62 research outputs found

    Creating a Website to the Estonian Mölkky Association

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    Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on Eesti Mölkky Klubide Liidule uue veebisaidi loomine. Töö sisaldab vana veebisaidi analüüsi, sarnaste veebisaitide võrdlust, kliendi poolt kehtestatud nõuete analüüsi, ülevaadet kasutatud tehnoloogiatest ning tehtud töö kirjeldust.The goal of the present Thesis is to create a new website to the Estonian Mölkky Association. The Thesis includes an analysis of the old website, a comparison of similar websites, analysis of the requirements set by the client, an overview of the technologies used and a description of the work done

    Sõime- ja koolieelses eas laste vanemate tervisekäitumine

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    Руководство по лечению поноса у телят

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    Esimesel elukuul põhjustavad vasikate kõhulahtisust lisaks jootmisest tingitud teguritele erinevad nakkushaigused. Mitmed haigustekitajad võivad esineda üheaegselt. Liigne antibiootikumiravi võib samuti põhjustada vasikate kõhulahtisust, sest soolestiku normaalmikrofloora tasakaal on rikutud. Mitmed kõhulahtisust põhjustavad haigustekitajad esinevad vaid teatud vanuses vasikatel.В течении первого месяца жизни телёнка причинами поноса, помимо связанных с выпойкой причин, являются различные инфекционные болезни. Некоторые возбудители могут быть представлены одновременно. Лишнее лечение антибиотиками также может быть причиной поноса у телят, так как нарушается баланс нормальной микрофлоры кишечника. Некоторые возбудители болезней вызывают понос у телят только в определённом возрасте

    Antimicrobial Selection for the Treatment of Clinical Mastitis and the Efficacy of Penicillin Treatment Protocols in Large Estonian Dairy Herds

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    Clinical mastitis (CM) is the most common microbial disease treated in dairy cows. We analyzed the antimicrobial usage in cows with CM (n = 11,420) in large dairy herds (n = 43) in Estonia. CM treatment data were collected during a 12-month study period. The antimicrobial usage was observed during the 21 days from the initiation of treatment, and the incidence of antimicrobial-treated CM was calculated for each study herd. The effect of intramammary (IMM), systemic, and combined (systemic and IMM) penicillin treatment of CM on the post-treatment somatic cell count (SCC) was analyzed using the treatment records of 2222 cows from 24 herds with a mixed multivariable linear regression model. The median incidence of antimicrobial-treated CM was 35.8 per 100 cow-years. Procaine benzylpenicillin and marbofloxacin were used in 6103 (35.5%, 95% CI 34.8–36.2) and 2839 (16.5%, 95% CI 16.0–17.1) CM treatments, respectively. Post-treatment SCC was higher after IMM penicillin therapy compared to systemic or combination therapy. Treatment of CM usually included first-choice antimicrobials, but different antimicrobial combinations were also widely used. The effect of procaine benzylpenicillin to post-treatment SCC was dependent on the administration route, cow parity, and days in milk. Further studies should evaluate the factors affecting veterinarians’ choice of antimicrobial used in the treatment of CM

    Veisefarmide bioturvalisuse kava koostamine : juhendmaterjal

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    Nakkushaigused (infektsioonhaigused) kujunevad haigustekitaja (viirused, bakterid, seened, parasiidid) sattumisel organismi. Nakkushaiguste ennetamine ja ohjamine peab olema igas farmis hästi läbi mõeldud ja planeeritud tegevus. Kuna iga farmi nakkushaiguste kooslus, farmi rutiinid ja tingimused on erinevad, tuleb igale piimakarjale koostada individuaalne bioturvalisuse kava. Farmi bioturvalisuse (BT) kava tuleb vormistada kirjalikult. Juhend sisaldab tegevuste kirjeldusi, mis ennetavad nakkushaiguste farmi toomist ning seal juba esinevate nakkuste levikut farmis ja farmist välja. BT kava järgimine vähendab haigusriske, kuid iga farm peab kaaluma oodatavat kasutegurit (loomade tervis, heaolu ja tootlikkus) haiguste ennetuskava teostatavuse ja kulukuse suhtes. Kava koostamine vajab aega, planeerimist, kannatlikkust ning pädevaid koostööpartnereid. See on meeskonnatöö, kus võrdne roll on farmi loomaarstil, loomakasvatusjuhil ning omanikul. BT kava järgimine kuulub kõigi farmis töötavate inimeste tööülesannete hulka. Ratsionaalselt rakendatud BT kava ning järjepidevad ja kontrollitud tegevused bioturvalisuse tagamisel aitavad ära hoida nakkustest tingitud haiguseid ja suurendavad tarbijate usaldust toodetud toidu ohutuse ja kvaliteedi vastu. Koostatud BT kava peab farmitöötajatele tutvustama ning sellest lähtuvaid tegevusi praktilise õppena läbi viima. Ka kätepesu ja desinfektsiooni tuleb õppida, nii nagu tööriistade ja teiste vahendite puhastamist. BT kava rakendamise edukus sõltub inimeste suhtumisest ja käitumisest, mistõttu on tööl inimestega oluline roll nakkushaiguste ennetuses ja ohjamises. Bioturvalisuse kavaga seotud ülesanded seatakse tähtsuse järjekorda, kus alustatakse kõige tõenäolisematest ja/või kõige ebasoovitavama mõjuga seotud riskidest. Seejärel määratakse ajakava nende täitmiseks, mille tulemusena tekivad bioturvalisuse kava lühi- ja pikaajalised eesmärgid. Tegevuste järjestamine aitab efektiivselt suunata ressursse (nt raha, aeg, tööjõud jne), alustades kõige suurema riskiga tegevustest.Trükis on valminud teadmussiirde pikaajaline programm loomakasvatuse valdkonnas „Eesti maaelu arengukava 2014 – 2020“ raames. Rahastatud Euroopa Maaelu Arengu Põllumajandusfondist

