19 research outputs found

    Simple predictive model for early childhood caries of chilean children.

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    Introduction: Early Childhood Caries (ECC), in both industrialized and developing countries, is the most prevalent chronic disease in childhood and it is still a health public problem, affecting mainly populations considered as vulnerable, despite being preventable. Objective The purpose of this study was to obtain a simple predictive model based on risk factors for improving public health strategies for ECC prevention for 3-5 year-old children. Methods - Clinical, environmental and psycho-socio-cultural data of children (n=250) aged 3-5 years, of both genders, from the Health Centers, were recorded in a Clinical History and Behavioral Survey. Results-24% of children presented behavioral problems (bizarre behavior was the main feature observed as behavioral problems). The variables associated to dmf ≥4 were: bad children temperament (OR=2.43 [1.34, 4.40]) and home stress (OR=3.14 [1.54, 6.41]). It was observed that the model for male gender has higher accuracy for ECC (AUC= 78%, p-value=0.000) than others. Conclusions- Based on the results, we proposed a model where oral hygiene, sugar intake, male gender, and difficult temperament are main factors for predicting ECC. This model could be a promising tool for cost-effective early childhood caries control.publishedVersio

    Modelos predictivos para enfermedades complejas.

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    Las Enfermedades Complejas No Transmisibles (ECNT) son las principales causas de muerte en el mundo, produciendo más muertes cada año que todas las otras causas combinadas. De acuerdo a los datos disponibles aproximadamente el 80% de las muertes por ECNT se producen en países de bajos y medianos ingresos. Sin embargo, las muertes causadas por ECNT podrían evitarse si se implementaran programas de prevención y diagnóstico temprano. El desafío que representan los fenotipos multifactoriales es lograr una estrategia válida de identificación de individuos de riesgo en la población. Estas estrategias pueden estar orientadas al monitoreo poblacional o a la generación de modelos predictivos causales para detección temprana, interpretando las causas primordiales que generan la patología. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir las caracterísitcas de las enfermedades crónicas complejas y algunos de los métodos actuales de estudio de éstas en el área de la salud. Conclusiones. El trabajo interdisciplinario, de un equipo de profesionales de la salud pertenecientes a diversas áreas permite un adecuado abordaje de las patologías complejas. La aplicación de modelos como los gráficos de causalidad resulta una herramienta invalorable para lograr un adecuado ajuste del modelo estadístico, permitiendo introducir todos los componentes que intervienen en la dinámica salud-enfermedad. Y la mejor estrategia metodológica para las enfermedades complejas es el diagnóstico temprano y el monitoreo de grupos de riesgo y el seguimiento de terapias de pacientes diagnosticados.publishedVersio

    Risk genes in head and neck cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of last 5 years

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    Head and Neck Carcinoma (HNC), of which the majority are squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (SCCHN), is the sixth most prevalent cancers in mankind and, presents high morbidity and low rates of survival.1 It is known that the apoptotic and proliferation genes are involved in cancer development and these could be useful as a biomarker of this pathology. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis allow stronger and more generalized conclusions for identifying some models of risk markers. These models may help in screening, early diagnosis and/or therapy in the clinic.2-5 In recent decades, there has been increased interest in genetic predisposition studies in complex disease. This has led to the production of an enormous number of epidemiologic papers about the relationship between genetic polymorphism and disease. However, the magnitude of association between specific polymorphism and disease is still not established. The identification of a predictive model of risk polymorphisms could help in early diagnosis, and in understanding disease recurrence and/or progression in the subset of patientssubmittedVersio

    Malignancy risk models for oral lesions.

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    Objectives: The aim of this work was to assess risk habits, clinical and cellular phenotypes and TP53 DNA changes in oral mucosa samples from patients with Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders (OPMD), in order to create models that enable genotypic and phenotypic patterns to be obtained that determine the risk of lesions becoming malignant. Study Design: Clinical phenotypes, family history of cancer and risk habits were collected in clinical histories. TP53 gene mutation and morphometric-morphological features were studied, and multivariate models were applied. Three groups were estabished: a) oral cancer (OC) group (n=10), b) OPMD group (n=10), and c) control group (n=8). Results: An average of 50% of patients with malignancy were found to have smoking and drinking habits. A high percentage of TP53 mutations were observed in OC (30%) and OPMD (average 20%) lesions (p=0.000). The majority of these mutations were GC → TA transversion mutations (60%). However, patients with OC presented mutations in all the exons and introns studied. Highest diagnostic accuracy (p=0.0001) was observed when incorporating alcohol and tobacco habits variables with TP53 mutations. Conclusions: Our results prove to be statistically reliable, with parameter estimates that are nearly unbiased even for small sample sizes. Models 2 and 3 were the most accurate for assessing the risk of an OPMD becoming cancerous. However, in a public health context, model 3 is the most recommended because the characteristics considered are easier and less costly to evaluate.publishedVersio

