53 research outputs found

    Original Russian Text © I.I. Mokhov, A

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    We performed analysis of variations in the characteristics of cyclonic activity and cloudiness, including their mutual variations in the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) from the tropical to polar latitudes based from model calculations under the condition of climate changes in comparison with the satellite data and reanalysis data The objective of the joint analysis of variations in the characteristics of cyclonic activity and cloudiness during climate changes is related to the necessity of diagnosis the joint evolution and mutual influence of the general atmospheric circulation and radiationcloudiness processes in the climate system In our analysis, we used the results of numerical simulations of the daily global fields at sealevel pressure (SLP) and cloudiness with the climate general calculation model (CGCM) IPSL-CM4 In the calculation performed with the CMGH IPSK-CM4 model, we specified anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosol into the atmosphere based on the data of observations for the period 1860-2000 and according to the anthropogenic scenario SRES-A2 for 2001-2100. Cyclones and anticyclones were distinguished as regions of low and high pressure, respectively, limited by closed contour lines (isohypses) based on the data of geopotential similarly to [9] (see also We used for comparison the results of the analysis of cyclonic activit

    Complications of colorectal cancer in general surgical clinics

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    Facultatea de medicină, Universitatea din Transnistria, Tiraspol, Moldova, Catedra de Chirurgie generală, KhMAPO, Harkov, Ucraina, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Creşterea ratei de îmbolnăvire, rezultatele nesatisfăcătoare ale tratamentului şi multiplele probleme organizatorice nerezolvate în ajutorarea pacienţilor cu cancer de colon necesită măsuri de urgenţă. Scopul studiului: De a examina rezultatele directe ale tratamentului pacienţilor cu cancer complicat de colon şi rect, prin identificarea cauzelor de bază şi a celor indirecte care determină rezultatele nesatisfăcătoare. Material şi metode: Într-o regiune teritorială compactă cu o populaţie de circa 500.000 au fost analizate rezultatele tratamentului a 308 pacienţi cu cancer colo-rectal, supuşi intervenţiilor operatorii în Clinica de chirurgie generală. Pacienţii au fost repartizaţi în 2 grupuri: operaţi programat (157) şi operaţi de urgenţă (151). Rezultate: Între pacienţii incluşi în studiu au predominat cei operaţi planificat (52,3%). Vîrsta medie în grupuri a fost comparabilă, respectiv 58,7 şi 61,4 ani. După localizare, 40,8±3,9% pacienţi cu patologii urgente, au prezentat afecţiuni ale colonului descendent şi sigmoid. În ambele grupuri au fost prezenţi pacienţi în stadii tardive: la stadiile 3-4 – 90,4% (planificaţi) şi 100% (cu cancer colorectal complicat). Principalele complicaţii: obstrucţia intestinală 65,6% (99 pacienţi); la 48 pacienţi pe parcursul operaţiei a fost identificată peritonita din cauza rupturii intestinului sau microperforaţiilor tumorilor. Patru pacienţi au fost operaţi în legătură cu hemoragia tumorii decadente. La pacienţii planificaţi în 12,1% cazuri au fost identificate complicaţii similare. Operaţia radicală a fost posibilă în 70,4% cazuri în grupul 1 şi doar în 28,8% din grupul 2. În cazul operaţiilor planificate la 82,0% pacienţi a fost aplicată anastomoza primară, iar la pacienţii cu cancer colorectal complicat – doar la 50%; colostomia – în 25,2±3,6% cazuri (planificaţi) şi 54,4±4,1% (urgenţă). Mortalitatea – 14,9±2,0% cazuri. Concluzii: Rezultatele tratamentului pacienţilor cu cancer colorectal au fost agravate de frecvenţa înaltă a formelor complicate ale acestei patologii. Implementarea sistemelor de “screening” pentru detectarea precoce a cancerului colorectal, poate îmbunătăţi parametrii chirurgicali şi reduce frecvenţa formelor complicate de cancer colorectal.Introduction: The growth of the disease, consistently poor results and many unsettled organizational issues in patients with colon cancer call for urgent solving of the problem. The aim: To examine the results of treatment in patients with the complicated cancer of the colon and rectum. Material and methods: In the compact territorial area (population: 500.000) there were studied the outcomes of treating in 308 patients operated in general clinical hospital for colorectal cancer. The patients were distributed into 2 groups: elective (157) and urgent surgery (151). Results: The average age of the patients in the groups was identical, respectively – 58.7 and 61.4 years old. Taking into account the location, 40.8±3.9% of patients with urgent pathology had an affection of descending and sigmoid colon. In both groups of patients there were those with late stages: 3-4th stages – 90.4% (in group I), and 100% (in group II). The main complication was acute intestinal obstruction 65.6% (99 patients). In 48 patients there were general or local peritonitis. Four patients were operated in connection with the hemorrhage from tumor. In group I similar complications were only in 12.1% cases. Radical surgery: in group I – 70.4%, and only 28.8% – in group II. Primary anastomosis was possible in 82% cases in group I, and only in 50% cases from group II; colostomy – 25 versus 54 cases. Mortality rate – 14%. Conclusion: The treatment outcomes of patients with colorectal cancer were largely aggravated by the significant frequency of complicated forms of the disease. The implementation of the screening systems for early detection of cancer of the colon and rectum can improve the results of the surgical interventions and reduce the frequency of complicated forms of colorectal cancer

