380 research outputs found


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    Objective: Cytochrome P450 1B1 (CYP1B1) is involved in the activation of procarcinogens and steroid metabolism. Genetic variants of CYP1B1are associated with altered catalytic activity and disease phenotypes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of CYP1B1 (rs1056827) polymorphism in inducing T2D.Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 113 subjects of T2D and 120 controls. DNA was isolated from blood. Genotyping of the rs1056827 wasdone by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction. The frequency of alleles and genotype distribution was compared in T2D cases and healthy controls.Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS, Chi-square, and Fisher exact test. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was tested by a χ2 test. The associations between rs1056827 variant genotypes and T2D were estimated by computing the odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals (CI) from univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis.Results: A significant association of rs1056827 was found between T2D cases and controls (p<0.0001). When GG genotype was compared with GT genotype a significant association was found with odd ration (OD)0.24 (95% CI: (0.131–0.452) and risk ratio (RR) 0.45 (0.30–0.67) times the risk of T2D heterozygous with the G/T allele (p≤0.0002). In a comparison of GG homozygous with the TT homozygous, there was no significant association with the OD 0.38 (95% CI: (0.02–6.51) RR 0.55(0.13–2.35), p<0.49. When G allele was compared with the T allele a highly significant association with OD 0.54 (95% [CI]: (0.37–0.80) RR 0.75(0.630–0.897) < p≤0.003 suggesting a possible dominant effect of this polymorphism on T2D risk.Conclusion: This result suggests a significant association between rs1056827G>T polymorphism and T2D. This finding is limited due to the smaller sample size and can be validated by large sample size studies

    Assessment of power plant emission and its health impact in Gaza

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    The aim of study was to investigate the concentrations of the ambient air pollutants (i.e PM2.5, CO, CO2) and to examine the health impacts on the residentials living surrounding the power plant in Gaza City-Palestine.The pollutants were monitored several distance surrounding the plant for a period of four months during both summer and winter seasons using a portable laser particle counter and gaseous monitor. A public health questionnaire was also distributed on the residents living around the power plant in order to assess the impact of air pollution on their health status.The results showed that the concentration of particulate matter exceeded the WHO standard where the highest level was 79 ?g/m3 and the lowest level was 49?g/m3. However the concentration of carbon monoxide was lower than the WHO standards where the highest level was 2.18 ppm and lowest level was 0.1 ppm. Moreover, the concentration of carbon dioxide oscillated from 254 ppm to 514 ppm. The health assessment results showed that 50% of the study sample suffered of breathing difficulties.This study concluded that the concentration of particulate matter and carbon dioxide were high, while the level of carbon monoxide was low, furthermore the level of public awareness was good. Meanwhile 40% of population sample visited the hospital because of a disease that infects the respiratory tract

    Synthesis and fabrication of self-sustainable triboelectric energy case for powering smart electronic devices

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    In recent times, Triboelectric Nanogenerators (TENG) have attained the focus of the scientific community due to its potential as a medium to harvest mechanical energy from the ambient environment. Human motion has been attributed as a source of mechanical energy to drive electronic devices and sensors through TENG. Based on the principles of single electrode TENG, we have developed a Triboelectricity based Stepping and Tapping Energy Case (TESTEC) which magnifies the prospect to power touch electronic devices by utilizing finger tapping and stepping motion. This novel case was constructed with two single electrode TENG operating through the triboelectric mechanism between human skin and Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) film on the front part and Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) and PET film on the back part. This cost effective device was further tested by attaching with a cell phone at variable load frequency, airgap and finger combinations where the output response increased with the increased frequencies (60–240 BPM) and air gap (1 cm–5 cm). Maximum output voltages of 14.8 V and 50.8 V were obtained for the front and back parts, respectively. Besides, maximum output powers were observed to be 3.78 W/m2 at 0.46 MΩ and 6.21 W/m2 at 1.02 MΩ, respectively. Also, the device was tested by integrating with conventional electronic components including capacitors, bridge rectifiers and 15 LEDs. Based on the results, a electrical circuit has been proposed to power touch cell phones. The device was further modified using Silver (Ag) nanoparticles in the front part. The modified TESTEC provided higher output response compared to the primary TESTEC. The TESTEC can be a self sustainable way to power touch electronic devices which can reudce the necessity to charge electronics devices in the conventional way

