3,850 research outputs found

    First Experiences with Black Fungus Gnats (Sciaridae) to Biological Control of Broad-Leaved Dock (Rumex obtusifolius L.)

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    In sieben von acht überprüften Beständen des Stumpfblättrigen Ampfers (Rumex obtusifolius L.) waren in den Pfahlwurzeln Larven von Trauermücken (Sciaridae) vorhanden. Vereinzelt traten in und an den Pfahlwurzeln Larven von Rüsselkäfern und Schmetterlingsraupen auf. Durch das fortlaufende Fressen der Trauermückenlarven in den Pfahlwurzeln nimmt in den nachfolgenden Aufwüchsen und Jahren die Höhe der Ampferpflanzen ab, es werden keine Blütentriebe mehr gebildet und die Anzahl und Größe der Blätter verringert sich bis die völlig zerstörte Pfahlwurzel nicht mehr austreibt. In dem Ampferbestand mit dem Erstfund von Trauermücken hat sich die ampferfreie Fläche in dreieinhalb Jahren von 110 m² auf 499 m² erhöht. Der kleine Ampferbestand in Bermbach ist nach zwei Jahren, die Ampferbestände am Henneberger Haus bei Schmalkalden und in Themar sind nach fünf Jahren erloschen.Eine erfolgreiche biologische Bekämpfung des Stumpfblättrigen Ampfers ist möglich, wenn Larven von Trauermücken in den Pfahlwurzeln vorhanden sind und durch die Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen das Reifen der Ampfersamen unterbunden wird. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2015.04.04, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2015.04.04In seven out of eight examined stocks of broad-leaved dock larvae of black fungus gnats existed in the tap roots. Rarely, larvae of weevils and caterpillars occurred in and around the tap roots. The continuous eating of the larvae of black fungus gnats in the tap roots has the following effects in subsequent regrowths and years: the height of dock plants decreases, no more flowering shoots are formed, and the number and size of leaves reduces until the completely destroyed tap roots do no longer sprout. In the stock of dock where black fungus gnats have been detected first, the area clear of dock increased from 110 m² to 499 m² within three and a half years. The small stock of dock in Bermbach extinguished after two years, the stocks at Henneberger Haus near Schmalkalden and at Themar disappeared after five years.Successful biological control of broad-leaved dock is possible when larvae of black fungus gnats are present in the tap roots and farming prevents the dock seeds from ripening. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2015.04.04, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2015.04.0

    Effect of long range forces on the interfacial profiles in thin binary polymer films

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    We study the effect of surface fields on the interfacial properties of a binary polymer melt confined between two parallel walls. Each wall attracts a different component of the blend by a non-retarded van der Waals potential. An interface which runs parallel to the surfaces is stabilized in the center of the film. Using extensive Monte Carlo simulations we study the interfacial properties as a function of the film thickness, the strength of the surface forces and the lateral size over which the profiles across the film are averaged. We find evidence for capillary wave broadening of the apparent interfacial profiles. However, the apparent interfacial width cannot be described quantitatively by a simple logarithmic dependence on the film thickness. The Monte Carlo simulations reveal that the surface fields give rise to an additional reduction of the intrinsic interfacial width and an increase of the effective interfacial tension upon decreasing the film thickness. These modifications of the intrinsic interfacial properties are confirmed by self-consistent field calculations. Taking account of the thickness dependence of the intrinsic interfacial properties and the capillary wave broadening, we can describe our simulation results quantitatively.Comment: to appear in J.Chem.Phy

    Regionalisation of asset values for risk analyses

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    International audienceIn risk analysis there is a spatial mismatch of hazard data that are commonly modelled on an explicit raster level and exposure data that are often only available for aggregated units, e.g. communities. Dasymetric mapping techniques that use ancillary information to disaggregate data within a spatial unit help to bridge this gap. This paper presents dasymetric maps showing the population density and a unit value of residential assets for whole Germany. A dasymetric mapping approach, which uses land cover data (CORINE Land Cover) as ancillary variable, was adapted and applied to regionalize aggregated census data that are provided for all communities in Germany. The results were validated by two approaches. First, it was ascertained whether population data disaggregated at the community level can be used to estimate population in postcodes. Secondly, disaggregated population and asset data were used for a loss evaluation of two flood events that occurred in 1999 and 2002, respectively. It must be concluded that the algorithm tends to underestimate the population in urban areas and to overestimate population in other land cover classes. Nevertheless, flood loss evaluations demonstrate that the approach is capable of providing realistic estimates of the number of exposed people and assets. Thus, the maps are sufficient for applications in large-scale risk assessments such as the estimation of population and assets exposed to natural and man-made hazards

    Reactions at polymer interfaces: A Monte Carlo Simulation

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    Reactions at a strongly segregated interface of a symmetric binary polymer blend are investigated via Monte Carlo simulations. End functionalized homopolymers of different species interact at the interface instantaneously and irreversibly to form diblock copolymers. The simulations, in the framework of the bond fluctuation model, determine the time dependence of the copolymer production in the initial and intermediate time regime for small reactant concentration ρ0Rg3=0.163...0.0406\rho_0 R_g^3=0.163 ... 0.0406. The results are compared to recent theories and simulation data of a simple reaction diffusion model. For the reactant concentration accessible in the simulation, no linear growth of the copolymer density is found in the initial regime, and a t\sqrt{t}-law is observed in the intermediate stage.Comment: to appear in Macromolecule

