138 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of oral itraconazole in the management of otomycosis with tympanic membrane perforation

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    Background: Otomycosis can be a difficult problem to treat in a patient who already has a perforation of the tympanic membrane. This study highlights the effectiveness of oral Itraconazole in treating such cases.Methods: Thirty-four patients with otomycosis and a perforated tympanic membrane were included in the study and were treated with oral itraconazole and antibiotic ear drops. They were followed up for six weeks to look for treatment response and any recurrence.Results: Of the 34 patients in the study, 25 patients were fully cured with one week of oral Itraconazole therapy. Six out of the remaining 9 patients were cured of the disease with two weeks’ therapy. Three patients needed prolonged treatment and one patient had a recurrence at six weeks.Conclusions: Oral itraconazole therapy is an effective alternative to the traditional methods of treatment for otomycosis with tympanic membrane perforation

    CPW fed SRR loaded monopole antenna for triple band operations

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    A planar CPW fed SRR loaded monopole antenna based on split ring resonator with triple-band operations is reported for passive UHF RFID, Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) and World Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) applications. Measured and simulated results show the effect of tapering of the SRR layer on bandwidth improvement and gain enhancement in comparison to monopole with SRR antenna. The CPW fed SRR loaded monopole antenna has a bidirectional pattern with high gain for wireless communication applications


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     Penulis akan membahas mengenai Perjanjian kerjasama antara Notaris dengan pengembang (developer) property. Perjanjian tersebut menimbulkan suatu hubungan hukum antara kedua belah pihak yakni pihak Notaris dengan pihak pengembang (developer) properti yang didalamya terdapat hak dan kewajiban masing-masing pihak. Secara mutatis mutandis notaris menjadi pihak dalam suatu perjanjian, hal ini tentunya bertentangan dengan Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf a Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris bahwa notaris dalam melaksanakan tugasnya sebgaai pejabat umum maupun sebagai profesi harus melaksanannya secara mandiri tanpa keberpihakan kepada salah satu pihak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis ratio legis perjanjian kerjasama antara notaris dengan pengembang yang bergerak di bidang properti yang dikualifikasi bermasalah terkait keberlakuan prinsip kemandirian notaris dan Akibat hukum apa yang timbul apabila terdapat perjanjian kerjasama antara notaris dengan pengembang yang bergerak di bidang properti yang dikualifikasikan bermasalah sebagaimana Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf a Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian Yuridis Normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil dari Penelitian ini yaitu Ratio Legis dalam Perjanjian kerjasama antara notaris dan Pengembang (developer) Properti melanggar Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf a Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris tentang kemandirian serta ketidakberpihakan notaris menjalankan jabatannya, Sehingga berakibat terdegradasinya Akta Otentik yang dibuat Notaris menjadi Akta dibawah tangan sebagai konsekuensi atas dilanggarnya asas Proporsionalitas yang melekat pada jabatan Notaris. Bahwa Perjanjian Notaris dengan Developer Pengembang Properti hanya berlaku antara pihak-pihak yang membuatnya. Suatu perjanjian tidak dapat membawa rugi dan manfaat bagi pihak ketiga dengan tetap memperhatikan ketentuan 1365 KUHPerdata. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini, Adanya perjanjian Kerjasama ini melanggar Pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf a UUJN, pelanggaran tersebut merupakan pelanggaran yang bersifat procedural yang berakibat terdegradasinya Akta Otentik menjadi Akta dibawah tangan.Kata Kunci: Ratio Legis, Perjanjian Kerjasama, Notaris, Pengembang Properti. The author discussed the cooperation agreement between a notary and a property developer (developer). The agreement creates a legal relationship between the two parties, namely the notary party and the property developer in which there are rights and obligations of each parties. Mutatis mutandis, a notary is a party to an agreement, of course, contrary to Article 16 paragraph (1) letter an of the Notary Position Law, that in carrying out his duties as a public official and as a profession, he must carry out his duties independently without taking sides with either party. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ratio legis for cooperation agreements between notaries and developers engaged in the qualifying property sector with problems related to the enforceability of the principle of notary independence and what legal consequences arise if there is a cooperation agreement between a notary and a developer engaged in the problematic qualifying property as Article 16 paragraph (1) letter a Law of Notary Position. The type of research used is juridical normative research with a statutory approach and a case approach. The results of this study are the Legis Ratio in the cooperation agreement between a notary and a property developer in violation of Article 16 paragraph (1) letter a of the Notary Position Law concerning the independence and impartiality of notaries in carrying out their positions, resulting in degradation of the Authentic Deed made by the Notary into the Deed. under the hands as a consequence of violating the principle of proportionality attached to the position of a notary public. That the Notary Agreement with Property Developer Developer is only valid between the parties who make it. An agreement cannot bring losses and benefits to a third party while still paying attention to the provisions of the 1365 Civil Code. This research concludes that the existence of this cooperation agreement violates Article 16 paragraph (1) letter a UUJN, this violation is a procedural violation that results in the degradation of the Authentic Deed into an Underhanded Deed.Keywords: Ratio Legis, Cooperation Agreement, Notary, Property Developer.


