1,248 research outputs found

    The Quality Of Indonesian - English Translation By English Department Students Of Higher Learning Institutions In Makassar

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    S The study aims at describing the quality aspects of Indonesian-English translation made by English department students of higher institutions in Makassar. The population of this research is English Department students of higher learning institutions in Makassar. The target population subjects were all students majoring in English in both state and institutions in Makassar totaling about 3750. While the accessible population subjects only the students who went to the five selected institutions, namely UNHAS, UNM, UMI, UNISMUH, and ABA ATMAJAYA, about 2646. This research applied two-staged sampling procedure by combining purposive and random sampling method. Purposive sampling was used to determine the higher learning institutions and semester of the students, the criteria for this was the well established higher learning institutions of both non-education and education based and the fifth semester up or the students who had completed at least 80 credits (sks) and had attended translation class at least Translation I or Theory of Translation Class. The number of students meeting the requirements out of the 2646 was about 897. This was randomly sampled. The sample size was based on Morgan table. The result of the study shows that the quality of the students\u27 translations, therefore, was very poor; the average grade was only 0.65 on (0-4) grading scale. All aspects (accuracy, clarity, and naturalness) were poor and varied by institutions, by status of institutions, and by semester: The translation among higher learning institutions were UNM 0.96, UNHAS 0,84, ABA ATMAJAYA 0.69, UMI 0.58, and UNISMUH 0.20, the state 0.92 and the non-state 0.46, semester V 0.46 and semester VII 0.89. This implies that different education and different experience the students got from their institutions will differentiate the quality of their translations. This is supported by the facts that the grades of certain institutions were higher than that of the other, the grades of state institutions were higher than that of the non-state institutions, the grades of the higher semester was better than that of the lower semester and, it is interesting to highlight here that ABA ATMAJAYA has the highest translation quality among the non-state higher institutions involved in this study, why? The answer to this question will vary according to the objective conditions in each higher learning institutions

    Regulasi Media Di Indonesia (Tinjauan UU Pers Dan UU Penyiaran)

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    ; Media merupakan salah satu lembaga penting bangsa. Untuk melaksanakan peran dan fungsi media yang benar, media harus menerapkan peraturan secara profesional. Perilaku media tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kepentingan pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan sistem media. Secara umum, pers adalah seluruh industri media yang ada, baik cetak maupun elektronik. Namun secara khusus, pengertian pers adalah media cetak (printed media). Dengan demikian, Undang-Undang Pers berlaku secara general untuk seluruh industri media, dan secara khusus untuk media cetak. Peraturan dapat menjadi hukum yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah (seperti UU Pers); atau kode etik yang ditetapkan oleh wartawan atau organisasi profesi (seperti Kode Etik Jurnalistik). Peraturan pers di Indonesia diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 1999 tentang Pers. Untuk mendukung pelaksanaan UU Pers, Dewan Pers menetapkan Kode Etik Jurnalistik (KEJ). Sedangkan peraturan media penyiaran yang ditetapkan oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran. Sebagai penjabaran dari UU Penyiaran, Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) menetapkan Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran (P3) sebagai proses batas pembuatan program siaran; dan Penyiaran Standar Program (SPS) sebagai batas program siaran dalam pengiriman. besarnya harapan masyarakat terhadap peran media untuk ikut serta dalam mengatasi masalah-masalah bangsa. Perwujudan fungsi normatif media sangat ditentukan oleh profesionalisme media; sedangkan profesionalisme media dapat diketahui dari sejauh mana perilaku media menjunjung tinggi peraturan maupun kode etik media yang berlaku di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Regulasi Media, Pers, Broadcasting, Profesionalisme Media is one of the important institutions of the nation. To carry out the role and functions of the correct media, the media must apply the rules in a professional manner. The behavior of the media can not be separated from the interests of the parties related to the media system. In general, the press is all over the media industry, both print and electronic. But in particular, the notion of the press is the print media (printed media). Thus, the Press Law applies in general to the entire media industry, and in particular for the print media. Rule of law can be set by the government (such as the Press Law); or code of conduct established by the journalist or professional organizations (such as the Code of Ethics of Journalism). Regulation of the press in Indonesia is regulated by Law No. 40 of 1999 on the Press. To support the implementation of the Law on the Press, Press Council set Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ). While the broadcast media regulations established by Act No. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting. As an elaboration of the Broadcasting Act, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) set Broadcasting Code of Conduct (P3) as the limit of making the broadcast program; and the Broadcasting Standards Program (SPS) as the limit in the broadcast program delivery. the magnitude of society\u27s expectations of the role of the media to participate in solving the problems of the nation. Embodiments of the normative function of media is largely determined by the professionalism of the media; while the media professionalism can be seen from the extent to which the behavior of the media uphold the rules and codes of conduct applicable in Indonesian media. Keywords: Media Regulation, Press, Broadcasting, Professionalis

    Distinct RGK GTPases Differentially Use ι1- and Auxiliary β-Binding-Dependent Mechanisms to Inhibit CaV1.2/CaV2.2 Channels