    Valuation of ecosystem services in South Africa, 2001–2019

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    Please read abstract in the article.The Department of Environmental Affairs (South Africa) and the joint National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainabilityam2022Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Developmen

    A direct compression matrix made from Xanthan gum and low molecular weight chitosan designed to improve compressibility in controlled release tablets

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    The subject of our research is the optimization of direct compression (DC), controlled release drug matrices comprising chitosan/xanthan gum. The foregoing is considered from two main perspectives; the use of low molecular weight chitosan (LCS) with xanthan gum (XG) and the determination of important attributes for direct compression of the mixtures of the two polymers. Powder flow, deformation behaviour, and work of compression parameters were used to characterize powder and tableting properties. Compression pressure and LCS content within the matrix were investigated for their influence on the crushing strength of the tablets produced. Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to determine the optimum parameters required for DC of the matrices investigated. Results confirm the positive contribution of LCS in enhancing powder compressibility and crushing strength of the resultant compacts. Compactibility of the XG/LCS mixtures was found to be more sensitive to applied compression pressure than LCS content. LCS can be added at concentrations as low as 15% w/w to achieve hard compacts, as indicated by the RSM results. The introduction of the plasticity factor, using LCS, to the fragmenting material XG was the main reason for the high volume reduction and reduced porosity of the polymer mixture. Combinations of XG with other commonly utilized polymers in controlled release studies such as glucosamine, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), Na alginate (ALG), guar gum, lactose and high molecular weight (HMW) chitosan were also used; all the foregoing polymers failed to reduce the matrix porosity beyond a certain compression pressure. Application of the LCS/XG mixture, at its optimum composition, for the controlled release of two model drugs (metoprolol succinate and dyphylline) was examined. The XG/LCS matrix at 15% w/w LCS content was found to control the release of metoprolol succinate and dyphylline. The former preparation confirmed the strong influence of compression pressure on changing the drug release profile. The latter preparation showed the ability of XG/LCS to extend the drug release at a fixed rate for 12 h of dissolution time after which the release became slightly slower

    Indications of Validity and Reliability of TIMSS Standards List with the Fourth Grade Cambridge Mathematics Curriculum from Mathematics Teachers and Supervisors Point of View in the Sultanate of Oman

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    هدفت الدراسة لتوفير قائمة موثوقة تتمتع بدلالات صدق وثبات مرتفعة، لموائمة معايير الدراسة الدولية للعلوم والرياضيات TIMSS مع منهاج الرياضيات كامبريدج للصف الرابع في سلطنة عمان، وتكوّنت القائمة من 39 معيارا، توزعت على خمسة محاور(الأعداد الكاملة، العبارات الجبرية، القياس، الكسور والأعداد الكسرية، الهندسة). طبقت القائمة على عينة تكونت من 616 (584 معلمًا، 32 مشرفًا). توصّلت الدراسة إلى أن المعايير كانت فعّالة لقياس محاور القائمة، وكذلك توصّلت إلى عدة دلالات للصدق تمثلت في الصدق الظاهري وصدق البناء، وتوصلت أيضًا إلى دلالات مناسبة ومرتفعة لثبات القائمة. وأوصت الدراسة باستخدام القائمة لمراجعة منهاج الرياضيات كامبريدج للصف الرابع في سلطنة عمان للحكم على مواءمته لمعايير الدراسة الدولية للعلوم والرياضيات TIMSS

    Folding Thermodynamics of the Hybrid-1 Type Intramolecular Human Telomeric GQuadruplex