    Piimafarmide bioturvalisus

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    Nakkushaigused (infektsioonhaigused) kujunevad haigustekitaja (viirused, bakterid, seened, parasiidid) sattumisel organismi. Farmis levivad nakkushaigused mõjutavad eeskätt loomade tervist ja heaolu. Nakkushaigustest tingitud majanduslik kahju farmile on suur, sest väheneb lehmade tootlikkus, suureneb ravivajadus, loomade praakimine ja suremus. Loomadel esinevad nakkushaigused võivad olla ohuks inimese tervisele, sest nii mõnedki haigustekitajad kanduvad loomadelt edasi inimesele keskkonna vahendusel, otsese kontakti või toidu kaudu. Tähelepanuta ei saa jätta ka nakkushaiguste negatiivset mõju loomapidaja vaimsele tervisele, sest nende tõrje ja ravi on farmitöötajatele stressirohke. Nakkushaiguste esinemine, haigestunud loomad ja võimalik haigustekitajate sattumine toodetud toitu mõjutavad tarbija suhtumist ja käitumist, millel võivad olla nii lühi- kui ka pikaajalised mõjud kogu toiduainete tarneahelale. Seetõttu sõltub piimatootmise kuvand ühiskonnas väga suures osas loomade tervisest, heaolust ja haiguste efektiivsest ohjamisest. Lisaks loob nakkushaigustest vaba kari soodsamad tingimused tõuloomade müügiks nii Eestis kui ka rahvusvaheliselt. Nakkushaiguste ennetamise, leviku ohjamise ja haigustekitajate inimestele ülekande tõkestamise meetmed koonduvad mõiste „bioturvalisus“ alla. Käesolev käsiraamat on abiks loomaarstidele ja loomakasvatajatele piimafarmi bioturvalisuse tähtsuse mõistmisel ning nakkushaiguste ennetamiseks mõeldud tegevuste planeerimisel ja läbiviimisel. Käsiraamatut võivad kasutada ka loomaarsti ja loomakasvatuse eriala üliõpilased oma teadmiste täiendamiseks. Ühtlasi on loodud elektrooniline juhend „Veisefarmide bioturvalisuse kava koostamine“, mis on abiks farmi bioturvalisuse kava koostamisel, vt. lähemalt Eesti Maaülikooli DSpace või https://avatudylikool.emu.ee/ilmunud- trukised. Käsiraamatu koostamist toetas Eesti maaelu arengukava 2014–2020 loomakasvatuse teadmussiirde pikaajaline programm. Head lugemist! Käsiraamatu koostajad Kerli Mõtus ja Piret Kalmus.Trükis on valminud teadmussiirde pikaajaline programm loomakasvatuse valdkonnas „Eesti maaelu arengukava 2014 – 2020“ raames. Rahastatud Euroopa Maaelu Arengu Põllumajandusfondist

    Multiblock analysis reveals key areas and risk factors for dairy cow losses

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    Describe the relative contribution of the production areas (thematic blocks) to cow losses characterized by herd on farm mortality risk (MR), culling rates (CR) and mean age of culled cows (MAofCC). Also, the study aimed to identify within each block, the variables mostly contributing to the cow losses.This work was financed by the Estonian Research Council grant (PSG 268).This work was financed by the Estonian Research Council grant (PSG 268

    Calf care workers' attitudes and personality and their association with calf mortality in large-scale dairy farms

