1,915 research outputs found

    Kota Bekasi: Suatu Analisis Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (2002-2012)

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    This research seeks to investigate Bekasi City's economic development from 2002 and 2012. The approach employed in this research is a descriptive analysis with an economic viewpoint. The main and secondary sources used were acquired, among other places, from the Bekasi City Government, the Bekasi City Statistics Center, the regional library in Bekasi City, and the national library. The heuristic and critical stages were utilized to gather the data needed for this investigation. The facts are then interpreted so that historical works can be presented. The results of the research show that Bekasi City's economy has evolved. Sectors like trade, industry, and agriculture all saw these changes. Because there is less and less land available for production, the development of the agricultural sector is showing signs of deterioration. 23,622 tons of paddy were produced in 2005. It decreased to 13862 tons in 2008. It decreased once again to 10,461 tons in 2012. The commercial sector is improving. Trade exports were worth 152513254in2005,whileimportswereworth152513254 in 2005, while imports were worth 31698837. When compared to import value, which was 52493273,itthengrewto52493273, it then grew to 167814950 in 2008. It amounted to 983515065in2012,andthevalueoftradeimportsis983515065 in 2012, and the value of trade imports is 122847383. The City of Bekasi currently has a surplus because of the changes in the market. The largest surplus, 860,667,682,wasrecordedin2012.Althoughtheindustrysectorexperiencedaperiodofveryconstantgrowthfrom2002to2010,withonlyanaverageofovertwohundredindustries,mostlyin20112012diditfrequentlydropundertwohundredindustries.Asurplusofvalueintradeismadepossiblebyefficienttransportationandpopulationincrease,especiallyintermsoflaborTujuandaripenelitianiniadalahmenganalisispertumbuhanekonomiKotaBekasitahun20022012.Pendekatandalampenelitianinimenggunakanpendekatanekonomiyangdituangkandalambentukdeskriptifanalisis.SumberyangdigunakanberupasumberprimerdansekunderyangdidapatkanantaralaindariperpustakaandaerahKotaBekasi,BadanPusatStatistikKotaBekasi,PemdaKotaBekasi,danperpustakaannasional.Faktafaktayangdisajikandalampenelitianinidiperolehmelaluitahapanheuristikdankritik.Kemudianfaktaitudiinterpretasiagardapatdisajikanmenjaditulisansejarah.TemuanpenelitianmenunjukkantelahterjadiperubahanekonomidiKotaBekasi.Perubahantersebutterjadipadasektorsepertipertanian,perdagangandanindustri.Sektorpertanianperkembangannyamemperlihatkankemundurankarenamakinsedikitnyalahanproduksi.Produksipadipadatahun2005sebanyak23622ton.Padatahun2008turunmenjadi13862ton.Sampaitahun2012turunlagimenjadi10461ton.Sektorperdaganganyangmemperlihatkankemajuan.Padatahun2005nilaieksporperdagangan860,667,682, was recorded in 2012. Although the industry sector experienced a period of very constant growth from 2002 to 2010, with only an average of over two hundred industries, mostly in 2011–2012 did it frequently drop under two hundred industries. A surplus of value in trade is made possible by efficient transportation and population increase, especially in terms of labor Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pertumbuhan ekonomi Kota Bekasi tahun 2002-2012. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ekonomi yang dituangkan dalam bentuk deskriptif analisis. Sumber yang digunakan berupa sumber primer dan sekunder yang didapatkan antara lain dari perpustakaan daerah Kota Bekasi, Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Bekasi, Pemda Kota Bekasi, dan perpustakaan nasional. Fakta-fakta yang disajikan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui tahapan heuristik dan kritik. Kemudian fakta itu diinterpretasi agar dapat disajikan menjadi tulisan sejarah. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi perubahan ekonomi di Kota Bekasi. Perubahan tersebut terjadi pada sektor seperti pertanian, perdagangan dan industri. Sektor pertanian perkembangannya memperlihatkan kemunduran karena makin sedikitnya lahan produksi. Produksi padi pada tahun 2005 sebanyak 23622 ton. Pada tahun 2008 turun menjadi 13862 ton. Sampai tahun 2012 turun lagi menjadi 10461 ton. Sektor perdagangan yang memperlihatkan kemajuan. Pada tahun 2005 nilai ekspor perdagangan 152513254, sedangkan nilai impor perdagangan 31698837.Kemudianpadatahun2008meningkatmenjadi31698837. Kemudian pada tahun 2008 meningkat menjadi 167814950, sementara nilai impor 52493273.Padatahun2012telahmencapai52493273. Pada tahun 2012 telah mencapai 983515065 dan nilai impor perdagangan 122847383.PerkembanganyangterjadidalamperdaganganitumemberikanhasilsurplusuntukKotaBekasi.Surplusterbesartercapaipadatahun2012yangmencapai122847383. Perkembangan yang terjadi dalam perdagangan itu memberikan hasil surplus untuk Kota Bekasi. Surplus terbesar tercapai pada tahun 2012 yang mencapai 860.667.682. Sementara sektor industri relatif stabil dari tahun 2002-2010 dimana jumlah industri rata-rata di atas 200 industri. Hanya tahun 2011-2012 yang cenderung turun menjadi dibawah 200 industri. Tercapainya nilai surplus dalam perdagangan itu didukung oleh transportasi yang memadai dan pertumbuhan penduduk terutama angkatan kerja.&nbsp

    Derivation of Indonesian Language in Three Indonesian Texts

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    This paper tries to analyze the derivational process in three Indonesian texts. The method of the research and data collection of this research is synchronic descriptive in which the data are collected and described naturally. The data of the research are taken from three Indonesian texts “Semarang Metro” newspaper published on January 7th 2012. The writer uses substitution or agih method in analyzing the data. The result shows that there are 6 derivation affixes found in three Indonesian texts such as prefixes peN- and ber-, suffixes –an and –kan and also circumfix peN-an and ke-an. And the most derivation words found in three Indonesian texts are the derivational process by the addition of suffix –an. ju�� o.F x7le, the researcher found nine types of mistakes namely misformation in using personal pronoun, misformation in using possessive pronoun, misformation in using demonstrative reference, misformation in using additional conjunction, misformation in using cause effect conjunction, omission of additional conjunction, omission opposite conjunction, omission of cause effect conjunction, misformation in using noun substitutio


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    One of facility provider bank finances qardhul hasan is BPRS Puduarta Insani. BPRS this its correct is at Fair Road No. 13 a. Cudgels. BPRS Puduarta Insani's elect as object of research with consideration BPRS this constitutes one of expected bank financial institution will can reach economic faction society coat intermediates downwards which in its operation also do finances on sectorallies small enterprise with expectation little entrepreneur can develop its effort via finances Qardhul Hasan already been channelled. There is amount even finances client qardhul hasan as much 30 person with socialization foots up to lent fund as big as Rp.184.597.000,-. Of client perception research for application to lent fund qardhul hasan, result Tests validity to 4 item and 28 question was declared for by valid, since r computing (minimum 0,44 and maximum 0,614) > r table (0,361) for characteristic qardhul hasan . To service gotten r computing (minimum 0,513 and maximum 0,684) > r table (0,361). To akuntabilitas gotten r computing (minimum 0,556 and maximum 0,815) > r table (0,361). Meanwhile for users gotten r computing (minimum 0,480 and maximum 0,753) > r table (0,361). There is point even reliabilitas characteristic qardhul hasan 0,804 , To service gotten 0,681, To accountability gotten 0,681, Meanwhile for users gotten 0,683. reliabilitas's point that instrument point out reliabilitas's zoom research instrument have is equal to since have approached 1(> 0,60). Meanwhile computing average value (mean) for characteristic qardhul hasan gotten is 124, 857 therefore mean as big as 4,162 included interval category “ High”. Client perception thus to characteristic qardhul hasan very good. To service gotten is 124,2 therefore mean as big as 4,13 included interval category “ High”. Client perception thus to service that given by BPRS Puduarta Insani Tembung to customer was pretty good. To akuntabilitas gotten is 125,4 therefore mean as big as 4,17 included interval category “ High”. Client perception thus to akuntabilitas very good. Meanwhile for users gotten is 126, 33 therefore mean as big as 4, 2 included interval category “ High”. Client perception thus to users very good. Of all statement and extrapolation that did by researcher gets to be concluded that client perception for application to lent fund qardhul hasan at BPRS Puduarta Insani Tembung is very goo

    ANALISIS PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS DAN KEBIJAKAN UTANG TERHADAP NILAI PERUSHAAN (studi kasus pada perusahaan subsektor makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di bursa efek indonesia periode 2013-2019)

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Profitabilitas dan Kebijakan Utang Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan Subsector Makanan dan Minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2013-2019), populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan subsector makanan dan minuman yang terdaftar di bursa efek Indonesia periode 2013-2019. Sampel diambil sampel perusahaan purposive sampling yang didasarkan pada kriteria tertentu. dengan menggunakan metode mengumpulkan, menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan, data yang didapat, kemudian membuat kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian tersebut. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi berganda, uji koefisien determinasi, uji f ,dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profitabilitas memiliki pengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan sedangkan untuk kebijakan utang memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan dan secara simultan profitabilitas dan kebijakan utang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Abstract This study aims to analyze the Effect of Profitability and Debt Policy on Corporate Value (Case Study of Food and Beverage Subsector Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2013-2019 period ), the population in this study are food and beverage subsector companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange in the 2013-2019 period. Samples were taken by purposive sampling company samples based on certain criteria. by using methods of collecting, analyzing and interpreting, the data obtained, then make conclusions from the results of the research. Data processing methods used are descriptive analysis, classic assumption test, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination test, f test, and t test. The results showed that profitability had a significant positive effect on firm value while debt policy had a significant effect on firm value and simultaneously profitability and debt policy had a significant effect on firm value

    Spiritualitas Kota : Abrar M Dawud Faza

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    Buku Ilmiah Fakultas Ushuluddin yang merupakan kompilasi tulisan tentang Tasawuf perkotaa

    Economic analysis and optimization for bio-hydrogen production from oil palm waste via steam gasification

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    Biomass steam gasification with in-situ carbon dioxide capture using CaO exhibits good prospects for the production of hydrogen rich gas. In Malaysia, due to abundance of palm waste, it is a good candidate to be used as a feedstock for hydrogen production. The present work focuses on the mathematical modeling of detailed economic analysis and cost minimization of the flowsheet design for hydrogen production from palm waste using MATLAB. The influence of the operating parameters on the economics is performed. It is predicted that hydrogen cost decreasing by increasing both temperature and steam/biomass ratio. Meanwhile, the hydrogen cost increases when increasing sorbent/biomass ratio. Cost minimization solves to give optimum cost of 1.9105 USD/kg with hydrogen purity, hydrogen yield, hydrogen efficiency and thermodynamic efficiency are 79.9 mol%, 17.97 g/hr, 81.47% and 79.85% respectively. The results indicate that this system has the potential to offer low production cost for hydrogen production from palm waste

    Dinasti Turki Usmani, Vol 1 No 1, Al-Izzah, 2011

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    one of the great dynasties in the islamic politic history on the european

    A New Programming Model to Simulate Wireless Sensor Networks : Finding The Best Routing Path

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    Sensor networks provide a number of extensive programming challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) application programmers. Application developers have proposed various WSNs programming models to avoid these challenges and make WSN programming much easier. In this work we proposed a new programming model to find the best routing path in WSNs. Then we describe the initial design and the implementation of our proposed model and compare the results in different network topologies and evaluate the new model in terms of cost and accuracy


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    AbstrakMakhluk Allah yang paling sempurna adalah manusia karena diberikan akal, pikiran serta nafsu. Manusia juga diberikan fitrah oleh Allah, salah satunya mencintai atau dicintai (mahabbah) ialah yang dikenal istilah dalam Islam. yaitu cinta yang mendalam seorang hamba kepada Allah. Cinta kasih menurut keyakinan Kristen adalah dapat diungkapkan dalam berbagai cara, seperti belas kasih, kesetiaan, dan kebaikan, karena cinta kasih suatu keutamaan yang khusus menurut kaum Kristiani yang ingin mengikuti Tuhan.  Mengkaji mahabbah dan cinta kasih ini bisa menambah wawasan dan meningkatkan keimanan seseorang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif, dengan pendekatan teologi ialah pendekatan yang cendrung normatif dan subjektif terhadap agama atau disebut juga dengan pendekatan kewahyuan yang bersumber dari kitab-kitab suci, yang mana kitab suci Alquran menjelaskan tentang mahabbah dan cinta kasih di dalam bible. Dari penelitian ini peneliti mengetahui konsep mahabbah menurut para sufi seperti Rabiatul adawiyah yang menerapakn cintanya hanya kepada Allah dan menutup cintanya kepada yang lain. Dan cinta kasih ini menjelaskan tentang pengorbankan Yesus yang mana Yesus mengorbankan dirinya untuk menebus dosa manusia. Mahabbatullah merupakan derajat tertinggi dari seluruh maqom spritual. Sedangkan dalam dunia Kristen cinta kasih merupakan tolak ukur yang paling menetukan, karena banyak merebut perhatian, yang harus diberikan pada cinta.Kata Kunci: Mahabbah, Sufisme, Cinta Kasih, Bible Abstract        Humans are perfect creatures created by God in terms they have intellect and lust.  Allah also gave his nature "fitrah" to humans, such as loving and being loved or called "mahabbah" in Islamic terms.  "Mahabbah" is the sincere affection of a servant for his creator, "Allah."  According to Christian belief, affection can be expressed in various ways, including compassion, loyalty, and kindness because affection is a priority that must be present in humans who want to follow their God. Discussing mahabbah and affection can enhance our insight and faith.  In this study, the researcher used the qualitative method with a theological approach that tended to be normative and subjective towards religion or it could also be called the revelation approach that came from the Qur'an, which explained about mahabbah and affection in the Bible. From the study, the researcher knew the concept of mahabbah based on some Sufi views, such as Rabiatul Adawiyah who only gave all his love to Allah the Almighty, and did not love anyone else, except Allah the Almighty. The affection contained in this story illustrates the sacrifice of Jesus where Jesus was willing to sacrifice himself to redeem for the sins of humankind. Mahabatullah is the highest level of spiritual grade (maqoom) while in Christianity; affection is the most decisive measure because it grabs attention that should be given to love.Keywords: Mahabbah, Sufism, Love, Bibl