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    ABSTRACTObjective: To find the stigmasterol source of Artemisia annua L. and to study the profile of phytosterol types in A. annua hairy root cultures.Methods: Stigmasterol content determination was done based on stigmasterol content in the methylene chloride extract of A. annua using highperformance liquid chromatography in wild-type plant, plant tissue cultures, and hairy root cultures. The optimal resolution was achieved bysuitability system, and stigmasterol calibration curve was generated with stigmasterol concentrations series. Phytosterol types in A. annua hairy rootcultures were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry.Results: Highest stigmasterol content in A. annua is shown by hairy root cultures of A. annua in the 5 week harvesting time, which is 1.5 g/100 g (w/w)extract. The phytosterol profile in A. annua hairy root cultures encompassed stigmasterol 74.6%, β-sitosterol 13.5%, and campesterol 11.9%.thConclusion: A. annua hairy root cultures in 5-week harvesting time prove its potential as stigmasterol source alternative. The highest phytosterol typein A. annua hairy root cultures is stigmasterol. This is the first report stigmasterol content and its phytosterol profile of A. annua hairy root culturesextract.Keywords: Artemisia annua L., Wild-type plant, Plant tissue cultures, Hairy root cultures, Stigmasterol

    Differential exploitation of a single dominant prey species by migratory shorebirds – a preliminary observation from the vulnerable sandy beaches of the southwest coast of India

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    Observations on the food resources of migratory shore birds in selected sandy shores of Kerala on the southwest coast of India revealed that their main prey resource is a single species of sand crab (mole crab), Emerita holthuisi Sankolli, 1965, the major crustacean resource in the narrow stretches of sandy shores of central Kerala. Three sandy beaches flanking tidal estuaries, abundant in shore crabs, were selected as the representative sites to study in detail the feeding of shorebirds on the sand crabs. We observed the presence of mole crabs for a year and noted that they are found almost year round on these shores. The shore birds were found to exploit them during their wintering months from October to February. The variations in adaptations of 8 species of predatory shore birds in preying on E. holthuisi were also noted. The same predator-prey relationship was observed in similar small stretches of sandy shores in other parts of central Kerala also

    Evaluasi total asam dan padatan yogurt dengan penambahan pati talas lokal (Colocacia esculenta) pada masa inkubasi 18 jam suhu ruang

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Terpadu Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang dan Laboratorium Teknologi Pangan Universitas Brawijaya Malang, pada tanggal 1 Februari sampai 6 Maret 2019. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengetahui Evaluasi Total Asam dan Total Padatan Yogurt dengan penambahan stabilizer pati talas lokal (Colocasia esculenta) pada masa inkubasi 18 jam suhu ruang. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah susu sapi segar, susu skim, starter dan pati talas. Metode yang digunakan adalah percobaan laboratorium dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah penambahan pati talas dengan berbagai level yaitu P0 (0%), P1(0,50%), P2 (1%), P3 (1,50%), dan P4 (2%), masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali. Variabel yang diukur pada penelitian ini adalah total asam dan total padatan yogurt. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis ragam, apabila terdapat perbedaan maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan level pati talas lokal (Colocasia esculenta) yang berbeda sebagai stabilizer memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P˂0,05) terhadap total asam yogurt dengan starter berbagai jenis bakteri asam laktat. Pada level pati talas P3 (1,5%) dan P4 (2%) memberikan nilai total asam tertinggi masing-masing sebesar 1,01% kemudian berturut-turut P2 (1%) 0,97, P1 (0,5%) 0,93%, dan P0 (0%) yaitu 0,89%. Pada total padatan yogurt dengan penambahan level pati talas lokal (Colocasia esculenta) yang berbeda stabilizer memberikan perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P<0,01). Pada level pati talas P4 (2%) memberikan nilai tertinggi sebesar 13,25% kemudian berturut-turut P3 (1,50%) yaitu 12,23%, P2 (1%) 12,04%, P1 (0,50%) 11,9% dan P0 (0%) sebesar 11,8%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan level pati talas lokal (Colocasia esculenta) 2% sebagai stabilizer memberikan  kualitas yang optimal ditinjau dari total asam dan total padatan yogur

