71 research outputs found
Mobility and bioavailability of selected elements in agricultural land of the ibar river alluvium.
Zagađenje zemljišta toksičnim elementima predstavlja globalni problem, imajući u vidu mogućnost njihove mobilizacije u hidrosferu i biosferu, usled čega mogu predstavljati opasnost po zdravlje ljudi. Akumulacija toksičnih elemenata, metala i metaloida, u poljoprivrednom zemljištu je danas od sve većeg interesa zbog pitanja bezbednosti hrane i potencijalnih zdravstvenih rizika, kao i zbog njihovog štetnog uticaja na ekosistem. U cilju procene mobilnosti i bioraspoloživosti određenih hemijskih elemenata u zemljištu, potrebno je da se pored ukupnog sadržaja, odredi i njihov sadržaj u različitim fazama zemljišta, jer ukupni sadržaj pruža ograničene informacije o mobilnosti i biodostupnosti...Soil contamination by toxic elements is a global problem taking into account the possibility of mobilization in the hydrosphere and biosphere, which could impose a risk to human health. The accumulation of toxic elements, metals and metalloids, in agricultural soil is of increasing interest due to food safety issues and the potential health risk as well as due to their harmful effect on the ecosystem. In order to evaluate the mobility and bioavailability of certain chemical elements in the soil, it is necessary to evaluate, in addition to the total content, their contents in various soil fractions because the total content of elements provides limited information about their mobility and bioavailability..
Protein and fatty acid profiles of Kajmak ripened at two different temperatures
Kajmak is a specific dairy product with long term tradition of manufacture in Serbia and few South-East European countries. It is manufactured from the thin layer formed on the surface of hot milk during long cooling process. It may be consumed as a fresh, immediately after manufacture, or after a maturation period, as a ripened Kajmak. Kajmak is ripened usually up to 30 days at 15-180C or stored in refrigerator at 40C. In this work we investigated the effects of ripening of Kajmak in refrigerator at 40C and at 160C up to 28 days on protein profiles, fatty acid profiles and health fatty indices. Ripening temperature significantly affects protein and fatty acid profiles of Kajmak. Ripening at low temperature induces slow proteolysis, the change of fatty acid profile and health fatty acid indices. At low temperature the most susceptible to proteolysis was β-casein. Due to similar fatty acid profiles, these samples were characterized with high health fatty acid indices such as atherogenicity index (3.81-4.03) and the thrombogenicity index (4.62-4.95). Ripening at 160C induces complete hydrolysis of κ-CN, significant decrease of αs-and β-CN content and improvement of health fatty indices. © 2022, Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved
Proteinski sastav tofua korigovanog kvaliteta
Soybeans are an inexpensive, high-quality protein source. Soybeans have long been a staple of the human diet in Asia, especially as tofu, which is prepared from soymilk. In this study, tofu was made using a new production method which includes hydrothermal cooking (HTC) and rennin-pepsin coagulant. The effects of the addition of gallic acid to the slurry during tofu processing were studied. Tofu was made from two soybean genotypes: Lana and Balkan. The observed genotypes are characterized by relatively high content of total proteins in flour, from 45.88% to 48.83%. The prepared tofu samples are characterized by extremely high content of total proteins (52.17% - Lana tofu and 56.08% - Balkan tofu). The presence of gallic acid significantly affects the solubility of tofu protein. The applied modifications of traditional procedure of tofu production significantly improved sensory properties of soybean protein products.Tofu je želirani proteinski proizvod, koji se dobija koagulacijom zagrejanog sojinog mleka. Potrošačima naše populacije ne odgovara aroma 'zelenog zrna', takozvani 'leguminozni miris i ukus', koji se oseća u proizvodima soje pripremljenim na tradicionalni način. Sa namerom poboljšanja arome dobijenih sireva, pripremljen je tofu primenom hidrotermičkog tretmana i enzima za koagulaciju mleka (himozin-pepsin) uz dodatak galne kiselina, koja je jak antiseptik i antioksidant. Zahvaljujući visokom sadržaju ukupnih proteina sojinog semena (45,88-48,83% u obezmašćenom brašnu) i pripremljeni tofu se karakteriše visokim sadržajem ukupnih proteina (52,17% s.m.- Lana tofu i 65,08 % s.m. - Balkan tofu). Postupak dodatka galne kiseline menja sadržaj rastvorljivih proteina (27,48% - Lana tofu i 41,55% - Balkan tofu) koji se značajno razlikuje u odnosu na uzorke bez nje (14,20% - Lana tofu i 28,88% - Balkan tofu). Poliakrilamidnom-gel elektroforezom ekstrakta tofua pripremljenog uz dodatak galne kiseline razdvojen je veći broj komponenata, koje se ne uočavaju na elektroforegramima tofua nemodifikovanog kvaliteta. Gasnohromatografskom analizom isparljivih komponenata tofua registrovan je uglavnom acetaldehid, tako da je postignut cilj ublažavanja legulinoznog mirisa. Poboljšanje senzornih karakteristika potvrđuju i povoljne senzorne ocene koje su dobili uzorci pripremljeni sa galnom kiselinom (3,65 - Lana tofu i 3,87 - Balkan tofu)
