387 research outputs found

    Purity-bounded uncertainty relations in multidimensional space -- generalized purity

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    Uncertainty relations for mixed quantum states (precisely, purity-bounded position-momentum relations, developed by Bastiaans and then by Man'ko and Dodonov) are studied in general multi-dimensional case. An expression for family of mixed states at the lower bound of uncertainty relation is obtained. It is shown, that in case of entropy-bounded uncertainty relations, lower-bound state is thermal, and a transition from one-dimensional problem to multi-dimensional one is trivial. Results of numerical calculation of the relation lower bound for different types of generalized purity are presented. Analytical expressions for general purity-bounded relations for highly mixed states are obtained.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. draft version, to appear in J. Phys. A Partially based on a poster "Multidimensional uncertainty relations for states with given generalized purity" presented on X Intl. Conf. on Quantum Optics'2004 (Minsk, Belarus, May 30 -- June 3, 2004) More actual report is to be presented on ICSSUR-2005, Besan\c{c}on, France and on EQEC'05, Munich. V. 5: amended article after referees' remark

    Robust procedure for creating and characterizing the atomic structure of scanning tunneling microscope tips

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    Scanning tunneling microscopes (STM) are used extensively for studying and manipulating matter at the atomic scale. In spite of the critical role of the STM tip, the control of the atomic-scale shape of STM tips remains a poorly solved problem. Here, we present a method for preparing tips {\it in-situ} and for ensuring the crystalline structure and reproducibly preparing tip structure up to the second atomic layer. We demonstrate a controlled evolution of such tips starting from undefined tip shapes.Comment: 12 pages preprint-style; 5 figure

    A strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in an iron-based superconductor

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    Among the mysteries surrounding unconventional, strongly correlated superconductors is the possibility of spatial variations in their superfluid density. We use atomic-resolution Josephson scanning tunneling microscopy to reveal a strongly inhomogeneous superfluid in the iron-based superconductor FeTe0.55Se0.45. By simultaneously measuring the topographic and electronic properties, we find that this inhomogeneity in the superfluid density is not caused by structural disorder or strong inter-pocket scattering, and does not correlate with variations in Cooper pair-breaking gap. Instead, we see a clear spatial correlation between superfluid density and quasiparticle strength, putting the iron-based superconductors on equal footing with the cuprates and demonstrating that locally, the quasiparticles are sharpest when the superconductivity is strongest. When repeated at different temperatures, our technique could further help elucidate what local and global mechanisms limit the critical temperature in unconventional superconductors

    Identification of the het-r vegetative incompatibility gene of Podospora anserina as a member of the fast evolving HNWD gene family

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    In fungi, vegetative incompatibility is a conspecific non-self recognition mechanism that restricts formation of viable heterokaryons when incompatible alleles of specific het loci interact. In Podospora anserina, three non-allelic incompatibility systems have been genetically defined involving interactions between het-c and het-d, het-c and het-e, het-r and het-v. het-d and het-e are paralogues belonging to the HNWD gene family that encode proteins of the STAND class. HET-D and HET-E proteins comprise an N-terminal HET effector domain, a central GTP binding site and a C-terminal WD repeat domain constituted of tandem repeats of highly conserved WD40 repeat units that define the specificity of alleles during incompatibility. The WD40 repeat units of the members of this HNWD family are undergoing concerted evolution. By combining genetic analysis and gain of function experiments, we demonstrate that an additional member of this family, HNWD2, corresponds to the het-r non-allelic incompatibility gene. As for het-d and het-e, allele specificity at the het-r locus is determined by the WD repeat domain. Natural isolates show allelic variation for het-

    Amplifier for scanning tunneling microscopy at MHz frequencies

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    Conventional scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is limited to a bandwidth of circa 1kHz around DC. Here, we develop, build and test a novel amplifier circuit capable of measuring the tunneling current in the MHz regime while simultaneously performing conventional STM measurements. This is achieved with an amplifier circuit including a LC tank with a quality factor exceeding 600 and a home-built, low-noise high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). The amplifier circuit functions while simultaneously scanning with atomic resolution in the tunneling regime, i.e. at junction resistances in the range of giga-ohms, and down towards point contact spectroscopy. To enable high signal-to-noise and meet all technical requirements for the inclusion in a commercial low temperature, ultra-high vacuum STM, we use superconducting cross-wound inductors and choose materials and circuit elements with low heat load. We demonstrate the high performance of the amplifier by spatially mapping the Poissonian noise of tunneling electrons on an atomically clean Au(111) surface. We also show differential conductance spectroscopy measurements at 3MHz, demonstrating superior performance over conventional spectroscopy techniques. Further, our technology could be used to perform impedance matched spin resonance and distinguish Majorana modes from more conventional edge states