    Estimation of the regional stock of residential buildings as a basis for a comparative risk assessment in Germany

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    International audienceOne important prerequisite for a comparable quantitative risk assessment for different types of hazards (e.g., earthquakes, windstorms and floods) is the use of a common database about and financial appraisal of the assets at risk. For damage assessments it is necessary to represent the values at risk on a regional disaggregated scale and to intersect them with hazard scenarios. This paper presents a methodology and results of a financial appraisal of residential buildings for all communities in Germany. The calculated values are defined as replacement values for the reference year 2000. The resulting average replacement costs for residential buildings per inhabitant amount to EUR 46 600, with considerable differences between communities. The inventory can be used for the calculations of direct losses from various natural disasters within the project "Risk Map Germany''

    Intrinsic profiles and capillary waves at homopolymer interfaces: a Monte Carlo study

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    A popular concept which describes the structure of polymer interfaces by ``intrinsic profiles'' centered around a two dimensional surface, the ``local interface position'', is tested by extensive Monte Carlo simulations of interfaces between demixed homopolymer phases in symmetric binary (AB) homopolymer blends, using the bond fluctuation model. The simulations are done in an LxLxD geometry. The interface is forced to run parallel to the LxL planes by imposing periodic boundary conditions in these directions and fixed boundary conditions in the D direction, with one side favoring A and the other side favoring B. Intrinsic profiles are calculated as a function of the ``coarse graining length'' B by splitting the system into columns of size BxBxD and averaging in each column over profiles relative to the local interface position. The results are compared to predictions of the self-consistent field theory. It is shown that the coarse graining length can be chosen such that the interfacial width matches that of the self-consistent field profiles, and that for this choice of B the ``intrinsic'' profiles compare well with the theoretical predictions.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spitzer Observations of Spacecraft Target 162173 (1999 JU3)

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    Near-Earth asteroid 162173 (1999 JU3) is the primary target of the Hayabusa-2 sample return mission, and a potential target of the Marco Polo sample return mission. Earth-based studies of this object are fundamental to these missions. We present a mid-infrared spectrum (5-38 microns) of 1999 JU3 obtained with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope in May 2008. These observations place new constraints on the surface properties of this asteroid. To fit our spectrum we used the near-Earth asteroid thermal model (NEATM) and the more complex thermophysical model (TPM). However, the position of the spin-pole, which is uncertain, is a crucial input parameter for constraining the thermal inertia with the TPM; hence, we consider two pole orientations. In the extreme case of an equatorial retrograde geometry we derive a lower limit to the thermal inertia of 150 J/m^2/K/s^0.5. If we adopt the pole orientation of Abe et al. (2008a) our best-fit thermal model yields a value for the thermal inertia of 700+/-200 J/m^2/K/s^0.5 and even higher values are allowed by the uncertainty in the spectral shape due to the absolute flux calibration. The lower limit to the thermal inertia, which is unlikely but possible, would be consistent with a fine regolith similar to wthat is found for asteroid 433 Eros. However, the thermal inertia is expected to be higher, possibly similar to or greater than that on asteroid 25143 Itokawa. Accurately determining the spin-pole of asteroid 162173 will narrow the range of possible values for its thermal inertia.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; to be published as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A symmetric polymer blend confined into a film with antisymmetric surfaces: interplay between wetting behavior and phase diagram

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    We study the phase behavior of a symmetric binary polymer blend which is confined into a thin film. The film surfaces interact with the monomers via short range potentials. We calculate the phase behavior within the self-consistent field theory of Gaussian chains. Over a wide range of parameters we find strong first order wetting transitions for the semi-infinite system, and the interplay between the wetting/prewetting behavior and the phase diagram in confined geometry is investigated. Antisymmetric boundaries, where one surface attracts the A component with the same strength than the opposite surface attracts the B component, are applied. The phase transition does not occur close to the bulk critical temperature but in the vicinity of the wetting transition. For very thin films or weak surface fields one finds a single critical point at ϕc=1/2\phi_c=1/2. For thicker films or stronger surface fields the phase diagram exhibits two critical points and two concomitant coexistence regions. Only below a triple point there is a single two phase coexistence region. When we increase the film thickness the two coexistence regions become the prewetting lines of the semi-infinite system, while the triple temperature converges towards the wetting transition temperature from above. The behavior close to the tricritical point, which separates phase diagrams with one and two critical points, is studied in the framework of a Ginzburg-Landau ansatz. Two-dimensional profiles of the interface between the laterally coexisting phases are calculated, and the interfacial and line tensions analyzed. The effect of fluctuations and corrections to the self-consistent field theory are discussed.Comment: Phys.Rev.E in prin