473 research outputs found

    Thermalized non-equilibrated matter and high temperature superconducting state in quantum many-body systems

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    A characteristic feature of thermalized non-equilibrated matter is that, in spite of energy relaxation--equilibration, a phase memory of the way the many-body system was excited remains. As an example, we analyze data on a strong forward peaking of thermal proton yield in the Bi(γ\gamma,p) photonuclear reaction. New analysis shows that the phase relaxation in highly-excited heavy nuclei can be 8 orders of magnitude or even much longer than the energy relaxation. We argue that thermalized non-equilibrated matter resembles a high temperature superconducting state in quantum many-body systems. We briefly present results on the time-dependent correlation function of the many-particle density fluctuations for such a superconducting state. It should be of interest to experimentally search for manifestations of thermalized non-equilibrated matter in many-body mesoscopic systems and nanostructures.Comment: 12 pages, 1 eps figure. To be published in Radiation Effects and Defects in Solid

    Anomalously Slow Cross Symmetry Phase Relaxation, Thermalized Non-Equilibrated Matter and Quantum Computing Beyond the Quantum Chaos Border

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    Thermalization in highly excited quantum many-body system does not necessarily mean a complete memory loss of the way the system was formed. This effect may pave a way for a quantum computing, with a large number of qubits n100n\simeq 100--1000, far beyond the quantum chaos border. One of the manifestations of such a thermalized non-equilibrated matter is revealed by a strong asymmetry around 90^\circ c.m. of evaporating proton yield in the Bi(γ\gamma,p) photonuclear reaction. The effect is described in terms of anomalously slow cross symmetry phase relaxation in highly excited quantum many-body systems with exponentially large Hilbert space dimensions. In the above reaction this phase relaxation is about eight orders of magnitude slower than energy relaxation (thermalization).Comment: Published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    Experimental proposal for accurate determination of the phase relaxation time and testing a formation of thermalized non-equilibrated matter in highly excited quantum many-body systems

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    We estimate how accurate the phase relaxation time of quantum many-body systems can be determined from data on forward peaking of evaporating protons from a compound nucleus. The angular range and accuracy of the data needed for a reliable determination of the phase relaxation time are evaluated. The general method is applied to analyze the inelastic scattering of 18 MeV protons from Pt for which previously measured double differential cross sections for two angles in the evaporating domain of the spectra show a strong forward peaking. A new experiment for an improved determination of the phase relaxation time is proposed. The experiment is also highly desirable for an accurate test of a formation of thermalized non-equilibrated matter in quantum many-body systems.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Opacity of electromagnetically induced transparency for quantum fluctuations

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    We analyze the propagation of a pair of quantized fields inside a medium of three-level atoms in Λ\Lambda configuration. We calculate the stationary quadrature noise spectrum of the field after propagating through the medium, in the case where the probe field is in a squeezed state and the atoms show electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We find an oscillatory transfer of the initial quantum properties between the probe and pump fields which is most strongly pronounced when both fields have comparable Rabi frequencies. This implies that the quantum state measured after propagation can be completely different from the initial state, even though the mean values of the field are unaltered

    Inelastic scattering of light by a cold trapped atom: Effects of the quantum center-of-mass motion

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    The light scattered by a cold trapped ion, which is in the stationary state of laser cooling, presents features due to the mechanical effects of atom-photon interaction. These features appear as additional peaks (sidebands) in the spectrum of resonance fluorescence. Among these sidebands the literature has discussed the Stokes and anti-Stokes components, namely the sidebands of the elastic peak. In this manuscript we show that the motion also gives rise to sidebands of the inelastic peaks. These are not always visible, but, as we show, can be measured in parameter regimes which are experimentally accessible.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum jumps induced by the center-of-mass motion of a trapped atom

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    We theoretically study the occurrence of quantum jumps in the resonance fluorescence of a trapped atom. Here, the atom is laser cooled in a configuration of level such that the occurrence of a quantum jump is associated to a change of the vibrational center-of-mass motion by one phonon. The statistics of the occurrence of the dark fluorescence period is studied as a function of the physical parameters and the corresponding features in the spectrum of resonance fluorescence are identified. We discuss the information which can be extracted on the atomic motion from the observation of a quantum jump in the considered setup


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    Effect of phase relaxation on quantum superpositions in complex collisions

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    We study the effect of phase relaxation on coherent superpositions of rotating clockwise and anticlockwise wave packets in the regime of strongly overlapping resonances of the intermediate complex. Such highly excited deformed complexes may be created in binary collisions of heavy ions, molecules and atomic clusters. It is shown that phase relaxation leads to a reduction of the interference fringes, thus mimicking the effect of decoherence. This reduction is crucial for the determination of the phase--relaxation width from the data on the excitation function oscillations in heavy--ion collisions and bimolecular chemical reactions. The difference between the effects of phase relaxation and decoherence is discussed.Comment: Extended revised version; 9 pages and 3 colour ps figure