    To glide or to swim? A reinvestigation of the enigmatic Wapitisaurus problematicus (Reptilia) from the Early Triassic of British Columbia, Canada

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    Wapitisaurus problematicus was initially described as a member of the Weigeltisauridae, a clade of Late Permian gliding reptiles from Eurasia and Madagascar. However, the poor preservation of the holotype and only known specimen, from the lower Sulphur Mountain Formation at Ganoid Ridge (British Columbia, Canada), raised doubts about this assignment. Here, we redescribe W. problematicus and reassess its systematic position among diapsid reptiles. Comparison with all known weigeltisaurids, as well as contemporaneous reptiles from the Sulphur Mountain Formation, indicates that the taxon instead represents a thalattosauroid thalattosauriform, with noted similarities to Thalattosaurus and Paralonectes. This reidentification restricts weigeltisaurids to the Late Permian, with no occurrence in North America. Wapitisaurus problematicus potentially represents one of the oldest thalattosauriforms and increases our understanding of their diversity and disparity during the late Early and Middle Triassic. The close morphological similarities with later (thalattosauroid) thalattosauriforms and their high abundance in (shallow) marine settings may indicate an earlier invasion of this realm than previously assumed. This parallels observations in early ichthyopterygians with widespread opportunistic trophic niche diversification occurring relatively rapidly after the end-Permian mass extinction event

    Nanofabricated tips for device-based scanning tunneling microscopy

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    We report on the fabrication and performance of a new kind of tip for scanning tunneling microscopy. By fully incorporating a metallic tip on a silicon chip using modern micromachining and nanofabrication techniques, we realize so-called smart tips and show the possibility of device-based STM tips. Contrary to conventional etched metal wire tips, these can be integrated into lithographically defined electrical circuits. We describe a new fabrication method to create a defined apex on a silicon chip and experimentally demonstrate the high performance of the smart tips, both in stability and resolution. In situ tip preparation methods are possible and we verify that they can resolve the herringbone reconstruction and Friedel oscillations on Au(111) surfaces. We further present an overview of possible applications

    Loss of coherence in double-slit diffraction experiments

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    7 pågs.; 3 figs.; PACS numberssd: 03.65.Yz, 03.65.Ta, 03.75.DgThe effects of incoherence and decoherence in a double-slit experiment are studied using both optical and quantum-phenomenological models. The results are compared with experimental data obtained with cold neutrons. ©2005 American Physical SocietyThis work was supported in part by MCyT Spaind under Contracts No. BFM2000-347 and No. BQU2003-8212. A.S.S. gratefully acknowledges partial support from the Consejería de Educación y Cultura of the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid.Peer Reviewe

    Poor electronic screening in lightly doped Mott insulators observed with scanning tunneling microscopy

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    The effective Mott gap measured by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in the lightly doped Mott insulator (Sr1−xLax)2IrO4(\rm{Sr}_{1 -x}\rm{La}_x)_2\rm{IrO}_4 differs greatly from values reported by photoemission and optical experiments. Here, we show that this is a consequence of the poor electronic screening of the tip-induced electric field in this material. Such effects are well known from STM experiments on semiconductors, and go under the name of tip-induced band bending (TIBB). We show that this phenomenon also exists in the lightly doped Mott insulator (Sr1−xLax)2IrO4(\rm{Sr}_{1 -x}\rm{La}_x)_2\rm{IrO}_4 and that, at doping concentrations of x≀4%x\leq 4 \%, it causes the measured energy gap in the sample density of states to be bigger than the one measured with other techniques. We develop a model able to retrieve the intrinsic energy gap leading to a value which is in rough agreement with other experiments, bridging the apparent contradiction. At doping x≈5%x \approx 5 \% we further observe circular features in the conductance layers that point to the emergence of a significant density of free carriers in this doping range, and to the presence of a small concentration of donor atoms. We illustrate the importance of considering the presence of TIBB when doing STM experiments on correlated-electron systems and discuss the similarities and differences between STM measurements on semiconductors and lightly doped Mott insulators.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
