542 research outputs found


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    Problem-based learning (PBL) is purported to empower learners by encouraging them to take a deep approach to learning and become more confident and self-directed in their learning. This paper explores lecturer and student experiences of a first year undergraduate English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course that uses the PBL approach. The learning was grounded in genuine situations of practice in which high degree of team work and collaboration was eminent. In particular, this paper presents a PhD ethnographic case study that focuses on higher education student experiences of learning English in a PBL environment. A particular community was established in which lecturers and students interacted to negotiate and construct new understandings and develop life-long learning skills. Data on the lecturer and student experiences were gathered from classroom observations, a focus group, and student/lecturer interviews and access to student reflective journal entries. Students welcomed and valued the opportunity of the new found learning territory of taking more responsibility for their learning and the freedom of action and thought. During the course, participants achieved new insights into themselves as language learners despite finding it challenging, particularly in the initial phase when they were confronted with learning in a different mode. They became very involved in the course because they were genuinely enthused and interested in the learning process. This is seen as crucial and significant for developing the necessary competence in mastery of the English language in higher education. It is also useful in suggesting that PBL is viable as an (optional) subsequent teaching strategy in the Malaysian or similar context

    Sastra Lisan Wolio

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    -xi, 85 hlm. ; 21 cm

    Elemental Diffusion Behaviour of Biomedical Grade Titanium Alloy through Thermal Oxidation

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    Major issues related to implant failure are wear debris and metal ions release where Titanium-Aluminium-Niobium alloys still face those problems despite of better biocompatibility. Surface modification is one of the alternatives in order to reduce those wear as well as ion release problems to the host tissue. In this study, experiments were carried out to investigate the element diffusion behaviour of Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy through thermal oxidation in order to obtain coating on the surfaces for diminishing those effects. Thermal oxidation was carried out at 650Ā°C for three different durations 6, 12 and 24 hours. It is found that at prolong time, Niobium diffusion occurs where short duration Aluminium dominates. This suggests that longer heating time promotes heavy metal diffusion by restricting diffusion of light metal and hence, dominates the heavy metal oxide layer formation. The oxide layer formed on the substrate may lead to increase the lifespan of the implant and reduces the harmful effects caused by wear debris or toxic ion from metal alloys

    Computer Simulations of Pulsatile Blood Flow in Fusiform Models of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms

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    Flow dynamics have been investigated in model aneurysms under physiologically realistic pulsatile flow condition via computational modeling techniques. The computer simulations are based on finite element method. Vortex pattern emergence and evolution were evaluated. Throughout the bulge in all models regardless of size, the systolic flow was found to be forward-directed. Vortices were initially evident in the bulge during deceleration from peak systole and further expanded during the retrograde flow phase. Flow in larger models become increasingly unstable compared to smaller models. It was also noted that these unstable flow fields were much significant towards the distal half of the bulge models. This increased intensity of turbulent flow fields in larger models may contribute significantly to wall shear stress magnitude and subsequently contributing to higher rupture risks. (Abstract by authors

    Perspektif Hukum Islam Terhadap Anak Yang Dilahirkan Melalui Ibu Pengganti (Surrogate Mother)

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the validity and application of Islamic law perspectives on children born through surrogate mothers. The problems raised are to know how the position of children born through surrogate mothers according to Islamic law and to know the nasab of children born to surrogate mothers and to know about surrogate mothers in Indonesia. The method used is normative juridical research type, using statutory approach and conceptual approach. From the results of this study regarding the perspective of Islamic law on children born through surrogate mothers that the position of children born using the womb of surrogate mothers is illegitimate or called adultery children, although in the process of forming IVF using the husband's sperm and the wife's ovum and then grafted back into the wife's womb, according to the views of Muslim scholars is not allowed. In accordance with the results of the Fatwa MUIĀ No: KRP-952/MUI/XI/1990, that IVF grafted into the womb of another woman is not allowed or haram. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisi keabsahan dan penerapan perspektif hukum islam terhadap anak yang dilahirkan melalui ibu pengganti (surrogate mother). Permasalahan yang diangkat untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedudukan anak yang dilahirkan melalui ibu pengganti menurut hukum islam dan untuk mengetahui nasab anak yang dilahirkan ibu pengganti serta mengetahui mengenai ibu pengganti di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan adalah tipe penelitian yuridis normatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Dari hasil penelitian ini mengenai perspektif hukum islam terhadap anak yang dilahirkan melalui ibu pengganti bahwa kedudukan anak yang dilahirkan menggunakan rahim ibu pengganti merupakan anak tidak sah atau disebut anak zina, meskipun dalam proses pembentukan bayi tabung yang menggunakan sperma suami dan ovum istri lalu dicangkokkan kembali ke rahim istri, menurut pandangan cendikiawan muslim tidak diperbolehkan. Sesuai dengan Fatwa MUIĀ No: KRP-952/MUI/XI/1990 (hasil komisi fatwa tanggal 13 Juni 1979), bahwa bayi tabung yang dicangkok kedalam rahim wanita lain merupakan hal yang tidak diperbolehkan atau haram


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    This study aims to determine the pricing at UD. Berkah Dua Furniture for each type of product produced and knowing what factors influence the pricing. The method used in this study is a cost-based pricing method consisting of Cost Plus Pricing, Mark-Up Pricing and Selling Price Determining, where the data examined in this study are the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Report and the price list set by the company. The results of the study shows that 28 furniture products have prices lower than the results of the analysis and the factors that influence the determination of the selling price are internal and external factors. &nbsp

    Potential of Using ROSA Centifolia to Remove Iron and Manganese in Groundwater Treatment

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    Groundwater is source for water supply because of its good natural quality. However, groundwater may be exposed toward to contamination by various anthropogenic activities such as agricultural, domestic and industrial. Groundwater quality problem are typically associated with high hardness, high salinity and elevated concentration of iron, manganese, ammonium, fluoride and occasionally nitrate and arsenic.  Therefore, groundwater should be treated to acceptable level before consumption. This study is carried out with the objectives to optimize the feasibility condition of contact time, biosorbent dosage and pH range in removing heavy metal by using Rosa Centifolia (R. Centifolia) and also to determine the water quality of groundwater sources.  A dried Rosa Centifolia pretreated before being used as biosorbent. Experiment was done by varying contact time, biosorbent dosage and pH range to get the optimum value. The removal characteristic of Iron and Manganese by Rosa Centifolia was analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The optimum condition is achieved at 240minutes, 0.05g/ml and pH 5 respectively. The optimum percentage removal of Iron and Manganese was found to be more than 70%. The finding indicated that Rosa Centifolia is a promising biosorbent in treating groundwater from RECESS UTHM well

    Implementasi Literasi Data Digital Untuk Pendidikan Pada Sekolah Menengah

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    Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 (SMPN 1) yang terletak di Kelurahan Teluk Dalam, Kecamatan Kuala Kampar, Kabupaten Pelalawan, Provinsi Riau. Dimana SMP tersebut yang berlokasi jauh di pinggir ibu kota dan minimumnya akses informasi dan pengetahuan serta fasilitas sekolah. Untuk membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan atau meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa sekolah dan masyarakat maka akan dilakukan bimbingan melalui Literasi Data secara Digital dan tutorial mencari informasi pembelajaran dengan tujuan agar siswa menperoleh pengetahuan tambahan disamping kelas regular yang di dapat di sekolah, kondisi pandemik membuat tidak maksimumnya pertemuan pembelajaran disekolah sehingga menambah permasalahan. Pendampingan untuk siswa SMPN yang mengalami permasalahan untuk mencari informasi pembelajaran melalui Literasi Data Digital dan membuat tugas-tugas sekolah. Tambahan beberapa informasi atau mengetetahui cara antisipasi terhadap masalah penggunaan internet dan informasi secara tidak wajar untuk siswa perlu lakukan sosialisasi agar informasi yang diakses hanya yang bermanfaat saja. Dengan adanya beberapa solusi tersebut di harapkan meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa sekolah yaitu SMPN 1 Kuala Kampar untuk memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan baik untuk ilmu regular sekolah dan tambahan lainnya seperti kreativitas membuat video dan konten promosi kreatif melalui aplikasi sederhana atau media social yang bermanfaat untuk usaha kecil rumah tangga masyarakat sekitar sekolah. Solusi untuk masyarakat umum dengan adanya kegiatan ini dapat membantu menambah ilmu pengetahuan untuk membuat konten kreatif untuk memasarkan produk dan mengatasi permasalahan pertanian yang dihadapi petani secara umum. Luaran dari kegiatan ini berupa buku panduan atau modul bagaimana cara membuat konten kreatif tahap demi tahap dan mencari informasi melalui aplikasi Literasi Data Digital. Disamping itu luaran berupa publikasi pada jurnal merupakan salah satu luaran lainnya yang ditargetkan agar meningkatkan dan penerapan ilmu pengetahuan pada masyarakat

    Simple Claim Execution Reorientation in Civil and Business Disputes for Legal Certainty

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    This study aims to prescribe the importance of rethinking the regulation of the execution of simple lawsuits in the justice system in Indonesia, considering that simple lawsuits have many advantages as an alternative for resolving civil and business disputes. This research is normative legal research with a law approach, a conceptual approach, and a comparative law approach. The countries used for comparison are Singapore, the Netherlands, and the United States. The study results show that legal uncertainty regarding the mechanism of the simple lawsuit court decision is a factor that must be considered if you want a simple lawsuit to be one of the models of dispute resolution in the business and civil disputes that exist in Indonesia. This should be the homework of the government or the Supreme Court in establishing clear rules regarding the procedure for executing a simple lawsuit. This is important to provide clarity and legal certainty for the parties. Keywords: simple lawsuit, judicial system, legal certaint
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