403 research outputs found

    investigation of particle dynamics and classification mechanism in a spiral jet mill through computational fluid dynamics and discrete element methods

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    Abstract Predicting the outcome of jet-milling based on the knowledge of process parameters and starting material properties is a task still far from being accomplished. Given the technical difficulties in measuring thermodynamics, flow properties and particle statistics directly in the mills, modelling and simulations constitute alternative tools to gain insight in the process physics and many papers have been recently published on the subject. An ideal predictive simulation tool should combine the correct description of non-isothermal, compressible, high Mach number fluid flow, the correct particle-fluid and particle-particle interactions and the correct fracture mechanics of particle upon collisions but it is not currently available. In this paper we present our coupled CFD-DEM simulation results; while comparing them with the recent modelling and experimental works we will review the current understating of the jet-mill physics and particle classification. Subsequently we analyze the missing elements and the bottlenecks currently limiting the simulation technique as well as the possible ways to circumvent them towards a quantitative, predictive simulation of jet-milling

    The role of bone metastases on the mechanical competence of human vertebrae

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    Spine is the most common site for bone metastases. The evaluation of the mechanical competence and failure location in metastatic vertebrae is a biomechanical and clinical challenge. Little is known about the failure behaviour of vertebrae with metastatic lesions. The aim of this study was to use combined micro-Computed Tomography (microCT) and time-lapsed mechanical testing to reveal the failure location in metastatic vertebrae. Fifteen spine segments, each including a metastatic and a radiologically healthy vertebra, were tested in compression up to failure within a microCT. Volumetric strains were measured using Digital Volume Correlation. The images of undeformed and deformed specimens were overlapped to identify the failure location. Vertebrae with lytic metastases experienced the largest average compressive strains (median ± standard deviation: −8506 ± 4748microstrain), followed by the vertebrae with mixed metastases (−7035 ± 15605microstrain), the radiologically healthy vertebrae (−5743 ± 5697microstrain), and the vertebrae with blastic metastases (−3150 ± 4641microstrain). Strain peaks were localised within and nearby the lytic lesions or around the blastic tissue. Failure between the endplate and the metastasis was identified in vertebrae with lytic metastases, whereas failure localised around the metastasis in vertebrae with blastic lesions. This study showed for the first time the role of metastases on the vertebral internal deformations. While lytic lesions lead to failure of the metastatic vertebra, vertebrae with blastic metastases are more likely to induce failure in the adjacent vertebrae. Nevertheless, every metastatic lesion affects the vertebral deformation differently, making it essential to assess how the lesion affects the bone microstructure. These results suggest that the properties of the lesion (type, size, location within the vertebral body) should be considered when developing clinical tools to predict the risk of fracture in patients with metastatic lesions

    Preliminary Design and Numerical Analysis of a Scrap Tires Pyrolysis System

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    Abstract A plant prototype for whole scrap tires disposal and the consequent syngas production via pyrolysis has been developed. A numerical analysis on the innovative pyrolysis reactor, constituted by an autoclave closing device and an explosion-proof water system has been carried out. The aim of this analysis is to investigate the fluid-dynamics in the pyrolysis chamber and model the syngas production. The simulations, performed in the pre-realization system phase, have allowed to determine: i) the flow field of the fluid within the reactor, so as to optimize the geometry (e.g. size, vacuum system, water tank); ii) the temperature range, in order to determine the correct placement of thermocouples within reactor and prevent overheating that could compromise the safety of the system; iii) the pressure range, necessary to avoid the eventual flooding of the tires themselves. Thanks to these results, the test bench has been built at the CURTI S.p.A laboratory and experimental analysis has been performed. The experimental data are acquired and then elaborated, as shown in the paper

    Full configuration interaction approach to the few-electron problem in artificial atoms

