38 research outputs found

    Meditsiinidoktor Paul Korrovits

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    5. septembril 2008 kaitses Tartu Ülikoolis doktorivĂ€itekirja Paul Korrovits. Töö teemaks oli “AsĂŒmptomaatiline pĂ”letikuline prostatiit: levimus, etioloogilised tegurid, diagnostikavĂ”imalused”. Tööd juhendasid dots Reet MĂ€ndar (TÜ mikrobioloogia instituut) ja dr Margus Punab (TÜ Kliinikumi androloogiakeskus) ning oponeeris prof Michael Marberger Viini Ülikoolist. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(2):141−14

    Vaginal microflora during pregnancy and its transmission to newborn

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    Meditsiinidoktor Silver TĂŒrk

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    Eesti Arst 2010; 89(2):15

    Inimese mikrobioota biopank Tartu Ülikoolis

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    Eesti Arst 2018; 97(3):170–17

    SuuÔÔne mikroobiökoloogia kroonilise parodontiidi puhul

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    Krooniline parodontiit on hammast ĂŒmbritsevate kudede pĂ”letik, mille tĂ€htsamaks tekkepĂ”hjuseks peetakse peamiselt hambakatus paiknevaid gramnegatiivseid anaeroobseid mikroorganisme, samas ei ole vĂ”imalik esile tuua ĂŒhte kindlat haigustekitajat. Arvatakse, et igemealuse keskkonna muutumine tingib mikrofloora tasakaalu hĂ€irumise, kuid ei ole teada, missugused mikroobigrupid on sellesse protsessi haaratud. Töös on vĂ”rreldud kroonilist parodontiiti pĂ”devate ja tervete isikute igemealust mikrofloorat ning hinnatud kariogeensete mikroorganismide olemasolu ja hulka sĂŒljes vĂ”rrelduna vastavate kliiniliste nĂ€itajatega

    Sperma mikrofloora kroonilise prostatiidi korral

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    Krooniline prostatiit on sage, kuid halvasti uuritud haigus, mille etioloogia on suuresti teadmata. Patsientidel leitakse prostata-spetsiifilistest materjalidest ainult ĂŒhel juhul kĂŒmnest traditsioonilisi uropatogeene (Enterobacteriaceae vĂ”i Enterococcus), ĂŒheksal juhul kĂŒmnest jÀÀb haigusetekitaja leidmata. Meie eesmĂ€rgiks oli selgitada vĂ€lja seosed prostatiidi ja rutiinse diagnostika raamidest vĂ€ljapoole jÀÀvate mikroobide vahel nagu anaeroobsed bakterid, mĂŒkoplasmad ning korĂŒĂŒnebakterid. Selleks tehti komplekssed mikrobioloogilised uuringud prostatiidipatsientidel ja kontrolluuritavatel. Tööst selgus, et prostatiidipatsientide spermas esinevad arvukad polĂŒmikroobsed kooslused, kus on oluline osakaal anaeroobsetel bakteritel ning kus mikroorganismide kontsentratsioon ning erinevate liikide arv on oluliselt suuremad kui kontrolluuritavatel. Ka mĂŒkoplasmasid leidub prostatiidipatsientide spermas oluliselt sagedamini ning teatud liigid – Ureaplasma parvum ja Mycoplasma genitalium – seostusid oluliselt haigusega. KorĂŒneformsetest bakteritest esines prostatiidipatsientidel oluliselt sagedamini Corynebacterium’i G-grupi omi, lisaks leidus neil mĂ€rksa rohkem korĂŒneformide liike suures kontsentratsioonis. KorĂŒneformsed bakterid on vĂ€hetundlikud prostatiidi ravis sageli kasutatavate fluorokinoloonide suhtes, kuid nad on tundlikud penitsilliinide ja TMP/SMX suhtes. Eesti Arst 2010; 89(2):83−9

    Helicobacter pylori infektsioonide teaduspÔhine diagnostika ja mikroobivastane ravi

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    Ülevaates on kĂ€sitletud Helicobacter pylori (HP) infektsioonide diagnoosimise ja ravi vĂ”imalusi ravile raskesti alluvatel haigetel. Artikkel on Eesti Arstis avaldatud ĂŒlevaate (1) edasiarendus vajaduste ja vĂ”imaluste kohta HP antibiootikumitundlikkuse selgitamisel Eestis. Artiklis on analĂŒĂŒsitud mĂ”ningaid Tartu Ülikoolis varem uuritud mĂ”jureid HP infektsioonide patogeneesis, samuti kohalike patogeenide antibiootikumitundlikkuse profiili. Maastrichti konsensuslike raviskeemidega HP ravi ebaĂ”nnestumise korral soovitame molekulaarselt mÀÀrata HP tĂŒvede antibiootikumitundlikkuse ja kasutada probiootikume antibiootikumravi kĂ”rvalmĂ”jude vĂ€hendamiseks