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    CaV1/CaV2 channels, comprised of pore-forming α1 and auxiliary (β,α2δ) subunits, control diverse biological responses in excitable cells. Molecules blocking CaV1/CaV2 channel currents (ICa) profoundly regulate physiology and have many therapeutic applications. Rad/Rem/Rem2/Gem GTPases (RGKs) strongly inhibit CaV1/CaV2 channels. Understanding how RGKs block ICa is critical for insights into their physiological function, and may provide design principles for developing novel CaV1/CaV2 channel inhibitors. The RGK binding sites within CaV1/CaV2 channel complexes responsible for ICa inhibition are ambiguous, and it is unclear whether there are mechanistic differences among distinct RGKs. All RGKs bind β subunits, but it is unknown if and how this interaction contributes to ICa inhibition. We investigated the role of RGK/β interaction in Rem inhibition of recombinant CaV1.2 channels, using a mutated β (β2aTM) selectively lacking RGK binding. Rem blocked β2aTM-reconstituted channels (74% inhibition) less potently than channels containing wild-type β2a (96% inhibition), suggesting the prevalence of both β-binding-dependent and independent modes of inhibition. Two mechanistic signatures of Rem inhibition of CaV1.2 channels (decreased channel surface density and open probability), but not a third (reduced maximal gating charge), depended on Rem binding to β. We identified a novel Rem binding site in CaV1.2 α1C N-terminus that mediated β-binding-independent inhibition. The CaV2.2 α1B subunit lacks the Rem binding site in the N-terminus and displays a solely β-binding-dependent form of channel inhibition. Finally, we discovered an unexpected functional dichotomy amongst distinct RGKs— while Rem and Rad use both β-binding-dependent and independent mechanisms, Gem and Rem2 use only a β-binding-dependent method to inhibit CaV1.2 channels. The results provide new mechanistic perspectives, and reveal unexpected variations in determinants, underlying inhibition of CaV1.2/CaV2.2 channels by distinct RGK GTPases

    Professional Role of Tour Guides and Theoretical Consequences of Intercultural Communication

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    Intercultural communication between tour guides and foreign tourists, taking place in a number of tourist attractions in Tana Toraja, Indonesia, is a form of communication used to share information from various cultures and social groups. This factual condition of intercultural communication proves that; Firstly, none of the five informants (tour guides) selected which duties to perform as explicitly mentioned in the first theoretical consequence of intercultural communication by Sunnafrank (1989, p.44). As mentioned in the first theoretical consequence of intercultural communication, although intercultural communication is difficult, tour guides are unlikely to avoid it because it is assigned by the company hiring them, in addition to the fact that they already have professional competence as a tour guide, mastering international languages, cultural product knowledge and information related to tourist destinations. Secondly, in the communication process, none of the tour guides and foreign tourists reduced their communication intensity despite finding negative results. These two facts are the characteristics of intercultural communication between tour guides and foreign tourists in Tana Toraja, Indonesia. In terms of linguistics, findings lead to verbal forms used, both as the consequences of language relativity as well as the preferences of cultural experiences of each foreign tourist

    Efektivitas Pemberdayaan Kegiatan Ekonomi Islam dalam Mengembangkan Pondok Pesantren di Makassar (Studi Pondok Pesantren Tahfizhul Qur’an Al-Imam ‘Ashim)

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    Berdasarkan judul penelitian di atas, maka yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah “apakah pemberdayaan kegiatan ekonomi Islam di PPTQ al-Imam ‘Ashim Makassar berjalan efektif dan sesuai dengan pandangan ekonomi Islam”. Dari permasalahan inilah kemudian lahir beberapa rumusan masalah yang meliputi (1) pemberdayaan kegiatan ekonomi Islam pesantren di PPTQ al-Imam ‘Ashim Makassar, dan (2) Perspektif Islam terhadap efektivitas pemberdayaan ekonomi di PPTQ al-Imam ‘Ashim Makassar.Untuk menelusuri dan memperoleh data-data terkait pokok masalah di atas, maka peneliti menggunakan metodologi penelitian yakni mulai dari teknik pengumpulan data yang diawali dengan kegiatan observasi, inerviu, dan dokumentasi. Data yang dikumpul ini bersumber dari data primer dan sekunder yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan reduksi data setelah data terkumpul, lalu disajikan dan menarik kesimpulan.Adapun hasil penelitian yang ditemukan adalah pemberdayaan ekonomi santri di PPTQ al-Imam ‘Ashim Makassar secara keseluruhannya telah berjalan dengan baik dan berkembang dengan melibatkan santri sebagai upaya membina dan mendidik santri untuk berwirausaha setelah mereka kembali ke masyarakat. Indikator perkembangannya dapat dilihat pada kemajuan usaha yang dimiliki PPTQ al-Imam ‘Ashim yang awalnya berupa Butik lalu ditambah lagi dengan Koperasi Santri (Kampus I), sedangkan Kampus II Antang telah dibangun sebuah Kanting, Halal Mart, dan Elektronik Media. Adapun indikasi alumninya antara lain ada alumni yang telah membuka wirausaha seperti “usaha warkop, usaha air mineral Air Santrita’, usaha peternakan seperti ayam potong dan ayam petelur, dan Cafe”. Pengelolaan dan pemberdayaan ekonomi di PPTQ al-Imam ‘Ashim Makassar dapat dikatakan pengelolaan dan pemberdayaannya sesuai dengan perspektif Islam yakni pengelolaan berdasarkan nilai-nilai syari’at Islam (ekonomi Islam) sehingga pemberdayaannya semakin hari semakin baik walaupun pengembangannya yang paling signifikan terlihat pada kampus II Jalan Inspeksi Kanal Tamangapa Kecamatan Manggala Makassar.Implikasi penelitian ini diharapkan agar hasil penelitian yang telah disusun sebagai sebuah karya ilmiah walaupun dalam bentuk sederhana agar dapat memberikan kontribusinya pada peneliti berikutnya minimal sebagai bahan komparasi dengan hasil temuan peneliti lainnya. Selain itu, hasil penelitian inipula diharapkan berimplikasi pada kegiatan ekonomi yang mengarah pada pembangunan dan pengembangan ekonomi masyaraka
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