505 research outputs found

    Kant’s “I Think” and Fichte’s principle of self-positing

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    This paper discusses the relation between Kant’s doctrine of pure apperception (the doctrine of the “I think”) and Fichte’s theory of self-positing. It shows that Kant’s conception of the transcendental unity of apperception is closer to Fichte’s principle of self-positing than is usually thought, and that Kant’s “I think,” and not Reinhold’s “principle of consciousness”, may have been a source of inspiration for Fichte in his attempt to justify transcendental idealism. As in Kant, in Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre, the activity of “self-positing” is the fundamental feature of the I-hood. Similar to Kant, in Fichte, too, the fi rst principle expresses a peculiar kind of unity, which he calls the original unity of self-consciousness (Tathandlung)

    Специфіка роботи репортера в друкованих ЗМІ

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    У статті розглянуто специфіку професії газетного репортера, що ґрунтується на поєднанні двох різних видів діяльності – збір новин і написання матеріалу.   Наголошено на тому, що у кожному репортажі має відчуватися авторська індивідуальність. Майстерність автора при композиційній розробці тексту полягає в тому, що з численних засобів художньо-образного зображення дійсності мають бути підібрані лише ті, які найповніше і найяскравіше змалюють конкретне явище, подію чи ситуацію. Особливу увагу у статті приділено літературним здібностям журналіста, які проявляються у вмінні вдало використовувати у своєму матеріалі яскраві метафори, несподівані асоціації, сюжетні ходи, широко застосовувати мовне багатство

    Work of the psychologist on correction of senior preschool children self-esteem

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    © 2016 Fedorenko and Bykova. Open Access terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.The relevance of the topic is due to the need of self-correction of senior preschoolers. Adequate self-esteem of preschoolers will give us an opportunity to prepare them for school more effectively, as well as to create some positive character traits. The preschool age is the initial period of development of a child’s self-esteem. This is the most sensitive period for development of self-criticism and criticism to other people. During this period, it is important to lay down the foundation for formation of a differentiated adequate self-esteem and to correct it. This article is aimed to solve the problem of correction of senior preschool children self-esteem by the psychologist. The leading method of the research is the psycho-pedagogical experiment, thanks to which some special conditions for self-esteem correction were created. This article describes the developed and implemented program of senior preschool children self-esteem correction by the psychologist, where a set of games and exercises, dramatizations of literary works, art therapy techniques, psychological techniques were used as means of correction. The material of this article can be useful for teachers and psychologists who work with preschoolers

    Fundamentals of sports training athlete-athlete

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    Sport training currently is an important component of the system of preparation of the sportsman. It is a pedagogical process, which is based on application of physical exercises to improve functional capabilities of the athleteСпортивная тренировка в настоящее время является важной составной частью системы подготовки спортсмена. Она представляет собой педагогический процесс, который основан на использовании физических упражнений с целью совершенствования функциональных возможностей спортсмен

    The Citizens Constitutional Right to Participate in the Administration of Justice

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    The article deals with the problems of the citizens rights to participate in the administration of justice. Here are revealed the realization tasks of the citizens- and organizations activities rights in the administration of justice

    Confessional Model of Image of Person in Text of Old Believer Popular Print “Two roads — Two ways”

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the confessional model of the image of a person in the popular prints of Old Believers-chapels of the Yenisei “Two Roads — Two Ways”. The novelty of the research is due to the introduction of new sources into scientific circulation. The relevance of the work lies in the appeal to the modern processes of artistic creation in the Old Believer environment of chapel communities. The material for the study was the texts of popular prints and spiritual literature, which were created among the Old Believers-chapels of Siberia, collected in the expeditions of 2018—2021 on the Yenisei in the Old Believer communities of chapel accord. The visual and verbal means of embodying ideas about the sinfulness of the modern world, subjecting people to temptations, about the correct life scenario of a person belonging to a closed Old Believer community, are analyzed. It is noted that the image and the text form a unity and serve to confirm the concept of the life of the community member. In addition to the print “Two Roads — Two Ways”, the verses “Think, a poor man” and “Motivation to fight against sin” were analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that the verbal and visual components of the studied works represent the values of the Old Believer communities, which make it possible to characterize them as marginal, closed, traditionalist and eschatological

    The family club activities for organizing a social partnership of the pre-school educational institution and the family

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    © 2016 by author/s.The urgency of the theme is caused by the need for interaction between the family and the preschool educational organization towards a fully and harmoniously developed personality. Of all the forms of cooperation of educational organizations and families, the most relevant is a social partnership, where the subjects have common interests, equal rights and are equally responsible for the quality of educational results. This article is aimed at solving problems while organizing the social partnership of the pre-school educational institution and families by means of a family club. The leading approach to the study of this problem is systemic activity allowing to represent the cooperation of all the participants of educational process: parents, teachers, psychologists and children. The article describes the developed and implemented activities program of the family club for organizing the social partnership of the pre-school educational institution and the family, where the coordinating role belongs to teachers of the pre-school institutions. The article can be useful for educators working within pre-school education

    Studying the structure and adhesion strength of thermal barrier coating

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    The structure and adhesive strength of thermal barrier coatings produced by successive deposition of layers is studied. The coating is applied in three layers: I) a diffusion aluminosilicide coating that provides protection against high temperature oxidation and corrosion, with a thickness of 50μm; ii) a metal sublayer providing a smooth transition from a metal coating to a ceramic one, with a thickness of 100 to 120μm; iii) a ceramic layer decreasing the temperature of the blades during operation, with a thickness of 70 to 100μm. The total coating thickness ranges from 0.17 to 0.27mm. It is shown that the second and third layers deposited by plasma spraying are quite dense, the porosity being less than 5 vol%. During tensile tests carried out on an Instron testing machine, the failure of glued samples was always detected in the adhesive joint. The adhesive strength of the applied epoxy-based adhesive was 12MPa; it can be stated that the adhesive strength of the coating is higher than 12MPa. © 2019 Author(s)