19 research outputs found

    Styl życia kobiet w okresie menopauzy, sposoby radzenia sobie z objawami

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    Wstęp. Okres przekwitania jest bardzo trudnym czasem w życiu każdej kobiety. Towarzyszą mu zmiany w organizmie, na które kobiety nie mają wpływu. Objawy klimakterium są spowodowane zmniejszonym stężeniem estrogenów – hormonów wytwarzanych w jajnikach, ale działających na wiele narządów. Zaburzenia hormonalne mają wpływ na odczuwanie przez kobiety różnych dolegliwości fizycznych i psychicznych. Zespół objawów, występujących w okresie okołomenopauzalnym, nazywany jest zespołem klimakterycznym i dotyczy około 90% kobiet. Cel pracy. Celem badań była ocena stylu życia kobiet w okresie klimakterium, problemów i sposobów radzenia sobie z nimi. Materiał i metoda. Badania, metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, przeprowadzono w listopadzie 2014 roku, wśród 100 kobiet, w wieku 45-60 lat, mieszkających w Jarosławiu i okolicach. Średnia wieku w badanej grupie wynosiła 50 lat. Badania miały charakter dobrowolny. Narzędzie stanowił samodzielnie opracowany, nie-standaryzowany kwestionariusz ankiety. Wnioski. Wśród objawów występujących u kobiet w okresie klimakterium dominują uderzenia gorąca, bóle głowy oraz bezsenność. Celem łagodzenia dolegliwości okresu okołomenopauzalnego kobiety stosują właściwą dietę, unikają używek, dbają o aktywność fizyczną. Kobiety w okresie klimakterium unikają stosowania hormonalnej terapii, gdyż obawiają się występowania skutków ubocznych wynikających z jej stosowania.Introduction. Menopause is the beginning of a new phase in the life of every woman. This phase is considered very difficult. It is accompanied by changes in the organism that cannot be influenced by the woman. The symptoms of menopause are caused by the reduced level of oestrogens – hormones produced in the ovaries but operating for many organs. Hormonal disorders cause various physical and mental ailments. A set of symptoms that occur during menopause is called the climacteric syndrome and affects about 90% of women. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to assess the lifestyle of women during menopause, the problems which can occur during the above period and the ways of their solution. Material and methods. The research was made on the basis of a diagnostic survey, conducted in November 2014 among 100 women, aged 45-60 and living in Jarosław and the suburbs. The average age of women who took part in the study was 50 years. The conducted research was of voluntary character. The study material was a non-standardized questionnaire which developed by the authors. Conclusions. Among the symptoms during menopause, one can observe hot flashes, headaches, and insomnia. To avoid the aches and pains during menopause, women try to assume a proper diet, take up physical activity, and avoid stimulants. During menopause women also avoid the use of hormone therapy because of the side effects arising from its usage

    Modular structures and the delivery of inpatient care in hospitals: a Network Science perspective on healthcare function and dysfunction

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    Background: Reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic, the capacity of health systems to cope with increasing healthcare demands has been an abiding concern of both governments and the public. Health systems are made up from non-identical human and physical components interacting in diverse ways in varying locations. It is challeng‑ ing to represent the function and dysfunction of such systems in a scientifc manner. We describe a Network Science approach to that dilemma. General hospitals with large emergency caseloads are the resource intensive components of health systems. We propose that the care-delivery services in such entities are modular, and that their structure and function can be usefully analysed by contemporary Network Science. We explore that possibility in a study of Australian hospitals during 2019 and 2020. Methods: We accessed monthly snapshots of whole of hospital administrative patient level data in two general hospitals during 2019 and 2020. We represented the organisations inpatient services as network graphs and explored their graph structural characteristics using the Louvain algorithm and other methods. We related graph topological features to aspects of observable function and dysfunction in the delivery of care. Results: We constructed a series of whole of institution bipartite hospital graphs with clinical unit and labelled wards as nodes, and patients treated by units in particular wards as edges. Examples of the graphs are provided. Algorithmic identifcation of community structures confrmed the modular structure of the graphs. Their functional implications were readily identifed by domain experts. Topological graph features could be related to functional and dysfunctional issues such as COVID-19 related service changes and levels of hospital congestion. Discussion and conclusions: Contemporary Network Science is one of the fastest growing areas of current scientifc and technical advance. Network Science confrms the modular nature of healthcare service structures. It holds con‑ siderable promise for understanding function and dysfunction in healthcare systems, and for reconceptualising issues such as hospital capacity in new and interesting ways.David I. Ben, Tovim, Mariusz Bajger, Viet Duong Bui, Shaowen Qin, and Campbell H. Thompso

    Orthogonalities and functional equations

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    In this survey we show how various notions of orthogonality appear in the theory of functional equations. After introducing some orthogonality relations, we give examples of functional equations postulated for orthogonal vectors only. We show their solutions as well as some applications. Then we discuss the problem of stability of some of them considering various aspects of the problem. In the sequel, we mention the orthogonality equation and the problem of preserving orthogonality. Last, but not least, in addition to presenting results, we state some open problems concerning these topics. Taking into account the big amount of results concerning functional equations postulated for orthogonal vectors which have appeared in the literature during the last decades, we restrict ourselves to the most classical equations

    Iterative Pexider equation modulo a subset

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    Let X, Y, Z be arbitrary nonempty sets, E be a nonempty subset of Z Z and K be a groupoid. Assume that {Ft}t∈K ⊂ ZX, {Gt}t∈K ⊂ YX, {Ht}t∈K ⊂ ZY are families of functions satisfying the functional equation Fst = k(s,t)o Hso Gt for (s,t)∈D(K), where D(K) stands for the domain of the binary operation on the groupoid K and k (s,t)∈E for (s,t)∈D(K). Conditions are established under which the equation can be reduced to the corresponding Cauchy equation. This paper generalizes some results from [4] and [1]

    Validation of Graph Theoretic Segmentation of the Pectoral Muscle

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    Organs-at-risk contouring on head CT for RT planning using 3D slicer-A preliminary study

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    International audienceIn radiotherapy, computed tomography (CT) images are typically used for radiation treatment planning. Accurate segmentation of radiation sensitive healthy tissues, organs-atrisk (OARs), is important for radiation treatment planning for brain tumor. 3D Slicer has been applied in many medical applications including tumor segmentation on head MR images. However, to the best of our knowledge, there have been no studies using 3D Slicer for segmenting OARs on head CT images. This preliminary study evaluates the segmentation of seven OARs on head CTs using 3D Slicer. Results are comparable to state-ofthe- art approaches but a larger dataset is required to verify the results. © 2019 IEEE

    On Semi-Conjugacy Equation for Homeomorphisms of the Circle

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