    Real World Clinicopathologic Observations of Patients with Metastatic Solid Tumors Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy: Analysis from Kentucky Cancer Registry

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    The state of Kentucky has the highest cancer incidence and mortality in the United States. High‐risk populations such as this are often underrepresented in clinical trials. The study aims to do a comprehensive analysis of molecular landscape of metastatic cancers among these patients with detailed evaluation of factors affecting response and outcomes to immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy. We performed a retrospective analysis of metastatic solid tumor patients who received ICI and underwent molecular profiling at our institution. Sixty nine patients with metastatic solid tumors who received ICI were included in the study. Prevalence of smoking and secondhand tobacco exposure was 78.3% and 14.5%, respectively. TP53 (62.3%), CDKN1B/2A (40.5%), NOTCH and PIK3 (33.3%) were the most common alterations in tumors. 67.4% were PDL1 positive and 59.4% had intermediate‐high tumor mutational burden (TMB). Median TMB (12.6) was twofold to fourfold compared to clinical trials. The prevalence of mutations associated with smoking, homologous recombinant repair and PIK3/AKT/mTOR pathway mutations was higher compared to historic cohorts. PDL1 expression had no significant effect on radiologic response, but PFS improvement in patients with tumors expressing PDL1 trended toward statistical significance (median 18 vs. 40 weeks. HR = 1.43. 95%CI 0.93, 4.46). Median PFS was higher in the high‐TMB cohort compared to low‐intermediate TMB (median not reached vs. 26 weeks; HR = 0.37. 95%CI 0.13, 1.05). A statistically significant improvement in PFS was observed in the PIK3 mutated cohort (median 123 vs. 23 weeks. HR = 2.51. 95%CI 1.23, 5.14). This was independent of tumor mutational burden (TMB) status or PDL1 expression status. PIK3 mutants had a higher overall response rate than the wild type (69.6% vs. 43.5%, OR 0.34; p = 0.045). The results should prompt further evaluation of these potential biomarkers and more widespread real‐world data publications which might help determine biomarkers that could benefit specific populations

    Observations on the flesh-footed shearwater

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    A dead specimen of the flesh- footed shearwater Ardenna carneipes (Gould, 1844) was collected on 21.07.2017 from Paravoor beach, Alappuzha district, Kerala. The bird had a total length of 40 cm (bill tip to tail tip) and a wingspan of 86 cm. The specimen was deposited in the National Designated Repository, ICAR- CMFRI, Kochi under the Accession No. Misc.36. The bird is distinguished from other shearwaters in this area, namely, the Persian shearwater, Audubon’s shearwater, Sooty shearwater, Wedge-tailed shearwater, Short-tailed shearwater and Streaked shearwater by its pale bill with distinct black tips. It also has darker underwings and a shorter rounded tail as compared to other shearwaters of the region. Its flight is described as “a stiff-winged glide interspersed with slow lazy flaps” (Kazmierczak, 2015, A field guide to the birds of the Indian Subcontinent, p.34)

    Fishery for cephalopods using Fish Aggregating Device off Blangad in Kerala

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    Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) is being deployed off Blangad a small coastal village in Chavakkad, Thrissur district of Kerala, for catching squids and cuttlefishes. The FADs are made up of coconut spadix (locally known as Kolanjil), plastic bottles, nylon ropes, pieces of fishing nets and sacks containing large quantities of sand. This structure is locally known as Norumbu and fishermen from Colachel and Kanyakumari are mainly involved with this activity. The coconut spadix tied with nylon ropes and plastic bottles as float have sacks filled with sand as anchors (Figs. 1 & 2). This structure errected in the sea in identified sites at a distance of 20-44 km from shore and having 30-50 fathom depth, acts as an aggregating device, especially for cephalopods. The fishers record its position on their Global Position System (GPS) unit and after 5 days arrive to operate hooks & lines (Fig.3). Fishing season is from October-May and during the peak season, around 200 fibre boats are operating from Blangad. Most of the boats are fitted with 2 numbers of 9 hp outboard engines. A tractor is used for hauling the boat to the beac