401 research outputs found
Characterization of a new large family of extinct short retroposons in the protozoan parasite Leishmania and their role in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression
Tableau dâhonneur de la FacultĂ© des Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures et postdoctorales, 2009-2010Les leishmanioses se caractĂ©risent par divers symptĂŽmes allant de lĂ©sions cutanĂ©es guĂ©rissant spontanĂ©ment, causĂ©es surtout par L. major, . Ă des infections viscĂ©rales potentiellement mortelles causĂ©es par le complexe L. donovani/L. infantum. MalgrĂ© des gĂ©nomes presque identiques, des analyses comparatives sur biopuces ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© d'importantes diffĂ©rences d'expression gĂ©nique entre l~s deux stades de vie, promastigotes et amastigotes chez ces deux espĂšces, ce qui pourrait contribuer aux diffĂ©rences dans les manifestations cliniques. Chez Leishmania, le contrĂŽle de l'expression gĂ©nique s' effectue au niveau posttranscriptionnel et implique surtout des sĂ©quences cis rĂ©gulatrices situĂ©es dans les sĂ©quences 3' non-traduites (3 'UTRs) des transcrits. Jusqu'Ă maintenant, quelques sĂ©quences rĂ©gulatrices seulement ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©es et les mĂ©canismes contrĂŽlant l'expression gĂ©nique entre les diffĂ©rents stades et diffĂ©rentes espĂšces de Leishmania sont peu connus. Ce projet visait Ă mieux comprendre les voies exploitĂ©es par Leishmania pour pallier au manque .de contrĂŽle transcriptionnel et contrĂŽler globalement l'expression gĂ©nique afin de s'adapter Ă ses diffĂ©rents environnements. Nous avons identifiĂ© deux nouvelles grandes familles de courts rĂ©troposons Ă©teints nommĂ©es SIDER1 (Short Interspersed DEgenerated Retroposons; 785 copies) et SIDER2 (1 073 copies), situĂ©s presqu'exclusivement dans les rĂ©gions 3'UTRs. Nous avons caractĂ©risĂ© la famille SIDER2 et dĂ©montrĂ© qu'elle rĂ©prime l'expression gĂ©nique en dĂ©stabilisant spĂ©cifiquement les transcrits portant ces Ă©lĂ©ments. La dĂ©gradation rapide des transcrits instables contenant un Ă©lĂ©ment SIDER2 est amorcĂ©e par un clivage endonuclĂ©olytique sĂ©quence-spĂ©cifique sans raccourcissement prĂ©alable de la sĂ©quence poly(A). Le clivage se produit dans une rĂ©gion riche en C d'environ 20 nt) au dĂ©but de la seconde sĂ©quence signature de 79 nt, qui est hautement conservĂ©e parmi les SIDER2 et essentielle pour l'instabilitĂ© de l'ARNm. Nous suggĂ©rons -l'hypothĂšse que Leishmania exploite les SIDER2 pour rĂ©primer de maniĂšre coordonnĂ©e l'expression des transcrits devant ĂȘtre faiblement exprimĂ©s. L'effet rĂ©pressif de SIDER2 est bloquĂ© chez les amastigotes de L. infantum, possiblement pour produire une quantitĂ© suffisante de certains ARNm ou protĂ©ines. Cette inactivation sĂ©lective des SIDER2 chez L. infantum contribue aux diffĂ©rences d'expression gĂ©nique chez les diffĂ©rentes espĂšces et diffĂ©rents stades de Leishmania. Ă notre connaissance, ceci est le premier exemple chez les eucaryotes d'une famille entiĂšre d' Ă©lĂ©ments mobiles domestiquĂ©s pour participer au contrĂŽle posttranscriptionnel de l'expression gĂ©nique
Wert-Abjektion als grundlegende Herrschaftsform des patriarchalen Kapitalismus â âSorge(n)freieâ Gesellschaft als Resultat
The article delivers a contribution to theorise (the devaluation of ) care-work in patriarchal capitalism and to connect the theorization with the empirical analysis of the German ambulant care sector in neoliberal times. The central theorem of âvalue-abjectionâ transforms Marxist value theory and conceptualizes the abjection of care work as constitutive mechanism of domination in patriarchal capitalism. Transferred to a concrete level of argumentation the theoretical perspective of value-abjection helps not only to analyse the structural tendency of abjection of care work. It also enables to identify empirically- concrete which specific aspects of care and for what reason are structured as abject
Komplexe Mensch-Umwelt-Systeme im Geographieunterricht mit Hilfe von Argumentationen erschlieĂen - am Beispiel der Trinkwasserproblematik in Guadalajara (Mexiko)
