28 research outputs found

    Job qualification and satisfaction: a study about employment which we have been previously trained for

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    Esta investigación, que ha contado con 80 sujetos, explora la relación entre las diferentes dimensiones de la satisfacción laboral y la cualificación del trabajo (relacionado o no con los currículos académicos previos). Se ha realizado utilizando Cuestionario de Satisfacción Laboral S20/23. Los resultados han sido significativos, confirmándose la hipótesis: hemos encontrado mayor satisfacción laboral en los sujetos que desarrollan trabajos cualificados y menor satisfacción en los que desarrollan trabajos no cualificados.This research study, which had 80 subjects, explores the relationship between different dimensions of job satisfaction and job qualification (related or not to prior academic curriculum). The study was carried out using Job Satisfaction Questionnaire S20/23. The results were significant, confirming the hypothesis: we found greater job satisfaction in subjects who carry out skilled jobs and lower satisfaction in those who carry out unskilled jobs.Psicología Socia

    Glucogeno sintasa en helmintos parasitos: inhibicion por benzimidazoles

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    Se ha determinado el effecto inhibidor sobre la actividad Glucogeno sintetasa (E.C.2.41.11) por parte de cuatro antihelminticos: Albendazol, Mebendazol, Parbendazol y Tiabendazol. Observandose que en todos los casos, es el Parbendazol quien ha demostrado un mayor poder inhibidor sobre la glucógeno sintetasa de Ascaris suum, Fasciola hepatica y Moniezia expansa. El Tiabendazol es el anti-helmintico que menor efecto inhibidor ha presentado sobre la enzima en los tres parasitos objeto de nuestro estudio. Con el presente trabajo y otros previstos en la misma linea, se pretende aportar nuevos datos acerca del aun desconocido locus de acción de estos antihelminticos

    EEG Spatiotemporal Patterns Underlying Self-other Voice Discrimination.

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    There is growing evidence showing that the representation of the human "self" recruits special systems across different functions and modalities. Compared to self-face and self-body representations, few studies have investigated neural underpinnings specific to self-voice. Moreover, self-voice stimuli in those studies were consistently presented through air and lacking bone conduction, rendering the sound of self-voice stimuli different to the self-voice heard during natural speech. Here, we combined psychophysics, voice-morphing technology, and high-density EEG in order to identify the spatiotemporal patterns underlying self-other voice discrimination (SOVD) in a population of 26 healthy participants, both with air- and bone-conducted stimuli. We identified a self-voice-specific EEG topographic map occurring around 345 ms post-stimulus and activating a network involving insula, cingulate cortex, and medial temporal lobe structures. Occurrence of this map was modulated both with SOVD task performance and bone conduction. Specifically, the better participants performed at SOVD task, the less frequently they activated this network. In addition, the same network was recruited less frequently with bone conduction, which, accordingly, increased the SOVD task performance. This work could have an important clinical impact. Indeed, it reveals neural correlates of SOVD impairments, believed to account for auditory-verbal hallucinations, a common and highly distressing psychiatric symptom

    Bloqueo ciático a nivel de la fosa poplítea: Comparación entre dos abordajes

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    Objectives: To assess the benefits and drawbacks, both for the physician and for the patient, of the blockade of the sciatic nerve at the level of the popliteal fossa comparing the rear and the lateral approach. Material and methods: A prospective study was performed on 66 patients ASA I-II that were candidates for orthopedic foot surgery. Patients were randomized to two groups: group A (33 patients) in which the rear approach would be used and group B (33 patients) in which the lateral approach would be used. The local anesthetic used was mepivacaine 1.5% (20 ml). All the patients received prior medication with midazolam 2 mg, i.v. The following parameters were determined: age, weight, height, gender, difficulty for the anesthesiologist to find the anatomical references of the entrance point (high, medium, low), number of needle punctures before locating the nerve, time elapsed till the puncture to the location of the nerve, discomfort of the patient during the puncture (rated in a visual analogical scale from 0 to 10), tolerance of the patient to prone and supine position, global patient satisfaction (poor, regular, good, very good, excellent) and complications associated to the technique. Results: No significant differences were found between the two groups in terms of demographic characteristics, anatomical difficulty and global patient satisfaction. Blockade performed through the lateral approach results in a greater number of punctures, a longer procedure, greater discomfort for the patient and a higher risk of arterial puncture. Only two of the patients studied had some difficulty with the prone and supine position. Conclusions: The rear route is preferable for this procedure, although the lateral route is an alternative that has to be considered in some patients.Objetivos: Valorar las ventajas e inconvenientes, tanto desde el punto de vista médico como del paciente, del bloqueo del nervio ciático a nivel del hueco poplíteo comparando la vía posterior y la lateral. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 66 pacientes ASA I-II, propuestos para cirugía ortopédica del pie. Los pacientes fueron distribuidos de forma aleatoria en dos grupos, grupo A (33 pacientes): abordaje posterior y grupo B (33 pacientes): abordaje lateral. El anestésico local utilizado fue mepivacaína 1,5% (20 ml). Todos los pacientes fueron premedicados con midazolan 2 mg, i.v. Se estudiaron los siguientes parámetros: edad, peso, altura, sexo, dificultad por parte del anestesiólogo para encontrar las referencias anatómicas del punto de entrada (alta, media, baja), número de pases de la aguja hasta encontrar el nervio, tiempo desde el momento de la punción hasta la localización del nervio, disconfort del paciente durante la punción (en una escala visual analógica de 0 a 10), tolerancia del paciente al decúbito prono, satisfacción global del paciente (mala, regular, buena, muy buena, excelente) y complicaciones derivadas de la técnica. Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos en cuanto a las características demográficas, dificultad anatómica y satisfacción global del paciente. El bloqueo por vía lateral presenta mayor número de pases, tiempo de ejecución, disconfort del paciente y un riesgo mayor de punción arterial. Sólo dos de los pacientes estudiados presentaron algún grado de dificultad para posicionarse en decúbito prono. Conclusiones: La vía posterior es de elección en este bloqueo y la vía lateral es una alternativa a tener en cuenta en ciertos pacientes

