536 research outputs found

    Microbiology and atmospheric processes: the role of biological particles in cloud physics

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    As part of a series of papers on the sources, distribution and potential impact of biological particles in the atmosphere, this paper introduces and summarizes the potential role of biological particles in atmospheric clouds. Biological particles like bacteria or pollen may be active as both cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and heterogeneous ice nuclei (IN) and thereby can contribute to the initial cloud formation stages and the development of precipitation through giant CCN and IN processes. The paper gives an introduction to aerosol-cloud processes involving CCN and IN in general and provides a short summary of previous laboratory, field and modelling work which investigated the CCN and IN activity of bacterial cells and pollen. Recent measurements of atmospheric ice nuclei with a continuous flow diffusion chamber (CFDC) and of the heterogeneous ice nucleation efficiency of bacterial cells are also briefly discussed. As a main result of this overview paper we conclude that a proper assessment of the impact of biological particles on tropospheric clouds needs new laboratory, field and modelling work on the abundance of biological particles in the atmosphere and their CCN and heterogeneous IN properties


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    Understanding the kinematic changes underlying fatigue is essential in running biomechanics. The aim of this study was to identify fatigue-related kinematic changes in elite runners using a support vector machine approach. Full-body kinematics of thirteen trained runners were recorded in a non-fatigued and a fatigued state during treadmill running at their individual fatigue-speed. A support vector machine was trained and used to identify kinematic differences between the non-fatigued and fatigued state based on principal component scores. Strides during non-fatigued and fatigued running could be separated with 99.4% classiïŹcation accuracy. Four upper limb (two shoulder and two elbow), four lower limb (one ankle, two knee and one hip) and two trunk (one thoracic and one lumbar spine) principal component scores were identified as most discriminative kinematic features between non-fatigued and fatigued running. The findings of the study suggest the feasibility of a support vector machine approach to identify subtle fatigue-related kinematic changes in elite runners

    A new method for operating a continuous-flow diffusion chamber to investigate immersion freezing: assessment and performance study

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    Glaciation in mixed-phase clouds predominantly occurs through the immersion-freezing mode where ice-nucleating particles (INPs) immersed within supercooled droplets induce the nucleation of ice. Model representations of this process currently are a large source of uncertainty in simulating cloud radiative properties, so to constrain these estimates, continuous-flow diffusion chamber (CFDC)-style INP devices are commonly used to assess the immersion-freezing efficiencies of INPs. This study explored a new approach to operating such an ice chamber that provides maximum activation of particles without droplet breakthrough and correction factor ambiguity to obtain high-quality INP measurements in a manner that previously had not been demonstrated to be possible. The conditioning section of the chamber was maintained at -20 degrees C and water relative humidity (RHO conditions of 113 % to maximize the droplet activation, and the droplets were supercooled with an independently temperature-controlled nucleation section at a steady cooling rate (0.5 degrees C min(-1)) to induce the freezing of droplets and evaporation of unfrozen droplets. The performance of the modified compact ice chamber (MCIC) was evaluated using four INP species: K-feldspar, illite-NX, Argentinian soil dust, and airborne soil dusts from an arable region that had shown ice nucleation over a wide span of supercooled temperatures. Dry-dispersed and size-selected K-feldspar particles were generated in the laboratory. Illite-NX and soil dust particles were sampled during the second phase of the Fifth International Ice Nucleation Workshop (FIN-02) campaign, and airborne soil dust particles were sampled from an ambient aerosol inlet. The measured ice nucleation efficiencies of model aerosols that had a surface active site density (n(s)) metric were higher but mostly agreed within 1 order of magnitude compared to results reported in the literature

    Technical Note: A numerical test-bed for detailed ice nucleation studies in the AIDA cloud simulation chamber

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    The AIDA (Aerosol Interactions and Dynamics in the Atmosphere) aerosol and cloud chamber of Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe can be used to test the ice forming ability of aerosols. The AIDA chamber is extensively instrumented including pressure, temperature and humidity sensors, and optical particle counters. Expansion cooling using mechanical pumps leads to ice supersaturation conditions and possible ice formation. In order to describe the evolving chamber conditions during an expansion, a parcel model was modified to account for diabatic heat and moisture interactions with the chamber walls. Model results are shown for a series of expansions where the initial chamber temperature ranged from &minus;20&deg;C to &minus;60&deg;C and which used desert dust as ice forming nuclei. During each expansion, the initial formation of ice particles was clearly observed. For the colder expansions there were two clear ice nucleation episodes. <br><br> In order to test the ability of the model to represent the changing chamber conditions and to give confidence in the observations of chamber temperature and humidity, and ice particle concentration and mean size, ice particles were simply added as a function of time so as to reproduce the observations of ice crystal concentration. The time interval and chamber conditions over which ice nucleation occurs is therefore accurately known, and enables the model to be used as a test bed for different representations of ice formation

    Activation of intact bacteria and bacterial fragments mixed with agar as cloud droplets and ice crystals in cloud chamber experiments

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    Abstract. Biological particles, including bacteria and bacterial fragments, have been of much interest due to the special ability of some to nucleate ice at modestly low temperatures. This paper presents results from a recent study conducted on two strains of cultivated bacteria which suggest that bacterial fragments mixed with agar, and not whole bacterial cells, serve as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Due to the absence of whole bacteria cells in droplets, they are unable to serve as ice nucleating particles (INPs) in the immersion mode under the experimental conditions. Experiments were conducted at the Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere (AIDA) cloud chamber at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) by injecting bacteria-containing aerosol samples into the cloud chamber and inducing cloud formation by expansion over a temperature range of −5 to −12 °C. Cloud droplets and ice crystals were sampled through a pumped counterflow virtual impactor inlet (PCVI) and their residuals were characterized with a single particle mass spectrometer (miniSPLAT). The size distribution of the overall aerosol was bimodal, with a large particle mode composed of intact bacteria and a mode of smaller particles composed of agar mixed with bacterial fragments that were present in higher concentrations. Results from three expansions with two bacterial strains indicate that the cloud droplet residuals had virtually the same size distribution as the smaller particle size mode and had mass spectra that closely matched those of agar and bacterial fragments. The characterization of ice residuals that were sampled through an ice-selecting PCVI (IS-PCVI) also shows that the same particles that activate to form cloud droplets, bacteria fragments mixed with agar, were the only particle type observed in ice residuals. </jats:p

    Influence of controlled masticatory muscle activity on dynamic reactive balance

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    Background The influence of the stomatognatic system on human posture control has been investigated under static conditions, but the effects on dynamic balance have not yet been considered. Objective Investigating the influence of different functional stomatognatic activities (jaw clenching (JAW), tongue pressing (TON) and habitual jaw position (HAB)) on postural performance during a dynamic reactive balance task. Methods Forty-eight physically active and healthy adults were assigned to three groups differing in oral-motor tasks (JAW, TON or HAB). Dynamic reactive balance was assessed by an oscillating platform which was externally perturbed in four directions. Performance was quantified by means of Lehr\u27s damping ratio. Mean speeds of the selected anatomical regions (head, trunk, pelvis, knee and foot) were analysed to determine significant performance differences. Results The groups differed significantly in balance performance in direction F (i.e., forwards acceleration of the platform). Post hoc tests revealed that the JAW group had significantly better performance compared with both the HAB and TON groups. Better performance was associated with a decreased mean speed of the analysed anatomical regions. Conclusion JAW can improve dynamic reactive balance but the occurrence of positive effects seems to be task-specific and not general. TON seems not to have any observable effects on dynamic reactive balance performance, at least when evaluating it with an oscillating platform. JAW might be a valuable strategy which could possibly reduce the risk of falls in elderly people; however, further investigations are still needed

    Simulating the influence of primary biological aerosol particles on clouds by heterogeneous ice nucleation

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    Primary ice formation, which is an important process for mixed-phase clouds with an impact on their lifetime, radiative balance, and hence the climate, strongly depends on the availability of ice-nucleating particles (INPs). Supercooled droplets within these clouds remain liquid until an INP immersed in or colliding with the droplet reaches its activation temperature. Only a few aerosol particles are acting as INPs and the freezing efficiency varies among them. Thus, the fraction of supercooled water in the cloud depends on the specific properties and concentrations of the INPs. Primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs) have been identified as very efficient INPs at high subzero temperatures, but their very low atmospheric concentrations make it difficult to quantify their impact on clouds. Here we use the regional atmospheric model COSMO–ART to simulate the heterogeneous ice nucleation by PBAPs during a 1-week case study on a domain covering Europe. We focus on three highly ice-nucleation-active PBAP species, Pseudomonas syringae bacteria cells and spores from the fungi Cladosporium sp. and Mortierella alpina. PBAP emissions are parameterized in order to represent the entirety of bacteria and fungal spores in the atmosphere. Thus, only parts of the simulated PBAPs are assumed to act as INPs. The ice nucleation parameterizations are specific for the three selected species and are based on a deterministic approach. The PBAP concentrations simulated in this study are within the range of previously reported results from other modeling studies and atmospheric measurements. Two regimes of PBAP INP concentrations are identified: a temperature-limited and a PBAP-limited regime, which occur at temperatures above and below a maximal concentration at around −10 ∘C, respectively. In an ensemble of control and disturbed simulations, the change in the average ice crystal concentration by biological INPs is not statistically significant, suggesting that PBAPs have no significant influence on the average state of the cloud ice phase. However, if the cloud top temperature is below −15 ∘C, PBAP can influence the cloud ice phase and produce ice crystals in the absence of other INPs. Nevertheless, the number of produced ice crystals is very low and it has no influence on the modeled number of cloud droplets and hence the cloud structure

    Heterogeneous ice nucleation properties of natural desert dust particles coated with a surrogate of secondary organic aerosol

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    Ice nucleation abilities of surface collected mineral dust particles from the Sahara (SD) and Asia (AD) are investigated for the temperature (T) range 253–233 K and for supersaturated relative humidity (RH) conditions in the immersion freezing regime. The dust particles were also coated with a proxy of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from the dark ozonolysis of α-pinene to better understand the influence of atmospheric coatings on the immersion freezing ability of mineral dust particles. The measurements are conducted on polydisperse particles in the size range 0.01–3 ”m with three different ice nucleation chambers. Two of the chambers follow the continuous flow diffusion chamber (CFDC) principle (Portable Ice Nucleation Chamber, PINC) and the Colorado State University CFDC (CSU-CFDC), whereas the third was the Aerosol Interactions and Dynamics in the Atmosphere (AIDA) cloud expansion chamber. From observed activated fractions (AFs) and ice nucleation active site (INAS) densities, it is concluded within experimental uncertainties that there is no significant difference between the ice nucleation ability of the particular SD and AD samples examined. A small bias towards higher INAS densities for uncoated versus SOA-coated dusts is found but this is well within the 1σ (66 % prediction bands) region of the average fit to the data, which captures 75 % of the INAS densities observed in this study. Furthermore, no systematic differences are observed between SOA-coated and uncoated dusts in both SD and AD cases, regardless of coating thickness (3–60 nm). The results suggest that any differences observed are within the uncertainty of the measurements or differences in cloud chamber parameters such as size fraction of particles sampled, and residence time, as well as assumptions in using INAS densities to compare polydisperse aerosol measurements which may show variable composition with particle size. Coatings with similar properties to that of the SOA in this work and with coating thickness up to 60 nm are not expected to impede or enhance the immersion mode ice nucleation ability of mineral dust particles.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736
