9 research outputs found

    Detecting species-site dependencies in large multiple sequence alignments

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    Multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are one of the most important sources of information in sequence analysis. Many methods have been proposed to detect, extract and visualize their most significant properties. To the same extent that site-specific methods like sequence logos successfully visualize site conservations and sequence-based methods like clustering approaches detect relationships between sequences, both types of methods fail at revealing informational elements of MSAs at the level of sequence–site interactions, i.e. finding clusters of sequences and sites responsible for their clustering, which together account for a high fraction of the overall information of the MSA. To fill this gap, we present here a method that combines the Fisher score-based embedding of sequences from a profile hidden Markov model (pHMM) with correspondence analysis. This method is capable of detecting and visualizing group-specific or conflicting signals in an MSA and allows for a detailed explorative investigation of alignments of any size tractable by pHMMs. Applications of our methods are exemplified on an alignment of the Neisseria surface antigen LP2086, where it is used to detect sites of recombinatory horizontal gene transfer and on the vitamin K epoxide reductase family to distinguish between evolutionary and functional signals

    Applications and data analysis of next-generation sequencing

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    Over the past 6 years, next-generation sequencing (NGS) has been established as a valuable high-throughput method for research in molecular genetics and has successfully been employed in the identification of rare and common genetic variations. Although the high expectations regarding the discovery of new diagnostic targets and an overall reduction of cost have been achieved, technological challenges in instrument handling, robustness of the chemistry, and data analysis need to be overcome. Each workflow and sequencing platform have their particular problems and caveats, which need to be addressed. Regarding NGS, there is a variety of different enrichment methods, sequencing devices, or technologies as well as a multitude of analyzing software products available. In this manuscript, the authors focus on challenges in data analysis when employing different target enrichment methods and the best applications for each of the

    Functional properties of RYR1 mutations identified in Swedish patients with malignant hyperthermia and central core disease

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    BACKGROUND: A diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility by in vitro contraction testing can often only be performed at specialized laboratories far away from where patients live. Therefore, we have designed a protocol for genetic screening of the RYR1-cDNA and for functional testing of newly identified ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1) gene variants in B lymphocytes isolated from peripheral blood samples drawn at local primary care centers. METHODS: B lymphocytes were isolated for the extraction of RYR1-mRNA and genomic DNA and for establishment of lymphoblastoid B cell lines in 5 patients carrying yet unclassified mutations in the RYR1. The B lymphoblastoid cell lines were used to study resting cytoplasmic calcium concentration, the peak calcium transient induced by the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase inhibitor thapsigargin, and the dose-dependent calcium release induced by the ryanodine receptor agonist 4-chloro-m-cresol. RESULTS: It was possible to extract mRNA for cDNA synthesis and to create B lymphocyte clones from all samples. All B lymphoblastoid cell lines carrying RYR1 candidate mutations showed significantly increased resting cytoplasmic calcium levels as well as a shift to lower concentrations of 4-chloro-m-cresol inducing calcium release compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: Peripheral blood samples are stable regarding RNA and DNA extraction and establishment of lymphoblastoid B cell lines after transportation at ambient temperature over large distances by ordinary mail. Functional tests on B cells harboring the newly identified amino acid substitutions indicate that they alter intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and are most likely causative of malignant hyperthermia

    Current pharmacogenetic developments in oral anticoagulation therapy: The influence of variant VKORC1 and CYP2C9 alleles