Effects of the acrylic polyol structure and the selectivity of the employed catalyst on the performance of two-component aqueous polyurethane coatings
Two kinds of aqueous acrylic polyols (single step and multi step synthesis type) have been investigated for their performance in the two-component aqueous polyurethane application, by using more selective catalysts. The aliphatic polyfunctional isocyanates based on hexamethylen diisocyanates have been employed as suitable hardeners. The complex of zirconium, commercially known as K-KAT(R)XC-6212, and manganese (III) complexes with mixed ligands based on the derivative of maleic acid have been used as catalysts in this study. Both of the aqueous polyols give good results, in terms of application and hardness, when elevated temperatures and more selective catalysts are applied. A more selective catalyst promotes the reaction between the isocyanate and polyol component. This increases the percentage of urethane bonds and the degree of hardness in the films formed from the two components of aqueous polyurethane lacquers. The polyol based on the single step synthesis route is favourable concerning potlife and hardness. The obtained results show that the performance of the two-component aqueous polyurethane coatings depends on the polymer structure of the polyols as well as on the selectivity of the employed catalyst
Characterization of sunflower seed and kernel proteins
Total sunflower proteins, storage proteins, and helianthinin (11S) and 2S albumin fractions and their respective subunits in seeds and kernels of three sunflower hybrids were analyzed. Protein contents were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and coupled with densitometry. The SDS-PAGE profiles of the seed and kernel proteins in the crude extracts for all genotypes showed a very similar number of protein bands (thirty two) in the electrophoretograms. Three polypeptide groups of helianthinin fraction were detected. Two of these were acidic (α, Mw = 36,800 - 42,900 Da and α', Mw = 31,000 - 35,300 Da), while one was basic (β, Mw=21,000 - 29,600 Da). The molecular weight of the 2S albumin proteins ranged from 11,500 to 20,100 Da. According to our results, there were significant differences among the seed and kernel protein contents. The 2S albumin content was significantly higher in kernels than in whole seeds of sunflower hybrids (P lt 0.05). By contrast, the 11S helianthinin content was significantly higher in seeds (where it ranged from 61.75 to 67.70% of totally extracted proteins) than in kernels (varied from 57.36 to 61.51% of totally extracted proteins) of sunflower hybrids (P lt 0.05)
Phytochemical Analysis and Total Antioxidant Capacity of Rhizome, Above-Ground Vegetative Parts and Flower of Three Iris Species
This study was aimed at investigating the phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity of rhizomes, above-ground vegetative parts and flowers of three Iris species: Iris humilis Georgi, Iris pumila L. and Iris variegata L. UHPLC-Orbitrap MS analysis was used for determination of phytochemical profile. Total pigments, phenolics, flavonoids, soluble sugars and starch content as well as ABTS antioxidant capacity were also determined. In total, 52 phenolics compounds were identified with 9 compounds (derivatives of iriflophenone, apigenin C-glycosides, luteolin O-glycoside, isoflavones derivatives of iristectorigenin, dichotomitin, nigracin and irilone) never reported before in Iris spp. Differences in phenolic composition profile, pigments, soluble sugar, starch, total phenolics and flavonoids content and total antioxidant capacity were found among Iris species and different part of plants. Significant correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity was determined. The obtained results are comparable with those obtained for medical plants. These findings could be useful for fingerprinting characterization of Iris species and estimation of possible use in pharmaceutical industries
Grape seed flour of different grape pomaces: Fatty acid profile, soluble sugar profile and nutritional value
