11 research outputs found

    Perspectivas de la experimentación animal en ciencias biomédicas

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    En la presente revisión bibliográfica se pretende realizar un ejercicio de divulgación científica de un tema tan controvertido como es la experimentación con animales en los últi¬mos siglos, los orígenes, sujetos y objetivos de esta práctica, el estado actual tanto ético como legislativo y lo que nos cabe esperar de la misma en los años venideros. Una visión verificada con un importante componente social de hacia dónde se dirigen este tipo de ensayos, los retos, el futuro que nos cabe esperar y las perspectivas que del mismo se derivan en relación al ejercicio de la actividad.In the present literature review intends to carry out an exercise of scientific disclosure of such a controversial topic as is the experimentation with animals in the past few centuries, the mos signal sources, subjects and objectives of this practice, the current state both ethical as legislative and what we can expect from the same in the coming years. A vision verified with an important social component of where they are headed this type of testing, the challenges, the future that we can expect and the prospects arising from it in relation to the exercise of the activity

    Cattle mortality due to poisoning in Spain: a cross-sectional epidemiological study

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    La falta de un sistema público nacional de bases de datos sobre intoxicación en el ganado hace difícil investigar esta cuestión. Por lo tanto, hemos realizado un estudio epidemiológico utilizando los datos sobre intoxicación de ganado suministrado por una compañía de seguros (2000-2005), para determinar la tasa de mortalidad debido a la intoxicación en el ganado en España y valorar la influencia de las siguientes variables: tipo de agricultura, edad, sexo, época del año, año y región. Se observó una tasa de mortalidad de 23,25 por 100.000 animales en España con una tasa en el sector de la carne de ganado lechero (32,14 vs. 4,51 por 100.000 animales). También hubo diferencias en la tasa de mortalidad entre la cría de ganado y en el futuro, afectando a criadores de ganado vacuno de carne y leche de una manera diferente. En el ganado lechero, hemos encontrado diferencias entre los años analizados. En el ganado vacuno, la época del año con mayor riesgo de intoxicación fue el último trimestre (19,45 por 100.000 animales), mientras que la más baja tasa de mortalidad fue observada en el primer trimestre (1.33 por 100.000). Existen marcadas diferencias entre las regiones en el ganado vacuno, las diferencias no fueron significativas en el ganado lechero. Por último, en el ganado vacuno, no se encontraron diferencias entre sexos. En resumen, la tasa de mortalidad debido a la intoxicación en el ganado en España es bajo, y el riesgo de intoxicación es determinado por el sistema de cultivo, animales' estadio de desarrollo, época del año y la región.The lack of nationwide public databases on poisoning in cattle makes it difficult to investigate this issue. Hence, we conducted an epidemiological study using the data on cattle poisoning provided by an insurance company (2000-2005), to determine the mortality rate due to poisoning in cattle in Spain and to assess the influence of the following variables: type of farming, age, sex, time of year, year and region. We observed a mortality rate of 23.25 per 100,000 animals in Spain with a higher rate in beef than dairy cattle (32.14 vs. 4.51 per 100,000 animals). There were also differences in the mortality rate between breeding cattle and future breeders, affecting dairy and beef cattle in a different way. In dairy cattle, we found differences between the years analysed. In beef cattle, the time of year with highest risk of poisoning was the last quarter (19.45 per 100,000 animals), while the lowest mortality rate was observed in the first quarter (1.33 per 100,000). There were pronounced differences between regions in beef cattle, differences being non-significant in dairy cattle. Lastly, in beef cattle, no differences were found between sexes. In summary, the mortality rate due to poisoning in cattle in Spain is low, and the risk of poisoning is determined by the farming system, animals’ stage of development, time of year and region.peerReviewe

    Las nanopartículas y sus aplicaciones

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    Actualmente, las nanopartículas están presentes en casi todos los aspectos de nuestra vida, desde cremas que utilizamos diariamente, hasta medicamentos e incluso productos alimenticios. Sus enormes potencialidades las convierten en unas herramientas fundamentales no solo en el momento actual, sino en el futuro de, entre otras, las ciencias biomédicas. De hecho, gracias a sus propiedades, han favorecido relevantes avances en el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de distintas patologías. Sin embargo, a pesar de sus evidentes beneficios, se ha hecho fundamental la realización de estudios que comprueben la bioseguridad de estas partículas, indagando en los posibles (y no siempre evidentes) efectos tóxicos que presentan. De hecho, algunos trabajos han dejado entrever que ciertas nanopartículas pueden no ser tan inocuas como hasta ahora pensábamos. El presente trabajo pretende ser una revisión actualizada acerca de la realidad que rodea a las nanopartículas, de sus implicaciones en las más variadas actividades profesionales, de las perspectivas que abren en un futuro no muy lejano, y de los problemas que su empleo puede generar también en los más diversos campos biomédicos.Today, nanoparticles are present in almost every aspect of our lives, from the creams we use on a daily basis to medicines and even food products. Their enormous potential makes them fundamental tools not only for the present, but also for the future of biomedical sciences, among others. In fact, thanks to their properties, they have favoured significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of different pathologies. However, despite their evident benefits, it has become essential to carry out studies to verify the biosafety of these particles, investigating the possible (and not always evident) toxic effects they present. In fact, some studies have suggested that certain nanoparticles may not be as harmless as we had previously thought. This paper aims to provide an updated review of the reality surrounding nanoparticles, their implications in the most varied professional activities, the prospects they open up in the not too distant future, and the problems that their use may also generate in the most diverse biomedical fields.peerReviewe

