113 research outputs found

    Binding of Ru(terpyridine)(pyridine)dipyridophenazine to DNA studied with polarized spectroscopy and calorimetry

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    Linear and circular dichroism (LD and CD) spectroscopy as well as isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) have been used to investigate the interaction of Ru(tpy)(py)dppz(2+) (tpy = 2,2': 6',2 ''-terpyridyl; py = pyridine; dppz = dipyrido[3,2-a: 2' 3'-c]phenazine) with DNA, providing detailed information about the DNA binding thermodynamics and binding geometry of the metal complex. Flow LD, CD and isotropic absorption indicate that Ru(tpy)(py)dppz(2+) bind to DNA from the minor groove with the dppz ligand intercalated between base pairs, very similar to its chiral structural isomers Delta- and Delta-Ru(bpy)(2)dppz(2+) (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine). A simple cooperative binding model with one binding geometry provide an excellent fit for calorimetric and absorption titration data. The values of the neighbor interaction thermodynamic parameters for Ru(tpy)(py)dppz(2+) suggest that complexes bound contiguously prefer to have their tpy ligands oriented towards the same strand

    TillÀmpning av SCORE-metoden pÄ f.d BT Kemis södra omrÄde

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    Remediation of contaminated sites may cause adverse negative effects like usage of non-renewable resources, high monetary cost, air emissions and an increased risk of accidents. Therefore, interest in sustainable remediation has increased in recent years. The aim with sustainable remediation is to integrate a holistic perspective on remedial projects and find the alternative that is considered best in the long term. A sustainability assessment is characterized of a wide variety of information and uncertainties though. One suitable method to handle sustainability assessment is multi criteria analysis (MCA). A MCA is a decision support tool which assesses to which extent different alternatives fulfils a set of performance criteria. This MasterÂŽs thesis has applied SCORE, a new MCA, to evaluate three remedial options proposed for the remediation of the southern part of the former BT Kemi in order to investigate which most favors sustainable development. The results showed that alternative 2 - containment of the contaminants within a barrier at site - most favoured sustainability. But all the results were associated with high uncertainties and no alternative were statistically significant better than the others. This report concludes that the main strength of the method lies in its ability to handle both quantitative and qualitative data in a structured way while it at the same time can deal with input uncertainties. Another positive aspect with the method is that decision makers and stakeholders openly discuss aspects that are often ignored in remediation projects. To develop the SCORE-method further it is recommended that all statistical calculations are integrated in the SCORE software which is under development. Better guidance on how to conduct the cost benefit analysis would also benefit the method.Per MĂ„rtensson TillĂ€mpning av SCORE-metoden pĂ„ f.d BT Kemis södra omrĂ„de Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att tillĂ€mpa multikriteriaanalysen SCORE för att utreda vilket av tre Ă„tgĂ€rdsalternativ som mest gynnar hĂ„llbar utveckling vid den kommande saneringen av det södra omrĂ„det pĂ„ BT Kemi – samt att Ă€ven utvĂ€rdera sjĂ€lva SCORE-metoden. Intresset för hĂ„llbar sanering har ökat i takt med att de negativa konsekvenserna som saneringen av förorenade omrĂ„den medför, exempelvis förhöjda olycksrisker och ökad förbrukning av icke-förnybara resurser, allt mer uppmĂ€rksammats. Vid hĂ„llbarhetsbedömningar anvĂ€nds ofta multikriteriaanalyser och kortfattat innebĂ€r metoden att effekterna av det som ska undersökas utvĂ€rderas mot ett visst antal kriterier. En fördel med metoden Ă€r att den kan integrera kvantitativ (mĂ€tbar data) och kvalitativ (tolkningsbar data som attityder) data till ett slutresultat. Det som skiljer SCORE-metoden frĂ„n andra multikriteriaanalyser Ă€r att det i den ingĂ„r en fĂ€rdig uppsĂ€ttning kriterier, som valts utifrĂ„n hĂ„llbar utveckling, som Ă„tgĂ€rdsalternativen ska utvĂ€rders mot. ÅtgĂ€rdsalternativens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ kriterierna i den ekologiska och sociala dimensionen redovisas med poĂ€ngsĂ€ttning medan Ă„tgĂ€rdsalternativens effekter pĂ„ den ekonomiska dimensionen redovisas genom en kostnads-nyttoanalys. Alla osĂ€kerheter i resultaten hanteras Ă€ven med statistiska osĂ€kerhetsanalyser. Resultat och utvĂ€rdering Mina resultat visade att Ă„tgĂ€rdsalternativ 2 mest gynnade hĂ„llbar utveckling. ÅtgĂ€rdsaltervativet innebĂ€r att föroreningarna innesluts i en barriĂ€r nere i marken under det södra omrĂ„det och att intrĂ€ngande vatten pumpas upp och behandlas pĂ„ plats. OsĂ€kerhetsanalysen visade dock att stora osĂ€kerheter var förknippade med slutresultatet. SCORE-metoden belyser pĂ„ ett bra sĂ€tt Ă„tgĂ€rdsalternativens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l de enskilda dimensionerna som utgör hĂ„llbar utveckling som deras totalpĂ„verkan pĂ„ hĂ„llbar utveckling. Metodens styrka ligger i att utvĂ€rderarna mĂ„ste ta hĂ€nsyn till aspekter som mĂ„nga gĂ„nger ignoreras i efterbehandlingsprojekt samt att arbetsprocessen Ă€r transparent och uppmuntrar till kontakt med allmĂ€nheten och andra som Ă€r berörda. För att metoden ska kunna tillĂ€mpas av fler krĂ€vs dock en tydligare vĂ€gledning för hur kostnads-nyttoanalysen och osĂ€kerhetsanalyserna ska genomföras. Extern handledare: Elisabet Hammarlund Ramböll AB Intern handledare: Per Sandgren GeologiskaInstitutionen Examensarbete 30 hp i miljövetenskap 2015 Centrum för klimat- och miljöforskning , Lunds universitet Ramböll A

