1,779 research outputs found

    Do quasi-regular structures really exist in the solar photosphere? I. Observational evidence

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    Two series of solar-granulation images -- the La Palma series of 5 June 1993 and the SOHO MDI series of 17--18 January 1997 -- are analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively. New evidence is presented for the existence of long-lived, quasi-regular structures (first reported by Getling and Brandt (2002)), which no longer appear unusual in images averaged over 1--2-h time intervals. Such structures appear as families of light and dark concentric rings or families of light and dark parallel strips (``ridges'' and ``trenches'' in the brightness distributions). In some cases, rings are combined with radial ``spokes'' and can thus form ``web'' patterns. The characteristic width of a ridge or trench is somewhat larger than the typical size of granules. Running-average movies constructed from the series of images are used to seek such structures. An algorithm is developed to obtain, for automatically selected centres, the radial distributions of the azimuthally averaged intensity, which highlight the concentric-ring patterns. We also present a time-averaged granulation image processed with a software package intended for the detection of geological structures in aerospace images. A technique of running-average-based correlations between the brightness variations at various points of the granular field is developed and indications are found for a dynamical link between the emergence and sinking of hot and cool parcels of the solar plasma. In particular, such a correlation analysis confirms our suggestion that granules -- overheated blobs -- may repeatedly emerge on the solar surface. Based on our study, the critical remarks by Rast (2002) on the original paper by Getling and Brandt (2002) can be dismissed.Comment: 21 page, 8 figures; accepted by "Solar Physics

    Belastungsabhängige vertikale Doppelbilder und Ptosis

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    Zusammenfassung: Eine 43-jährige Patientin wurde uns vorgestellt, da seit 2-3Monaten ihr linkes Augenlid in wechselnder Ausprägung hing. Ferner nahm sie auch Doppelbilder in Extrempositionen oder nach schnellen Augenbewegungen wahr und war lichtempfindlich. Die Diagnose ergab ein Keilbeinmeningeom. Es wurde in der Folge 2-mal innerhalb von 3Monaten mittels Radiopeptidtherapie mit 90Y-DOTATOC (Somatostatin-Analogon) behandelt. Bei unserer Patientin führte diese Therapie zu einer Volumenreduktion des Tumors sowie zu einer klinischen Verbesserung und dann Stabilisierun

    Development of hematopoietic stem cell activity in the mouse embryo.

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    The precise time of appearance of the first hematopoietic stem cell activity in the developing mouse embryo is unknown. Recently the aorta-gonad-mesonephros region of the developing mouse embryo has been shown to possess hematopoietic colony-forming activity (CFU-S) in irradiated recipient mice. To determine whether the mouse embryo possesses definitive hematopoietic stem cell activity in the analogous AGM region and to determine the order of appearance of stem cells in the yolk sac, AGM region, and liver, we transferred these embryonic tissues into adult irradiated recipients. We report here the long-term, complete, and functional hematopoietic repopulation of primary and serial recipients with AGM-derived cells. We observe potent hematopoietic stem cell activity in the AGM region before the appearance of yolk sac and liver stem cell activity and discuss a model for the maturation of stem cell activity in mouse embryogenesis

    Planar cell polarity signalling coordinates heart tube remodelling through tissue-scale polarisation of actomyosin activity

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    Development of a multiple-chambered heart from the linear heart tube is inherently linked to cardiac looping. Although many molecular factors regulating the process of cardiac chamber ballooning have been identified, the cellular mechanisms underlying the chamber formation remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that cardiac chambers remodel by cell neighbour exchange of cardiomyocytes guided by the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway triggered by two non-canonical Wnt ligands, Wnt5b and Wnt11. We find that PCP signalling coordinates the localisation of actomyosin activity, and thus the efficiency of cell neighbour exchange. On a tissue-scale, PCP signalling planar-polarises tissue tension by restricting the actomyosin contractility to the apical membranes of outflow tract cells. The tissue-scale polarisation of actomyosin contractility is required for cardiac looping that occurs concurrently with chamber ballooning. Taken together, our data reveal that instructive PCP signals couple cardiac chamber expansion with cardiac looping through the organ-scale polarisation of actomyosin-based tissue tension

    Diffuse supernova neutrinos: oscillation effects, stellar cooling and progenitor mass dependence

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    We estimate the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) using the recent progenitor-dependent, long-term supernova simulations from the Basel group and including neutrino oscillations at several post-bounce times. Assuming multi-angle matter suppression of collective effects during the accretion phase, we find that oscillation effects are dominated by the matter-driven MSW resonances, while neutrino-neutrino collective effects contribute at the 5-10% level. The impact of the neutrino mass hierarchy, of the time-dependent neutrino spectra and of the diverse progenitor star population is 10% or less, small compared to the uncertainty of at least 25% of the normalization of the supernova rate. Therefore, assuming that the sign of the neutrino mass hierarchy will be determined within the next decade, the future detection of the DSNB will deliver approximate information on the MSW-oscillated neutrino spectra. With a reliable model for neutrino emission, its detection will be a powerful instrument to provide complementary information on the star formation rate and for learning about stellar physics.Comment: 19 pages, including 4 figures and 1 table. Clarifying paragraphs added; results unchanged. Matches published version in JCA

    Chiral symmetry breaking in confining theories and asymptotic limits of operator product expansion

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    The pattern of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking (CSB) in confining background fields is analyzed. It is explicitly demonstrated how to get the inverse square root large proper time asymptotic of the operator product expansion which is needed for CSB.Comment: LaTeX, 20 pages; minor revision

    End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring during bag valve ventilation: the use of a new portable device

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For healthcare providers in the prehospital setting, bag-valve mask (BVM) ventilation could be as efficacious and safe as endotracheal intubation. To facilitate the evaluation of efficacious ventilation, capnographs have been further developed into small and convenient devices able to provide end- tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO<sub>2</sub>). The aim of this study was to investigate whether a new portable device (EMMAâ„¢) attached to a ventilation mask would provide ETCO<sub>2 </sub>values accurate enough to confirm proper BVM ventilation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective observational trial was conducted in a single level-2 centre. Twenty-two patients under general anaesthesia were manually ventilated. ETCO<sub>2 </sub>was measured every five minutes with the study device and venous PCO<sub>2 </sub>(PvCO<sub>2</sub>) was simultaneously measured for comparison. Bland- Altman plots were used to compare ETCO<sub>2, </sub>and PvCO<sub>2</sub>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The patients were all hemodynamically and respiratory stable during anaesthesia. End-tidal carbon dioxide values were corresponding to venous gases during BVM ventilation under optimal conditions. The bias, the mean of the differences between the two methods (device versus venous blood gases), for time points 1-4 ranges from -1.37 to -1.62.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The portable device, EMMAâ„¢ is suitable for determining carbon dioxide in expired air (kPa) as compared to simultaneous samples of PvCO<sub>2</sub>. It could therefore, be a supportive tool to asses the BVM ventilation in the demanding prehospital and emergency setting.</p
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