23 research outputs found

    On a characterization of probability measures on Boolean algebras and some orthomodular lattices

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    Kilka słów o pozytywizacji części ogólnej prawa administracyjnego jako próby rozstrzygnięcia problemów poznania prawa według Franciszka Longchampsa

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    This article, which was a reflection of the conference speech, raised a problem of understanding administrative law in the light of F. Lonchamps’ considerations. The appointed theoretician of administrative law abandoned the positivist perception of law separated from values and morality, at the same time recognized that values constituted an axiom of law alongside the real sphere and the thought sphere. The confirmation of the legitimacy of F. Longchamps’ views were the statements of H. Hart, who assumed the necessity to influence morality in the sphere of the normative structure of law. F. Longchamps’ theory showed the ability to relate it to the positivization of the general part of administrative law as a normative act covering issues common to constitutional, substantive and procedural law. Recognizing that the general part of administrative law constitutes a “semantic penumbra” in accordance with Hart’s concept of open textualism, and thus “a hard core” - an unchanged part, the shape of which is independent of legislative changes, especially in the field of substantive law. It was necessary to consider whether the proposed formulation of the act was concerning the general part of administrative law, it is an attempt to recognize the law. The aim of the article, based on theoretical and philosophical assumptions defining the identity of administrative law, was an attempt to decide whether the perception of law as a conceived and real sphere enriched by universal values, allows for the formulation of provisions that constitute issues common to systemic, substantive and procedural administrative law. Despite the limitations resulting from the framework of the article, the possibility of creation a general part of administrative law supported by values, one of the most important of which is the common good and the servant role of public administration, has been articulated

    Przejściowe wydłużenie odstępu QT oraz odwrócenie załamków T: trudności diagnostyczne

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    ST-T deviations are usually related to myocardial ischaemia, hypertrophy or myocarditis. Less common reasons are drugs action(such as digoxin, phenytoin) dyselectrolytaemia, brain ischaemia, anemia and pericardial effusion. However, in some cases,the reason of electrocardiographic changes is unclear. In presented case, we analise the potential influence of ibandronic acidon QT-interval prolongation and T-wave inversion, in patient treated for osteoporosis

    Zwężenie pnia lewej tętnicy wieńcowej w badaniu koronarograficznym — ostre rozwarstwienie aorty w rozpoznaniu śródoperacyjnym

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    Acute aortic dissection occurs in 0.5–2.95 cases per 100,000 citizens-year. Although the modern diagnostic tools help in more accurate diagnosis, the missleading findings still occure. We present a case of a 72-year-old man who was admitted to cardiology ward due to persistent chest pain. Initial diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome was confirmed by electrocardiography (ST segment depression in V1–V5 leads), transthoracic echocardiography (anterior wall dyskinesis) and laboratory tests (Tn-I: 6.92 μ/L, CK-MB: 226.24 ng/mL). Due to aortic aneurysm history, computer tomography (CT) was performed. Neither CT nor transthoracic echocardiography were negative for aortic dissection. Intraoperatively aortic dissection limited to Valsalva sinuses was found. Left main orifice was blindly closed followed by Bentall procedure and coronary artery revascularisation.Acute aortic dissection occurs in 0.5–2.95 cases per 100,000 citizens-year. Although the modern diagnostic tools help in more accurate diagnosis, the missleading findings still occure. We present a case of a 72-year-old man who was admitted to cardiology ward due to persistent chest pain. Initial diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome was confirmed by electrocardiography (ST segment depression in V1–V5 leads), transthoracic echocardiography (anterior wall dyskinesis) and laboratory tests (Tn-I: 6.92 μ/L, CK-MB: 226.24 ng/mL). Due to aortic aneurysm history, computer tomography (CT) was performed. Neither CT nor transthoracic echocardiography were negative for aortic dissection. Intraoperatively aortic dissection limited to Valsalva sinuses was found. Left main orifice was blindly closed followed by Bentall procedure and coronary artery revascularisation

    O głowach dziwostwornych 1 w twórczości Pawlikowskich z Kozińca

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    The article presents the linguistic concretisation of the motif of extraordinary heads (dialect: dziwostworne) that was conducted in the works of authors associated with Podhale and the Tatra Mountains. The starting point for the deliberations is placing the motif in the nineteenth- -century literature of the Tatra Mountains (authors such as Tetmajer, Witkiewicz, Stopka, Matlakowski) and the reconstruction of the motif’s further fate in the works by Pawlikowscy. A common element in the works of the discussed authors is location of the events against the background of the nature of the Tatra Mountains, intermingling of the real and fantastic worlds, drawing from the tradition and beliefs of the people from Podhale. Creation of the fabulous world in which extraordinary heads play a crucial role becomes for the authors a cultural game that is also undertaken by the readers

    Janiny Porazińskiej dialog z tradycją

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    The article discusses the elements of tradition in the language of Janina Porazińska’s chil- dren’s fiction. The vocabulary of her prose, with elements such as compounds, diminutives, determining adjectives and neologisms, can be divided into two categories: 1) words which come from the folklore of the Lublin area and thus belong to the dialectal lexicon; 2) neolo- gisms created by the writer, which imitate the structure of dialectal vocabulary and serve the purpose of rendering her texts more poetic

    Approbatory gloss to the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of December 1, 2020, II OSK 1580/18 – The inadmissibility of a restrictive interpretation of the phrase “access from the same public road”

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    The cited judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court focuses on the meaning of the expression “access from the same public road”. The judgment of the Court of Second Instance deserves to be approved because the recitals of this judgment take into account the right to develop the plot to which the investor holds the legal title, the broad understanding of ‘neighborhood’, as well as the values that constitute the ratio legis of the Act on spatial planning and development.The rationale of the Supreme Administrative Court’s decision results primarily from the fact that a narrow understanding of neighbourhood which is prompted by the linguistic interpretation was not deemed sufficient. Referring to the jurisprudence, and above all the legislative activity of the Supreme Administrative Court and the doctrine of administrative law, it should have been concluded that the effects of the linguistic interpretation were legitimately checked from the point of view of the legislator’s goal when enacting the Act on Spatial Planning and Development. Therefore, it was necessary to make a purposive interpretation that justifies the need to take into account the right to develop a building plot, take into consideration values such as spatial order, sustainable development, ownership and public interest, as well as the interest of third parties.The position of the judgment under review is not uniform in the jurisprudence. However, it does take into account the need to weigh up the disputed interests. Although the right of ownership is significantly limited in the planning and legal regulations, it is unacceptable to deprive it of its use only due to the assumption that neighbourhood should be understood as the contact of two plots or their access to the same public road

    O wartościowaniu miasta w tekstach piosenek

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    The article shows the means of evaluation of the word CITY in song lyrics. These methods have not changed throughout the last 40 years: the most frequent are connotational-evaluative words. On the other hand, the values assigned have changed: only positive in the 1960s, they have been replaced with negative values in the beginning of the 21st century