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    We present a new high-performance configuration interaction code optimally designed for the calculation of the lowest energy eigenstates of a few electrons in semiconductor quantum dots (also called artificial atoms) in the strong interaction regime. The implementation relies on a single-particle representation, but it is independent of the choice of the single-particle basis and, therefore, of the details of the device and configuration of external fields. Assuming no truncation of the Fock space of Slater determinants generated from the chosen single-particle basis, the code may tackle regimes where Coulomb interaction very effectively mixes many determinants. Typical strongly correlated systems lead to very large diagonalization problems; in our implementation, the secular equation is reduced to its minimal rank by exploiting the symmetry of the effective-mass interacting Hamiltonian, including square total spin. The resulting Hamiltonian is diagonalized via parallel implementation of the Lanczos algorithm. The code gives access to both wave functions and energies of first excited states. Excellent code scalability in a parallel environment is demonstrated; accuracy is tested for the case of up to eight electrons confined in a two-dimensional harmonic trap as the density is progressively diluted and correlation becomes dominant. Comparison with previous Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the Wigner regime demonstrates power and flexibility of the method.Comment: RevTeX 4.0, 18 pages, 6 tables, 9 postscript b/w figures. Final version with new material. Section 6 on the excitation spectrum has been added. Some material has been moved to two appendices, which appear in the EPAPS web depository in the published versio

    Bone metastases do not affect the measurement uncertainties of a global digital volume correlation algorithm

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    Introduction: Measurement uncertainties of Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) are influenced by several factors, like input images quality, correlation algorithm, bone type, etc. However, it is still unknown if highly heterogeneous trabecular microstructures, typical of lytic and blastic metastases, affect the precision of DVC measurements. Methods: Fifteen metastatic and nine healthy vertebral bodies were scanned twice in zero-strain conditions with a micro-computed tomography (isotropic voxel size = 39 μm). The bone microstructural parameters (Bone Volume Fraction, Structure Thickness, Structure Separation, Structure Number) were calculated. Displacements and strains were evaluated through a global DVC approach (BoneDVC). The relationship between the standard deviation of the error (SDER) and the microstructural parameters was investigated in the entire vertebrae. To evaluate to what extent the measurement uncertainty is influenced by the microstructure, similar relationships were assessed within sub-regions of interest. Results: Higher variability in the SDER was found for metastatic vertebrae compared to the healthy ones (range 91-1030 με versus 222–599 με). A weak correlation was found between the SDER and the Structure Separation in metastatic vertebrae and in the sub-regions of interest, highlighting that the heterogenous trabecular microstructure only weakly affects the measurement uncertainties of BoneDVC. No correlation was found for the other microstructural parameters. The spatial distribution of the strain measurement uncertainties seemed to be associated with regions with reduced greyscale gradient variation in the microCT images. Discussion: Measurement uncertainties cannot be taken for granted but need to be assessed in each single application of the DVC to consider the minimum unavoidable measurement uncertainty when interpreting the results

    Weekend effect: analysing temporal trends in solid organ donation

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    Background: Research suggests patients treated over weekends experience poorer outcomes. Only one US-based study explored this weekend effect in organ donation, specifically the kidney discard rate. In Australia potential donors are referred to a donation service, and donation proceeds if family consent is granted and the donor is deemed medically suitable to donate. Organ procurement occurs when utilization is almost certain hence discard rates are much lower than in the USA. We aimed to characterize the effect of weekend referral on organ donation in Australia. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all New South Wales Organ and Tissue Donation Service logs from 2010 to 2016. Our primary outcome was progression to organ procurement, and secondary outcomes were family consent and meeting medical suitability thresholds. We used logistic regression with random effects adjusting for clustering of referral hospitals. Results: Of 3496 potential donors referred for consideration, 694 (20%) progressed to organ procurement. There were fewer referrals on weekends (average 415 versus 588 for weekdays). However, donation rates were no lower for weekend compared to weekday referrals (adjusted OR 1.17; 95% CI 0.95, 1.44). Family consent (adjusted OR 1.20; 95% CI 1.00, 1.44) and medical suitability (adjusted OR 1.15; 95% CI 0.96, 1.38) were not lower for weekend compared to weekday referrals. Similar results were found for all sensitivity analyses conducted. Conclusions: In Australia, the donation pathway operates consistently throughout the week, with donation no less likely to proceed on weekends and holidays. This finding contrasts with findings in the USA

