24 research outputs found

    Horizontal travelling heater method growth of Hg1−xCdxTe with crucible rotation

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    A horizontal travelling heater method (THM) for growing cylindrical cyrstals from a partially filled solution zone has been investigated for the first time. By applying ampoule rotation, the whole cross section of the crystal is successively brought into contact with the liquid solution, which is effectively stirred by forced convection. This approach was used to grow single-crystalline Hg1−xCdxTe ingots from a Te-rich solution zone. The structural perfection and metallurgical homogeneity are equivalent to vertically-grown THM material

    Protocol for a randomized controlled multicenter trial assessing the efficacy of leuprorelin for severe polycystic liver disease : the AGAINST-PLD study

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    Altres ajuts: Dutch Government (ZonMW grant 10140261910001); Abbvie (SA-003047 (ACA-NETH-20-01)).Background: In patients with severe polycystic liver disease (PLD), there is a need for new treatments. Estrogens and possibly other female sex hormones stimulate growth in PLD. In some patients, liver volume decreases after menopause. Female sex hormones could therefore be a target for therapy. The AGAINST-PLD study will examine the efficacy of the GnRH agonist leuprorelin, which blocks the production of estrogen and other sex hormones, to reduce liver growth in PLD. Methods: The AGAINST-PLD study is an investigator-driven, multicenter, randomized controlled trial. Institutional review board (IRB) approval was received at the University Medical Center of Groningen and will be collected in other sites before opening these sites. Thirty-six female, pre-menopausal patients, with a very large liver volume for age (upper 10% of the PLD population) and ongoing liver growth despite current treatment options will be randomized to direct start of leuprorelin or to 18 months standard of care and delayed start of leuprorelin. Leuprorelin is given as 3.75 mg subcutaneously (s.c.) monthly for the first 3 months followed by 3-monthly depots of 11.25 mg s.c. The trial duration is 36 months. MRI scans to measure liver volume will be performed at screening, 6 months, 18 months, 24 months and 36 months. In addition, blood will be drawn, DEXA-scans will be performed and questionnaires will be collected. This design enables comparison between patients on study treatment and standard of care (first 18 months) and within patients before and during treatment (whole trial). Main outcome is annualized liver growth rate compared between standard of care and study treatment. Secondary outcomes are PLD disease severity, change in liver growth within individuals and (serious) adverse events. The study is designed as a prospective open-label study with blinded endpoint assessment (PROBE). Discussion: In this trial, we combined the expertise of hepatologist, nephrologists and gynecologists to study the effect of leuprorelin on liver growth in PLD. In this way, we hope to stop liver growth, reduce symptoms and reduce the need for liver transplantation in severe PLD. Trial registration Eudra CT number 2020-005949-16, registered at 15 Dec 2020. https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu/ctr-search/search?query=2020-005949-16

    Phlebologie an deutschen Hautkliniken: eine Bestandsaufnahme im Auftrag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phlebologie

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    Reich-Schupke S, Alm J, Altmeyer P, et al. Phlebologie an deutschen Hautkliniken: Eine Bestandsaufnahme im Auftrag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phlebologie. Hautarzt. 2013;64(9):685-694.Phlebologic diseases have become extremely common and have major socio-economic impact. However, the percentage of dermatologists working in phlebology appears to be decreasing according to the data of the German Society of Phlebology (DGP). To investigate the reasons for this development, we-on behalf of the DGP-sent a questionnaire to 120 German Departments of Dermatology in autumn 2012. In 76 returned questionnaires, the number of physicians with additional fellowship training in phlebology averaged 1.5; the average number of those who fulfill the criteria for training fellows in phlebology was 0.9. In 71.1 % of the departments there was a phlebologist. A special phlebologic outpatient clinic existed in 73.7 % of the departments. Sonography with Doppler (89.5 %) and duplex (86.8 %) was used as the most frequent diagnostic tool. For therapy, compression (94.7 %), sclerotherapy (liquid 78.9 %, foam 63.2 %, catheter 18.4 %), endoluminal thermic procedures (radio wave 28.9 %, laser 17.1 %) and surgery (especially crossectomy and stripping 67.1 %, phlebectomy of tributaries 75 %) were used. The average number of treatments was very heterogenous in the different departments. Phlebology definitely plays an important role in dermatology. Most departments fulfill the formal criteria for the license to conduct advanced training in phlebology. A wide spectrum of phlebological diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is available.Hintergrund Venenleiden sind eine Volkskrankheit und haben eine enorme sozioökonomische Bedeutung. Dennoch scheint der Anteil der phlebologisch tätigen Dermatologen entsprechend den Zahlen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phlebologie (DGP) abzunehmen. Methoden Um die Ursachen dieser Entwicklung zu untersuchen, führten wir im Herbst 2012 im Auftrag der DGP eine Befragungsstudie zur Phlebologie an 120 deutschen Hautkliniken durch. Ergebnisse In 76 antwortenden Klinien gab es im Mittel 1,5 Phlebologen und 0,9 Ärzte mit Voraussetzungen zur Weiterbildungsermächtigung Phlebologie. In 71,1 % der Kliniken gab es einen Phlebologen, in 73,7 % eine phlebologische Sprechstunde. Zur Diagnostik wurden besonders die Doppler- (89,5 %) und Duplexsonographie (86,8 %) eingesetzt. In der Therapie führte die Kompressionstherapie (94,7 %), gefolgt von Sklerosierungstherapien (flüssig 78,9 %, Schaum 63,2 %, Katheter 18,4 %), den endoluminalen thermischen Verfahren (Radiowelle 28,9 %, Laser 17,1 %) und den operativen Eingriffen (vor allem Cross- und Saphenektomie 67,1 %, Seitenastexhairese 75 %). Die durchschnittlichen Behandlungszahlen waren sehr heterogen. Schlussfolgerung Die Phlebologie spielt in der Dermatologie weiterhin eine wichtige Rolle. Mehrheitlich sind in den Kliniken die Möglichkeiten zur Weiterbildung Phlebologie gegeben. Es wird ein breites Spektrum an phlebologischen Techniken zur Diagnostik und Therapie angeboten

