1,287 research outputs found

    Climate mode simulation of North Atlantic polar lows in a limited area model

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    Polar lows are not properly resolved in global re-analyses. In order to describe the year-to-year variability and decadal trends in the formation of such mesoscale storms, atmospheric limited area models, which post-process re-analysis data, may be an appropriate tool. In this study we demonstrate the merits and potential of this approach. A series of 3-week long ensemble simulations of weather situations over the NE Atlantic with a limited area model/regional climate model (CLM) are examined. The model was driven with NCEP-NCAR re-analyses at the lateral and lower boundaries. Additionally, the spectral nudging technique was used to enforce the large-scale circulation, as given by the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis, on the simulation. The ensemble members differ by initial conditions taken from several consecutive days. In most of the cases, a polar low developed after a simulated time of about 2 weeks, that is, long after the initialization of the model calculations. The spectrally nudged version of the model is very insensitive to initial conditions. The observed polar lows were reproduced in all ensemble members. A reasonable correlation between the simulated polar low features and those derived from a satellite product (HOAPS-III) and operational high-resolution weather analyses (DWD) is found. The polar lows are considerably deepened compared to the driving NCEP-NCAR analysis, but the comparison with weather maps indicates some differences in detail. When CLM is run without the large-scale constraint of spectral nudging, considerable variability emerges across the different ensemble members and the observed polar low often does not emerge. [References: 42

    Towards a contrail climatology from NOAA—satellite images over Europe

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    Contrail cloudiness over Europe and the eastern part of the North Atlantic Ocean was analyzed for the two periods Sept. 1979-Dec. 1981 and Sept. 1989-Aug. 1992 by visual inspection of quicklook photographic prints of NOAA/AVHRR infrared images. The averaged contrail cover exhibits maximum values along the transat- lantic flight corridor around 50°N (of almost 2%) and over western Europe resillting in 0.5% contrail cloudiness on the average. A strong yearly cycle appears with a maximum (< 2%) in spring and summer over the Atlantic and a smaller maximum (< 1%) in winter over southwestern Europe. Comparing the two time periods of one decade separation there is a significant decrease in contrail cloudiness over west- ern Europe and a significant increase over the North Atlantic observable between March and July. Contrail cloud cover during daytime is about twice as high as dur- ing nighttime. Contrails are preferably found in larger fields of 1000 km diameter which last usually for more than one day. Causes, possible errors and consequences are discussed

    Passive remote sensing of columnar water vapour content above land surfaces. Part I: Theoretical algorithm development - Part II: Comparison of OVID measurements with radiosonde and DIAL measurements

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    Various efforts are currently being made to develop remote sensing techniques for high accuracy determination of atmospheric columnar water vapour content above land surfaces. Most of those algorithms are based on radiative transfer calcu lations, however, which have to be verified by spectral airborne or satellite measurements. Initial verification of a new algorithm with the aid of airborne spectral data using the spectrometer OVID (Optical Visible and near Infrared Detector), an airborne water vapour DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar), an airc;raft humicap sensor and radiosonde data is performed dUIing a flight experiment over Southern Germany. This water vapour algorithm is also dedicated to the MERIS (MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) in strument on board ESA's satellite ENVISAT which will be launched 1999. Spatial water vapour gradients of &120 = 0.1 g/cm2 over a distance of 100 km were resolved by applying the OVID measurements. The error estimation of the absolute value of the retrieved water vapour contents poses· some problems due to insufficient additional temporal and spatial radiosonde data. However, the principal feasibility has been prove

    Intercomparison of freshwater fluxes over ocean and investigations into water budget closure

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    The development of algorithms for the retrieval of water cycle components from satellite data – such as total column water vapor content (TCWV), precipitation (P), latent heat flux, and evaporation (E) – has seen much progress in the past 3 decades. In the present study, we compare six recent satellite-based retrieval algorithms and ERA5 (the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts' fifth reanalysis) freshwater flux (E−P) data regarding global and regional, seasonal and interannual variation to assess the degree of correspondence among them. The compared data sets are recent, freely available, and documented climate data records (CDRs), developed with a focus on stability and homogeneity of the time series, as opposed to instantaneous accuracy. One main finding of our study is the agreement of global ocean means of all E−P data sets within the uncertainty ranges of satellite-based data. Regionally, however, significant differences are found among the satellite data and with ERA5. Regression analyses of regional monthly means of E, P, and E−P against the statistical median of the satellite data ensemble (SEM) show that, despite substantial differences in global E patterns, deviations among E−P data are dominated by differences in P throughout the globe. E−P differences among data sets are spatially inhomogeneous. We observe that for ERA5 long-term global E−P is very close to 0 mm d−1 and that there is good agreement between land and ocean mean E−P, vertically integrated moisture flux divergence (VIMD), and global TCWV tendency. The fact that E and P are balanced globally provides an opportunity to investigate the consistency between E and P data sets. Over ocean, P (nearly) balances with E if the net transport of water vapor from ocean to land (approximated by over-ocean VIMD, i.e., ∇⋅(vq)ocean) is taken into account. On a monthly timescale, linear regression of Eocean−∇⋅(vq)ocean with Pocean yields R2=0.86 for ERA5, but smaller R2 values are found for satellite data sets. Global yearly climatological totals of water cycle components (E, P, E−P, and net transport from ocean to land and vice versa) calculated from the data sets used in this study are in agreement with previous studies, with ERA5 E and P occupying the upper part of the range. Over ocean, both the spread among satellite-based E and the difference between two satellite-based P data sets are greater than E−P, and these remain the largest sources of uncertainty within the observed global water budget. We conclude that, for a better understanding of the global water budget, the quality of E and P data sets needs to be improved, and the uncertainties more rigorously quantified