    Dual inhibition of CDK4/6 and PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling impairs energy metabolism in MPM cancer cells

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    Background: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive malignancy associated to asbestos exposure. One of the most frequent genetic alteration in MPM patients is CDKN2A/ARF loss, leading to aberrant activation of the Rb pathway. In MPM cells, we previously demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of targeting this signaling with the CDK4/6 inhibitor palbociclib in combination with PI3K/mTOR inhibitors. Here, we investigated whether such combination may have an impact on cell energy metabolism. Methods: The study was performed in MPM cells of different histotypes; metabolic analyses were conducted by measuring GLUT-1 expression and glucose uptake/consumption, and by SeaHorse technologies. Results: MPM cell models differed for their ability to adapt to metabolic stress conditions, such as glucose starvation and hypoxia. Independently of these differences, combined treatments with palbociclib and PI3K/mTOR inhibitors inhibited cell proliferation more efficaciously than single agents. The drugs alone reduced glucose uptake/consumption as well as glycolysis, and their combination further enhanced these effects under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Moreover, the drug combinations significantly impaired mitochondrial respiration as compared with individual treatments. These metabolic effects were mediated by the concomitant inhibition of Rb/E2F/c-myc and PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling. Conclusions: Dual blockade of glycolysis and respiration contributes to the anti-tumor efficacy of palbociclib-PI3K/mTOR inhibitors combination

    Efficacy of the cdk4/6 dual inhibitor abemaciclib in egfr-mutated nsclc cell lines with different resistance mechanisms to osimertinib

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    Abemaciclib is an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) 4 and 6 that inhibits the transition from the G1 to the S phase of the cell cycle by blocking downstream CDK4/6-mediated phosphorylation of Rb. The effects of abemaciclib alone or combined with the third-generation epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) osimertinib were examined in a panel of PC9 and HCC827 osimertinib-resistant non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines carrying EGFR-dependent or-independent mechanisms of intrinsic or acquired resistance. Differently from sensitive cells, all the resistant cell lines analyzed maintained p-Rb, which may be considered as a biomarker of osimertinib resistance and a potential target for therapeutic intervention. In these models, abemaciclib inhibited cell growth, spheroid formation, colony formation, and induced senes-cence, and its efficacy was not enhanced in the presence of osimertinib. Interestingly, in osimertinib sensitive PC9, PC9T790M, and H1975 cells the combination of abemaciclib with osimertinib significantly inhibited the onset of resistance in long-term experiments. Our findings provide a preclinical support for using abemaciclib to treat resistance in EGFR mutated NSCLC patients progressed to osimertinib either as single treatment or combined with osimertinib, and suggest the combination of osimertinib with abemaciclib as a potential approach to prevent or delay osimertinib resistance in first-line treatment

    Distributed workflows with Jupyter

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    The designers of a new coordination interface enacting complex workflows have to tackle a dichotomy: choosing a language-independent or language-dependent approach. Language-independent approaches decouple workflow models from the host code's business logic and advocate portability. Language-dependent approaches foster flexibility and performance by adopting the same host language for business and coordination code. Jupyter Notebooks, with their capability to describe both imperative and declarative code in a unique format, allow taking the best of the two approaches, maintaining a clear separation between application and coordination layers but still providing a unified interface to both aspects. We advocate the Jupyter Notebooks’ potential to express complex distributed workflows, identifying the general requirements for a Jupyter-based Workflow Management System (WMS) and introducing a proof-of-concept portable implementation working on hybrid Cloud-HPC infrastructures. As a byproduct, we extended the vanilla IPython kernel with workflow-based parallel and distributed execution capabilities. The proposed Jupyter-workflow (Jw) system is evaluated on common scenarios for High Performance Computing (HPC) and Cloud, showing its potential in lowering the barriers between prototypical Notebooks and production-ready implementations
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