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    Although calf mortality is a multifactorial problem, little is known about the attitudes and personalities of calf care workers (CCWs) and their association with calf mortality. This study aimed to describe the attitudes, satisfaction, and personality of CCWs in large Estonian dairy herds and to analyze their associations with herd calf mortality. A questionnaire registering CCWs' attitudes toward their work and calf mortality, personality characteristics, satisfaction and importance of different job-related factors was developed. In total, completed questionnaire data of 161 CCWs from 108 large (>100 cows) Estonian dairy farms were analyzed. Herd-level yearly calf mortality risk (MR) was calculated. Cluster analysis and variance partitioning analysis were applied to reveal the explanatory capacity of CCWs' attitudes and personalities on calf mortality. The mean yearly herd-level calf MR was 5.4% during the first 21 days of life and 2.7% during 22–90 days of life. Although good calf health and low calf mortality was important for CCWs, dead calves were often seen as inevitable. CCWs were generally doubtful regarding their capacity and available knowledge to influence calf mortality. In high-mortality herds, CCWs were dissatisfied with the calf health situation and farm working equipment and felt that the situation was out of their control. Despite striving, they had less faith that farmworkers could affect the outcomes, such as calf mortality. CCWs' personality domains explained <5% of the variance in the herd's calf MR, whereas their attitudes and satisfaction explained 20% of the variability in calf MR. The current study revealed the importance of the attitudes and satisfaction of CCWs on calf mortality and highlighted the need to allocate proficient assistance to herds with high calf mortality to mitigate calf health problems and the resulting consequences for CCWs

    Reasons and risk factors for on-farm mortality in Estonian dairy herds

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    Mortality of dairy cattle causes financial loss for the farmer and reflects animal welfare status. The aim of this study was to determine the on-farm mortality (unassisted death and euthanasia), reasons, as well as risk factors for on-farm mortality in Estonian dairy cattle. Data of years 2013 and 2014 about all cattle from dairy herds in Estonia was collected from the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board. The dataset included records of 363,380 animals from 2616 herds. Multivariable Weibull proportional hazard models with herd as random effect were composed for detecting significant associations between potential risk factors and on-farm mortality (composed outcome including unassisted death and euthanasia). Data from Estonian Livestock Performance Recording Ltd was used to determine the reasons for on-farm mortality.The overall mortality rate (MR) including unassisted death and euthanasia was 6.95 per 100 animal-years. Mortality was highest in male (MR=55.96 per 100 animal-years, 95% CI 54.53; 57.42) and female (MR=27.70 per 100 animal-years, 95% CI 26.99; 28.43) calves up to three months old and lowest in female cattle aged 1218 months (MR=0.99 per 100 animal-years, 95% CI 0.89; 1.10). The main farmers' stated reasons for dairy cow mortality were 'Metabolic and digestive disorders' and 'Feet/claw disorders'. The main reasons for on-farm mortality among youngstock were 'Metabolic and digestive disorders', 'Respiratory and infectious diseases' and 'Other reasons'. The risk factor analysis was carried out in three age categories: = 24 months. Estonian Holstein breed was associated with significantly higher risk of mortality compared to Estonian Red breed cattle in every age group. The hazard of on-farm mortality was significantly higher for herds with over 400 animal-years compared to smaller herds in all age groups. Regional differences in mortality hazard were present in the model of youngstock over 3 months and adult cattle. Seasonal differences in mortality rate were present and differed by age groups.This is the first study revealing the on-farm mortality and related risk factors in Estonian dairy cattle population

    On-farm mortality, causes and risk factors in Estonian beef cow-calf herds

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    High on-farm mortality is associated with lower financial return of production and poor animal health and welfare. Understanding the reasons for on-farm mortality and related risk factors allows focus on specific prevention measures. This retrospective cohort study used cattle registry data from the years 2013 and 2014, collected from cattle from all Estonian cow-calf beef herds. The dataset contained 78,605 animal records from 1321 farms in total. Including unassisted deaths and euthanasia (2199 in total) the on-farm mortality rate was 2.14 per 100 animal-years. Across all age groups of both sexes the mortality rate (MR) was highest for bull calves up to three months old (MR= 7.78 per 100 animal-years, 95% CI 6.97; 8.68) followed by that for heifer calves (MR= 6.21 per 100 animal-years, 95% CI 5.49; 7.02). For female cattle the mortality risk declined after three months of age but increased again among animals over 18 months.The reason for death stated by the farmers was analysed for cattle under animal performance testing. Other/unknown reasons, trauma and accidents, as well as metabolic and digestive disorders, formed the three most commonly reported reasons for death in cattle of all age groups.Weibull proportional hazard models with farm frailty effects were applied in three age categories (calves up to three months, youngstock from three to 18 months and cattle aged over 18 months) to identify factors associated with the risk of mortality. Male sex was associated with increased risk of mortality in cattle up to 18 months of age. No difference between breeds was found for cattle up to 18 months of age. Beef cattle breeds rarely represented or dairy breeds (breed category 'Other') had the highest mortality hazard (HR= 1.41, 95% CI 1.11; 1.78) compared to Hereford. The hazard of mortality generally increased with herd size for calves, young stock and older bulls. In female cattle over 18 months of age there was no difference in mortality hazard over herd size categories. Herd location was controlled in the models and regional differences in mortality hazard were found. Common to all age groups, calving season was associated with increased risk of mortality. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved