742 research outputs found

    Malthus in Cointegration Space: A new look at living standards and population in pre-industrial England

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    We analyze Malthus' (1798) model when labor demand shifts persistently. The Malthusian ideas are formalized and derived in terms of stationarity and cointegration, and the implied restrictions are tested against English pre-industrial data 1560-1760. The evidence suggests a negligible marginal productivity effect of population on real income, implying that the Malthusian "check" relations should be analyzed as cointegrating relations. The data support highly significant preventive checks working via marriages, but weak (in-significant) positive checks. These results are remarkably clear-cut. We suggest a simple interpretation for the lack of response of real income to population, which is consistent with positive feed back effects from population on technology, Ă  la Boserupian- and/or Smithian mechanisms. Recursive estimation confirms stable parameters and identify the end of our modified Malthusian regime.cointegrated VAR; unit root econometrics; Malthus; Malthusian model; pre-industrial England

    Flirting and friendship at the periphery of hook-up app research

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    &#x0D; &#x0D; &#x0D; The everyday intimacies of friendship and flirting are not typically exploredin hook-up app research, nor is there much reflection on the intimacies of researching these media. This paper considers flirting and friendship as practices and methods that broaden the scope of current hook-up app research. We ask what these intimacies can produce to expand research approaches (and thus knowledge) of hook-up apps. As users and researchers of these apps, we consider negotiations of flirting and friendship between researchers and research partici- pants by exploring what it means to research with intimacy. Attention is given to the connections, conversations, and intimate encounters within hook-up research that are mostly absent from existing presentations of research findings. We sug- gest that greater attention to peripheral and intimate communication between researchers and participants can offer valuable methods for queering otherwise stabilised ways of knowing, using, and researching these platforms. Adding to the queer ethnographic tradition, we demonstrate how a processual and affective approach to hook-up app use encourages researchers to make visible our connec- tions to the media we research, and how these connections relate to the intima- cies that hook-up apps foster.&#x0D; &#x0D; &#x0D; </jats:p

    Fluorescent Lyman-alpha Emission from Gas Near a QSO at Redshift 4.28

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    We use integral field spectroscopy with the Gemini North Telescope to detect probable fluorescent Ly-alpha emission from gas lying close to the luminous QSO PSS 2155+1358 at redshift 4.28. The emission is most likely coming not from primordial gas, but from a multi-phase, chemically enriched cloud of gas lying about 50 kpc from the QSO. It appears to be associated with a highly ionised associated absorber seen in the QSO spectrum. With the exception of this gas cloud, the environment of the QSO is remarkably free of neutral hydrogen. We also marginally detect Ly-alpha emission from a foreground sub-Damped-Ly-alpha absorption-line system.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Approaching patients with hyperreflectivity and perplexity:An empirical qualitative investigation

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    Abstract Objective Perplexity and hyperreflectivity are considered important aspects of self-disorders in patients with schizophrenia, yet knowledge of the appropriate psychotherapy for these patients is sparse. We aimed to explore how phenomenological psychologists or psychiatrists described their approach to these patients and their own emotional response when hyperreflectivity and perplexity emerged in therapy or consultations. Methods Four e-mail interviews with experienced clinical researchers within the field of phenomenology and schizophrenia were examined using a double hermeneutic qualitative analysis. Results The informants offered reassurance by authority and the encouragement of sharing of experiences interlaced in the beginning of therapy. Later they went on relating expressions of hyperreflectivity and perplexity to emotions, life events and goals. They described feelings of admiration and professional recognition along with worry, insecurity and sadness. Conclusion The list of primary themes covers what might seem very basic therapeutic interventions. However, the careful and open-minded manner in which these were carried out was noteworthy. The double task of staying closely attuned to the patient’s airy reflections and, at the same time, when the patient was ready for it, carefully making links to domains of the patient’s everyday life, was clearly molded to patients with fragile attachment

