70 research outputs found

    Web-based Course Management System

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    The importance of the web-based applications is notable during the last decades especially in educational institutions. This project focuses on an existing problem being faced by the members of the school of Computing (SOC) at the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). In addition, it also addresses on the difficulty of obtaining information which relates lecturers, their current registered courses, and their past semesters history. Whereby this information can only be viewed by the university members according to their authorities and needs. Hence, the clerk can efficiently make a decision on specific course which needs to be allocated to a lecturer by listing the current and past teaching history of them. Clerk can register, update courses, lecturers information, and allocate courses to lecturers. Clerk also can register, update, and search ISO documents. Program coordinator can allocate the proper course coordinator and moderator to courses. Moreover, the WBCMS has search tools where users (Clerk, Program Coordinator, Lecturers, and Students) can search by course, lecturer, session, or semester

    Immunohistochemical expression of interleukin 8 in skin biopsies from patients with inflammatory acne vulgaris

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    BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to evaluate the immunohistochemical (IHC) expression of interleukin 8 (IL-8) in skin biopsies of inflammatory acne vulgaris (IAV) in an attempt to understand the disease pathogenesis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 58 biopsies, 29 from lesional IAV and 29 normal non lesional sites were immunostained for IL-8. The intensity of staining was evaluated in the epidermis and dermis and was scored as mild, moderate and severe. The expression was correlated with the clinical grade, disease course and histological changes. RESULTS: IL-8 immunoreactivity was expressed in lesional IAV compared to non lesional skin biopsies (p < 0.001). Increased expression was significantly associated with epidermal hyperplasia and follicular hyperkeratosis (p < 0.001). In addition, the more pronounced IL-8 expression of the dermal endothelial cells and neutophilic inflammatory infiltrate correlated with dermal angiogenesis and the extent of dermal inflammatory response (p < 0.001). Moreover, increased dermal immunoreactivity paralleled progressive course (p = 0.02) but not the duration of the disease. CONCLUSION: We were able to demonstrate altered immunoreactivity of IL-8 in IAV compared to normal skin. Targeted therapy to block IL-8 production may hold promise in limiting the deleterious effects of IL-8-mediated inflammatory response and angiogenesis

    Simultaneous assessment of urinary and fecal volatile organic compound analysis in De Novo Pediatric IBD

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    Endoscopic evaluation is mandatory in establishing the diagnosis of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), but unfortunately carries a high burden on patients. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) have been proposed as alternative, noninvasive diagnostic biomarkers for IBD. The current study aimed to assess and compare the potential of fecal and urinary VOC as diagnostic biomarkers for pediatric IBD in an intention-to-diagnose cohort. In this cohort study, patients aged 4–17 years, referred to the outpatient clinic of a tertiary referral center under suspicion of IBD, were eligible to participate. The diagnosis was established by endoscopic and histopathologic assessment, participants who did not meet the criteria of IBD were allocated to the control group. Participants were instructed to concurrently collect a fecal and urinary sample prior to bowel lavage. Samples were analyzed by means of gas chromatography–ion mobility spectrometry. In total, five ulcerative colitis patients, five Crohn’s disease patients, and ten age and gender matched controls were included. A significant difference was demonstrated for both fecal (p-value, area under the curve; 0.038, 0.73) and urinary (0.028, 0.78) VOC profiles between IBD and controls. Analysis of both fecal and urinary VOC behold equal potential as noninvasive biomarkers for pediatric IBD diagnosis

    Suppression of Sproutys Has a Therapeutic Effect for a Mouse Model of Ischemia by Enhancing Angiogenesis

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    Sprouty proteins (Sproutys) inhibit receptor tyrosine kinase signaling and control various aspects of branching morphogenesis. In this study, we examined the physiological function of Sproutys in angiogenesis, using gene targeting and short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) knockdown strategies. Sprouty2 and Sprouty4 double knockout (KO) (DKO) mice were embryonic-lethal around E12.5 due to cardiovascular defects. The number of peripheral blood vessels, but not that of lymphatic vessels, was increased in Sprouty4 KO mice compared with wild-type (WT) mice. Sprouty4 KO mice were more resistant to hind limb ischemia and soft tissue ischemia than WT mice were, because Sprouty4 deficiency causes accelerated neovascularization. Moreover, suppression of Sprouty2 and Sprouty4 expression in vivo by shRNA targeting accelerated angiogenesis and has a therapeutic effect in a mouse model of hind limb ischemia. These data suggest that Sproutys are physiologically important negative regulators of angiogenesis in vivo and novel therapeutic targets for treating peripheral ischemic diseases

    Sprouty4 Is an Endogenous Negative Modulator of TrkA Signaling and Neuronal Differentiation Induced by NGF

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    The Sprouty (Spry) family of proteins represents endogenous regulators of downstream signaling pathways induced by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). Using real time PCR, we detect a significant increase in the expression of Spry4 mRNA in response to NGF, indicating that Spry4 could modulate intracellular signaling pathways and biological processes induced by NGF and its receptor TrkA. In this work, we demonstrate that overexpression of wild-type Spry4 causes a significant reduction in MAPK and Rac1 activation and neurite outgrowth induced by NGF. At molecular level, our findings indicate that ectopic expression of a mutated form of Spry4 (Y53A), in which a conserved tyrosine residue was replaced, fail to block both TrkA-mediated Erk/MAPK activation and neurite outgrowth induced by NGF, suggesting that an intact tyrosine 53 site is required for the inhibitory effect of Spry4 on NGF signaling. Downregulation of Spry4 using small interference RNA knockdown experiments potentiates PC12 cell differentiation and MAPK activation in response to NGF. Together, these findings establish a new physiological mechanism through which Spry4 regulates neurite outgrowth reducing not only the MAPK pathway but also restricting Rac1 activation in response to NGF

    Kidney Development in the Absence of Gdnf and Spry1 Requires Fgf10

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    GDNF signaling through the Ret receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) is required for ureteric bud (UB) branching morphogenesis during kidney development in mice and humans. Furthermore, many other mutant genes that cause renal agenesis exert their effects via the GDNF/RET pathway. Therefore, RET signaling is believed to play a central role in renal organogenesis. Here, we re-examine the extent to which the functions of Gdnf and Ret are unique, by seeking conditions in which a kidney can develop in their absence. We find that in the absence of the negative regulator Spry1, Gdnf, and Ret are no longer required for extensive kidney development. Gdnf−/−;Spry1−/− or Ret−/−;Spry1−/− double mutants develop large kidneys with normal ureters, highly branched collecting ducts, extensive nephrogenesis, and normal histoarchitecture. However, despite extensive branching, the UB displays alterations in branch spacing, angle, and frequency. UB branching in the absence of Gdnf and Spry1 requires Fgf10 (which normally plays a minor role), as removal of even one copy of Fgf10 in Gdnf−/−;Spry1−/− mutants causes a complete failure of ureter and kidney development. In contrast to Gdnf or Ret mutations, renal agenesis caused by concomitant lack of the transcription factors ETV4 and ETV5 is not rescued by removing Spry1, consistent with their role downstream of both RET and FGFRs. This shows that, for many aspects of renal development, the balance between positive signaling by RTKs and negative regulation of this signaling by SPRY1 is more critical than the specific role of GDNF. Other signals, including FGF10, can perform many of the functions of GDNF, when SPRY1 is absent. But GDNF/RET signaling has an apparently unique function in determining normal branching pattern. In contrast to GDNF or FGF10, Etv4 and Etv5 represent a critical node in the RTK signaling network that cannot by bypassed by reducing the negative regulation of upstream signals

    Sprouty Proteins Inhibit Receptor-mediated Activation of Phosphatidylinositol-specific Phospholipase C

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    PLCγ03B3 binds Spry1 and Spry2. Overexpression of Spry decreased PLCγ03B3 activity and IP3 and DAG production, whereas Spry-deficient cells yielded more IP3. Spry overexpression inhibited T-cell receptor signaling and Spry1 null T-cells hyperproliferated with TCR ligation. Through action of PLCγ03B3, Spry may influence signaling through multiple receptors

    Seroprevalence of 13 common pathogens in a rapidly growing U.S. minority population: Mexican Americans from San Antonio, TX

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infection risks vary among individuals and between populations. Here we present information on the seroprevalence of 13 common infectious agents in a San Antonio-based sample of Mexican Americans. Mexican Americans represent the largest and most rapidly growing minority population in the U.S., and they are also considered a health disparities population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We analyzed 1227 individuals for antibody titer to <it>Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, Toxoplasma gondii</it>, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex virus-1, herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2), human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6), varicella zoster virus (VZV), adenovirus-36, hepatitis A virus, and influenza A and B. Seroprevalence was examined as a function of sex, age, household income, and education.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seroprevalence estimates ranged from 9% for <it>T. gondii</it> to 92% for VZV, and were similar in both sexes except for HSV-2, which was more prevalent in women. Many pathogens exhibited a significant seroprevalence change over the examined age range (15-94 years), with 7 pathogens increasing and HHV-6 decreasing with age. Socioeconomic status significantly correlated with serostatus for some pathogens.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings demonstrate substantial seroprevalence rates of these common infections in this sample of Mexican Americans from San Antonio, Texas that suffers from high rates of chronic diseases including obesity and type-2 diabetes.</p

    Hsp60 chaperonopathies and chaperonotherapy: targets and agents.

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