Original Russian Text © I.I. Mokhov, A


We performed analysis of variations in the characteristics of cyclonic activity and cloudiness, including their mutual variations in the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) from the tropical to polar latitudes based from model calculations under the condition of climate changes in comparison with the satellite data and reanalysis data The objective of the joint analysis of variations in the characteristics of cyclonic activity and cloudiness during climate changes is related to the necessity of diagnosis the joint evolution and mutual influence of the general atmospheric circulation and radiationcloudiness processes in the climate system In our analysis, we used the results of numerical simulations of the daily global fields at sealevel pressure (SLP) and cloudiness with the climate general calculation model (CGCM) IPSL-CM4 In the calculation performed with the CMGH IPSK-CM4 model, we specified anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosol into the atmosphere based on the data of observations for the period 1860-2000 and according to the anthropogenic scenario SRES-A2 for 2001-2100. Cyclones and anticyclones were distinguished as regions of low and high pressure, respectively, limited by closed contour lines (isohypses) based on the data of geopotential similarly to [9] (see also We used for comparison the results of the analysis of cyclonic activit

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