272 research outputs found

    Academic goals orientation questionnaire for Colombian nursing students:Validity and reliability study

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    Background Academic motivation guides students toward the achievement of academic objectives and influences their learning. However, there is little research on this subject in nursing education, and validated instruments are not available in Latin America. Objective To determine the validity and reliability of the Academic Goals Orientation Questionnaire in Colombian nursing students. Design Cross-sectional psychometric study developed in the second semester of 2016. Settings and participants. Undergraduate students in nursing at the National University of Colombia (n = 323). Methods The Academic Goals Orientation Questionnaire was administered electronically. In addition, the variables of age, sex and academic year were collected. An analysis of construct validity was carried out by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was studied with Cronbach's alpha. Results The exploratory factor analysis revealed the presence of four factors that explain 53.4% of the total variance and that correspond to the dimensions of the original instrument. The overall reliability was α = 0.714. The confirmatory factor analysis verified a good fit of the model (χ2 = 128, p = .024); its standardized mean square residue (SRMR) was 0.0471; the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) was 0.03 (IC95% = 0.011–0.044), and the comparative fit index (CFI) was 0.972. The learning or task goal obtained the highest average score (m = 4.67, 95% CI = 4.629–4.712), and the Work avoidance goal was the worst rated (m = 2.126, 95% CI = 2.055–2.198) by the students. Conclusion The Academic Goal Orientation Questionnaire has an adequate validity and reliability in the Colombian context that allows it to be applied in nursing students. However, it is recommended to expand the study with larger samples and other countries in the same context

    COVID-19: Are Spanish medicine and nursing students prepared?

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    The new coronavirus, 2019-nCov or COVID-19, has become a global pandemic since Chinese authorities informed the World Health Organization (WHO) of several cases of pneumonia of unknown aetiology in the city of Wuhan on 31 December 2019. The virus quickly spread throughout China and affected other Asian countries before leaping towards America, Africa, Oceania and Europe (Spanish Ministry of Health, 2020)..

    Efecto del ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) sobre el perfil lipídico en humanos

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    El término ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) hace referencia a un grupo de isómeros del ácido linoleico, caracterizados por tener enlaces dobles conjugados en varias posiciones y conformaciones. El CLA se encuentra de forma natural en algunos alimentos, aunque desde que se le atribuyen efectos beneficiosos sobre varios aspectos relacionados con la salud, numerosos grupos investigadores han estudiado los efectos de la suplementación con este ácido graso. En este sentido, el efecto del CLA sobre el perfil lipídico de los animales ha sido extensamente estudiado y existen evidencias confirmadas de beneficios sobre diversos marcadores metabólicos. Sin embargo, los resultados de los ensayos de intervención en humanos son ambiguos. El objetivo de esta revisión fue reunir los datos disponibles y más actuales acerca de los efectos del CLA en el perfil lipídico de humanos. Diversos estudios no hallaron efectos significativos en ninguna de las variables estudiadas; sin embargo, otros trabajos encontraron tanto efectos beneficiosos como desfavorables en el colesterol total, c-LDL, c-HDL, índice aterogénico, triglicéridos y lipoproteína(a). Esta discrepancia podría probablemente deberse a las diferencias en la dosis, composición de isómeros y placebo utilizado, así como a la duración del estudio y al estado nutricional de los sujetos incluidos, entre otros. No obstante, el análisis de los estudios de 12 semanas de duración, realizados con una mezcla en cantidades iguales de los dos isómeros principales del CLA (cis-9, trans-11 y trans-10, cis-12) y con dosis diarias de entre 3 y 4 g aproximadamente, parecen ofrecer los resultados más beneficiosos

    Aprendizaje cooperativo e higiene de manos en estudiantes de enfermería

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    Objective. The study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention based on cooperative learning on the acquisition of knowledge and skills on hand washing. In addition, the interest and self-perception was studied of the participants on the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Methods. This was a pre-post intervention study with 49 students from the second course of the Nursing degree, evaluating: i) acquisition of knowledge with an ad hoc questionnaire; ii) skills on hand washing by conducting the technique with reagent solution and verifcation with fluorescent lamp; and iii) interest and self-perception of the importance of acquiring knowledge and skills with specifc questions. Results. The mean age was 21.8 years, 83.7% were women, and 32.6% had prior studies related with health. Signifcant post-intervention improvement was evident in the level of knowledge (p<0.001) and skills (p<0.001). Interest for the intervention (m=4.1±0.6) and perception on the acquisition of knowledge (m=4.4±0.6) and skills (m=4.3±0.5) were scored high (scale from 1 to 5). Conclusion. The cooperative learning intervention improved knowledge and skills on hand washing in nursing students and awakened their interest.Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de una intervención educativa basada en el aprendizaje cooperativo sobre la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades en lavado de manos. Métodos. Estudio pre-posintervención realizado con la participación de 49 estudiantes de segundo curso de grado en enfermería. Se evaluaron los siguientes aspectos: i) adquisición de conocimientos con un cuestionario ad hoc, ii) habilidades en lavado de manos mediante la realización de la técnica con solución reactiva y verifcación con lámpara fluorescente, y iii) interés y autopercepción de la importancia de adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades con preguntas específcas. Resultados. La edad media fue 21.8 años, 83.7% mujeres y el 32.6% tenía estudios previos relacionados con salud. Hubo una mejoría signifcativa postintervención en el nivel de conocimientos (p<0.001) y habilidades (p<0.001). El interés por la intervención (m=4.1±0.6) y la percepción sobre la adquisición de conocimientos (m=4.4±0.6) y habilidades (m=4.3±0.5) se califcaron como elevados (escala de 1 a 5). Conclusión. La intervención de aprendizaje cooperativo mejoró los conocimientos y habilidades sobre lavado de manos en estudiantes de enfermería, además, despertó su interés