    Влияние океанического притока тепла в Баренцево море на региональные изменения ледовитости и статической устойчивости атмосферы

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    The influence of the oceanic heat inflow into the Barents Sea on the sea ice concentration and atmospheric characteristics, including the atmospheric static stability during winter months, is investigated on the basis of the results of ensemble simulations with the regional climate model HIRHAM/NAOSIM for the Arctic. The static stability of the atmosphere is the important indicator of the spatial and temporal variability of polar mesocyclones in the Arctic region. The results of the HIRHAM/NAOSIM regional climate model ensemble simulations (RCM) for the period from 1979 to 2016 were used for the analysis. The initial and lateral boundary conditions for RCM in the atmosphere were set in accordance with the ERA-Interim reanalysis data. An analysis of 10 ensemble simulations with identical boundary conditions and the same radiation forcing for the Arctic was performed. Various realizations of ensemble simulations with RCM were obtained by changing the initial conditions for integrating the oceanic block of the model. Different realizations of ensemble simulations with RCM are obtained by changing the initial conditions of the model oceanic block integration. The composites method was used for the analysis, i.e. the difference between the mean values for years with the maximum and minimum inflow of oceanic water into the Barents Sea. The statistical significance of the results (at a significance level of p < 0.05) was estimated using Student's t-test. In general, the regional climate model reproduces the seasonal changes in the inflow of the oceanic water and heat into the Barents Sea reasonably well. There is a strong relationship between the changes in the oceanic water and ocean heat inflow, sea ice concentration, and surface air temperature in the Barents Sea. Herewith, the increase in the oceanic water inflow into the Barents Sea in winter leads to a decrease in static stability, which contributes to changes in regional cyclonic activity. The decrease of the static stability is most pronounced in the southern part of the Barents Sea and also to the west of Svalbard.На основе результатов ансамблевых расчётов с использованием региональной климатической модели HIRHAM/NAOSIM для Арктики исследовано влияние притока океанических вод в Баренцево море на концентрацию морских льдов и характеристики атмосферы в зимние месяцы. Показана определяющая роль вариаций притока океанических вод в Баренцево море на режим морских льдов и приповерхностной температуры воздуха, а также статическую устойчивость атмосферы в зимний период

    Современные концепции молекулярного патогенеза рака щитовидной железы

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    Thyroid cancer remains the most common malignancy of the endocrine system worldwide. The indicators of its morbidity and mortality rates have been increasing rapidly over the last decades. Most cases of differentiated thyroid cancer (follicular and papillary histotypes) are clinically manifested by nodular goiter frequently combined with uncertain results of cytological diagnosis (categories III and IV according to the Bethesda (Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology) classification). All of that makes it difficult to choose a proper tactic for patient treatment. It is known that the development, progression, invasion, and metastasis of cancer cells are regulated by a variety of molecular mechanisms. This review describes several molecular aspects of thyroid nodules oncogenesis, as well as its most promising diagnostic tumor markers. Following molecular pathways are described in particular: gene mutations, protein tumor markers, and epigenetic effects of micro-RNA, histones, as well as DNA methylation. The study of the pathogenesis of this disease has a prognostic value and contributes to the search for effective therapeutic and diagnostic methods and their improvement. That is why we also reviewed modern test panels aimed at preoperative differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules. Summarizing the results of world research on this topic allows us not only to expand the understanding of the fundamental processes of oncogenesis, but also to outline promising areas for future experimental research projects. All of that together will contribute to developing new prognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic technologies, and as a result, will improve the quality of medical care for patients with thyroid cancer.Рак щитовидной железы – распространенное злокачественное новообразование эндокринной системы. В последние десятилетия показатели заболеваемости и смертности вследствие этой патологии стремительно увеличиваются. Большинство случаев дифференцированного рака щитовидной железы (фолликулярного и папиллярного гистотипов) клинически проявляются как узловой зоб. Неопределенность результатов цитологической диагностики (категории III и IV по классификации Bethesda (Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology)) обусловливает сложности в выборе тактики ведения пациентов. Известно, что развитие, прогрессирование, инвазия и метастазирование раковых клеток регулируются множеством молекулярных механизмов. В данной статье описываются некоторые молекулярные аспекты онкогенеза узловых образований щитовидной железы, а также наиболее перспективные диагностические онкомаркеры. В частности, рассматривается роль генных мутаций, белковых маркеров, эпигенетических воздействий микроРНК, гистонов и метилирования ДНК в патогенезе рака щитовидной железы. Изучение патогенеза этого заболевания имеет прогностическую ценность и способствует поиску эффективных лечебно-диагностических методов и их совершенствованию. Поэтому в исследовании были рассмотрены применяемые в настоящий момент тест-панели, направленные на дооперационную дифференциальную диагностику узловых образований щитовидной железы. Анализ и обобщение результатов исследований по данной теме позволят не только расширить понимание фундаментальных процессов онкогенеза, но и наметить перспективные направления планирования экспериментальных научных работ для разработки новых прогностических, диагностических и терапевтических технологий с целью повышения качества медицинской помощи пациентам с раком щитовидной железы

