321 research outputs found

    Crossing the Law: Trans Activism, Aleatory Materialism, and the Analyst\u27s Discourse

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    This thesis examines contingency to elucidate transgender activism’s leadership in radical politics. I take up Louis Althusser’s theory of aleatory materialism to politicize everyday encounters. Trans activists gain a parallax view through gendered (mis)recognition that reveals the structure of ideology’s vanishing points. By contrast, I criticize a cisgendered viewpoint and demonstrate the logical errors that result in transphobic behavior through Jacques Lacan’s version of the prisoner’s dilemma. I conclude to theorize trans activism’s engagement with the state through Lacanian analytic technique. This technique does not result in traditional “treatment,” but instead fuels activism with knowledge of the structures that must be reconfigured to attain liberation. To this end, trans activism’s engagement with legal institutions is interpreted through Lacan’s Seminar XVII: The Other Side of Psychoanalysis, and Althusser’s On the Reproduction of Capitalism. I argue trans activists seize the opportunity of the encounter to transform an exploitative and repressive state

    Основні вимоги до систем управління безпечністю харчової продукції за міжнародними стандартами: BRС, IFS, FSSC 22000, ISO 22000, Global GAP, SQF

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    The research analyzed the international standards basic requirements structure: BRС, IFS, FSSC 22000, ISO 22000, Global GAP, SQF for food safety management systems that realize principles of the HACCP concept. A comparative analysis of the international standards basic requirements for food safety management systems has identified that the requirements structure is identified as an interconnected set of rules, system-structured processes for the purposeful prevention of hazard risks at certain stages or in the food business. The main differences between the standards are in the modification of approaches to the implementation of the HACCP principles, the interpretation of the basic concepts and definitions, the detailed requirements, the application of their own programs of the processes and procedures identification that allow to ensure that the results correspond to the set task. Other differences in standards are at the level of system-elemental, structural, and functional components. Standards have the same goals, so their requirements are similar and have a certain level of identity, much of the difference is at the audit level, which uses different levels, system points and categories. The requirements of all standards are structured and differentiated into mandatory and recommended blocks, which enables companies to gradually implement changes. IFS, FSSC, ISO standards have high level structure (HLS), which is common basis for ISO standards that greatly simplifies the integration of several systems simultaneously in monitoring, action adjustments, audit processes. The GlobalGAP standard requirement system, unlike other considered ones, has a narrow target, which has provided a detailed description, for tracking, a set of indicators for quality and safety including genetically modified organisms and allergens, however, it is compatible with others. Taking into account the globalization of markets conditions in analyzing the international standards requirements, their correlation with global safety-related criteria such as: implementation of the HACCP principles, recognition of the standard GFSI,  providing traceability principles and mechanisms and prerequisites for programs (PRP), validity of the certificate, coherence of processes in the creation of integrated systems with standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18000.У цьому дослідженні проаналізовано структуру базових вимог міжнародних стандартів: BRС, IFS, FSSC 22000, ISO 22000, Global GAP, SQF до систем управління безпечністю харчової продукції, що реалізують принципи концепції НАССР. Порівняльний аналіз базових вимог міжнародних стандартів на системи управління безпечністю харчової продукції  визначив, що структура вимог ідентифікується, як взаємопов’язана сукупність правил, системно структурованих процесів для цілеспрямованого попередження ризиків небезпечності на певних стадіях або в галузях харчової діяльності. Основні відмінності стандартів полягають у модифікації підходів реалізації принципів НАССР, трактуванні основних понять і визначень, деталізації вимог, застосуванні власних програм ідентифікації процесів і процедур, які дозволяють забезпечувати відповідність результатів поставленому завданню. Інші відмінності стандартів знаходься на рівні системно-елементних, структурних, функціональних компонентів. Стандарти мають однакові цілі, тому їх вимоги є схожі і мають певний рівень ідентичності, при цьому значна частина відмінностей знаходиться на рівні аудиту, де застосовують різні рівні, системи балів і категорій. Вимоги усіх стандартів структуровані та диференційовані на блоки обов’язкових та рекомендованих, що дає можливість компаніям поступово впроваджувати зміни.  Стандарти IFS, FSSC, ISO мають високорівневу структуру (HLS), яка є спільною основою для стандартів ISO, що значно спрощує інтегрування декількох систем водночас в процесах: моніторингу, коригуванні дій, аудиту. Система вимог стандарту GlobalGAP, на відміну від інших розглянутих, має  вузьке цільове призначення, що забезпечило детальний опис, для відстеження, комплексу показників щодо якості та безпечності, включаючи генетично модифіковані організми і алергени, втім вона є сумісна  з іншими. З огляду на умови глобалізації ринків в аналізі вимог міжнародних стандартів досліджено їх співвідношення за глобальними критеріями гарантування безпечності, такими як: реалізація принципів НАССР, визнання стандарту GFSI,  забезпечення принципів та механізми простежуваності і програм-передумов (PRP), термін дії сертифікату, взаємоузгодженість процесів в створенні інтегрованих систем із стандартами ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18000