Megacities in Entwicklungs- und SchwellenlĂ€ndern, speziell Bewohner*innen mit geringen sozioökonomischen Status, sind vom Mangel an sauberen Wasser betroffen. Durch das theoretische Konzept komplexer Mensch-Umwelt-Systeme wird die Trinkwasserproblematik beispielhaft an der werdenden Megacity Guadalajara (Mexiko) analysiert. Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen sind wesentlicher Gegenstand moderner Geographiedidaktik und -unterrichts. Trotzdem erste Konzepte existieren, die durch die Bildungsstandards gestĂŒtzt werden, bleibt der Transfer von komplexen Mensch-Umwelt-Systemen in den Unterricht und die Darstellung in SchĂŒler*innentexten offen. Aktuelle fachdidaktische Forschung impliziert ein besseres Erfassen von komplexen Inhalten durch komplexe Sprachhandlungen, wie Argumentationen. Zur KlĂ€rung im Geographieunterricht am Beispiel komplexer Mensch-Umwelt-Systeme wird ein Modell fĂŒr die Didaktik entwickelt, welches Konzepte und Methoden der Geographie, der Soziologie, der Physik und der Informationstheorie vereint und auf die Trinkwasserproblematik in Guadalajara ĂŒbertrĂ€gt. Es mĂŒndet in einem Kompetenzstufenmodell als Instrument zur Beschreibung und Messung der Darstellung von komplexen Systemen in SchĂŒler*innentexten.
Untersuchung der Kategorien des Systems, der Kompetenzstufen, der Kernbegriffe mit ihrer Kollokation sowie die Analyse des Argumentationsanteils und der ArgumentationsqualitĂ€t im Bezug auf die Darstellung von komplexen Systemen in empirischen Daten ĂŒberprĂŒfen die Modelle.
GrundsĂ€tzlich werden in SchĂŒler*innentexte komplexe Mensch-Umwelt-Systeme dargestellt, jedoch wenig komplex und tief gehend analysiert.
Argumentation können bei der Darstellung von Aspekten des Vernetzungsgrades und der raumzeitlichen Dynamik tendenziell unterstĂŒtzen. Die Kernbegriffe mit Kollokation zeigen ebenfalls eine wesentliche Bedeutung zur Darstellung komplexer Aspekte.
Implikationen fĂŒr eine moderne Geographiedidaktik sowie fĂŒr einen Geographieunterricht werden abschlieĂend diskutiert
Wert-Abjektion als konstituierende und strukturierende Kraft von Care-Arbeit im patriarchalen Kapitalismus
"Der Artikel verfolgt den Anspruch einen Beitrag zur Theoretisierung der Care-Arbeit im patriarchalen Kapitalismus zu leisten. Auf einer abstrakten Ebene wird versucht die permanente Abwertung der Care-Arbeit durch eine VerknĂŒpfung marxistisch-feministischer und psychoanalytischer Perspektiven analytisch fassbar zu machen. ZunĂ€chst wird dabei das Wert-Abspaltungstheorem von Roswitha Scholz im Kontext marxistisch-feministischer Debatten, skizziert und kritisiert und in zweifacher Weise (formanalytisch und psychoanalytisch) re-konzeptualisiert Im Ergebnis wird dabei die Marx'sche Wertform als Wert-Abjektionsform konzipiert, die als soziale Form die strukturierende und konstituierende Kraft der Care-Arbeit darstellt und so deren permanente Abwertung erklĂ€rt." (Autorenreferat)"This paper aims to deliver a contribution to theorise care-work in patriarchal capitalism. On an abstract level of argumentation and linking marxist-feminist and psychoanalytical perspectives, it explains the permanent devaluation of care-work. In this respect it describes and criticises the theorem of 'value-dissociation' by Roswitha Scholz in the context of marxist-feminist debates and re-conceptualises the concept in a twofold manner (formanalytically and psychoanalytically). In conclusion the marxist value-form always appears as a value-abjection-form, which as social form is a constitutive and structuring force of care work in patriarchal capitalism and explains their permanent devaluation. The article discusses current analyses and assessments of the contemporary 'multiple crisis' from the perspectives of feminist and neo-Gramscian International Political Economy (IPE). We argue for a conceptual linkage of these approaches in order to analyze the role of gendered subjectivation in currently dominant forms of crisis management. The Troika's policies in Greece are presented as an example for how the - implicitly organized - redistribution of responsibilities for socially necessary care- and reproduction work can be understood as 'subjectivation as crisis management': the displacement of crisis management into the gendered subjects themselves." (author's abstract
Changes in oro-facial function and hand-grip strength during a 2-year observation period after stroke