    Perspectivas de la experimentación animal en ciencias biomédicas

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    En la presente revisión bibliográfica se pretende realizar un ejercicio de divulgación científica de un tema tan controvertido como es la experimentación con animales en los últi¬mos siglos, los orígenes, sujetos y objetivos de esta práctica, el estado actual tanto ético como legislativo y lo que nos cabe esperar de la misma en los años venideros. Una visión verificada con un importante componente social de hacia dónde se dirigen este tipo de ensayos, los retos, el futuro que nos cabe esperar y las perspectivas que del mismo se derivan en relación al ejercicio de la actividad.In the present literature review intends to carry out an exercise of scientific disclosure of such a controversial topic as is the experimentation with animals in the past few centuries, the mos signal sources, subjects and objectives of this practice, the current state both ethical as legislative and what we can expect from the same in the coming years. A vision verified with an important social component of where they are headed this type of testing, the challenges, the future that we can expect and the prospects arising from it in relation to the exercise of the activity

    Parámetros sanguíneos en ratas Wistar macho: l. valores hematológicos

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    Hemos estudiado diferentes parámetros hematológicos en ratas Wistar macho para establecer valores normales de los mismos (glóbulos rojos, blancos y plaquetas). En este trabajo comparamos los valores obtenidos con los descritos por otros autores para Wistar y otras cepas de ratas. Describimos otros parámetros hematológicos no publicados.We have studied different haematological parameters in male Wistar rats for stablishing normal val u es of them (red and white cells, and platelets). In this work, we compare the val u es obtained with the described by other autors for Wistar and other strains of rats. We describeanotherunpublished haematological parameters.peerReviewe

    Brain biomarkers in tench ( Tinca tinca L.) after semi-static exposure to the pesticide carbofuran

