57 research outputs found

    The role of theory of mind, emotion knowledge and empathy in preschoolers’ disruptive behavior

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    Objectives : Research examining disruptive behaviors in clinical groups of preschool and school-aged children has consistently revealed significant difficulties in their emotion knowledge and empathy but intact performance in their theory-of-mind (ToM). However, it is largely not known if these difficulties in emotion knowledge and empathy as opposed to ToM are specific to extreme forms of disruption in clinical groups or rather represent broad deficiencies related to disruptive behaviors in general, including the milder levels exhibited by typically developing children. Milder disruptive behaviors (e.g., whining, arguing, rule-breaking and fighting) in peer contexts might relate to normative variations in socio-cognitive and emotional skills like ToM, emotion knowledge and empathy. To illuminate whether the same pattern of relations observed in clinical samples would arise in typical development, this study aims to examine the role of ToM, emotion knowledge and empathy in typically developing preschoolers’ disruptive behaviors.WOS:000510437900014Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072Social Sciences Citation IndexQ3 - Q4ArticleOcak2020YÖK - 2019-2

    Resistance to antibiotics used in the first-line treatment for h.pylori eradication

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    GİRİŞ VE AMAÇ: Ülkemizde klaritromisin direncinin yıllar içinde belirgin olarak arttığı, bunun sonucunda klasik 3'lü tedavi protokolünün etkinliğinin azaldığı ve H.pylori için eradikasyon başarısının % 60'ların altına dek indiği bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle yerine alternatif olarak önerilen levofloksasinin direnç ve tedavideki etkinliğini araştırmak için bu çalışmayı planladık.HASTALAR VE YÖNTEM: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji Bilim Dalı'na Temmuz 2010 - Şubat 2011 arasında 116 hastadan endoskopi sırasında kültür için örnekler alındı. 52 hastadan üreme elde edildi, amoksisilin, klaritromisin, levofloksasin ve için E-test metoduyla duyarlılık testleri çalışıldı. Çalışmamızda, amoksisilin klaritromisin ve levofloksasin için kullanılan MIC değerleri sırasıyla >0.5 µg/ml, ≥1 µg/ml, >1 µg/ml'dir.BULGULAR: 116 hasta içinde 52 hastada kültür üremesi gerçekleşti. Bu 52 hastanın amoksisilin, klaritromisin ve levofloksasin için E-test ile saptanmış olan direnç oranları sırasıyla % 15.4, % 26.9 ve % 25.5, olarak saptandı. SONUÇ: Bu çalışmada amoksisilin direnci % 15.4 olarak bulundu (2 sınırda duyarlılıktaki örnek dirençli kabul edilmediğinde amoksisilin direnci % 11.5 olarak belirtilmelidir). Bu çalışmada saptanan amoksisilin direnci dünya genelinde bildirilen % 0-3'lük oranının çok üzerinde bulundu. Klaritromisin için saptadığımız % 26.9 direnç oranı, EHPSG'un belirlediği, klaritromisinli tedavi için belirlenen sınır direnç değeri olan % 20'nin üzerindedir. Hem amoksisilin hem de klaritromisin için gösterilen yüksek direnç oranları klasik 3'lü tedavi ile neden yeterince başarı sağlayamadığımızı açıklayabilir. Bu çalışmada levofloksasin direnci % 25.5 olarak saptanmıştır. Sonuçta, levofloksasin içeren bir rejim ile de yüksek eradikasyon başarısı sağlanmayabilir. H.pylori için birinci basamak tedavi için başka rejimlerin araştırılması önerilir. Bizim çalışmamıza göre, levofloksasin içeren bir rejimin Türkiye için ideal bir alternatif tedavi olmadığı söylenebilir.INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: It is well known that the clarithromycin resistance has been increasing in Turkey, consequently the effect of the classical treatment protocol (triple therapy) has decreased and the success of H.Pylori eradication with this treatment has dropped down under 60 %. Therefore, we have planned a research study aiming to investigate the resistance to levofloxacin, which has been suggested as an alternative to the classical treatment protocol, and its effectiveness in treatment. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, biopsy samples (for culture studies) were taken from 116 patients during endoscopy between June 2010 and February 2011. Rapid Urease Tests were performed on the biopsy samples obtained from 52 patients. Sensitivity tests for amoxicillin, clarithromycin and levofloxacin were conducted with the E-test method. In our studies, the MIC values used for amoxicilin, clarithromycin, and levofloxacin were >0.5 µg/ml, ≥1 µg/ml, and >1 µg/ml, respectively.RESULTS: Cultures were grown from biopsy samples taken from 52 (out of 116) patients. Amoxicillin, levofloxacin and clarithromycin resistances, determined with the E-test method, were found to be 15.4 %, 26.9 % and 25.5 % respectively. CONCLUSION: In this study, amoxicillin resistance was found to be 15.4 %. (If the two samples with intermediate sensitivity are not considered to be "resistant", amoxicillin resistance would be 11.5 %.) This resistance prevalence rate is much higher than the worldwide resistance prevalence of 0-3 %. Clarithromycin resistance was found to be 26.9 %, which is higher than the resistance upper limit of 20 %, determined by EHPSG for clarithromycin treatment. Significantly high amoxicillin and clarithromycin resistance prevalence rates determined in our studies can explain why the success rate of treatment with the classical triple therapy is not satisfactory. In this study, levofloxacin resistance was found to be 25.5 %. Hence, high success rates may not be possible with H.Pylori eradication treatment regimens with levofloxacin, and other regimens for H. Pylori (first step) treatment should be investigated. Based on our results, we can conclude that a regimen with levofloxacin is not an ideal treatment for patients with H.Pylori in Turkey