    Altered Kv2.1 functioning promotes increased excitability in hippocampal neurons of an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.

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    Altered neuronal excitability is emerging as an important feature in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Kv2.1 potassium channels are important modulators of neuronal excitability and synaptic activity. We investigated Kv2.1 currents and its relation to the intrinsic synaptic activity of hippocampal neurons from 3xTg-AD (triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease) mice, a widely employed preclinical AD model. Synaptic activity was also investigated by analyzing spontaneous [Ca(2+)]i spikes. Compared with wild-type (Non-Tg (non-transgenic mouse model)) cultures, 3xTg-AD neurons showed enhanced spike frequency and decreased intensity. Compared with Non-Tg cultures, 3xTg-AD hippocampal neurons revealed reduced Kv2.1-dependent Ik current densities as well as normalized conductances. 3xTg-AD cultures also exhibited an overall decrease in the number of functional Kv2.1 channels. Immunofluorescence assay revealed an increase in Kv2.1 channel oligomerization, a condition associated with blockade of channel function. In Non-Tg neurons, pharmacological blockade of Kv2.1 channels reproduced the altered pattern found in the 3xTg-AD cultures. Moreover, compared with untreated sister cultures, pharmacological inhibition of Kv2.1 in 3xTg-AD neurons did not produce any significant modification in Ik current densities. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) promote Kv2.1 oligomerization, thereby acting as negative modulator of the channel activity. Glutamate receptor activation produced higher ROS levels in hippocampal 3xTg-AD cultures compared with Non-Tg neurons. Antioxidant treatment with N-Acetyl-Cysteine was found to rescue Kv2.1-dependent currents and decreased spontaneous hyperexcitability in 3xTg-AD neurons. Analogous results regarding spontaneous synaptic activity were observed in neuronal cultures treated with the antioxidant 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox). Our study indicates that AD-related mutations may promote enhanced ROS generation, oxidative-dependent oligomerization, and loss of function of Kv2.1 channels. These processes can be part on the increased neuronal excitability of these neurons. These steps may set a deleterious vicious circle that eventually helps to promote excitotoxic damage found in the AD brain


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    The optimal charge power and position necessary for forming the maximum possible size of the crater along with preservation of the integrity of the two nearby objects with the numerical quasiconformal mapping methods with the alternate parameterization of the of the medium and process character are established. Unambiguously the boundaries of crater, pressed and disturbed soil zones are identified and the corresponding field dynamic grid is built. A number of experiments was held on the basis of the developed algorithm and their results were analyzed.Optymalna siła wybuchu i położenie ładunku niezbędne do utworzenia maksymalnego rozmiaru uderzenia, o ile zachowana jest integralność dwóch sąsiednich obiektów, są ustalane za pomocą metod odwzorowań quasikonowych z naprzemienną parametryzacją właściwości medium i procesu. Równocześnie ustala się granice dziury, wciśniętych i niezabezpieczonych części ośrodka oraz konstruuje dynamiczną siatkę pola. Na podstawie opracowanego algorytmu przeprowadzono eksperymenty numeryczne i zanalizowano ich wyniki