The aim of this study was to determine fatty acid and soluble sugar profiles of the grape seed flour originated from non-fermented dried pomace of international and autochthonous grape varieties in order to estimate their potential nutritional value. The grape seed flours were obtained from the grapes harvested in technological maturity. It has been shown that grape seed flours contained significant quantities of unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), especially linoleic fatty acids, whose content ranged from 61.15 - 83.47 %. Oleic acid mostly contributed to the content of monounsaturated fatty acids, while the stearic acid was the most abundant saturated fatty acid (SFA). Among polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly ω-6 FAs, were the most represented. The tested grape seed flours had the high UFA/SFA ratio (3.63-11.09), low atherogenicity (0.04-0.13) and thrombogenicity (0.16-0.47) indices. Fifteen different sugars were found in analysed samples with the total concentration ranging from 40588 to 91319 mg/kg seed with fructose and glucose as the most abundant. Principal component analysis based on the content of FAs and soluble sugars revealed unique composition of the seed flour of Prokupac variety. These findings indicate that the tested grape seed flours is a good source of nutritionally valuable FAs and sugars that can play an important role in the formulation of a new functional food products
zaštita opreme od korozije u sistemu za pasterizaciju mleka
In the course of the pasteurization treatment of milk and dairy products the temperature of the technological process is kept at a constant value. The regulation of the temperature is carried out by means of technological water that comes from certain pools cooled to the temperature of 5ºC. the water heated in the process of pasteurization is sent back through steel pipes to the pool where it is cooled to the working temperature. the pools for water cooling are fitted with a bundle of pipes made of plain carbon steel that corrode over the time. the protection of pipes against corrosion is possible to be performed in two ways: by use of inhibitors and by cathodic protection. The application of either method depends on a number of factors. It is cheaper to protect new pipes from corrosion using inhibitors, whereas pipes already attacked by corrosion are more efficiently protected against further corrosion by applying the cathodic protection.U toku postupka pasterizacije mleka i mlečnih proizvoda temperatura tehnološkog procesa održava se na konstantnoj temperaturi. Regulacija temperature se vrši pomoću tehnološke vode koja dolazi iz bazena rashlađena do temperature od 5°C. zagrejana voda iz procesa pasterizacije vraća se cevima u bazen gde se pomoću tečnog amonijaka hladi do radne temperature. U bazenima za hlađenje tehnološke vode nalazi se snop cevi od običnog čelika kroz koji prolazi tečni amonijak, a koje vremenom počinju da korodiraju. Zaštita cevi od korozije je moguća na dva načina: primenom određenih inhibitora korozije i primenom katodne zaštite. Koji će od ova dva načina da bude primenjen zavisi od više faktora. Za nove cevi je jeftinija zaštita od korozije primenom inhibitora. za cevi koje su već u upotrebi ili je kod njih počela korozija, primena katodne zaštite je efikasniji postupak dalje zaštite od korozije
In vitro digestion of meat- and cereal-based food matrix enriched with grape extracts: How are polyphenol composition, bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity affected?
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of enriching a complex food matrix (FM) with grape extracts on polyphenol content, composition, bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity during digestion. The grape extracts and FM were separately tested under the same conditions as controls. The FM by itself contains a significant amount of phenolic acids and flavonols, influencing the final recovery of polyphenols from grape extracts. The FM significantly increased the total recovery of polyphenols after digestion of grape seed extracts compared to those digested without the FM; however, a low recovery of proantocyanidins and total flavonoids was observed. Digestive fluids and FM compounds significantly increased the total polyphenol content of grape digests and significantly contributed to their ABTS(center dot+) scavenging activity and ferrous-ion-chelating capacity. The present study suggested that enrichment of meat-and cereal-based products with grape polyphenol extracts could be a good strategy to formulate a healthier diet
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