63 research outputs found

    Análisis del papel de la inteligencia emocional en el engagement laboral del profesorado. Aplicación de la teoría de Demandas y Recursos Laborales

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    Empirical evidence has demonstrated that teaching professionals suffer from psychosocial risk factors associated with negative educational, economic, and social consequences (Iriarte-Redín & Erro-Garcés, 2020; Travers, 2017). According to the Job Demands-Resources theory, it is proposed that both contextual and personal factors are predictors of teachers’ job strain, work engagement, and numerous individual and organizational outcomes (Bakker & Demerouti, 2017; Granziera et al., 2021). Work engagement is highlighted as a key dimension in the teaching context given its positive effects on health, commitment, and performance at work. Recent studies have increasingly focused on the predictive role of teachers’ personal resources (e.g., self-efficacy, optimism, and emotional intelligence) in work engagement as well as in positive functioning outcomes (Granziera et al., 2021). Emotional intelligence (EI) has been underscored as a helpful personal resource among teachers relating to increased work-related health and well-being (Iriarte-Redín & Erro-Garcés, 2020; Mérida-López & Extremera, 2017). However, the role of EI on teachers’ work engagement has not been empirically tested based upon the Job Demands-Resources theory. Better knowledge about the relationship between EI and contextual and personal factors in explaining teachers’ work engagement and work-related and personal well-being indicators would substantially contribute to the development of effective Positive Organizational Psychology intervention programs in educational settings. Therefore, the main goal of the current dissertation was to integrate existing theoretical frameworks on emotional intelligence and work-related well-being in providing novel empirical research offering a more comprehensive view regarding the effects of EI on teachers’ work engagement

    Beyond forgiveness and suicidal behaviour in adolescence: the moderating role of gender

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    With the development of positive psychology, forgiveness has received increasing attention among psychologists from different social science fields . Empirical evidences have suggested associations between forgiveness and suicidal ideation and behaviours, but moderator’s role of gender has been scarcely studied. The aim of the present study was to test the role of gender as a potential moderating factor in the relationship between forgiveness and suicidal behaviour in adolescence. A total of 586 Spanish adolescents from three different high school centres took part in this study. Their average age was 15.51 (SD= 1.17) and 51.2% were men. We conducted moderation analyses and used age and personality factors as control variables. First, we found negative association between forgiveness and risk suicide. Moreover, results showed that gender moderated the relationship between forgiveness and suicidal ideation. Specifically, males compared to females were found to show significantly higher tendency of suicidal behaviour depending on their level of forgiveness. Thus, males who showed higher scores on forgiveness tend to report lower levels of suicidal behaviour, whereas males who reported lower scores on forgiveness showed greater levels of risk suicide. Our findings suggest that forgiveness may operate as a key buffering factor against suicidal risk underlying the importance of examining gender differences in this association. These findings provide therapeutic targets to reduce risk of suicide in this high-risk group of adolescent males with lower levels of forgiveness. Our results are discussed in terms of the need of using gender perspectives in positive psychology intervention programs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A multi-study investigation on academic satisfaction: The promise of emotional intelligence

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    Abstract -Objective: We aimed to provide evidence on the influence of emotional intelligence (EI) on academic satisfaction adopting both cross-sectional and prospective designs in two independent studies with undergraduate students. -Methods: In Study 1, we examined the potential mediator role of study engagement dimensions in the relationship between EI and academic satisfaction in a sample of 314 undergraduate students (209 female; mean age = 21 years). In study 2, we sought to test the mediator role of study engagement dimensions in the relationship between EI and academic satisfaction considering a 2-month prospective design and controlling for personality traits. 135 undergraduate students (102 women; mean age = 20.40 years) participated in this study. -Results: In Study 1, results indicated that vigor and dedication fully mediated the association between EI and academic satisfaction. Findings from Study 2 showed that dedication fully mediated the relationship between EI and academic satisfaction at Time 2. -Conclusions: Our results contribute to the understanding of the motivational processes underlying students’ EI and academic satisfaction. These findings may help to design EI training programs aiming at the enhancement of study-related well-being and positive attitudes among undergraduate students.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Dealing with teachers’ role stressors and depressive symptomatology: does gender impact on the buffering effect of emotion regulation ability?