    Language-Related Skills in Bilingual Children With Specific Learning Disorders

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to better understand the characteristics of the language-related skills of bilingual children with specific learning disorders (SLD). The aim is achieved by analyzing language-related skills in a sample of bilingual (Italian plus another language) and Italian monolingual children, with and without SLD. Patients and methods: A total of 72 minors aged between 9 and 11 were recruited and divided into four groups: 18 Italian monolingual children with SLD, 18 bilingual children with SLD, 18 Italian monolingual children without SLD, and 18 bilingual children without SLD. Each child underwent tests to evaluate different aspects of language skills: lexical and grammar, metalanguage and executive functions. Results: With regard to lexical and grammatical skills, the conditions of SLD and bilingualism both impact naming in terms of total number of errors for words with low frequency of use, while the condition of SLD has an effect on semantic errors for words with low frequency of use. The condition of bilingualism impacts on the total errors for words with high frequency of use and on circumlocution-type errors for words with low frequency of use. There were significant effects of bilingualism and SLD on the metalinguistic test for understanding implicit meaning, and an impact of SLD on phonological awareness was also found. Conclusion: The results suggest that both SLD and bilingualism have an effect on some lexical skills, in particular for words with low frequency of use. Both conditions, bilingualism and SLD, seem to impact on metalinguistic abilities that depend on lexical knowledge. These findings reinforce the importance of improving understanding of the neuropsychological profile of bilingual children with SLD

    Geometrical Aberration Suppression for Large Aperture Sub-THz Lenses

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    Advanced THz setups require high performance optical elements with large numerical apertures and small focal lengths. This is due to the high absorption of humid air and relatively low efficiency of commercially available detectors. Here, we propose a new type of double-sided sub-THz diffractive optical element with suppressed geometrical aberration for narrowband applications (0.3 THz). One side of the element is designed as thin structure in non-paraxial approach which is the exact method, but only for ideally flat elements. The second side will compensate phase distribution differences between ideal thin structure and real volume one. The computer-aided optimization algorithm is performed to design an additional phase distribution of correcting layer assuming volume designing of the first side of the element. The experimental evaluation of the proposed diffractive component created by 3D printing technique shows almost two times larger performance in comparison with uncorrected basic diffractive lens

    Diagnostic of gestational diabetes mellitus and the prevalence of LGA (Large for Gestational Age)

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    Summary Objectives: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance, first time detected in pregnancy. Early diagnosis of the disease may reduce fetal exposure to maternal hyperglycemia and decrease the risk of LGA. The aim of the study was to examine the influence of time and diagnostic method of GDM on the prevalence of LGA and pregnancy outcome among patients with gestational diabetes. Material and Methods: The study was conducted among 211 women with gestational diabetes mellitus, the patients of 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical University in Warsaw. We have reviewed the results of fasting plasma glucose, 50-g glucose screening test (GCT) and 2 hour 75-g glucose tolerance test in GDM patients with LGA and eutrophic newborns. The t-student or the Mann-Whitney test was used in order to compare both groups.

    Diagnostic of gestational diabetes mellitus and the prevalence of LGA (Large for Gestational Age)

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    Summary Objectives: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is defined as any degree of glucose intolerance, first time detected in pregnancy. Early diagnosis of the disease may reduce fetal exposure to maternal hyperglycemia and decrease the risk of LGA. The aim of the study was to examine the influence of time and diagnostic method of GDM on the prevalence of LGA and pregnancy outcome among patients with gestational diabetes. Material and Methods: The study was conducted among 211 women with gestational diabetes mellitus, the patients of 1st Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical University in Warsaw. We have reviewed the results of fasting plasma glucose, 50-g glucose screening test (GCT) and 2 hour 75-g glucose tolerance test in GDM patients with LGA and eutrophic newborns. The t-student or the Mann-Whitney test was used in order to compare both groups.