    Hesaplamalı düşünce ve mimarlık eğitimi: Türkiye'deki yeni formasyonların bir değerlendirilmesi

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    Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology, Architecture, İzmir, 2016Includes bibliographical references (leaves. 69-73)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishix, 73 leavesA significantly positive change has been noticed in the conceptual frame of the digital design and its influence on the related studies since the mid 60’s. The influence is quite noticeable in various research areas based on design theory such as architecture, biology and mathematics, etc…The same influence is also detectable on some theoretical cognitive and computational approaches. Instead of being seen mere means of visual presentation, digital tools are redefined as actual design areas in which the design process is formed. As a result, a variety of concepts known as computational design, computer aided design and digital architecture have come into existence. As expected, this change brings about a kind of paradigm in architectural education. On the other hand, it influences the design knowledge and causes changes in the educational models used for the teaching of design. As a consequence, architectural education bears the responsibility of reflecting the potential of both conventional and digital design methods in the designing process. Accordingly, instead of being only used for creating visual effects as in their early days, in this process of forming an architectural concept, digital tools begin to be used as complementary elements in the basic design learning process. In short, when the architectural education system undergoes a change in order to support the digital methods, the digital platform is not perceived only as a means of visual presentation. It accommodates the entire process of conceptualizing, creating and presenting. Accordingly, this dissertation attempts to question the evolution in the formation of design theories together with its impact and reflections in the education, and this thesis also aims to reveal some evolving educational models in the field. It also underlines the possible future of this particular educational model, and how the potentials of these models will be realized and perceived in their attempts to live up to future expectations.60’lı yılların ortalarından itibaren dijital tasarım teorisi’nin kavramsal çerçevesinde ve etki alanında önemli bir gelişim görülmektedir. Tasarım teorisini esas alan pek çok araştırma alanında (mimarlık, biyoloji, matematik, vb…) kuramsal, bilişsel ve hesaplamalı yaklaşımların üstünde pek çok etkisi görülmüştür. Dijital araçlar, sadece görsel bir sunum amaçlı kullanımdan çıkıp tasarım sürecinin kendisini oluşturur tasarım ortamları haline gelmiştir. Böylece, Hesaplamalı Tasarım, Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım, Dijital Mimari gibi farklı şekillerde tanımlanan oluşumlar ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu değişim mimarlık eğitiminde doğal olarak bir paradigma yaratmakta, tasarım bilgisini etkilemekte ve tasarım bilgisinin verildiği eğitim modellerini değişmesine neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle mimarlık eğitimi, hem dijital hem de geleneksel tasarım metodlarının tasarım sürecindeki potansiyelini göstermek yükümlülüğü içine girmiştir. Bu bağlamda kullanılmaya başlandığı ilk dönemlerde olduğu biçimi ile dijital araçlar sadece görsel sunum için kullanılmak veya form oluşturmak gibi görevler için kullanılmak yerine, mimari düşünceyi oluşturma sürecinde temel tasarım bilgisi öğrenim sürecini de kapsayacak biçimde kullanılır olmuştur. Sonuç olarak mimarlık eğitim sistemi, dijital metotlarda potansiyel sağlamak için değiştiğinde dijital ortam sadece görsel sunum aracı olarak kullanımdan çıkmaktadır. Tüm konsept sürecini, oluşturma ve sunum süreçlerini kapsamaktadır. Tez bu bağlamda, tasarım düşüncesi üretimindeki bu değişimin eğitimdeki karşılığını sorgular ve değişen eğitim modellerini açığa çıkarmayı hedefler. Bu eğitim modelinin nasıl olacağını ve gelecekteki beklentiler için bu modellerin potansiyellerini nasıl kavrayacaklarını açığa çıkarır