    Lethal and non-lethal effects of multiple indigenous predators on the invasive golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata)

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    1. We investigated the individual and combined effects of two predators (the climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, and the wetland crab, Esanthelphusa nimoafi) indigenous to wetlands in Laos, on the behaviour and survival of the invasive South American golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata). The snail is considered a pest, consuming large amounts of rice and other aquatic vegetation in the region. 2. Snail avoidance reactions to released predator chemical cues were investigated in aquaria while the effects of predators on a mixed snail population were studied in field enclosures that contained native aquatic plants (Salvinia cucullata, Ludwigia adscendens and Ipomoea aquatica). 3. In the aquaria experiment, neonate (2-3 mm) and medium-sized snails (8-10 mm) responded to fish chemical cues by going to the surface, whereas adult snails (35-40 mm) went to the bottom. In contrast, no size class of snails reacted to chemical cues released by crabs. 4. In the field experiment, fish reduced the abundance of neonate snails, and crabs reduced the abundance of all size classes. The effect of the combined predators could not be predicted from the mortality rate observed in single predator treatments. The survival of neonate and medium-sized snails was greater and of adults less than expected. The presence of predators did not affect egg production. Snails consumed significant amounts of plants despite the presence of predators. 5. Our findings suggest that some indigenous Asian predators have lethal and sublethal effects on P. canaliculata that depend on snail size and predator type. When in the presence of several predators the response of snails to one predator may either increase or decrease the vulnerability of snails to the others

    Efforts to improve attractiveness of lower level engineering education

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    There are nine study programmes awarding the degree bachelor in engineering (högskoleingenjör) at the University of GÀvle. Some of these have only a few applicants, even though the graduates are appreciated by a relatively large regional primary and secondary sector industry. A major revision of the programmes is planned. One objective is to increase the attractiveness of the programmes. In the revised programmes, students are proposed to study most courses together during the first year of study, even if they belong to different engineering specializations. This is intended to improve the study environment. Students in programmes with low numbers of applicants will become part of a richer and livelier student collective. However, the attractiveness could further be problematized by asking to whom higher education is attractive. A special focus will be on increasing the admission of students from groups in society that have been underrepresented in higher education. More specifically this may be linked to individual factors such as the educational level of parents, family income, immigrational background and geography. There may also be societal explanations in traditions of gendered professions. Engineering programmes, and especially some of the specializations at the university, are dominated by male students. This study focuses on how universities can take action to further increase the attractiveness of the engineering programmes, with a special regard to groups that are known to be underrepresented among the students

    Evidence for electron transfer between graphene and non‐covalently bound π‐systems

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    Hybridizing graphene and molecules possess a high potential for developing materials for new applications. However, new methods to characterize such hybrids must be developed. Herein, the wet‐chemical non‐covalent functionalization of graphene with cationic π‐systems is presented and the interaction between graphene and the molecules is characterized in detail. A series of tricationic benzimidazolium salts with various steric demand and counterions was synthesized, characterized and used for the fabrication of graphene hybrids. Subsequently, the doping effects were studied. The molecules are adsorbed onto graphene and studied by Raman spectroscopy, XPS as well as ToF‐SIMS. The charged π‐systems show a p‐doping effect on the underlying graphene. Consequently, the tricationic molecules are reduced through a partial electron transfer process from graphene, a process which is accompanied by the loss of counterions. DFT calculations support this hypothesis and the strong p‐doping could be confirmed in fabricated monolayer graphene/hybrid FET devices. The results are the basis to develop sensor applications, which are based on analyte/molecule interactions and effects on doping

    Feasibility Study of FPGA-Based Equalizer for 112-Gbit/s Optical Fiber Receivers

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    With ever increasing demands on spectral efficiency, complex modulation schemes are being introduced in fiber communication. However, these schemes are challenging to implement as they drastically increase the computational burden at the fiber receiver’s end. We perform a feasibility study of implementing a 16-QAM 112-Gbit/s decision directed equalizer on a state-of-the-art FPGA platform. An FPGA offers the reconfigurability needed to allow for modulation scheme updates, however, its clock rate is limited. For this purpose, we introduce a new phase correction technique to significantly relax the delay requirement on the critical phase-recovery feedback loop

    Trends in time to invasive examination and treatment from 2001 to 2009 in patients admitted first time with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction or unstable angina in Denmark

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate trends in time to invasive examination and treatment for patient with first time diagnosis of non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and unstable angina during the period from 2001 to 2009 in Denmark. DESIGN: From 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2009 all first time hospitalisations with NSTEMI and unstable angina were identified in the National Patient Registry (n=65 909). Time from admission to initiation of coronary angiography (CAG), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) was calculated. We described the development in invasive examination and treatment probability (CAG, PCI and CABG at 3, 7, 10, 30 and 60 days) for the years 2001–2009, taking the competing risk of death into account using Aalen–Johansen estimators and a Fine-Gray model. SETTING: Nationwide Danish cohort. RESULTS: The proportion of patients receiving a CAG and PCI increased substantially over time while the proportion receiving a CABG decreased for both NSTEMI and unstable angina. For both NSTEMI and unstable angina, a significant increase in invasive examination and treatment probability at 3 days for CAG and PCI were seen especially from 2007 through to 2009. For NSTEMI, the CAG examination probability at 3 days leaped from 20% in 2007 to 32% in 2008 and 39% in 2009, and for PCI the same was true with a leap in treatment probability from 19% to 28% from 2008 to 2009. CONCLUSIONS: In Denmark the use of CAG and PCI in treatment of NSTEMI and unstable angina has increased from 2001 to 2009, while the use of CABG has decreased. During the same period, there was a marked increase in invasive examination and treatment probability at 3 days, that is, more patients were treated faster which is in line with the political aim of reducing time to treatment

    Update on the EFFECTS study of fluoxetine for stroke recovery: a randomised controlled trial in Sweden

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    Studies have suggested that fluoxetine might improve neurological recovery after stroke, but the results remain inconclusive. The EFFECTS (Efficacy oF Fluoxetine – a randomisEd Controlled Trial in Stroke) reached its recruitment target of 1500 patients in June 2019. The purpose of this article is to present all amendments to the protocol and describe how we formed the EFFECTS trial collaboration in Sweden. Methods In this investigator-led, multicentre, parallel-group, randomised, placebo-controlled trial, we enrolled non-depressed stroke patients aged 18 years or older between 2 and 15 days after stroke onset. The patients had a clinical diagnosis of stroke (ischaemic or intracerebral haemorrhage) with persisting focal neurological deficits. Patients were randomised to fluoxetine 20 mg or matching placebo capsules once daily for 6 months. Results Seven amendments were made and included clarification of drug interaction between fluoxetine and metoprolol and the use of metoprolol for severe heart failure as an exclusion criterion, inclusion of data from central Swedish registries and the Swedish Stroke Register, changes in informed consent from patients, and clarification of design of some sub-studies. EFFECTS recruited 1500 patients at 35 centres in Sweden between 20 October 2014 and 28 June 2019. We plan to unblind the data in January 2020 and report the primary outcome in May 2020. Conclusion EFFECTS will provide data on the safety and efficacy of 6 months of treatment with fluoxetine after stroke in a Swedish health system setting. The data from EFFECTS will also contribute to an individual patient data meta-analysis

    Effects of Fluoxetine on Outcomes at 12 Months After Acute Stroke:Results From EFFECTS, a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background and Purpose: The EFFECTS (Efficacy of Fluoxetine—a Randomised Controlled Trial in Stroke) recently reported that 20 mg fluoxetine once daily for 6 months after acute stroke did not improve functional outcome but reduced depression and increased fractures and hyponatremia at 6 months. The purpose of this predefined secondary analysis was to identify if any effects of fluoxetine were maintained or delayed over 12 months. Methods: EFFECTS was an investigator-led, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel group trial in Sweden that enrolled adult patients with stroke. Patients were randomized to 20 mg oral fluoxetine or matching placebo for 6 months and followed for another 6 months. The primary outcome was functional outcome (modified Rankin Scale), at 6 months. Predefined secondary outcomes for these analyses included the modified Rankin Scale, health status, quality of life, fatigue, mood, and depression at 12 months. Results: One thousand five hundred patients were recruited from 35 centers in Sweden between 2014 and 2019; 750 were allocated fluoxetine and 750 placebo. At 12 months, modified Rankin Scale data were available in 715 (95%) patients allocated fluoxetine and 712 (95%) placebo. The distribution of modified Rankin Scale categories was similar in the 2 groups (adjusted common odds ratio, 0.92 [95% CI, 0.76–1.10]). Patients allocated fluoxetine scored worse on memory with a median value of 89 (interquartile range, 75–100) versus 93 (interquartile range, 82–100); P =0.0021 and communication 93 (interquartile range, 82–100) versus 96 (interquartile range, 86–100); P =0.024 domains of the Stroke Impact Scale compared with placebo. There were no other differences in secondary outcomes. Conclusions: Fluoxetine after acute stroke had no effect on functional outcome at 12 months. Patients allocated fluoxetine scored worse on memory and communication on the Stroke Impact Scale compared with placebo, but this is likely to be due to chance. REGISTRATION: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov ; Unique identifier: NCT02683213