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    For decades coumarins have been the most commonly prescribed drugs for therapy and prophylaxis of thromboembolic conditions. Despite the limitation of their narrow therapeutic dosage window, the broad variation of intra- and inter-individual drug requirement, and the relatively high incidence of bleeding complications, prescriptions for coumarins are increasing due to the aging populations in industrialised countries. The identification of the molecular target of coumarins, VKORC1, has greatly improved the understanding of coumarin treatment and illuminated new perspectives for a safer and more individualized oral anticoagulation therapy. Mutations and SNPs within the translated and non-translated regions of the VKORC1 gene have been shown to cause coumarin resistance and sensitivity, respectively. Besides the known CYP2C9 variants that affect coumarin metabolism, the haplotype VKORC1*2 representing a frequent SNP within the VKORC1 promoter has been identified as a major determinant of coumarin sensitivity, reducing VKORC1 enzyme activity to 50% of wild type. Homozygous carriers of the VKORC1*2 allele are strongly predisposed to coumarin sensitivity. Using individualized dose adaptation, a significant reduction of bleeding complications can be expected, especially in the initial drug saturation phase. Furthermore, concomitant application of low dose vitamin K may significantly reduce intra-individual coumarin dose variation and, thus, may stabilize oral anticoagulation therapy. The use of new pharmacogenetics-based dosing schemes and the concomitant application of low-dose vitamin K with coumarins will decidedly influence the current practice of oral anticoagulation and greatly improve coumarin drug safety

    De-duplicating patient records from three independent data sources reveals the incidence of rare neuromuscular disorders in Germany

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    Background: Estimation of incidence in rare diseases is often challenging due to unspecific and incomplete coding and recording systems. Patient- and health care provider-driven data collections are held with different organizations behind firewalls to protect the privacy of patients. They tend to be fragmented, incomplete and their aggregation leads to further inaccuracies, as the duplicated records cannot easily be identified. We here report about a novel approach to evaluate the incidences of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in Germany. Methods: We performed a retrospective epidemiological study collecting data from patients with dystrophinopathies (DMD and Becker muscular dystrophy) and SMA born between 1995 and 2018. We invited all neuromuscular centers, genetic institutes and the patient registries for DMD and SMA in Germany to participate in the data collection. A novel web-based application for data entry was developed converting patient identifying information into a hash code. Duplicate entries were reliably allocated to the distinct patient. Results: We collected 5409 data entries in our web-based database representing 1955 distinct patients with dystrophinopathies and 1287 patients with SMA. 55.0% of distinct patients were found in one of the 3 data sources only, while 32.0% were found in 2, and 13.0% in all 3 data sources. The highest number of SMA patients was reported by genetic testing laboratories, while for DMD the highest number was reported by the clinical specialist centers. After the removal of duplicate records, the highest yearly incidence for DMD was calculated as 2.57:10,000 in 2001 and the highest incidence for SMA as 1.36:10,000 in 2014. Conclusion: With our novel approach (compliant with data protection regulations), we were able to identify unique patient records and estimate the incidence of DMD and SMA in Germany combining and de-duplicating data from patient registries, genetic institutes, and clinical care centers. Although we combined three different data sources, an unknown number of patients might not have been reported by any of these sources. Therefore, our results reflect the minimal incidence of these diseases

    Treatment of dysferlinopathy with deflazacort: a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    Background: Dysferlinopathies are autosomal recessive disorders caused by mutations in the dysferlin (DYSF) gene encoding the dysferlin protein. DYSF mutations lead to a wide range of muscular phenotypes, with the most prominent being Miyoshi myopathy (MM) and limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B (LGMD2B). Methods: We assessed the one-year-natural course of dysferlinopathy, and the safety and efficacy of deflazacort treatment in a double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over trial. After one year of natural course without intervention, 25 patients with genetically defined dysferlinopathy were randomized to receive deflazacort and placebo for six months each (1 mg/kg/day in month one, 1 mg/kg every 2nd day during months two to six) in one of two treatment sequences. Results: During one year of natural course, muscle strength declined about 2% as measured by CIDD (Clinical Investigation of Duchenne Dystrophy) score, and 76 Newton as measured by hand-held dynamometry. Deflazacort did not improve muscle strength. In contrast, there is a trend of worsening muscle strength under deflazacort treatment, which recovers after discontinuation of the study drug. During deflazacort treatment, patients showed a broad spectrum of steroid side effects. Conclusion: Deflazacort is not an effective therapy for dysferlinopathies, and off-label use is not warranted. This is an important finding, since steroid treatment should not be administered in patients with dysferlinopathy, who may be often misdiagnosed as polymyositis