    Adaptation of carbon source utilization patterns of Geobacter metallireducens during sessile growth.

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    There are two main strategies known how microorganisms regulate substrate utilization: specialization on one preferred substrate at high concentrations in batch cultures or simultaneous utilization of many substrates at low concentrations in chemostats. However, it remains unclear how microorganisms utilize substrates at low concentrations in the subsurface: do they focus on a single substrate and exhibit catabolite repression or do they de-repress regulation of all catabolic pathways? Here, we investigated the readiness ofGeobacter metallireducensto degrade organic substrates under sessile growth in sediment columns in the presence of a mixed community as a model for aquifers. Three parallel columns were filled with sand and flushed with anoxic medium at a constant inflow (18 ml h(-1)) of the substrate benzoate (1 mM) with non-limiting nitrate concentrations (30 mM) as electron acceptor. Columns were inoculated with the anaerobic benzoate degraderG. metallireducens. Microbial degradation produced concentration gradients of benzoate toward the column outlet. Metagenomics and label-free metaproteomics were used to detect and quantify the protein expression ofG. metallireducens. Bulk benzoate concentrations below 0.2 mM led to increased abundance of catabolic proteins involved in utilization of fermentation products and aromatic compounds including the complete upregulation of the toluene-degrading pathway although toluene was not added to the medium. We propose that under sessile conditions and low substrate concentrationsG. metallireducensexpresses a specific set of catabolic pathways for preferred substrates, even when these substrates are not present

    Model selection for microbial nutrient uptake using a cost-benefit approach.

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    We consider the uptake of various carbon sources by microorganisms based on four fundamental assumptions: (1) the uptake of nutrient follows a saturation characteristics (2) substrate processing has a benefit but comes at costs of maintaining the process chain (3) substrate uptake is controlled and (4) evolution optimized the control of substrate uptake. These assumptions result in relatively simple mathematical models. In case of two substrates, our main finding is the following: Depending on the overall topology of the metabolic pathway, three different behavioural patterns can be identified. (1) both substrates are consumed at a time, (2) one substrate is preferred and represses the uptake of the other (catabolite repression), or (3) a cell feeds exclusively on one or the other substrate, possibly leading to a population that splits in two sub-populations, each of them specialized on one substrate only. Batch-culture and retentostat data of toluene, benzoate, and acetate uptake by Geobacter metallireducens are used to demonstrate that the model structure is suited for a quantitative description of uptake dynamics

    Microbial long distance electron transfer in contaminated aquifers.

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    In marine sediments, filamentous Desulfobulbaceae have been shown to bridge sulfide oxidation and oxygen reduction over centimeter distances. The spatially separated redox half reactions lead to an alkaline pH where protons are consumed by oxygen reduction and to an acidic pH where sulfide is oxidized to sulfate. To analyze if long distance electron transfer occurs in contaminated groundwater we set up batch experiments with natural sediments amended with FeS as electron donor. After 2-3 months, the pore water showed pH, oxygen, and sulfide gradients characteristic of long distance electron transfer of 4-20 mm. Spatially resolved analysis of the microbial communities by tRFLP and 454 pyrosequencing indicated a relative abundance of Desulfobulbaceae of up to 45% within the suboxic zone. Fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed that the sequences belonged to filamentous Desulfobulbaceae. We then took intact sediment cores from the capillary fringe of a tar oil contaminated aquifer at 7 meters depth and analyzed the microbial communities at cm resolution. The filamentous Desulfobulbaceae were not only present in situ but accounted for up to 27% Desulfobulbaceae of the total bacterial numbers. An estimate of the total abundance showed about 3-4 m filamentous Desulfobulbaceae per ml sediment. These results suggest long distance electron transfer naturally occurs in contaminated aquifers and might be an important process in the recycling of the electron acceptor sulfate. Thus, the newly discovered process might be important in increasing degradation rates close to the capillary fringe

    Anaerobic degradation of 1-methylnaphthalene by a member of the Thermoanaerobacteraceae contained in an iron-reducing enrichment culture.

