier incentivise desired prosumer/storage supplier behaviour by adjusting the price

    Energy storage systems to exploit regenerative braking in DC railway systems: Different approaches to improve efficiency of modern high-speed trains

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    The growing attention to environmental sustainability of transport systems made necessary to investigate the possibility of energy optimization even in sectors typically characterised by an already high level of sustainability, as in particular the railway system. One of the most promising opportunity is the optimization of the braking energy recovery, which has been already considered in tramway systems, while it is traditionally overlooked for high-speed railway systems. In this research work, the authors have developed two simulation models able to reproduce the behavior of high-speed trains when entering in a railway node, and to analyze the impact of regenerative braking in DC railway systems, including usage of energy storage systems. These models, developed respectively in the Matlab-Simscape environment and in the open source Modelica language, have been experimentally validated considering an Italian high-speed train. After validation, the authors have performed a feasibility analysis considering the use of stationary and on-board storage systems, also by taking into account capital costs of the investment and annual energy saving, to evaluate cost-effectiveness of the different solutions. The analysis has shown the possibility to improve the efficiency of high-speed railway systems, by improving braking energy recovery through the installation of such storage systems

    Accumulo Elettrochimico nei mezzi di trasporto

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    L’articolo motiva la necessità crescente di disporre di sistemi di accumulo elettrochimico in combinazione con l’utilizzo di mezzi di trasporto e descrive le principali tecnologie utilizzate o proposte e i parametri caratteristici che ne consentono un confront

    Sistemi con trasmissione a rotismo epicicloidale

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    L'articolo descrive i principali aspetti tecnici dei sistemi propulsivi ibridi basati su trasmissione a rotismo epicicloidale, e si focalizza in particolare sulla relativa gestione dei flussi energetici

    Strategie di gestione energetica dei veicoli ibridi

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    La gestione dei flussi energetici in un power train ibrido è elemento di grande importanza e può determinare il successo o meno di una certa architettura. Questo articolo imposta la tematica in maniera razionale, e passa in rassegna le principali problematiche che il progettista del sistema di gestione energetica deve affrontare

    Sistemi di Accumulo elettrochimico all’interno dei mezzi di trasporto

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    L’articolo descrive rapidamente le ragioni che portano alla necessità di disporre di sistemi di accumulo elettrochimico nei mezzi di trasporto, per l’alimentazione sia dei carichi ausiliari che dell’eventuale carico elettrico costituito dal sistema propulsivo; e come queste necessità siano andate incrementandosi in anni recenti. Esso descrive poi le principali tecnologie utilizzate o proposte per la realizzazione di questo tipo di accumulo, ed i parametri caratteristici che ne consentono un confronto
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