104 research outputs found

    Nanometre-scale optical property fluctuations in Cu2ZnSnS4 revealed by low temperature cathodoluminescence

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    Band tailing is a major contributing factor to the large open circuit voltage (Voc) deficit that is currently limiting Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) photovoltaic devices. It occurs in highly doped, highly compensated semiconductors and gives rise to a non-uniform electronic band structure. Here we report spatially resolved fluctuations in CZTS optical properties using low temperature cathodoluminescence (CL) in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Principal component analysis reveals three CL peaks whose relative intensity vary across domains ~ 100 nm in size. It is not known whether the non-uniform optical properties are due to changes in composition or due to structural order-disorder at constant composition. Measurement of composition with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis in an SEM and ordering with Micro-Raman mapping revealed CZTS to be uniform within the spatial resolution (estimated at ~ 0.4 µm and 1.1 µm respectively) and sensitivity of the two techniques. The CL results are consistent with the presence of band tailing in CZTS

    Plant Transglutaminases: New Insights in Biochemistry, Genetics, and Physiology

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    Transglutaminases (TGases) are calcium-dependent enzymes that catalyse an acyl-transfer reaction between primary amino groups and protein-bound Gln residues. They are widely distributed in nature, being found in vertebrates, invertebrates, microorganisms, and plants. TGases and their functionality have been less studied in plants than humans and animals. TGases are distributed in all plant organs, such as leaves, tubers, roots, flowers, buds, pollen, and various cell compartments, including chloroplasts, the cytoplasm, and the cell wall. Recent molecular, physiological, and biochemical evidence pointing to the role of TGases in plant biology and the mechanisms in which they are involved allows us to consider their role in processes such as photosynthesis, plant fertilisation, responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, and leaf senescence. In the present paper, an in-depth description of the biochemical characteristics and a bioinformatics comparison of plant TGases is provided. We also present the phylogenetic relationship, gene structure, and sequence alignment of TGase proteins in various plant species, not described elsewhere. Currently, our knowledge of these proteins in plants is still insufficient. Further research with the aim of identifying and describing the regulatory components of these enzymes and the processes regulated by them is needed

    Nitric Oxide Controls Constitutive Freezing Tolerance in Arabidopsis by Attenuating the Levels of Osmoprotectants, Stress-Related Hormones and Anthocyanins

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    [EN] Plant tolerance to freezing temperatures is governed by endogenous constitutive components and environmental inducing factors. Nitric oxide (NO) is one of the endogenous components that participate in freezing tolerance regulation. A combined metabolomic and transcriptomic characterization of NO-deficient nia1,2noa1¿2 mutant plants suggests that NO acts attenuating the production and accumulation of osmoprotective and regulatory metabolites, such as sugars and polyamines, stress-related hormones, such as ABA and jasmonates, and antioxidants, such as anthocyanins and flavonoids. Accordingly, NO-deficient plants are constitutively more freezing tolerant than wild type plants.This work was supported by grants BIO2011-27526 and BIO2014-56067-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds. We thank support and comments from Janice Jones and Danny Alexander (Metabolon Inc., USA) on metabolomic analyses.Costa-Broseta, Á.; Perea-Resa, C.; Castillo López Del Toro, MC.; Ruíz, MF.; Salinas, J.; Leon Ramos, J. (2018). Nitric Oxide Controls Constitutive Freezing Tolerance in Arabidopsis by Attenuating the Levels of Osmoprotectants, Stress-Related Hormones and Anthocyanins. Scientific Reports. 8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-27668-8S8Janská, A., Marsík, P., Zelenková, S. & Ovesná, J. Cold stress and acclimation - what is important for metabolic adjustment? Plant Biol (Stuttg) 12, 395–405 (2010).Eremina, M., Rozhon, W. & Poppenberger, B. Hormonal control of cold stress responses in plants. Cell Mol Life Sci 73, 797–810 (2016).Winkel-Shirley, B. Biosynthesis of flavonoids and effects of stress. Curr Opin Plant Biol 5, 218–223 (2002).Cuevas, J. C. et al. 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    Nitric oxide triggers a transient metabolic reprogramming in Arabidopsis

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    [EN] Nitric oxide (NO) regulates plant growth and development as well as responses to stress that enhanced its endogenous production. Arabidopsis plants exposed to a pulse of exogenous NO gas were used for untargeted global metabolomic analyses thus allowing the identification of metabolic processes affected by NO. At early time points after treatment, NO scavenged superoxide anion and induced the nitration and the S-nitrosylation of proteins. These events preceded an extensive though transient metabolic reprogramming at 6 h after NO treatment, which included enhanced levels of polyamines, lipid catabolism and accumulation of phospholipids, chlorophyll breakdown, protein and nucleic acid turnover and increased content of sugars. Accordingly, lipid-related structures such as root cell membranes and leaf cuticle altered their permeability upon NO treatment. Besides, NO-treated plants displayed degradation of starch granules, which is consistent with the increased sugar content observed in the metabolomic survey. The metabolic profile was restored to baseline levels at 24 h post-treatment, thus pointing up the plasticity of plant metabolism in response to nitroxidative stress conditions.This work was supported by grants BIO2011-27526 and BIO2014-56067-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds. We thank support and comments from Danny Alexander (Metabolon Inc., USA) on metabolomic analyses.Leon Ramos, J.; Costa-Broseta, Á.; Castillo López Del Toro, MC. (2016). Nitric oxide triggers a transient metabolic reprogramming in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports. 6:1-14. doi:10.1038/srep37945S1146Arc, E., Galland, M., Godin, B., Cueff, G. & Rajjou, L. Nitric oxide implication in the control of seed dormancy and germination. Front. Plant Sci. 4, 346 (2013).Beligni, M. V. & Lamattina, L. 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