151 research outputs found

    “You gotta believe in something, something, something”: Evoking literacy lives as \u3cem\u3enostalgia for the future\u3c/em\u3e

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    We render in this theoretical inquiry, informed by empirical data, understandings of how preservice teachers’ literacy lives come into curricular considerations of future teaching and learning in the secondary English classroom. In doing this work, we wondered about the past, present, and future lives of teachers: how might we understand the teaching of English as profoundly nostalgic work? Building upon the notion of “nostalgia for the future”, and drawing across curriculum theory, literacy research, teaching and teacher education research, and the music of Frank Ocean, we attend to dangerous nostalgia in the current political moment, while also finding nostalgia for the future useful for ways in which through this considering we may envision and enact more just futures. We assert this nostalgia for the future, one necessarily prospective and not solely retrospective, as informed by written reflections authored by preservice teachers and teacher educators, and reflections of teaching activities in undergraduate and internship-year teacher-preparation courses. Ultimately we argue the concept affords a frame for making sense of the past while also orienting preservice teachers forward, building on that past critically for the work of imagining and constructing more just worlds for their future students

    Book Reviews

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    THE PHILANTHROPOIDS: FOUNDATIONS AND SOCIETY. By Ben Whitaker. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1974. Pp. 256. 7.95.CONGLOMERATESUNLIMITED:THEFAILUREOFREGULATION.ByJohnF.Winslow.Bloomington:IndianaUniversityPress,1973.Pp.xx,296.7.95. CONGLOMERATES UNLIMITED: THE FAILURE OF REGULATION. By John F. Winslow. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973. Pp. xx, 296. 10.00. BEFORE THE LAW: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE LEGAL PROCESS. Edited by John J. Bonsignore, Ethan Katsh, Peter d\u27Errico, Ronald M. Pipkin and Stephen Arons. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1974. Pp. xii, 388.,$6.95

    Arguments Against a Configural Processing Account of Familiar Face Recognition

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    Face recognition is a remarkable human ability, which underlies a great deal of people's social behavior. Individuals can recognize family members, friends, and acquaintances over a very large range of conditions, and yet the processes by which they do this remain poorly understood, despite decades of research. Although a detailed understanding remains elusive, face recognition is widely thought to rely on configural processing, specifically an analysis of spatial relations between facial features (so-called second-order configurations). In this article, we challenge this traditional view, raising four problems: (1) configural theories are underspecified; (2) large configural changes leave recognition unharmed; (3) recognition is harmed by nonconfigural changes; and (4) in separate analyses of face shape and face texture, identification tends to be dominated by texture. We review evidence from a variety of sources and suggest that failure to acknowledge the impact of familiarity on facial representations may have led to an overgeneralization of the configural account. We argue instead that second-order configural information is remarkably unimportant for familiar face recognition

    Thyroid hormone receptors are required for the melatonin-dependent control of Rfrp gene expression in mice.

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    Mammals adapt to seasons using a neuroendocrine calendar defined by the photoperiodic change in the nighttime melatonin production. Under short photoperiod, melatonin inhibits the pars tuberalis production of TSHÎČ, which, in turn, acts on tanycytes to regulate the deiodinase 2/3 balance resulting in a finely tuned seasonal control of the intra-hypothalamic thyroid hormone T3. Despite the pivotal role of this T3 signaling for synchronizing reproduction with the seasons, T3 cellular targets remain unknown. One candidate is a population of hypothalamic neurons expressing Rfrp, the gene encoding the RFRP-3 peptide, thought to be integral for modulating rodent's seasonal reproduction. Here we show that nighttime melatonin supplementation in the drinking water of melatonin-deficient C57BL/6J mice mimics photoperiodic variations in the expression of the genes Tshb, Dio2, Dio3, and Rfrp, as observed in melatonin-proficient mammals. Notably, we report that this melatonin regulation of Rfrp expression is no longer observed in mice carrying a global mutation of the T3 receptor, TRα, but is conserved in mice with a selective neuronal mutation of TRα. In line with this observation, we find that TRα is widely expressed in the tanycytes. Altogether, our data demonstrate that the melatonin-driven T3 signal regulates RFRP-3 neurons through non-neuronal, possibly tanycytic, TRα.journal article2020 Aug 102020 08 10importe

    Liver injury and fibrosis induced by dietary challenge in the ossabaw miniature Swine