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    Guanine-rich DNA sequences that may form G-quadruplexes are located in strategic DNA loci with the ability to regulate biological events. G-quadruplexes have been under intensive scrutiny owing to their potential to serve as novel drug targets in emerging anticancer strategies. Thermodynamic characterization of G-quadruplexes is an important and necessary step in developing predictive algorithms for evaluating the conformational preferences of G-rich sequences in the presence or the absence of their complementary C-rich strands. We use a combination of spectroscopic, calorimetric, and volumetric techniques to characterize the folding/unfolding transitions of the 26-meric human telomeric sequence d[A3G3(T2AG3)3A2]. In the presence of K1 ions, the latter adopts the hybrid-1 G-quadruplex conformation, a tightly packed structure with an unusually small number of solvent-exposed atomic groups. The K1-induced folding of the G-quadruplex at room temperature is a slow process that involves significant accumulation of an intermediate at the early stages of the transition. The G-quadruplex state of the oligomeric sequence is characterized by a larger volume and compressibility and a smaller expansibility than the coil state. These results are in qualitative agreement with each other all suggesting significant dehydration to accompany the G-quadruplex formation. Based on our volume data, 432619 water molecules become released to the bulk upon the G-quadruplex formation. This large number is consistent with a picture in which DNA dehydration is not limited to water molecules in direct contact with the regions that become buried but involves a general decrease in solute–solvent interactions all over the surface of the folded structure. VC 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 216–227, 2014. Keywords: G-quadruplexes; conformational transitions; volume; compressibility; expansibilit

    Influenza in Outpatient ILI Case-Patients in National Hospital-Based Surveillance, Bangladesh, 2007–2008

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    Recent population-based estimates in a Dhaka low-income community suggest that influenza was prevalent among children. To explore the epidemiology and seasonality of influenza throughout the country and among all age groups, we established nationally representative hospital-based surveillance necessary to guide influenza prevention and control efforts.We conducted influenza-like illness and severe acute respiratory illness sentinel surveillance in 12 hospitals across Bangladesh during May 2007–December 2008. We collected specimens from 3,699 patients, 385 (10%) which were influenza positive by real time RT-PCR. Among the sample-positive patients, 192 (51%) were type A and 188 (49%) were type B. Hemagglutinin subtyping of type A viruses detected 137 (71%) A/H1 and 55 (29%) A/H3, but no A/H5 or other novel influenza strains. The frequency of influenza cases was highest among children aged under 5 years (44%), while the proportions of laboratory confirmed cases was highest among participants aged 11–15 (18%). We applied kriging, a geo-statistical technique, to explore the spatial and temporal spread of influenza and found that, during 2008, influenza was first identified in large port cities and then gradually spread to other parts of the country. We identified a distinct influenza peak during the rainy season (May–September).Our surveillance data confirms that influenza is prevalent throughout Bangladesh, affecting a wide range of ages and causing considerable morbidity and hospital care. A unimodal influenza seasonality may allow Bangladesh to time annual influenza prevention messages and vaccination campaigns to reduce the national influenza burden. To scale-up such national interventions, we need to quantify the national rates of influenza and the economic burden associated with this disease through further studies

    A new estimate of carbon for Bangladesh forest ecosystems with their spatial distribution and REDD+ implications

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    In tropical developing countries, reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) is becoming an important mechanism for conserving forests and protecting biodiversity. A key prerequisite for any successful REDD+ project, however, is obtaining baseline estimates of carbon in forest ecosystems. Using available published data, we provide here a new and more reliable estimate of carbon in Bangladesh forest ecosystems, along with their geo-spatial distribution. Our study reveals great variability in carbon density in different forests and higher carbon stock in the mangrove ecosystems, followed by in hill forests and in inland Sal (Shorea robusta) forests in the country. Due to its coverage, degraded nature, and diverse stakeholder engagement, the hill forests of Bangladesh can be used to obtain maximum REDD+ benefits. Further research on carbon and biodiversity in under-represented forest ecosystems using a commonly accepted protocol is essential for the establishment of successful REDD+ projects and for the protection of the country’s degraded forests and for addressing declining levels of biodiversity