    Study of the Structure and Parameters of Grid of Hydrogenated Butadiene Nitrile Rubber cross-linked with Polymer Peroxides

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    Abstract Studied the ro le of poly mer pero xide (1,4-b is-tret butyl pero xy isopropyl benzene) and triazine co mpounds (2-phenyl-4, 6-bis-trichloro methyl sym triazine) in hydrogenated butadiene nitrile rubber (HBNR) systems HBNR + Poly meric Pero xide, HBNR + Triazine Co mpounds under heating. By physical and chemical, spectral methods of analysis shown, that the changes in molecu lar structure of HBNR in the presence of poly mer pero xides and triazine co mpounds. Determined the kinetics of yield and the emergence of cross-linking density of the grid HBNR fo r each reaserched system depend on time . It is shown that cross linking of the HBNR with pero xide poly mers occurs by a radical type

    Synthesis and characterization of CdS nanocrystals in Maleic anhydride–Octene-1–Vinylbutyl Ether terpolymer matrix

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    Abstract A Maleic anhydride–Octene-1–Vinylbutyl Ether terpolymer was synthesized via the radical terpolymerization method in order to prepare a new matrix for CdS nanocrystal synthesis. CdS nanocrystals were synthesized through the reaction of thiourea with cadmium chloride. The synthesized terpolymer/CdS nanocrystal composites were characterized by several methods. Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis, Raman spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction methods. The room temperature UV–visible absorption spectra show a shift of the absorption edge towards higher energies. The band gap of the CdS nanocomposite is bigger than that of bulk CdS. Raman spectrum exhibits characteristic peaks of CdS. Images of the nanocomposite obtained with Atomic Force Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy are the evidences of CdS nanocrystal formation in the terpolymer. Thermal investigation shows that the nanocomposite is more thermostable than the terpolymer which could be useful for application in thermo aggressive medium

    Linkages between Arctic and Mid-Latitude Weather and Climate: Unraveling the Impact of Changing Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperatures during Winter

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    The study addresses the question, if observed changes in terms of Arctic-midlatitude linkages during winter are driven by Arctic Sea ice decline alone or if the increase of global sea surface temperatures plays an additional role. We compare atmosphere-only model experiments with ECHAM6 to ERA-Interim Reanalysis data. The model sensitivity experiment is implemented as a set of four combinations of sea ice and sea surface temperature boundary conditions. Atmospheric circulation regimes are determined and evaluated in terms of their cyclone and blocking characteristics and changes in frequency during winter. As a prerequisite, ECHAM6 reproduces general features of circulation regimes very well. Tropospheric changes induced by the change of boundary conditions are revealed and further impacts on the large-scale circulation up into the stratosphere are investigated. In early winter, the observed increase of atmospheric blocking in the region between Scandinavia and the Urals are primarily related to the changes in sea surface temperatures. During late winter, we find a weakened polar stratospheric vortex in the reanalysis that further impacts the troposphere. In the model sensitivity study a climatologically weakened polar vortex occurs only if sea ice is reduced and sea surface temperatures are increased together. This response is delayed compared to the reanalysis. The tropospheric response during late winter is inconclusive in the model, which is potentially related to the weak and delayed response in the stratosphere. The model experiments do not reproduce the connection between early and late winter as interpreted from the reanalysis. Potentially explaining this mismatch, we identify a discrepancy of ECHAM6 to reproduce the weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex through blocking induced upward propagation of planetary waves