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    BACKGROUND: Ossabaw miniature swine when fed a diet high in fructose, saturated fat and cholesterol (NASH diet) develop metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) characterized by liver injury and fibrosis. This study was conducted to further characterize the development of NASH in this large animal model. METHODS: Ossabaw swine were fed standard chow (control group; n = 6) or NASH diet (n = 6) for 24 weeks. Blood and liver tissue were collected and liver histology were characterized at 0, 8, 16 and 24 weeks of dietary intervention. Hepatic apoptosis and lipid levels were assessed at week 24. RESULTS: The NASH diet group developed metabolic syndrome and progressive histologic features of NASH including: (a) hepatocyte ballooning at 8 weeks which progressed to extensive ballooning (>90% hepatocytes), (b) hepatic fibrosis at week 16, which progressed to moderate fibrosis, and (c) Kupffer cell accumulation with vacuolization at 8 weeks which progressed through week 24. The NASH diet group showed increased hepatocyte apoptosis that correlated with hepatic total and free cholesterol and free fatty acids, but not esterified cholesterol or triglycerides. CONCLUSIONS: This report further characterizes the progression of diet-induced NASH in the Ossabaw swine model. In Ossabaw swine fed the NASH diet: (a) hepatocyte injury and fibrosis can occur without macrovesicular steatosis or excess triglyceride accumulation; (b) hepatocyte ballooning generally precedes the development of fibrosis; (c) there is increased hepatocyte apoptosis, and it is correlated more significantly with hepatic free cholesterol than hepatic free fatty acids and had no correlation with hepatic triglycerides

    Strategies to reduce medication errors with reference to older adults

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    Background  In Australia, around 59% of the general population uses prescription medication with this number increasing to about 86% in those aged 65 and over and 83% of the population over 85 using two or more medications simultaneously. A recent report suggests that between 2% and 3% of all hospital admissions in Australia may be medication related with older Australians at higher risk because of higher levels of medicine intake and increased likelihood of being admitted to hospital. The most common medication errors encountered in hospitals in Australia are prescription/medication ordering errors, dispensing, administration and medication recording errors. Contributing factors to these errors have largely not been reported in the hospital environment. In the community, inappropriate drugs, prescribing errors, administration errors, and inappropriate dose errors are most common. Objectives  To present the best available evidence for strategies to prevent or reduce the incidence of medication errors associated with the prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines in the older persons in the acute, subacute and residential care settings, with specific attention to persons aged 65 years and over. Search strategy  Bibliographic databases PubMed, Embase, Current contents, The Cochrane Library and others were searched from 1986 to present along with existing health technology websites. The reference lists of included studies and reviews were searched for any additional literature. Selection criteria  Systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and other research methods such as non-randomised controlled trials, longitudinal studies, cohort or case-control studies, or descriptive studies that evaluate strategies to identify and manage medication incidents. Those people who are involved in the prescribing, dispensing or administering of medication to the older persons (aged 65 years and older) in the acute, subacute or residential care settings were included. Where these studies were limited, evidence available on the general patient population was used. Data collection and analysis  Study design and quality were tabulated and relative risks, odds ratios, mean differences and associated 95% confidence intervals were calculated from individual comparative studies containing count data where possible. All other data were presented in a narrative summary. Results  Strategies that have some evidence for reducing medication incidents are: ‱  computerised physician ordering entry systems combined with clinical decision support systems; ‱  individual medication supply systems when compared with other dispensing systems such as ward stock approaches; ‱  use of clinical pharmacists in the inpatient setting; ‱  checking of medication orders by two nurses before dispensing medication; ‱  a Medication Administration Review and Safety committee; and ‱  providing bedside glucose monitors and educating nurses on importance of timely insulin administration. In general, the evidence for the effectiveness of intervention strategies to reduce the incidence of medication errors is weak and high-quality controlled trials are needed in all areas of medication prescription and delivery

    InterFace : A software package for face image warping, averaging, and principal components analysis

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    We describe InterFace, a software package for research in face recognition. The package supports image warping, reshaping, averaging of multiple face images, and morphing between faces. It also supports principal components analysis (PCA) of face images, along with tools for exploring the “face space” produced by PCA. The package uses a simple graphical user interface, allowing users to perform these sophisticated image manipulations without any need for programming knowledge. The program is available for download in the form of an app, which requires that users also have access to the (freely available) MATLAB Runtime environment

    Bringing analysis of gender and social–ecological resilience together in small-scale fisheries research: Challenges and opportunities

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    The demand for gender analysis is now increasingly orthodox in natural resource programming, including that for small-scale fisheries. Whilst the analysis of social–ecological resilience has made valuable contributions to integrating social dimensions into research and policy-making on natural resource management, it has so far demonstrated limited success in effectively integrating considerations of gender equity. This paper reviews the challenges in, and opportunities for, bringing a gender analysis together with social–ecological resilience analysis in the context of small-scale fisheries research in developing countries. We conclude that rather than searching for a single unifying framework for gender and resilience analysis, it will be more effective to pursue a plural solution in which closer engagement is fostered between analysis of gender and social-ecological resilience whilst preserving the strengths of each approach. This approach can make an important contribution to developing a better evidence base for small-scale fisheries management and policy