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    An anaerobic culture (1MN) was enriched with 1-methylnaphthalene as sole source of carbon and electrons and Fe(OH)(3) as electron acceptor. 1-Naphthoic acid was produced as a metabolite during growth with 1-methylnaphthalene while 2-naphthoic acid was detected with naphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene. This indicates that the degradation pathway of 1-methylnaphthalene might differ from naphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene degradation in sulfate reducers. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism and pyrosequencing revealed that the culture is mainly composed of two bacteria related to uncultured Gram-positive Thermoanaerobacteraceae and uncultured gram-negative Desulfobulbaceae. Stable isotope probing showed that a C-13-carbon label from C-13(10)-naphthalene as growth substrate was mostly incorporated by the Thermoanaerobacteraceae. The presence of putative genes involved in naphthalene degradation in the genome of this organism was confirmed via assembly-based metagenomics and supports that it is the naphthalene-degrading bacterium in the culture. Thermoanaerobacteraceae have previously been detected in oil sludge under thermophilic conditions, but have not been shown to degrade hydrocarbons so far. The second member of the community belongs to the Desulfobulbaceae and has high sequence similarity to uncultured bacteria from contaminated sites including recently proposed groundwater cable bacteria. We suggest that the gram-positive Thermoanaerobacteraceae degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons while the Desulfobacterales are mainly responsible for Fe(III) reduction

    Long-distance electron transfer by cable bacteria in aquifer sediments.

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    The biodegradation of organic pollutants in aquifers is often restricted to the fringes of contaminant plumes where steep countergradients of electron donors and acceptors are separated by limited dispersive mixing. However, long-distance electron transfer (LDET) by filamentous 'cable bacteria' has recently been discovered in marine sediments to couple spatially separated redox half reactions over centimeter scales. Here we provide primary evidence that such sulfur-oxidizing cable bacteria can also be found at oxic-anoxic interfaces in aquifer sediments, where they provide a means for the direct recycling of sulfate by electron transfer over 1-2-cm distance. Sediments were taken from a hydrocarbon-contaminated aquifer, amended with iron sulfide and saturated with water, leaving the sediment surface exposed to air. Steep geochemical gradients developed in the upper 3 cm, showing a spatial separation of oxygen and sulfide by 9 mm together with a pH profile characteristic for sulfur oxidation by LDET. Bacterial filaments, which were highly abundant in the suboxic zone, were identified by sequencing of 16S rRNA genes and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) as cable bacteria belonging to the Desulfobulbaceae. The detection of similar Desulfobulbaceae at the oxic-anoxic interface of fresh sediment cores taken at a contaminated aquifer suggests that LDET may indeed be active at the capillary fringe in situ

    Selective elimination of bacterial faecal indicators in the <em>Schmutzdecke</em> of slow sand filtration columns.

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    Slow sand filtration (SSF) is an effective low-tech water treatment method for pathogen and particle removal. Yet despite its application for centuries, it has been uncertain to which extent pathogenic microbes are removed by mechanical filtration or due to ecological interactions such as grazing and competition for nutrients. In this study, we quantified the removal of bacterial faecal indicators, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis, from secondary effluent of a wastewater treatment plant and analysed the microbial community composition in compartments of laboratory model SSF columns. The columns were packed with different sand grain sizes and eliminated 1.6-2.3 log units of faecal indicators, which translated into effluents of bathing water quality according to the EU directive (&lt;500 colony forming units of E. coli per 100&nbsp;ml) for columns with small grain size. Most of that removal occurred in the upper filter area, the Schmutzdecke. Within that same zone, total bacterial numbers increased however, thus suggesting a specific elimination of the faecal indicators. The analysis of the microbial communities also revealed that some taxa were removed more from the wastewater than others. These results accentuate the contribution of biological mechanisms to water purification in SSF

    Radiation-induced late effects in two affected individuals of the Lilo radiation accident.

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    Radiation exposure leads to a risk for long-term deterministic and stochastic late effects. Two individuals exposed to protracted photon radiation in the radiological accident at the Lilo Military site in Georgia in 1997 received follow-up treatment and resection of several chronic radiation ulcers in the Bundeswehr Hospital Ulm, Germany, in 2003. Multi-parameter analysis revealed that spermatogenetic arrest and serum hormone levels in both patients had recovered compared to the status in 1997. However, we observed a persistence of altered T-cell ratios, increased ICAM1 and beta1-integrin expression, and aberrant bone marrow cells and lymphocytes with significantly increased translocations 6 years after the accident. This investigation thus identified altered end points still detectable years after the accident that suggest persistent genomic damage as well as epigenetic effects in these individuals, which may be associated with an elevated risk for the development of further late effects. Our observations further suggest the development of a chronic radiation syndrome and indicate follow-up parameters in radiation victims