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    Abstract Background: The aquatic environment is continuously being contaminated with toxic chemical substances from industrial, agricultural and domestic activities. The identification of different biomarkers of such contamination is of great relevance to determine the potential impact of those xenobiotics on the health of organisms. Objectives: To estimate the suitability of different biochemical brain biomarkers from tench in order to evaluate the environmental effect of an exposition to different concentrations of the pesticide carbofuran. Methods: The present study focused on the effect of a long-term exposure (28 days) to different concentrations (50, 100 and 200 μg/L) of the pesticide carbofuran on certain biochemical parameters of tench (Tinca tinca L.). Selected biomarkers for stress monitoring were malondialdehyde (MDA), as index of lipid peroxidation, and reduced glutathione (GSH). Moreover, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was quantified as biomarker of effect on fish nervous system. Results: AChE activity was significantly inhibited in fish exposed to all concentrations of carbofuran after 14 and 21 days of exposure, returning to basal levels after this period with 50 and 100 μg/L. Moreover, significant decreases of MDA levels could be detected after 14 and 21 days of exposure to 200 μg/L, lasting until the end of the experiment. GSH levels decreased after 14 and 21 days of exposure to 100 and 200 μg/L; nevertheless, GSH recovered basal levels at the end of the experiment. Conclusion: All the three biochemical parameters assessed -mainly inhibition of AChE activity- could be adequate biomarkers of early exposition (less than 14 days) to low doses of carbofuran in biomonitoring programs, being MDA reduction also related to longer exposure.Resumo Antecedentes: O meio aquático está sendo continuamente contaminado com substâncias químicas tóxicas de atividades industriais, agrícolas e domésticas. A identificação de diferentes biomarcadores de tal contaminação é de grande relevância para determinar o impacto potencial desses xenobióticos na saúde dos organismos. Objetivo: Estimativa da idoneidade de várias biomarcadores cerebrais bioquímicos de tenca para avaliar o efeito ambiental de uma exposição a diferentes concentrações do pesticida carbofurano. Método: O presente estudo centrou-se no efeito de uma exposição a longo prazo (28 dias) a diferentes concentrações (50, 100 e 200 μg/L) do pesticida carbofurano em certos parâmetros bioquímicos da tenca (Tinca tinca L.). Os biomarcadores selecionados para o monitoramento do estresse foram malondialdeído (MDA), como índice de peroxidação lipídica e glutationa reduzida (GSH). Além disso, a atividade da acetilcolinesterase (AChE) foi quantificada, como biomarcador de efeito sobre o sistema nervoso do peixe. Resultados: A atividade de AChE foi significativamente inibida em peixes expostos a todas as concentrações de carbofurano após 14 e 21 dias de exposição, voltando aos níveis basais após esse período com 50 e 100 μg/L. Além disso, as diminuições significativas dos níveis de MDA podem ser detectadas após 14 e 21 dias de exposição a 200 μg/L, até o final do experimento. Os níveis de GSH diminuíram após 14 e 21 dias de exposição a 100 e 200 μg/L, porém GSH recuperou os níveis basais no final do experimento. Conclusão: Todos os três parâmetros bioquímicos avaliados, mas principalmente a inibição da atividade AChE, podem ser biomarcadores adequados de exposição precoce (menos de 14 dias) a baixas doses de carbofurano em programas de biomonitorização, sendo a redução de MDA também relacionada a exposições mais longas.Resumen Antecedentes: El ambiente acuático está continuamente contaminado con sustancias químicas tóxicas provenientes de actividades industriales, agrícolas y domésticas. La identificación de diferentes biomarcadores de dicha contaminación es de gran relevancia para determinar el impacto potencial de esos xenobióticos en la salud de los organismos. Objetivo: Estimar la idoneidad de diferentes biomarcadores cerebrales bioquímicos de tenca para evaluar el efecto ambiental de una exposición a diferentes concentraciones del pesticida carbofurano. Método: El presente estudio se centró en los efectos de una exposición a largo plazo (28 días) a diferentes concentraciones (50, 100 y 200 μg/L) del pesticida carbofurano sobre determinados parámetros bioquímicos de la tenca (Tinca tinca L.). Los biomarcadores seleccionados para el control del estrés fueron el malondialdehído (MDA), como indicador de peroxidación lipídica, y el glutatión reducido (GSH). Además, se cuantificó la actividad acetilcolinesterasa (AChE), como biomarcador de efecto sobre el sistema nervioso del pez. Resultados: La actividad AChE se inhibió significativamente en los peces expuestos a todas las concentraciones de carbofurano después de 14 y 21 días de exposición, regresando a los niveles basales tras este periodo en las exposiciones con 50 y 100 μg/L. Así mismo se detectaron descensos significativos de los niveles de MDA tras 14 y 21 días de exposición con 200 μg/L, manteniéndose hasta el final del experimento. Los niveles de GSH descendieron tras 14 y 21 días de exposición con 100 y 200 µg/l; sin embargo, los niveles basales se recuperaron al final del experimento. Conclusión: Los tres parámetros bioquímicos evaluados, pero principalmente la inhibición de la actividad de AChE, podrían usarse como biomarcadores de exposición temprana (menos de 14 días) a bajas dosis de carbofurano en programas de biomonitorización, estando la reducción de MDA también relacionada con exposiciones más prolongadas

    Niveles de hierro y manganeso en aguas del río Tajo a su paso por la provincia de Cáceres

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    El contenido de hierro y manganeso en aguas naturales, si bien no presenta problemas de toxicidad para la salud del consumidor, sí que afecta notablemente a las características organolépticas del agua (sabor metálico, olor desagradable y coloración), produce precipitados que favorecen la corrosión y obstrucción de las tuberías, mancha la ropa y contribuye a la proliferación de bacterias específicas. Por tanto, la presencia de estos metales en el agua dificulta en gran manera su utilización para usos domésticos.The content of iron and manganese in natural water, although it does not present toxicity problems for the health of the consumer, does notably affect the organoleptic characteristics of the water (metallic taste, unpleasant odor and colouring), produces precipitates that favor corrosion and clogging of pipes, stains clothes and contributes to the proliferation of specific bacteria. Therefore, the presence of these metals in water greatly hinders its use for domestic purposes.peerReviewe

    Biochemical Effects of Heavy Metals and Organochlorine Compounds Accumulated in Different Tissues of Yellow-Legged Gulls (Larus Michahellis)

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    In the present study, livers, kidneys and adipose tissue of Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis) were collected. Samples were used to determine relationships between heavy metals/metalloids in liver and kidneys (Hg, Cd, Pb, Se and As) or persistent organic pollutants in adipose tissue (7 PCBs and 11 organochlorine pesticides) with biomarkers of oxidative stress (CAT, GPx, GR, GSH, GST, MDA) analysed in both internal organs. Three possible influencing variables have been studied: age, sex and sampling area. As a result, statistically significant differences (P < 0.05, P < 0.01) were only found according to the sampling area, with differences among the three studied areas found in both organs. Significant positive correlations (P < 0.01) were found in liver (Hg vs. GST; Se vs. MDA) and in kidney (As vs. GR; As vs. GPx; PCB52 vs. CAT; PCB138 vs. CAT). The scarcity in correlations suggests that the levels of pollutants found in animals were not high enough to trigger an effect at the oxidative level.The work was funded by the Consejería de Economía e Infraestructuras of Junta de Extremadura (Convocatoria de Proyectos de investigación en los centros públicos de I + D + i de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura, 2016; Ref. IB16112); project code: 2017/00206/001.Peer reviewe

    Heavy metals and metalloid levels in the tissues of yellow-legged gulls (Larus michahellis) from Spain: sex, age, and geographical location differences

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    In the present study, mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), selenium (Se), and arsenic (As) were measured in liver, kidney, and feathers of adult, juvenile, and chick seagulls (Larus michahellis) collected from the northwest of Spain. Age, sex, and the geographical location of samples were considered variables that can infuence metal bioaccumulation, for which concentrations were determined by means of ICP-MS. The mean concentrations (dry weight) found in seagulls were 7.01±0.37 mg Hg/kg, 22.82±2.83 mg Cd/kg, 7.36±1.36 mg Pb/kg, 18.64±0.63 mg Se/kg, and 10.64±0.59 mg As/kg. Regarding the diferent factors analyzed, Hg was the only metal showing sex-related diferences, being signifcantly higher (p<0.05) the concentrations found in feathers of males (1.26±0.12 mg/kg) than those in females (0.99±0.11 mg/kg). A highly signifcant (p<0.01) increase in levels of some metals was found in liver related to the increase of age: Hg (adults (A) 3.33±0.22 mg/kg vs chicks (C) 1.76±0.28 mg/kg), Cd (A 4.74±0.62 mg/kg vs C 1.79±0.2), Pb (A 0.65±0.12 mg/kg vs juveniles 0.4±0.11 mg/kg), and Se (A 7.56±0.43 mg/kg vs C 5.24±0.53 mg/kg). Positive correlations between Cd-Hg and Se–Hg were found in liver (p<0.001), kidney (p<0.001), and feathers (p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively). The associa tions found may refect antagonistic interactions between Se and Cd on Hg toxicity. The results suggest that L. michahellis can reveal local contamination around the foraging and breeding sites and can be a very useful monitoring instrument for assessing heavy metal contamination and sentinel species of environmental healt

    Presence of pharmaceutical compounds, levels of biochemical biomarkers in seafood tissues and risk assessment for human health: Results from a case study in North-Western Spain

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    This study assessed the presence of 27 pharmaceutically active compounds belonging to common therapeutic groups (cardiovascular, antiashmatic, psychoactive, diuretic, analgesic/anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic drugs) in the tissues of representative seafood species of bivalves, cephalopods, arthropods, and fish of high economic importance and consumption rates in North-Western Spain. Four pharmaceutical compounds, out of the 27 analyzed, were detected in the collected samples. The benzodiazepine citalopram was detected in the tissues of common octopus (14.1 ng g−1 dry weight) and pod razor (9.4 ng g−1 dw). The anxiolytic venlafaxine was detected in the tissues of common cockle (2.9 ng g−1 dw). The veterinary antiparasitic ronidazole was found in pod razor (2.3 ng g−1 dw) and, finally, the psychoactive compound alprazolam was also measured in common octopus (0.3 ng g−1 dw). Hazard quotients were calculated to assess the hazard posed by the consumption of the sampled seafoods. Octopus and pod razor tissues containing citalopram and alprazolam exceeded our chosen hazard limits (HQ > 0.1) for toddlers who are high consumers of seafood (HQ values between 0.18 and 0.27). A battery of biochemical biomarkers of effects (acetylcholinesterase, glutathione S-transferase; catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase enzymes activities and reduced/oxidized glutathione and malondialdehyde levels) was applied to samples of the study species with the aim of characterizing their basal levels and evaluating their suitability as a tool in the monitoring chronic exposure to environmental contaminants such as those analyzed in this study. According to the measured biomarkers, pod razor and cockles have the potential to be good bioindicator species, based on the observed among-site differences detected on acetylcholinesterase, glutathione S-transferase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase activities; reduced/oxidized glutathione and malondialdehyde levels.Fil: Martínez Morcillo, Salomé. Universidad de Extremadura; EspañaFil: Rodríguez Gil, José Luis. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; EspañaFil: Fernández-Rubio, Javier. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; EspañaFil: Rodríguez Mozaz, Sara. Universidad de Girona; EspañaFil: Míguez Santiyán, María Prado. Universidad de Extremadura; EspañaFil: Valdés, María Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Barceló, Damián. Universidad de Girona; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Valcárcel, Yolanda. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; Españ