    Toward a Molecular Understanding of the Interaction of Dual Specificity Phosphatases with Substrates: Insights from Structure-Based Modeling and High Throughput Screening

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    Dual-specificity phosphatases (DSPs) are important, but poorly understood, cell signaling enzymes that remove phosphate groups from tyrosine and serine/threonine residues on their substrate. Deregulation of DSPs has been implicated in cancer, obesity, diabetes, inflammation, and Alzheimer’s disease. Due to their biological and biomedical significance, DSPs have increasingly become the subject of drug discovery high-throughput screening (HTS) and focused compound library development efforts. Progress in identifying selective and potent DSP inhibitors has, however, been restricted by the lack of sufficient structural data on inhibitor-bound DSPs. The shallow, almost flat, substrate binding sites in DSPs have been a major factor in hampering the rational design and the experimental development of active site inhibitors. Recent experimental and virtual HTS studies, as well as advances in molecular modeling, provide new insights into the potential mechanisms for substrate recognition and binding by this important class of enzymes. We present herein an overview of the progress, along with a brief description of applications to two types of DSPs: Cdc25 and MAP kinase phosphatase (MKP) family members. In particular, we focus on combined computational and experimental efforts for designing Cdc25B and MKP-1 inhibitors and understanding their mechanisms of interactions with their target proteins. These studies emphasize the utility of developing computational models and methods that meet the two major challenges currently faced in structure-based in silico design of lead compounds: the conformational flexibility of the target protein and the entropic contribution to the selection and stabilization of particular bound conformers

    Myeloid-Specific Rictor Deletion Induces M1 Macrophage Polarization and Potentiates In Vivo Pro-Inflammatory Response to Lipopolysaccharide

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    The phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B (Akt) axis plays a central role in attenuating inflammation upon macrophage stimulation with toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands. The mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 2 (mTORC2) relays signal from PI3K to Akt but its role in modulating inflammation in vivo has never been investigated. To evaluate the role of mTORC2 in the regulation of inflammation in vivo, we have generated a mouse model lacking Rictor, an essential mTORC2 component, in myeloid cells. Primary macrophages isolated from myeloid-specific Rictor null mice exhibited an exaggerated response to TLRs ligands, and expressed high levels of M1 genes and lower levels of M2 markers. To determine whether the loss of Rictor similarly affected inflammation in vivo, mice were either fed a high fat diet, a situation promoting chronic but low-grade inflammation, or were injected with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which mimics an acute, severe septic inflammatory condition. Although high fat feeding contributed to promote obesity, inflammation, macrophage infiltration in adipose tissue and systemic insulin resistance, we did not observe a significant impact of Rictor loss on these parameters. However, mice lacking Rictor exhibited a higher sensitivity to sceptic shock when injected with LPS. Altogether, these results indicate that mTORC2 is a key negative regulator of macrophages TLR signalling and that its role in modulating inflammation is particularly important in the context of severe inflammatory challenges. These observations suggest that approaches aimed at modulating mTORC2 activity may represent a possible therapeutic approach for diseases linked to excessive inflammation.Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Investigator)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant CA103866)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant CA129105)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant AI47389)Canadian Institutes of Health ResearchNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of CanadaFonds de la recherche en santé du Québe

    The BP Deepwater Horizon débâcle and corporate brand exuberance

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    This article is available to download from the publisher’s website at the link below.No abstract available (Editorial)

    Memristive behavior in a junctionless flash memory cell

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    We report charge storage based memristive operation of a junctionless thin film flash memory cell when it is operated as a two terminal device by grounding the gate. Unlike memristors based on nanoionics, the presented device mode, which we refer to as the flashristor mode, potentially allows greater control over the memristive properties, allowing rational design. The mode is demonstrated using a depletion type n-channel ZnO transistor grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD), with HfO2 as the tunnel dielectric, Al2O3 as the control dielectric, and non-stoichiometric silicon nitride as the charge storage layer. The device exhibits the pinched hysteresis of a memristor and in the unoptimized device, Roff/Ron ratios of about 3 are presented with low operating voltages below 5 V. A simplified model predicts Roff/Ron ratios can be improved significantly by adjusting the native threshold voltage of the devices. The repeatability of the resistive switching is excellent and devices exhibit 106s retention time, which can, in principle, be improved by engineering the gate stack and storage layer properties. The flashristor mode can find use in analog information processing applications, such as neuromorphic computing, where well-behaving and highly repeatable memristive properties are desirable. © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

    Simultaneous thermal analysis and dilatometric study of HAp-LiFePO4 system

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    Sintered hydroxyapatite bioceramics have been widely studied as a potential material for bone tissue reparation, however, concerning its microstructural and mechanical properties some limits were achieved at the moment. Addition of other materials that could improve functionalities, while preserving inherent advantages of this bioactive ceramics is desirable strategy. In this work, a new idea of addition of lithium iron phosphate as hydroxyapatite sintering aid, provoking liquid phase sintering in the intermediate sintering phase, has been evaluated from the point of view of thermal and dilatometric studies in inert atmosphere, with coupled mass spectroscopy monitoring. Detailed characterization of prepared materials and sintered products is given, confirming the proof of concept. Sintering ability was significantly enhanced and important microstructural features were obtained