    Predictors of nurses' level of participation in student care: A multivariable analysis

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    Objective To determine the association and predictive nature of certain socio-demographic, education, work and research variables on nurses' participation level in the clinical care of students. Design A cross-sectional analytical study using a validated questionnaire between February and June 2014. Setting and Participants A consecutive sample of 117 nurses who worked in public health centres in the province of Castellón (Spain) in 2014. The nurses who had never mentored students and the questionnaires that were <50% complete were excluded. Methods A descriptive analysis of the sample and an association analysis between variables were performed. The questionnaire and its dimensions were performed with a logistic regression and the maximum likelihood method, which used a complementary log-log link method. The concordance index was calculated using contingency tables. Results The mean age was 42.56 years, and the overall mean questionnaire score was 122.84 (SD = 18.69; 95% CI: 119.415–126.26). Across the sample, 58.1% (n = 68) of the nurses obtained an Excellent score, followed by Adequate in 41% (n = 48). Overall, the predictive variables were age, mentoring of students in the last 5 years and previous training to mentor students. Conclusion The main predictive variable for greater participation in the mentorship of students was previous training in mentoring. This study also reflected on other variables that could influence nurses' participation in student mentoring

    Drift-induced deceleration of Solar Energetic Particles

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    We investigate the deceleration of Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) during their propagation from the Sun through interplanetary space, in the presence of weak to strong scattering in a Parker spiral configuration, using relativistic full orbit test particle simulations. The calculations retain all three spatial variables describing particles’ trajectories, allowing to model any transport across the magnetic field. Large energy change is shown to occur for protons, due to the combined effect of standard adiabatic deceleration and a significant contribution from particle drift in the direction opposite to that of the solar wind electric field. The latter drift-induced deceleration is found to have a stronger effect for SEP energies than for galactic cosmic rays. The kinetic energy of protons injected at 1 MeV is found to be reduced by between 35 and 90% after four days, and for protons injected at 100 MeV by between 20 and 55%. The overall degree of deceleration is a weak function of the scattering mean free path, showing that, although adiabatic deceleration plays a role, a large contribution is due to particle drift. Current SEP transport models are found to account for drift-induced deceleration in an approximate way and their accuracy will need to be assessed in future work

    Spanish nursing and medical students' knowledge, confidence and willingness about COVID-19: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: COVID-19 challenges world governments. In Spain, measures to contain the pandemic are novel, and include the possibility of contracting Nursing and Medical students who might not be ready or willing to treat infected cases. Objectives: To study Spanish Nursing and Medical students' knowledge about COVID-19 community transmission prevention measures, treating infected patients, and their confidence and willingness to treat cases. To learn their views about the first public health policy measures adopted by the Spain government to contain the pandemic. Design: Cross-sectional study. Settings and participants: 237 Spanish Nursing and Medical students. Methods: An online questionnaire was designed on the knowledge, confidence and willingness to treat, and the suitability of the public health policy measures adopted in Spain. The data were collected through social net-works. The results were compared according to their university degree. Results: Knowledge about community prevention was suitable, unlike knowledge about treating infected patients. Students had little confidence in treating cases, but their willingness and moral responsibility were high. Very few significant differences were found in their university degrees. Medical students evaluated the measures taken in Spain more favorably. Conclusions: Students' knowledge about COVID-19 community prevention measures was adequate, but not about preventive measures when treating patients with COVID-19. They felt little confidence despite being willing to treat infected patients. The sample agreed with the public health measures adopted in Spain

    Design and validation of the percOV-S questionnaire for measuring perceived obstetric violence in nursing, midwifery and medical students

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    Background: Obstetric violence could be defined as the dehumanized treatment or abuse of health professionals towards the body or reproductive process of women. Some practices associated with obstetric violence have been routinely standardized and do not include the woman in decision making. This type of violence has consequences for the health of both the mother and the baby and that of the professionals who practice or observed it. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of 33 items that measured perception through a Likert scale was developed. Some sociodemographic variables were collected. The instrument was applied to a sample of nursing, medicine and midwifery students to determine its psychometric properties. Results: The final sample consisted of 153 students. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (p = 0.918) and Barlett tests (p ≤ 0.001) allowed for factor analysis, which explained 54.47% of the variance in two factors called protocolized-visible obstetric violence and non-protocolized-invisible obstetric violence. Conclusions: The PercOV-S (Perception of Obstetric Violence in Students) instrument was validated. The distribution and content of the two factors are closely related to obstetric violence against women. The existence of statistically significant relationships between the sociodemographic variables collected and the global measurements, domains and items of the PercOV-S scale highlight the normalization of obstetric violence as a central factor for future studies