12 research outputs found

    Ecological Analysis Indicators Of Irrigated Gray Pasture Soils

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    The article briefly describes the physical and geographical location of the experiment area. Analyzes of geomorphological, geological and climatic conditions of gray meadow soil formation are given. In the field experiments, standard methods were used for the determination of organic and mineral substances in the soil, and all data were analyzed statistically. The amount of nitrogen in the upper 0-25 cm layer of the soil under the winter grain was 32.51 mg/kg, and in the lower horizon it was 28.47 mg/kg. The amount of nitrogen under cotton is 30.75-26.42 mg/kg, which is probably related to the plant's nitrogen-fixing physiology. The diagnostic indicators of irrigated gray meadow soils and the conditions of ecological reclamation at the same time were analyzed. Recommendations for further use are given

    Associative Conditioning Is a Robust Systemic Behavior in Unicellular Organisms: An Interspecies Comparison

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    The capacity to learn new efficient systemic behavior is a fundamental issue of contemporary biology. We have recently observed, in a preliminary analysis, the emergence of conditioned behavior in some individual amoebae cells. In these experiments, cells were able to acquire new migratory patterns and remember them for long periods of their cellular cycle, forgetting them later on. Here, following a similar conceptual framework of Pavlov’s experiments, we have exhaustively studied the migration trajectories of more than 2000 individual cells belonging to three different species: Amoeba proteus, Metamoeba leningradensis, and Amoeba borokensis. Fundamentally, we have analyzed several relevant properties of conditioned cells, such as the intensity of the responses, the directionality persistence, the total distance traveled, the directionality ratio, the average speed, and the persistence times. We have observed that cells belonging to these three species can modify the systemic response to a specific stimulus by associative conditioning. Our main analysis shows that such new behavior is very robust and presents a similar structure of migration patterns in the three species, which was characterized by the presence of conditioning for long periods, remarkable straightness in their trajectories and strong directional persistence. Our experimental and quantitative results, compared with other studies on complex cellular responses in bacteria, protozoa, fungus-like organisms and metazoans that we discus here, allow us to conclude that cellular associative conditioning might be a widespread characteristic of unicellular organisms. This new systemic behavior could be essential to understand some key principles involved in increasing the cellular adaptive fitness to microenvironments.This work was supported by a grant of the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), GIU17/066, the Basque Government grant IT974-16, the UPV/EHU and Basque Center of Applied Mathematics, grant US18/21, and the Israel Science Foundation (536/19)Peer reviewe

    Echinococcal Cyst Blockade — the Rare Cause of Acute Pancreatitis and Obstructive Jaundice

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    Aim: demonstrate an algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis and obstructive jaundice caused by obstruction of the terminal part of the common bile duct by daughter echinococcal cyst.Key points. The article presents a clinical case of acute echinococcal obstruction of the terminal part of the common bile duct in a patient with a complicated course of liver echinococcosis. A 33-year-old man was hospitalized with epigastrium and right hypochondrium pains and jaundice. In 2019 the patient underwent the removal of a cyst in the 7th liver segment and cholecystectomy for liver and gallbladder echinococcal lesions. Laboratory research revealed leukocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia and an increase in the transaminases level. Transabdominal ultrasound showed signs of dilatation throughout bile ducts. Duodenoscopy revealed a fixed yellowish-white oval formation with transluent capsule, completely blocking bile and pancreatic juice outflow at the major duodenal papilla. After non-annulation endoscopic papillotomy, migration of the substrate (echinococcal cyst) into the duodenum was noted, active flow of bile and pancreatic secretions was restored. Oral transpapillary cholangioscopy was performed for a detailed bile ducts examination. It revealed no echinococcal cysts, residual parasitic structures or biliary tree lesions. The treatment was completed with pancreatic stenting. After complex treatment in the intensive care and surgery unit with complete condition stabilization, the patient was discharged with recommendations for further treatment in a specialized clinic.Conclusion. Migration of a daughter cyst from the echinococcal liver focus can cause acute blockade of the terminal part of the common bile duct and acute obstructive pancreatitis. The combination of clinical, radiological and endoscopic methods allows to diagnose and eliminate this rare complication of liver echinococcosis with subsequent successful treatment

    Econometric Modeling of Factors, Affecting The Level of Vaccination Against Covid-19 In Countries Around the World

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    In December 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic began in China, which in a short time swept the whole world. A biological threat of such strength, created artificially or created by natural mutation, that endangered the health of hundreds of millions of people, led to millions of deaths worldwide, cost the economy losses estimated in trillions of dollars. Several vaccines were developed in the shortest possible time. WHO defines vaccination as a simple, safe and effective way to protect against diseases before a person comes into contact with their pathogens. It would seem that the world is on the way to victory over the virus. However, statistics show strong differences in the level of vaccination in different countries. What does the proportion of vaccinated depend on? The paper considers various indicators that can affect the level of vaccination, a multiple regression is constructed using data from 124 countries of the world at the end of April 2021.В декабре 2019 года в Китае началась пандемия Covid-19, в короткое время охватившая весь мир. Биологическая угроза такой силы, созданная искусственно или возникшая путем естественной мутации, что подвергла угрозе здоровье сотен миллионов людей, привела к миллионам летальных исходов во всем мире, стоила экономике потерь, исчисляемых в триллионах долларов. В кратчайшие сроки были разработаны несколько вакцин. ВОЗ определяет вакцинацию как простой, безопасный и эффективный способ защиты от болезней до того, как человек вступит в контакт с их возбудителями. Казалось бы, мир на пути к победе над вирусом. Однако статистика показывает сильные отличия в уровне вакцинации разных стран. От чего же зависит доля вакцинированных? В работе рассматриваются различные показатели, которые могут повлиять на уровень вакцинации Строится множественная регрессия с использованием данных по 124 странам мира на конец апреля 2021г

    Competition Research in The Banking Sector of the Russian Federation

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    The article calculates the indicators of competition and market power of firms in the banking sector of the Russian Federation. These indicators, based on empirical data, show that this industry is characterized by a significant degree of concentration, high market power of a number of firms, which does not contribute to the effective operation of the market and makes it necessary to carry out reforms.В статье рассчитаны показатели конкуренции и рыночной власти фирм в банковском секторе Российской Федерации. Данные показатели на основе эмпирических данных показывают, что данной отрасли присуща существенная степень концентрации, высокая рыночная власть ряда фирм, что не способствует эффективной деятельности рынка и делает необходимым проведение реформ


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    Проблема влияния экономического роста на состояние окружающей среды изучается достаточно длительное время, и одним из наиболее распространенных подходов к изучению данного вопроса является гипотеза экологической кривой Кузнеца. В статье с помощью эконометрического анализа исследовались факторы, оказывающие влияние на содержание газа в атмосфере и проверена гипотеза экологической кривой Кузнеца. В результате проведенного исследования авторы пришли к выводу, что по выборке стран Европы подтверждена гипотеза о кривой Кузнеца. Страны, достигнувшие высокого уровня экономического роста, не только повышают уровень жизни своего населения, но и снижают уровень выбросов углекислого газа.The problem of the impact of economic growth on the state of the environment has been studied for quite a long time, and one of the most common approaches to the study of this issue is the Kuznets ecological curve hypothesis. In the article, with the econometric analysis, the factors influencing the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere were studied and the hypothesis of the environmental Kuznets curve was tested. As a result of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that the Kuznets curve hypothesis was confirmed for a sample of European countries. Countries that achieve high levels of economic growth not only improve the standard of living of their people, but also reduce their carbon emissions