3,857 research outputs found

    Approaching the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition for the classical XY model with tensor networks

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    We apply variational tensor-network methods for simulating the Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition in the classical two-dimensional XY model. In particular, using uniform matrix product states (MPS) with non-Abelian O(2) symmetry, we compute the universal drop in the spin stiffness at the critical point. In the critical low-temperature regime, we focus on the MPS entanglement spectrum to characterize the Luttinger-liquid phase. In the high-temperature phase, we confirm the exponential divergence of the correlation length and estimate the critical temperature with high precision. Our MPS approach can be used to study generic two-dimensional phase transitions with continuous symmetries

    Superstability of Surface Nanobubbles

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    Shock wave induced cavitation experiments and atomic force microscopy measurements of flat polyamide and hydrophobized silicon surfaces immersed in water are performed. It is shown that surface nanobubbles, present on these surfaces, do not act as nucleation sites for cavitation bubbles, in contrast to the expectation. This implies that surface nanobubbles are not just stable under ambient conditions but also under enormous reduction of the liquid pressure down to −6MPa. We denote this feature as superstability.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Breaking waves on a dynamic Hele-Shaw beach

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    We report the formation of quasi-steady beaches and dunes via breaking waves in our tabletop ‘Hele-Shaw’ beach experiment. Breaking waves are generated by a wave maker, and zeolite particles act as sand. The tank is narrow, just over one-particle diameter wide, creating a quasi-2D set-up. Classical breaker types are observed on a time-scale of about a second. Beach formation under breakers occurs on a longer time-scale, and is a matter of minutes for a range of mono-chromatic wave frequencies. Alternating the wave maker motion between two frequencies generally leads to beach formation but occasionally to formation of a stable dune with water on either side. Finally, the Hele-Shaw configuration explored here experimentally lends itself to multi-scale modeling of beach dynamics

    Nucleation threshold and deactivation mechanisms of nanoscopic cavitation nuclei

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    The acoustic nucleation threshold for bubbles trapped in cavities has theoretically been predicted within the crevice theory by Atchley and Prosperetti [“The crevice model of bubble nucleation,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 86, 1065 (1989)]. Here, we determine this threshold experimentally, by applying\ud a single pressure pulse to bubbles trapped in cylindrical nanoscopic pits (“artificial crevices”) with radii down to 50 nm. By decreasing the minimum pressure stepwise, we observe the threshold for which the bubbles start to nucleate. The experimental results are quantitatively in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of Atchley and Prosperetti. In addition, we provide the mechanism which explains the deactivation of cavitation nuclei: gas diffusion together with an aspherical bubble collapse. Finally, we present superhydrophobic nuclei which cannot be deactivated, unless with a high-speed liquid jet directed into the pit

    Preferred sizes and ordering in surface nanobubble populations

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    Two types of homogeneous surface nanobubble populations, created by different means, are analyzed statistically on both their sizes and spatial positions. In the first type (created by droplet-deposition, case A) the bubble size R is found to be distributed according to a generalized gamma law with a preferred radius R*=20 nm. The radial distribution function shows a preferred spacing at ~5.5 R*. These characteristics do not show up in comparable Monte-Carlo simulations of random packings of hard disks with the same size distribution and the same density, suggesting a structuring effect in the nanobubble formation process. The nanobubble size distribution of the second population type (created by ethanol-water exchange, case B) is a mixture of two clearly separated distributions, hence, with two preferred radii. The local ordering is less significant, due to the looser packing of the nanobubbles.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    How much control is enough? Optimizing fun with unreliable input

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) provide a valuable new input modality within human- computer interaction systems, but like other body-based inputs, the system recognition of input commands is far from perfect. This raises important questions, such as: What level of control should such an interface be able to provide? What is the relationship between actual and perceived control? And in the case of applications for entertainment in which fun is an important part of user experience, should we even aim for perfect control, or is the optimum elsewhere? In this experiment the user plays a simple game in which a hamster has to be guided to the exit of a maze, in which the amount of control the user has over the hamster is varied. The variation of control through confusion matrices makes it possible to simulate the experience of using a BCI, while using the traditional keyboard for input. After each session the user ïżœlled out a short questionnaire on fun and perceived control. Analysis of the data showed that the perceived control of the user could largely be explained by the amount of control in the respective session. As expected, user frustration decreases with increasing control. Moreover, the results indicate that the relation between fun and control is not linear. Although in the beginning fun does increase with improved control, the level of fun drops again just before perfect control is reached. This poses new insights for developers of games wanting to incorporate some form of BCI in their game: for creating a fun game, unreliable input can be used to create a challenge for the user