Objectives: Recovery from stroke-related oro-facial impairment has rarely been investigated. In this longitudinal study chewing efficiency, maximum lip and bite force as well as masseter muscle thickness were evaluated and compared with hand-grip force. Materials and methods: Thirty-one hospitalized stroke patients and 24 controls were recruited for this cohort study with 2-year follow-up. Chewing efficiency was evaluated with a color mixing ability test, lip forces with a traction dynamometer, bite force with a digital gauge, masseter muscle thickness using ultrasound measurements and grip strength with a hand dynamometer. Results: During the 2-year observation period, patients were evaluated four times. A total of 21 patients dropped out of the study. Stroke patients showed significantly impaired chewing efficiency and lower lip forces than controls with no significant improvement over time. Bite forces were not different between ipsi- and contralesional sides, in contrast to contralesional hand-grip strength which was significantly impaired and did not improve during the observation period. On the first examination with a median of 40days after stroke, masseter thickness was reduced contralesional, but did not continue to show significant side-differences during follow-up. Conclusions: Stroke affects the upper limb and the masseter muscles differently on a functional and morphological level. Further research is needed to evaluate the predictive value of oro-facial parameters on functional outcome after stroke. Clinical relevance: Impaired chewing efficiency and reduced lip force are quantifiable symptoms in stroke patients which seem not to improve in absence of oro-facial rehabilitation procedure
Mimicking of the histidine brace structural motif in molecular copper(I) compounds
L-NÏ-methylhistidine methyl ester, MeHisOMe, has been employed as a potential ligand to mimic the histidine brace-type coordination of copper ions in enzymes such as the particulate methane monoxygenase or lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. MeHisOMe was prepared by double-methylation of histidine methyl ester. Subsequently, its complexation by diphosphine copper(I) precursors [Cu(P^P)(MeCN)2]BF4 was tested, which led to the complexes [Cu(P^P)(MeHisOMe)]BF4 (P^P=dpePhos: 1, P^P=XantPhos: 2, P^P=dppf: 3). 1â3 were fully characterized, also by single crystal X-ray analysis, thus providing first structural data for copper complexes with a synthetic, authentic histidine brace. The complexes proved inert in contact with dioxygen. To improve the biomimetic character attempts were made to formally replace the diphosphine ligands by bis(pyrazolyl)methanes, Bpm. Correspondingly, [BpmCu(NCMe)x]BF4 precursors were synthesized, with different substituents at the 3-positions of the pyrazolyl (i.âe. Bpm=di(3-(phenyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)diphenylmethane, di(3-(mesityl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)methane and di(3-(tert-butyl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)diphenylmethane). Addition of MeHisOMe to these complexes led to products that were so sensitive towards oxidation by the environment that they eluded isolation. One experiment provided blue crystals as a product of such a reaction. They belonged to a salt with a complex cation consisting of a Cu(ÎŒ-OH)2Cu core ligated by two MeHisOMe ligands, which dimerises in the solid state to give [Cu4(OH)4(MeHisOMe)4]4+.Peer Reviewe
Controlling the Activation at NiIIâCO22â Moieties through Lewis Acid Interactions in the Second Coordination Sphere
Nickel complexes with a two-electron reduced CO2 ligand (CO22â, âcarboniteâ) are investigated with regard to the influence alkali metal (AM) ions have as Lewis acids on the activation of the CO2 entity. For this purpose complexes with NiII(CO2)AM (AM=Li, Na, K) moieties were accessed via deprotonation of nickel-formate compounds with (AM)N(iPr)2. It was found that not only the nature of the AM ions in vicinity to CO2 affect the activation, but also the number and the ligation of a given AM. To this end the effects of added (AM)N(R)2, THF, open and closed polyethers as well as cryptands were systematically studied. In 14 cases the products were characterized by X-ray diffraction and correlations with the situation in solution were made. The more the AM ions get detached from the carbonite ligand, the lower is the degree of aggregation. At the same time the extent of CO2 activation is decreased as indicated by the structural and spectroscopic analysis and reactivity studies. Accompanying DFT studies showed that the coordinating AM Lewis acidic fragment withdraws only a small amount of charge from the carbonite moiety, but it also affects the internal charge equilibration between the LtBuNi and carbonite moieties
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