2,125 research outputs found

    The cost of applying current helicopter external noise reduction methods while maintaining realistic vehicle performance

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    Analytical methods were developed and/or adopted for calculating helicopter component noise, and these methods were incorporated into a unified total vehicle noise calculation model. Analytical methods were also developed for calculating the effects of noise reduction methodology on helicopter design, performance, and cost. These methods were used to calculate changes in noise, design, performance, and cost due to the incorporation of engine and main rotor noise reduction methods. All noise reduction techniques were evaluated in the context of an established mission performance criterion which included consideration of hovering ceiling, forward flight range/speed/payload, and rotor stall margin. The results indicate that small, but meaningful, reductions in helicopter noise can be obtained by treating the turbine engine exhaust duct. Furthermore, these reductions do not result in excessive life cycle cost penalties. Currently available main rotor noise reduction methodology, however, is shown to be inadequate and excessively costly

    Voltage and current spectra for matrix power converters

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    Matrix power converters are used for transforming one alternating-current power supply to another, with different peak voltage and frequency. There are three input lines, with sinusoidally varying voltages which are 120â—¦ out of phase one from another, and the output is to be delivered as a similar three-phase supply. The matrix converter switches rapidly, to connect each output line in sequence to each of the input lines in an attempt to synthesize the prescribed output voltages. The switching is carried out at high frequency and it is of practical importance to know the frequency spectra of the output voltages and of the input and output currents. We determine in this paper these spectra using a new method, which has significant advantages over the prior default method (a multiple Fourier series technique), leading to a considerably more direct calculation. In particular, the determination of the input current spectrum is feasible here, whereas it would be a significantly more daunting procedure using the prior method instead

    Ideology and Communal Society: The Israeli Kibbutz.

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    An analytical method for designing low noise helicopter transmissions

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    The development and experimental validation of a method for analytically modeling the noise mechanism in the helicopter geared power transmission systems is described. This method can be used within the design process to predict interior noise levels and to investigate the noise reducing potential of alternative transmission design details. Examples are discussed

    Actions speak louder than words: outsiders' perceptions of diversity mixed messages

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    To attract a gender diverse workforce, many employers use diversity statements to publicly signal that they value gender diversity. However, this often represents a misalignment between words and actions (i.e., a diversity mixed message) because most organizations are male dominated, especially in board positions. We conducted 3 studies to investigate the potentially indirect effect of such diversity mixed messages through perceived behavioral integrity on employer attractiveness. In Study 1, following a 2 x 2 design, participants (N = 225) were either shown a pro gender diversity statement or a neutral statement, in combination with a gender diverse board (4 men and 4 women) or a uniform all-male board (8 men). Participants' perceived behavioral integrity of the organization was assessed. In Study 2, participants (N = 251) either read positive or negative reviews of the organization's behavioral integrity. Employer attractiveness was then assessed. Study 3 (N = 427) investigated the impact of board gender composition on perceived behavioral integrity and employer attractiveness using a bootstrapping procedure. Both the causal-chain design of Study 1 and 2, as well as the significance test of the proposed indirect relationship in Study 3, revealed that a diversity mixed message negatively affected an organization's perceived behavioral integrity, and low behavioral integrity in turn negatively impacted employer attractiveness. In Study 3, there was also evidence for a tipping point (more than 1 woman on the board was needed) with regard to participants' perceptions of the organization's behavioral integrity

    ASPIRE Flight Mechanics Modeling and Post Flight Analysis

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    The Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research and Experiment (ASPIRE) is a series of sounding rocket flights aimed at understanding the dynamics of supersonic parachutes that are used for Mars robotic applications. SR01 was the first sounding rocket flight of ASPIRE that occurred off the coast of Wallops Island, VA on Oct. 4, 2017 and showed the successful deployment and inflation of a Mars Science Laboratory built-to- print parachute in flight conditions similar to the 2012 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. SR02 was the second sounding rocket flight that also occurred off the coast of Wallops Island on March 31, 2018 and showcased the successful deployment and inflation of a new strengthened parachute being considered for the Mars 2020 mission at fifty percent higher dynamic pressure than observed on MSL. Prior to both flights, a multi-body flight dynamics simulation was developed to predict the parachute dynamics and was used, in conjunction with other tools, to target Mars-relevant flight conditions. After each flight, the reconstructed trajectory was used to validate the pre-flight dynamics simulation and recommend changes to improve predictions for future flights planned for the ASPIRE pro- gram. This paper describes the flight mechanics simulation and the post flight reconciliation process used to validate the flight models

    Developing a sentinel monitoring network for Scotland's rivers and lochs

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    • The Scottish Environment Protection Agency’s (SEPA) surveillance monitoring networks for rivers and lochs were established over a decade ago to help assess the state of Scotland’s freshwater environment and detect environmental change. This long-term monitoring is integral in formulating evidence-based policy and evaluating whether land and water management aimed at improving environmental quality is effective. • SEPA and Scottish Government have commissioned this review of the surveillance networks to better understand their national representativeness, optimal size and sampling intensities. • The review also considered new and innovative monitoring technologies, and assessed where these may help SEPA to more cost-effectively assess long-term trends in the environment. • The specific aims of this report are: (1) to assess how well the SEPA river surveillance network represents Scotland’s environment; (2) to identify possible changes in the river surveillance network to improve its representativeness; (3) to estimate the ability of the existing river and loch surveillance networks to detect long-term environmental change, and investigate how this might be affected by changes in sampling regimes; (4) to analyse environmental changes detectable since the inception of the surveillance networks; and (5) to analyse the benefits of adopting new sampling methods

    Defining a magnetic resonance scan sequence for permanent seed prostate brachytherapy postimplant assessment

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    AbstractPurposeWe describe a magnetic resonance (MR) scan sequence for prostate brachytherapy postimplant assessment.Methods and MaterialsOne brachytherapy team at the British Columbia Cancer Agency has incorporated MR–CT fusion into their permanent seed prostate brachytherapy quality assurance procedure. Several attempts were required to ensure that the diagnostic MR scanner at the adjoining general hospital performed the desired sequence, providing many examples of suboptimal scans and underlining the pitfalls for a center trying to incorporate the use of MR scanning into their brachytherapy program.ResultsThe recommended sequence (Fast Spin Echo T2-weighted, repetition time [TR]/echo time [TE] 4500/90, echo train length [ETL] 10, 20×20 field of view [FOV], 80 bandwidth [BW]) is associated with superior edge detection when compared with those images in which a typical diagnostic sequence was used. The use of a low bandwidth sequence does not compromise edge detection or seed identification when compared with a higher bandwidth.ConclusionsWe have defined a magnetic resonance imaging sequence, which appears to optimize both prostate delineation and identification of seeds, lending itself to straightforward fusion with CT images and allowing for less uncertainty in permanent seed prostate brachytherapy quality assurance
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