    Resolución de problemas para el aprendizaje significativo de La Biología Celular en la Carrera De Odontología

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    En la formación del odontólogo generalista, la Biología Celular comprende adquisición de conocimientos necesarios para abordar la problemática de la tríada salud-enfermedad-atención en todos sus aspectos (preventivo, terapéutico y epidemiológico). La enseñanza ?aprendizaje en la que se desarrollan los contenidos de la asignatura se basa en lograr un aprendizaje comprensivo, posibilitando un rol activo por parte del alumno frente a la generación de conocimientos. Para alcanzar el objetivo se propone una metodología de enseñanza ?aprendizaje basada en situaciones problemáticas, relacionadas a la clínica, cuya resolución se fundamenta en aplicar contenidos conceptuales de la Biología Celular, permitiendo la transferencia de los mismos a la Odontología. Para el desarrollo de los contenidos se establecieron tres instancias pedagógicas: clases teóricas, clases teórico-prácticas y clases prácticas con el fin de ir desde lo simple a lo más complejo. Como parte de la propuesta se elaboró además una guía de aprendizaje Desde la implementación de la misma se ha recabado la opinión de los alumnos mediante encuesta al finalizar la asignatura en cada año lectivo, observándose un apoyo positivo en un 80% de alumnadoIn the formation of the general dentist , Cell Biology comprises acquisition of knowledge needed to address the problem of triad health -disease-care (preventive , therapeutic and epidemiological ) at all aspects The teaching and learning in which the contents of the course are developed is based on achieving a comprehensive learning , enabling an active role by the student against the generation of knowledge. To achieve the objective methodology of teaching and learning based on problem situations related to the clinic, whose decision is based on applying conceptual contents of Cell Biology , allowing transfer of the same to Dentistry is proposed. Lectures, practical classes theoretical and practical lessons in order to go from the simple to the more complex: To develop pedagogical content three bodies were established. As part of the proposal also produced a tutorial.Since the implementation of the same has sought the opinion survey of students by the end of the course in each academic year, with positive support by 80 % of studentspublishedVersionFil: Zarate A. M. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Brunotto, Mabel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Fil: Llanes, M. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología; Argentina.Otras Ciencias de la Educació

    Red meat, micronutrients and oral squamous cell carcinoma of Argentine adult patients.

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    Introduction: the identification of risk group of oral cancer allows reducing the typical morbidity and mortality rates of this pathology. Objetive: it was analyzed the role of red meat, macronutrients and micronutrients on Oral Squamous Cell carcinoma (OSCC) in a case–control study carried out in Cordoba, Argentina. Methods: case-control study 3:1, both genders, aged 24-80 years. Dietary information was collected using a quali-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. The logistic regression was applied for assessing the association among case/control status and daily red meat/macronutrient/micronutrients/energy intake. Results: micronutrients and minerals in the diet that showed high significant median values of common consumption in cases relative to controls were iron, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B5, B6, E and K and selenium. The association measurement estimated by logistic regression was showed that a significant association between red meat, fat, daily energy, phosphorous, vitamin B5, vitamin E, and selenium intake and OSCC presence. Conclusions: a high intake of fats, phosphorus, vitamin B5, vitamin E, and selenium intake and red meat appears to be related to the presence OSCC in Cordoba, Argentina. In relation to red meat consumption and risk of OSCC, the future research should center of attention on reducing the complexity of diet and disease relationships and reducing variability in intake data by standardizing of criteria in order to implement simple strategies in public health for recognizing risk groups of OSCC.publishedVersio

    Factores salivales asociados a prevalencia e incremento de caries dental en escolares rurales.