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    Certain work-related stressors as role ambiguity and role conflict have been traditionally linked to negative outcomes such as mental health problems. Previous studies have focused on the moderating effect of personal resources in the association between role stressors and work attitudes. Emotion regulation ability (ERA) has showed robust associations with numerous mental health outcomes, with significant gender differences in this relationship.. The purpose of our study was twofold. Firstly, to examine the moderating effect of ERA in the association among role ambiguity/conflict and depressive symptomatology in a teacher sample. Secondly, we aimed to test whether gender would affect the impact of ERA. Participants were 337 Spanish teachers (54.89% were female) from different grade level taught in Malaga. Results showed that ERA moderated the relationship between role ambiguity and depressive symptoms, whereas did not moderate the effect of role conflict. Indeed, gender-specific analysis revealed a three-way interaction of role ambiguity, ERA and gender on depressive symptomatology showing a significant moderation effect only for males. These results suggest underlying processes by which ERA would differently buffer the association between role clarity and depressive symptoms in teachers. Our resultsmay shed some light on showing on testing gender-specific models including work-related factors, emotional abilities, mental health and well-being outcomes in teaching. Finally, these findings might provide guidance in developing further stress management programmes and emotional training considering gender perspectives.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Burnout, work engagement and life satisfaction among Spanish teachers: The unique contribution of core self-evaluations

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    The aim of this study was to examine burnout and engagement dimensions as predictors of life satisfaction in a sample of 531 Spanish teachers. We also aimed to examine the additional contribution of core self-evaluations on life satisfaction, above and beyond socio-demographic variables and burnout and engagement dimensions. Results of hierarchical regression analyses indicated that core self-evaluations explained a substantial and unique amount of variance in life satisfaction beyond and above that accounted for age, one burnout dimension (i.e., personal accomplishment) and one engagement dimension (i.e., dedication). Additional analysis found that personal accomplishment and dedication mediated the link between core self-evaluations and life satisfaction. Some practical implications of the current findings for educational context are discussed.This research has been funded in part by research projects from the University of Málaga and Junta de Andalucía/FEDER (UMA18-FEDERJA-147), funded projects by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-117006RB-I00) and PAIDI Group CTS-1048 (Junta de Andalucía). The second author is supported by the University of Málaga. Funding for open access charge: University of Málaga / CBUA

    State of the art about emotional intelligence and teacher burnout for countries, year of publication, educational levels and assessment tools

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    La investigación acerca de la relación entre Inteligencia Emocional (IE) y burnout en el profesorado ha recibido un creciente interés por su implicación en distintos marcos educativos. Sin embargo, el análisis de la evidencia existente se dificulta por la gran heterogeneidad conceptual y de medida. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión de este campo de estudio con el propósito de describir y aportar cierto orden al estado actual de esta cuestión. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda utilizando palabras clave en inglés y castellano e identificando múltiples estudios, de los cuales 11 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión propuestos. De las investigaciones incluidas en la revisión se examinó su procedencia geográfica, su año de publicación, el tipo de medida utilizada y el ciclo educativo del profesorado. Finalmente, se discuten los hallazgos de esta revisión y sus posibles implicaciones prácticas.The research about the link between emotional intelligence (EI) and teacher burnout have received an increasing attention in educational settings. However, the conceptual heterogeneity in the different studies make it difficult to summarize the current understanding of state of art. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to review available theoretical evidence about this issue to describe and synthesize the current state of this area. Relevant research was found using English and Spanish keywords, leading 11 scientific articles which accomplished the inclusion criteria established. In order to examine these studies, their origin country, publication year, types of measurement and educational level were analyzed. Finally, these findings are discussed in relation to future research and practical implications.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar. Grupo FORCE (HUM386

    Emotional intelligence and peer cybervictimisation in adolescents: Gender as moderator

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    Elucidating personal factors that may protect against the adverse psychological outcomes of cyberbullying victimisation might help guide more effective screening and school intervention. No studies have yet examined the role of emotional intelligence (EI) and gender in adolescent victims of cyberbullying and how these dimensions might interact in explaining cybervictimisation experiences. The main aim of this study was to examine the relationship between EI and cybervictimisation, and the interactive link involving EI skills and gender as predictors of cyberbullying victimisation in a sample of 1,645 Spanish adolescents (50.6% female), aged between 12 and 18 years. Regarding the prevalence of cybervictimisation, our results indicated that over 83.95% of the sample were considered non-cyber victims, while 16.05% experienced occasional or severe cyber victimisation. Additionally, findings indicated that deficits in EI and its dimensions were positively associated with cyber victimisation in both genders, but were stronger in females. Besides, a significant emotion regulation x gender association was found in explaining cyber victimisation experiences. While no interaction was found for males, for females the deficits of emotion regulation were significantly associated with greater victimisation. Our findings provide empirical support for theoretical work connecting EI skills, gender and cyber victimisation, suggesting emotion regulation skills might be considered as valuable resources, as well as the inclusion in new gender-tailored cyberation victimisation prevention programmes

    Recursos personales y laborales del profesorado y satisfacción laboral: estudio de efectos directos e interactivos.

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    Introducción: la reducción de los niveles de insatisfacción y el aumento de las herramientas disponibles para hacer frente a situaciones estresantes en la enseñanza son dos de los principales desafíos actuales en este ámbito. Pese a los estudios que vinculan los recursos laborales como el apoyo social de compañeros con mayores niveles de dedicación o satisfacción laboral, no existen trabajos hasta la fecha que exploren el papel modulador de ciertos recursos personales en esta relación. Objetivo: este estudio exploratorio evalúa el papel de la inteligencia emocional como variable moderadora en la relación entre el apoyo de compañeros y la satisfacción laboral en una muestra de profesorado. Método: en este trabajo se utilizó un muestreo incidental no aleatorio con un diseño de corte transversal. Se contó con una muestra total de 973 docentes (56,6% mujeres) de varios centros educativos de Educación Primaria y Secundaria. Resultados: los resultados mostraron que la inteligencia emocional se asoció positivamente con el apoyo de compañeros y con la satisfacción laboral. Además, se hallaron efectos directos y de interacción. En concreto, los resultados mostraron que los niveles más altos de satisfacción laboral eran informados por aquellos docentes con alto apoyo de compañeros y alta inteligencia emocional. Además, el apoyo de compañeros se asociaba positivamente con los niveles de satisfacción laboral cuando los niveles de inteligencia emocional eran bajos o medios. Discusión y conclusiones: El presente estudio muestra la necesidad de incorporar herramientas relacionadas con la creación de ambientes positivos y de apoyo en los centros educativos, así como el entrenamiento en habilidades emocionales entre los docentes en programas multifacéticos de formación del profesorado como forma de promover actitudes laborales más positivas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    “No quiero ser docente": inteligencia emocional percibida y creencias de autoeficacia del profesorado novel como predictores de la intención de abandono

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    Introducción: debido a la creciente tasa de abandono de la carrera docente en las primeras etapas de desempeño profesional, existe un marcado interés por examinar aquellos factores que pueden ser relevantes para fomentar actitudes más positivas hacia la enseñanza y, así, promover la retención en el sector educativo. La Inteligencia Emocional es considerada como un recurso personal clave para promover el ajuste y el bienestar docente. Asimismo, se ha señalado el papel predictivo de las creencias de autoeficacia sobre indicadores de bienestar docente. No obstante, son escasos los estudios que han examinado el papel predictivo de los recursos personales sobre la intención de abandono de la enseñanza. Método: en el presente trabajo han participado 468 profesores noveles (68,2% mujeres) de dos universidades públicas andaluzas, quienes cumplimentaron una batería de cuestionarios con escalas auto-informadas de inteligencia emocional, autoeficacia docente, compromiso docente e intención de abandono de la enseñanza. Resultados: los análisis mostraron asociaciones significativas en el sentido esperado entre las variables objeto de estudio. Con respecto al análisis de mediación, la percepción de autoeficacia docente mediaba totalmente la relación entre inteligencia emocional percibida e intención de abandono. Conclusiones: estos hallazgos aportan evidencia preliminar sobre los mecanismos explicativos implicados en la relación entre inteligencia emocional percibida y actitudes hacia la carrera docente del profesorado novel. Estos datos sugieren importantes líneas de investigación básica y aplicada. Por ejemplo, estos hallazgos resaltan la importancia de invertir recursos económicos y humanos en la formación en habilidades emocionales entre los futuros docentes con el fin de dotarles con herramientas que les permitan sentirse más competentes a la hora de manejar los estresores del contexto educativo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analizando los efectos de las habilidades de regulación emocional en el compromiso docente: un estudio exploratorio con profesorado novel de Educación Secundaria

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    Introducción Los docentes de Educación Secundaria acusan altos niveles de estrés laboral que, en muchos casos, generan problemáticas de bajas laborales y abandono de la profesión, especialmente en los primeros años de desempeño profesional. No obstante, hasta la fecha no se han realizado investigaciones acerca del papel de las habilidades de regulación emocional en relación con el bienestar o el compromiso del profesorado novel. Así, esta investigación analiza los efectos de las habilidades de regulación emocional centradas en uno mismo y en los demás en el engagement académico y en el compromiso en una muestra de futuros docentes de Educación Secundaria. Método En el estudio de diseño transversal se ha contado con la participación de una muestra amplia de estudiantes del Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas de la Universidad de Málaga (Andalucía, España). Se han empleado pruebas autoinformadas para evaluar el engagement académico y el compromiso docente, mientras que las habilidades emocionales se han evaluado mediante un test de juicio situacional. Resultados En primer lugar, los resultados de los análisis descriptivos mostraron diferencias de sexo en las habilidades de regulación emocional y en las variables de vigor y dedicación. Además, se encontró una relación positiva de la variable edad con la dimensión de vigor académico. Los resultados de los análisis principales mostraron que la regulación emocional centrada en uno mismo se relacionaba con mayores niveles de vigor académico y, con ello, con mayores niveles de compromiso docente. Conclusiones A pesar de las limitaciones del trabajo relacionadas principalmente con el diseño de corte transversal, los hallazgos suponen una contribución en el campo de investigación sobre habilidades emocionales, bienestar y actitudes docentes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec
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