    Favoring Inequalities and Mind-Reading: Social Dominance Orientation Relates to Poor Mentalizing

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    Although studies have so far investigated social dominance orientation (SDO) in relation to its association with prejudice and discrimination toward outgroups, it is not known whether SDO's link with poor intergroup relations might be underlined by specific socio-cognitive factors such as reduced mind-reading motivation (MRM) and poor mind-reading performance. The present study tested whether endorsement of SDO is associated with decreased MRM and mind-reading accuracy toward both ingroup and outgroup targets. We randomly assigned one hundred and 20 Turkish university students (M- age = 22.02) into two target groups for mind-reading, Turkish ingroup (N = 60) and Syrian outgroup (N = 60), and asked them to infer minds of either ingroup or outgroup members depending on their target group. Participants also reported their level of MRM and SDO through questionnaires. When the target was a Turkish ingroup member, SDO negatively and directly predicted mind-reading, when the target was an outgroup member, however, higher SDO indirectly predicted lower mind-reading through reduced MRM. These results pointed that favoring intergroup hierarchies relates to poor understanding of others' mental states although the mechanism of the relation changes depending on the group membership of the target.WOS:0010320895000012-s2.0-8516566002037478167Social Sciences Citation IndexarticleUluslararası işbirliği ile yapılmayan - HAYIRAğustos2023YÖK - 2022-2

    Psychological Problems and Needs of Deaf Adolescents: A Phenomenological Research

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    Deaf individuals experience a significant number of problems because of language barrier. This study aims to discover the psychological problems and needs of deaf individuals in various problem areas. The study is designed as an interpretative phenomenological research.  The study group consists of 17 participants from a special education vocational school for the deaf. MaxQDA-12 program was used in analysis. During this stage, all the codes were merged into themes just after the codification. As a result of this analysis phase, five main themes were created: individual life, deaf culture, family life, social life and education life. This study reached some findings about the psychological problems and needs of the deaf individuals in different environments. Findings indicate that the psychological problems and needs stem from communication problems, not from being a deaf. It has been seen that these communication problems restrict living spaces of deaf individuals and pose a threat to their mental health

    Psychological Problems and Needs of Deaf Adolescents: A Phenomenological Research

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    Deaf individuals experience a significant number of problems because of language barrier. This study aims to discover the psychological problems and needs of deaf individuals in various problem areas. The study is designed as an interpretative phenomenological research.  The study group consists of 17 participants from a special education vocational school for the deaf. MaxQDA-12 program was used in analysis. During this stage, all the codes were merged into themes just after the codification. As a result of this analysis phase, five main themes were created: individual life, deaf culture, family life, social life and education life. This study reached some findings about the psychological problems and needs of the deaf individuals in different environments. Findings indicate that the psychological problems and needs stem from communication problems, not from being a deaf. It has been seen that these communication problems restrict living spaces of deaf individuals and pose a threat to their mental health

    Psychological Problems and Needs of Deaf Adolescents: A Phenomenological Research

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    Deaf individuals experience a significant number of problems because of language barrier. This study aims to discover the psychological problems and needs of deaf individuals in various problem areas. The study is designed as an interpretative phenomenological research. The study group consists of 17 participants from a special education vocational school for the deaf. MaxQDA-12 program was used in analysis. During this stage, all the codes were merged into themes just after the codification. As a result of this analysis phase, five main themes were created: individual life, deaf culture, family life, social life and education life. This study reached some findings about the psychological problems and needs of the deaf individuals in different environments. Findings indicate that the psychological problems and needs stem from communication problems, not from being a deaf. It has been seen that these communication problems restrict living spaces of deaf individuals and pose a threat to their mental health

    Development and use of theory of mind in social and cultural context

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    Theory of mind (ToM) is a key social-cognitive skill that allows individuals to understand and attribute mental states to others; it facilitates relationships and helps individuals navigate the social world. Thus, it is likely influenced by social and cultural contexts. In this article, we review studies that examine the potential ways through which sociocultural context interacts with the development and use of ToM in Western and non-Western societies. First, we summarize findings documenting the link between culture and timing of ToM acquisition. Second, we examine cross-cultural studies on how culture can be related to the sequential development of different dimensions of ToM. Third, we discuss when and how cultural group membership of the targets influences the use of ToM. Finally, we suggest avenues for research so the field can understand more comprehensively the dynamic interactions between sociocultural context and the development and use of ToM.WOS:0008983767000012-s2.0-85144050792Social Sciences Citation IndexArticleUluslararasi isbirligi ile yapilmayan - HAYIR2022YÖK - 2022-23Arali