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    OBJETIVO: Evaluar la asociación de la saliva y la prevalencia de caries. MÉTODOS: Estudio longitudinal de dos años, en una población de niños escolares rural de Cruz del Eje, Córdoba-Argentina, entre los años 2000 y 2002. La población de estudio comprendió la totalidad de escolares asistentes (N=196) a ocho escuelas rurales de 5 a 14 años de edad, ambos sexos. Se estudiaron tres momentos (N=46): base, 12 y 24 meses. Se evaluaron los componentes salivales y los índices CPOD y ceod. Se crearon las variables nominales, “caries” y “caries nueva” para evaluar riesgo de caries en el estudio base y en los tiempos 12 y 24 meses, respectivamente. Se aplicó el análisis de componentes principales para seleccionar factores salivales relacionados con la presencia de caries que a posterior se categorizaron según valor de la mediana como punto de corte. RESULTADOS: Se observó alta prevalencia de caries (50%-90%) en los tres momentos de estudio. El incremento de caries fue signifi cativamente mayor a los 12 meses (p=0.000), comparado con el observado a los 24 meses. En el estudio base se observó concentración baja y homogénea de los iones fosfato y calcio, y asociación signifi cativa (p<0.050) entre calcio y fósforo y relación Ca/P con la presencia de caries. CONCLUSIONES: Las concentraciones de iones fosfato y de la relación molar calcio/fósforo podrían ser considerados como factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de caries en poblaciones con características particulares como la estudiada.publishedVersio

    Human temporomandibular joint disc: anatomy and measurements in prenatal development.

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    The objective of this study was to determine morphological characteristics and measurements of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc in human fetuses between 16 and 20 weeks of intrauterine life, and correlate it with oral-facial neuro-muscular maturing. Scanner images were used to record the length of the disc (D) and the thickness of its anterior, middle and posterior bands in TMJ anteroposterior vertical sections from human fetuses of 16, 18 and 20 weeks of intrauterine life (WIL). Mean disc length was 1.98 mm, 2.69 mm and 2.90 mm at 16, 18 and 20 WIL respectively, and measurements differed significantly between those ages. The thicknesses of the anterior, middle and posterior bands also differed significantly. The results give normal morphological data for D between 16 and 20 WIL. TMJ anatomy and measurements appear to be related and agree with the neuro-muscular maturation time at which sucking and swallowing reflexes begin before birth. It is known that these functions, as well as the neuro-muscular capacity to perform prenatal mandibular movements (opening and closing), begin at 14 to 15 weeks of prenatal development and are fully attained at about 20 weeks of development. Knowledge of this reference pattern may be of major importance to future research, for assessing jaw biomechanics and detecting alterations of TMJ and prenatal development of a vital human function – suckling in preterm infants.publishedVersio

    Urban food waste for soil amendment? Analysis and characterisation of waste-based compost for soil fertility management in agroecological horticultural production systems in the city of Rosario, Argentina

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    Urban and peri-urban lands can be an important source of food production for localised and sustainable food systems, however, their soils can be of poor quality, degraded or damaged by anthropic activities, and little is known about their suitability or safety. This paper aims to contribute to this knowledge gap by assessing the soil remediation capacity and qualities of different types of compost made from urban and peri-urban organic wastes for agroecological food production. Prepared over the course of 2021, and used in 2022 for food growing, five different composts were observed and analysed, in two different farms in the city of Rosario, Argentina. Four raw materials generated largely by local industries were used to make the composts: chicken manure, rumen (cow’s stomachs), brewer’s bagasse (byproducts of the beer industry) and urban leaves collected from the municipality waste collection. These were mixed in different proportions (all reaching the 20–30 C/N ratio, typical of quality compost) to produce viable growing substrates where radishes and lettuces were grown. The aim of the study was to assess the possibility, quality and limitations to use locally available organic inputs for soil fertility management in agroecological farming, in the context of urbanisation and to assess pathways to develop closed-cycle agroecological agriculture at metropolitan level. Natural manure substrates (raw and composted) were analysed, as well as crops grown and fertilised with each of the substrates. The attributes and limiting factors of each substrate and their response to local soil conditions were compared and physicochemical, biochemical, and microbiological analyses were performed, including among others, the study of microbial biomass, biological activity, biophytotoxicity, pH, aerobic heterotrophs, nitrogen fixation, and the presence of antibiotics, agrochemicals and heavy metals. The results of the analyses show that all the composted materials improved the physical, chemical and biological properties. However, in some cases, pollutants were present even after composting. Analysis carried out on the vegetables generally indicate undetectable levels or levels below the admissible limits, demonstrating the filtering capacity of the different composts and the soil