    ORIGINALES Assessment of new drugs in a tertiary hospital using a standardized tool

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    Abstract Objective: To describe the profile of new drugs evaluated by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics committee in a tertiary hospital using a standardized tool, the Guideline for the Introduction of New Drugs in the Formulary (GINF form), as main objective. Materials and methods: Retrospective observational study of drugs was assessed during [2008][2009][2010][2011]. Variables related to the drug, the request, and the result of the evaluation were collected based on information contained in the GINF form and in the assessment reports. Results: 63 of 75 assessed drugs (84%) were included in the hospital formulary. Only one drug (1%) was included without any restrictions. The rest of them were included as therapeutic equivalents (23%) or under specific recommendations (61%). Half of the drugs (6) not included had insufficient evidence of effectiveness compared with current treatments. Haematology and Medical Oncology were found to be the most active medical services in the application process. There was a high prevalence of drugs that had more than one advanced clinical trial (phase III and/or phase IV). Furthermore, 28% of assessed drugs were associated with a financial burden of more than €10,000 per year for our hospital. Highquality information was provided by applicants to the P&T committee for drugs that were finally included. However, the relationship between the information provided to the P&T committee and its decision was not statistical significance. Conclusion: The requests received were primarily related to drugs intended for parenteral use and most of them were antineoplastic drugs. The medical departments most heavily represented were Haematology and Oncology. Evaluación de nuevos medicamentos en un hospital terciario mediante el empleo de una herramienta normalizada Resumen Objetivo: Describir las características de los nuevos fármacos evaluados por la Comisión de Farmacia y Terapéutica (CFyT) en un hospital terciario mediante el empleo de una herramienta normalizada, la Guía para la valoración de Inclusión de Nuevos Fármacos, como objetivo principal. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo de aquellos fármacos evaluados en el periodo 2008-11. Fueron recogidas variables relativas al fár-maco, a la solicitud y al resultado final de la evaluación mediante la información contenida en las guías GINF y en los informes finales de evaluación. Resultados: De los 75 medicamentos evaluados, 63 (84%) fueron incluidos en la Guía Farmacoterapéutica del Hospital. Únicamente 1 (1,3%) lo fue sin ningún tipo de restricción. El resto fueron incluidos como equivalentes terapéuticos (21,3%) o bajo recomendaciones específicas (61,3%). La mitad de los fármacos no incluidos (6) presentaban insuficiente evidencia respecto a su eficacia frente a los tratamientos habituales. Hematología y Oncología Médica se encontraron entre los servicios médicos más activos en la solicitud. Se observó un alto porcentaje de fármacos que disponían de más de un ensayo clínico en fase avanzada (III y/o IV). Por otra parte, el 28% de los fár-macos evaluados se relacionaron con un impacto financiero superior 10.000 € anuales. Las guías GINF proporcionadas por los solicitantes a la CFyT se caracterizaron por la alta calidad de la información contenida en ellas. Sin embargo, la relación entre la información proporcionada a la CFyT y la decisión final de la misma no fue estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones: Las solicitudes recibidas pertenecieron principalmente a fár-macos de administración parenteral, siendo la mayor parte de ellos antineoplásicos. Los servicios médicos más intensamente representados fueron Hematología y Oncología

    Intermolecular latency regulates the essential C-terminal signal peptidase and sortase of the Porphyromonas gingivalis type-IX secretion system

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    Porphyromonas gingivalis is a keystone pathogen of the human dysbiotic oral microbiome that causes severe periodontitis. It employs a type-IX secretion system (T9SS) to shuttle proteins across the outer membrane (OM) for virulence. Uniquely, T9SS cargoes carry a C-terminal domain (CTD) as a secretion signal, which is cleaved and replaced with anionic lipopolysaccharide by transpeptidation for extracellular anchorage to the OM. Both reactions are carried out by PorU, the only known dual-function, C-terminal signal peptidase and sortase. PorU is itself secreted by the T9SS, but its CTD is not removed; instead, intact PorU combines with PorQ, PorV, and PorZ in the OM-inserted “attachment complex.” Herein, we revealed that PorU transits between active monomers and latent dimers and solved the crystal structure of the ∼260-kDa dimer. PorU has an elongated shape ∼130 Å in length and consists of seven domains. The first three form an intertwined N-terminal cluster likely engaged in substrate binding. They are followed by a gingipain-type catalytic domain (CD), two immunoglobulin-like domains (IGL), and the CTD. In the first IGL, a long “latency β-hairpin” protrudes ∼30 Å from the surface to form an intermolecular β-barrel with β-strands from the symmetric CD, which is in a latent conformation. Homology modeling of the competent CD followed by in vivo validation through a cohort of mutant strains revealed that PorU is transported and functions as a monomer through a C690/H657 catalytic dyad. Thus, dimerization is an intermolecular mechanism for PorU regulation to prevent untimely activity until joining the attachment complex. © 2021 National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved