180 research outputs found

    Investigation of Erosion Corrosion Caused by Drinking Water in the Faucet with Computational Fluid Dynamics

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    In this study, the reason for erosion-corrosion of drinking or mains water in the faucet was investigated by computational fluid dynamics. Pipes used in homes, the service sector, and industry are responsible for transporting different types of fluids from one place to another. Considering the faucet design, the SolidWorks program was used for 3D studies. In-faucet flow analyses were performed using Ansys Fluent, a computational fluid dynamics program based on the finite volume method. In the analyses, lime particles were chosen. At the end of the analysis, the amount of erosion in the faucet was obtained

    Retroperitoneal Extragonadal Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumor with Synchronous Orbital Metastasis

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    A huge retroperitoneal tumor with a right orbital mass was detected and proved to be an extragonadal nonseminomatous germ cell tumor on biopsy. BEP chemotherapy caused some regression in orbital mass however no change in retroperitoneal tumor size as well as serum tumor marker levels occurred. Herein, we present a rarely seen entity of extragonadal retroperitoneal nonseminomatous germ cell tumor with synchronous orbital metastases and discuss its diagnosis and management

    The Incidence and Management of Pleural Injuries Occurring during Open Nephrectomy

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    Objective. To evaluate the incidence, management, and risk factors of pleural injuries occurring during open nephrectomy. Methods. Between June 2004/and June 2008, 165 patients (167 renal units) underwent open simple (n = 37, 22.2%), partial (n = 39, 23.4%) or radical (n = 91, 54.5%) nephrectomy in our institution. Results. Flank, Chevron, and abdominal midline incisions were used in 148(88.6%), 17(10.2%), and in 2(1.2%) surgical procedures, respectively. Ribs were excised in 109(65.3%) procedures (11th rib, 10th-11th ribs, and 11th-12th ribs). Intraoperative pleural injuries were detected in 20(12%) procedures, 16(80%) were treated successfully with simple evacuation technique, and 4 required chest tube insertion. Age, sex, surgery type, incision type, and surgery site were not associated with pleural injury occurrence (P > .05). Rib resection was the only parameter associated with pleural injury occurrence. Conclusion. Pleural injuries occur in 12% of open nephrectomy procedures, and 80% can be repaired successfully. Few of them (2.4%) need chest tube insertion. Performing rib resection is a significant risk factor for pleural injury occurrence during nephrectomies

    Assesment of Open Heart Surgery Outcome by European System for cardiac risk evaluation (euroscore)

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    Amaç: Klinigimizde gerçeklestirilen açık kalp cerrahisi uygulamalarının sonuçlarını EuroSCORE sistemine göre degerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem : Bu çalısmada, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kliniginde gerçeklestirilen ilk ardısık 300 açık kalp cerrahisi olgusu degerlendirmeye alınmıstır. Hastaların ortalama yası 53±13 yıl idi (14 ile 90 yıl arasında). Hastaların 75'i kadın (%25), 225'i erkek (%75) idi. Tüm hastalarda açık kalp cerrahisi uygulandı; ameliyatlar rutin olarak medyan sternotomi ile kardiyopulmoner bypass altında gerçeklestirildi. Bu hastalara ait ameliyat öncesi 68 ve ameliyat sırasındaki 29 parametre her hasta için ayrı ayrı degerlendirmeye alındı ve EuroSCORE risk skorlama sistemi tarafından risk grupları belirlendi: düsük risk grubu (analitik skor 0-2), orta risk grubu (analitik skor 3-5) ve yüksek risk grubu (analitik skor>5) Üç ayrı grup için hesaplanan skor degerleri ve gerçeklesen mortalite oranları EuroSCORE tarafından belirlenen beklenen mortalite oranları ile karsılastırıldı. Bulgular: Düsük risk grubunda 97 hasta olup beklenen mortalite %1,3±0,3, gerçeklesen mortalite sıfır bulunmustur. Orta risk grubunda 104 hasta olup beklenen mortalite %3,2±0,9 gerçeklesen mortalite %1 (1 hasta) bulunmustur. Yüksek risk grubunda 99 hasta olup beklenen mortalite %26,0±23,7 gözlenen mortalite %14.1 (14 hasta) bulunmustur. Sonuç: Kinigimizde açık kalp cerrahisi düsük mortalite oranları ile gerçeklestirilmektedir.Objective: We aimed to assess the outcome of open heart surgery performed in our department by using EuroSCORE. Material and Methods: In this study, the first 300 consecutive patients who had undergone open heart surgery at Adnan Menderes University Cardiovascular Surgery Department were included. The mean age was 53±13 years (ranged from14 to 90 years). There were 75 females (25%) and 225 males (75%). All patients were operated through median sternotomy under cardiopulmonary bypass. Sixty eight preoperative and 29 peroperative patient related parameters were ealuated for every single patient and three risk groups were identified according to EuroSCORE: low risk group (analytical score 0-2), intermediate risk group (analytical score 3-5) and high risk group (analytical score>5). The actual mortality rates were compared with the predicted mortality rates in each risk group. Results: The actual mortality rate was zero in the low-risk group (97 patients) while the predicted mortality was1.3 ±0.3%. The predicted and actual mortality rates were 3.2±0.9 % and 1%, in the intermediate risk group (104 patients), 26.0±23.7 % and 14.1 % in the high risk group (99 patients), sequentially. Conclusion: Open heart surgery is performed with low mortality rates in our department

    A rare benign disorder mimicking metastasis on radiographic examination: a case report of osteopoikilosis

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    Osteopoikilosis (OPK) is a rare, autosomal dominant bone disorder, characterized by multiple, discrete round or ovoid radio densities scattered throughout the axial and appendicular skeleton. OPK is usually asymptomatic but rarely there may be slight articular pain and joint effusions. OPK is generally diagnosed incidentally on radiographic examinations and may mimic different bone pathologies, including bone metastases. Radionuclide bone scan has a critical role in distinguishing OPK from osteoblastic bone metastases. In this case report, we present a young man with right hip pain due to OPK, whose plain radiogram and computerized tomography findings thought cancer metastasis

    Characteristics of the built environment in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East and related energy and climate policies

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    The Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region hosts some of the world's most influential and troubled cities. It is also a hotspot of climate change and socio-economic and political turbulence, which inflate the already flammable conditions and reinforce existing local vulnerabilities. Some of the most arduous challenges of cities relate to the built environment - although vital for human well-being, buildings rarely offer both sufficient and affordable shelter to their inhabitants. With energy performance regulations coming into effect during the past three decades, a considerable proportion of the worldwide building stock had already been constructed and is now ageing and inefficient. Harmonising the energy performance of buildings at a sufficient level requires common objectives and priorities, and the EMME region consists of nations with different governance and regulations. Scarce literature exists on the existing operational frameworks, and this study aims to offer an overview of the built environment policy scene in the EMME region, identifying gaps, good practices and prospects. The study draws from scholarly literature, national and international regulations and other document sources, as well as local experts. This work finds that although most EMME countries participate in and embrace international agreements, they act individually and not collectively, confirming our hypothesis that the policy agenda reflects the diverse characteristics of the region. By recognising standing failings and strengths, moving forward becomes a possibility through the adoption of integrated governance, common policy agendas and financing mechanisms to create sustainable urban centres inhabited by resilient and equitable communities

    Self-reported antibiotic stewardship and infection control measures from 57 intensive care units: An international ID-IRI survey

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    We explored the self-reported antibiotic stewardship (AS), and infection prevention and control (IPC) activities in intensive care units (ICUs) of different income settings. A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online questionnaire to collect data about IPC and AS measures in participating ICUs. The study participants were Infectious Diseases-International Research Initiative (IDI-IR) members, committed as per their institutional agreement form. We analyzed responses from 57 ICUs in 24 countries (Lower-middle income (LMI), n = 13; Upper-middle income (UMI), n = 33; High-income (HI), n = 11). This represented (similar to 5%) of centers represented in the ID-IRI. Surveillance programs were implemented in (76.9%-90.9%) of ICUs with fewer contact precaution measures in LMI ones (p = 0.02); (LMI:69.2%, UMI:97%, HI:100%). Participation in regional antimicrobial resistance programs was more significantly applied in HI (p = 0.02) (LMI:38.4%,UMI:81.8%,HI:72.2%). AS programs are implemented in 77.2% of institutions with AS champions in 66.7%. Infectious diseases physicians and microbiologists are members of many AS teams (59%&50%) respectively. Unqualified healthcare professionals(42.1%), and deficient incentives(28.1%) are the main barriers to implementing AS. We underscore the existing differences in IPC and AS programs' implementation, team composition, and faced barriers. Continuous collaboration and sharing best practices on APM is needed. The role of regional and international organizations should be encouraged. Global support for capacity building of healthcare practitioners is warranted. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences