1,659 research outputs found

    Nonstationary driven oscillations of a magnetic cavity

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    The problem of transition to the steady state of driven oscillations in a magnetic cavity in a cold resistive plasma is addressed. The foot point driving polarized in the inhomogeneous direction is considered, and it is assumed that the cavity length in the direction of the equilibrium magnetic field is much larger than the cavity width in the inhomogeneous direction. The latter assumption enables one to neglect the variation of the magnetic pressure in the inhomogeneous direction, which strongly simplifies the analysis. The explicit solution describing the nonstationary behavior of the magnetic pressure and the velocity is obtained. This solution is used to study the properties of the transition to the steady state of oscillation. The main conclusion is that, in general, there are two different characteristic transitional times. The first time is inversely proportional to the decrement of the global mode. It characterizes the transition to the steady state of the global motion, which is the coherent oscillation of the cavity in the inhomogeneous direction. The second time is the largest of the two times, the first transitional time and the phase-mixing time, which is proportional to the magnetic Reynolds number in 1/3 power. It characterizes the transition to the steady state of the local motion, which is oscillations at the local Alfvén frequencies, and the saturation of the energy damping rate. An example from solar physics shows that, in applications, the second transitional time can be much larger than the first one

    Nonlinear theory of resonant slow waves in anisotropic and dispersive plasmas

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    The solar corona is a typical example of a plasma with strongly anisotropic transport processes. The main dissipative mechanisms in the solar corona acting on slow magnetoacoustic waves are the anisotropic thermal conductivity and viscosity [Ballai et al., Phys. Plasmas 5, 252 (1998)] developed the nonlinear theory of driven slow resonant waves in such a regime. In the present paper the nonlinear behavior of driven magnetohydrodynamic waves in the slow dissipative layer in plasmas with strongly anisotropic viscosity and thermal conductivity is expanded by considering dispersive effects due to Hall currents. The nonlinear governing equation describing the dynamics of nonlinear resonant slow waves is supplemented by a term which describes nonlinear dispersion and is of the same order of magnitude as nonlinearity and dissipation. The connection formulas are found to be similar to their nondispersive counterparts

    Electronic screening and damping in magnetars

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    We calculate the screening of the ion-ion potential due to electrons in the presence of a large background magnetic field, at densities of relevance to neutron star crusts. Using the standard approach to incorporate electron screening through the one-loop polarization function, we show that the magnetic field produces important corrections both at short and long distances. In extreme fields, realized in highly magnetized neutron stars called magnetars, electrons occupy only the lowest Landau levels in the relatively low density region of the crust. Here our results show that the screening length for Coulomb interactions between ions can be smaller than the inter-ion spacing. More interestingly, we find that the screening is anisotropic and the screened potential between two static charges exhibits long range Friedel oscillations parallel to the magnetic field. This long-range oscillatory behavior is likely to affect the lattice structure of ions, and can possibly create rod-like structures in the magnetar crusts. We also calculate the imaginary part of the electron polarization function which determines the spectrum of electron-hole excitations and plays a role in damping lattice phonon excitations. We demonstrate that even for modest magnetic fields this damping is highly anisotropic and will likely lead to anisotropic phonon heat transport in the outer neutron star crust.Comment: 14 pages, 5 Figure

    Optimal current quality of a single-phase multilevel inverter with a staircase modulation

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    The authors address the problem of optimal current quality for a single-phase multilevel inverter with a staircase modulation (Fig.1). The current quality is characterized by current ripple Normalized Mean Square (NMSc). The goal is to find theoretically optimal switching angles and respective minimal NMSc values. The previous research didn't provide comprehensive solutions for arbitrary modulation indices and level counts

    Optimization of single-phase multilevel inverter voltage quality using time domain problem formulation

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    The multilevel inverter optimal voltage quality problem is formulated in time domain in order to account for all switching harmonics. The numerical solutions establish theoretical voltage quality lower bounds for a singlephase multilevel inverter achieved for staircase modulation for entire voltage dynamic range and different voltage levels count

    Optimization of single-phase multilevel inverter voltage quality using time domain problem formulation

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    The multilevel inverter optimal voltage quality problem is formulated in time domain in order to account for all switching harmonics. The numerical solutions establish theoretical voltage quality lower bounds for a singlephase multilevel inverter achieved for staircase modulation for entire voltage dynamic range and different voltage levels count

    Kink oscillations of cooling coronal loops with variable cross-section

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    We study kink waves and oscillations in a thin expanding magnetic tube in the presence of flow. The tube consists of a core region and a thin transitional region at the tube boundary. In this region the plasma density monotonically decreases from its value in the core region to the value outside the tube. Both the plasma density and velocity of background flow vary along the tube and in time. Using the multiscale expansions we derive the system of two equations describing the kink oscillations. When there is no transitional layer the oscillations are described by the first of these two equations. We use this equation to study the effect of plasma density variation with time on kink oscillations of an expanding tube with a sharp boundary. We assume that the characteristic time of the density variation is much greater than the characteristic time of kink oscillations. Then we use the Wentzel-Kramer-Brillouin (WKB) method to derive the expression for the adiabatic invariant, which is the quantity that is conserved when the plasma density varies. The general theoretical results are applied to the kink oscillations of coronal magnetic loops. We consider an expanding loop with the half-circle shape and assume that the plasma temperature inside a loop decays exponentially with time. We numerically calculated the dependences of the fundamental mode frequency, the ratio of frequencies of the first overtone and fundamental mode, and the oscillation amplitude on time. We obtained that the oscillation frequency and amplitude increase and the frequency ratio decreases due to cooling. The amplitude increase is stronger for loops with a greater expansion factor. This effect is also more pronounced for higher loops. However, it is fairly moderate even for loops that are quite high

    The structure of the hydrodynamic plasma flow near the heliopause stagnation point

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    The plasma flow in the vicinity of the heliopause stagnation point in the presence of the H atom flow is studied. The plasma at both sides of the heliopause is considered to be a single fluid. The back reaction of the plasma flow on the H atom flow is neglected, and the density, temperature and velocity of the H atom flow are taken to be constant. The solution describing the plasma flow is obtained in the form of power series expansions with respect to the radial distance from the symmetry axis. The main conclusion made on the basis of the obtained solution is that the heliopause is not the surface of discontinuity anymore. Rather, it is the surface separating the flows of the solar wind and interstellar medium with all plasma parameters continuous at this surface