    Unimolecular Reactions Following Indoor and Outdoor Limonene Ozonolysis

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    Limonene is one of the monoterpenes with the largest biogenic emissions and is also widely used as an additive in cleaning products, leading to significant indoor emissions. Studies have found that the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) from limonene oxidation has important implications for indoor air quality. Although ozonolysis is considered the major limonene oxidation pathway under most indoor conditions, little is known about the mechanisms for SOA formation from limonene ozonolysis. Here, we calculate the rate coefficients of the possible unimolecular reactions of the first-generation peroxy radicals formed by limonene ozonolysis using a high-level multiconformer transition state theory approach. We find that all of the peroxy radicals formed initially in the ozonolysis of limonene react unimolecularly with rates that are competitive both indoors and outdoors, except under highly polluted conditions. Differences in reactivity between the peroxy radicals from ozonolysis and those formed by OH, NO₃, and Cl oxidation are discussed. Finally, we sketch possible oxidation mechanisms for the different peroxy radicals under both indoor and pristine atmospheric conditions and in more polluted environments. In environments with low concentrations of HO₂ and NO, efficient autoxidation will lead to the formation of highly oxygenated organic compounds and thus likely aid in the growth of SOA

    A Damped Ly-alpha Absorption-line System in an Apparent Void at Redshift 2.38

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    We study the contents of an apparent void in the distribution of Ly-alpha emitting galaxies at redshift 2.38. We show that this void is not empty, but contains a damped Ly-alpha absorption-line system, seen in absorption against background QSO 2138-4427. Imaging does not reveal any galaxy associated with this absorption-line system, but it contains metals (Fe/H ~ -1.3), and its large velocity range (~ 180 km/s) implies a significant mass.Comment: Accepted for publication in Publ. Ast. Soc. Australi

    Stereoselectivity in Atmospheric Autoxidation

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    We show that the diastereomers of hydroxy peroxy radicals formed from OH and O_2 addition to C2 and C3, respectively, of crotonaldehyde (CH_3CHCHCHO) undergo gas-phase unimolecular aldehydic hydrogen shift (H-shift) chemistry with rate coefficients that differ by an order of magnitude. The stereospecificity observed here for crotonaldehyde is general and will lead to a significant diastereomeric-specific chemistry in the atmosphere. This enhancement of specific stereoisomers by stereoselective gas-phase reactions could have widespread implications given the ubiquity of chirality in nature. The H-shift rate coefficients calculated using multiconformer transition state theory (MC-TST) agree with those determined experimentally using stereoisomer-specific gas-chromatography chemical ionization mass spectroscopy (GC–CIMS) measurements

    Two key polymorphisms in a newly discovered allele of the Vitis vinifera TPS24 gene are responsible for the production of the rotundone precursor Îą-guaiene

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    Rotundone was initially identified as a grape-derived compound responsible for the peppery aroma of Shiraz wine varieties. It has subsequently been found in black and white pepper and several other spices. Because of its potent aroma, the molecular basis for rotundone formation is of particular relevance to grape and wine scientists and industry. We have identified and functionally characterized in planta a sesquiterpene synthase, VvGuaS, from developing grape berries, and have demonstrated that it produces the precursor of rotundone, α-guaiene, as its main product. The VvGuaS enzyme is a novel allele of the sesquiterpene synthase gene, VvTPS24, which has previously been reported to encode VvPNSeInt, an enzyme that produces a variety of selinene-type sesquiterpenes. This newly discovered VvTPS24 allele encodes an enzyme 99.5% identical to VvPNSeInt, with the differences comprising just 6 out of the 561 amino acid residues. Molecular modelling of the enzymes revealed that two of these residues, T414 and V530, are located in the active site of VvGuaS within 4 Å of the binding-site of the substrate, farnesyl pyrophosphate. Mutation of these two residues of VvGuaS into the corresponding polymorphisms in VvPNSeInt results in a complete functional conversion of one enzyme into the other, while mutation of each residue individually produces an intermediate change in the product profile. We have therefore demonstrated that VvGuaS, an enzyme responsible for production of the rotundone precursor, α-guaiene, is encoded by a novel allele of the previously characterized grapevine gene VvTPS24 and that two specific polymorphisms are responsible for functional differences between VvTPS24 alleles
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