    Maternal breast milk microbiota and immune markers in relation to subsequent development of celiac disease in offspring

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    The potential impact of the composition of maternal breast milk is poorly known in children who develop celiac disease (CD). The aim of our study was to compare the microbiota composition and the concentrations of immune markers in breast milk from mothers whose offspring carried the genetic predisposition to CD, and whether they did or did not develop CD during follow-up for the first 3 years of life. Maternal breast milk samples [CD children (n = 6) and healthy children (n = 18)] were collected 3 months after delivery. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to measure TGF-beta 1, TGF-beta 2, sIgA, MFG-E8 and sCD14. For microbiota analysis, next generation (Illumina) sequencing, real-time PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis were used. Phylotype abundance and the Shannon 'H' diversity index were significantly higher in breast milk samples in the CD group. There was higher prevalence of the phyla Bacteroidetes and Fusobacteria, the classes Clostridia and Fusobacteriia, and the genera Leptotrichia, Anaerococcus, Sphingomonas, Actynomyces and Akkermansia in the CD group. The immunological markers were differently associated with some Gram-negative bacterial genera and species (Chryseobacterium, Sphingobium) as well as Gram-positive species (Lactobacillusreuteri, Bifidobacteriumanimalis). In conclusion, the microbiota in breast milk from mothers of genetically predisposed offspring who presented CD showed a higher bacterial phylotype abundance and diversity, as well as a different bacterial composition, as compared with the mothers of unaffected offspring. These immune markers showed some associations with bacterial composition and may influence the risk for development of CD beyond early childhood.Peer reviewe

    Is genital tract infection related to tubal diseases in infertile Vietnamese women?

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    Introduction: The goal of this study was to identify the profile of genital tract infections and their relationship with clinical and demographic parameters as well as tubal diseases among infertile women in Vietnam. Methodology: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, we enrolled 597 women undergoing infertility treatment at the Center for Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, Hue University Hospital, Vietnam. All of the study participants were interviewed and examined by a gynecologist. Consecutive tests were then conducted including direct microscopy examination (wet mount and Gram stain), vaginal culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for chlamydia diagnosis from a cervical canal swab, and a blood test for syphilis detection. A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) was carried out to examine the uterine cavity and Fallopian tubes. Results: A gynecologic infection was diagnosed in 43.4% (259/597) of the infertile women. Bacterial vaginosis was the most common condition at 19.6% of the cases. Candida spp., Chlamydia trachomatis, and Trichomonas vaginalis infections accounted for 17.4%, 3.7%, and 0.3%, respectively. Normal HSG results accounted for 87.4% of the women while 5.5% had 2-sided tubal occlusions, 5.4% had 1-sided tubal occlusions, 1.0% had 1-sided hydrosalpinx, and 0.7% had 2-sided hydrosalpinx. There was no significant association between tubal diseases and current infections; however, aerobic vaginitis increased the risk of tubal diseases by 2.4 times. Conclusions: A marked proportion of infertile Vietnamese women have genital tract infections that can significantly influence their reproductive function and performance. These infections should be routinely screened and treated properly to prevent their consequences, such as infertility, which is especially important in developing countries.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of the functional efficacy of an antioxidative probiotic in healthy volunteers

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    BACKGROUND: In persons without clinical symptom it is difficult to assess an impact of probiotics regarding its effect on health. We evaluated the functional efficacy of the probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 in healthy volunteers by measuring the influence of two different formulations on intestinal lactoflora, fecal recovery of the probiotic strain and oxidative stress markers of blood and urine after 3 weeks consumption. METHODS: Two 3-week healthy volunteer trials were performed. Open placebo controlled (OPC) study participants (n = 21) consumed either goat milk or by L. fermentum ME-3 fermented goat milk (daily dose 11.8 log CFU (Colony Forming Units). Double blind randomised placebo controlled (DBRP) study participants (n = 24) received either capsules with L. fermentum ME-3 (daily of dose 9.2 CFU) or placebo capsules. The faecal lactoflora composition, faecal ME-3 recovery, effect of the consumption on intestinal lactoflora, and oxidative stress markers of blood (total antioxidative activity; total antioxidative status and glutathione red-ox ratio) was measured. RESULTS: ME-3 was well tolerated and a significant increase in total faecal lactobacilli yet no predominance of ME-3 was detected in all study groups. Faecal recovery of ME-3 was documented by molecular methods only in fermented milk group, however the significant improvement of blood TAA (Total Antioxidative Activity) and TAS (Total Antioxidative Status) indices was seen both in case of fermented goat milk and capsules", yet glutathione re-ox ratio values decreased only in case of fermented by ME-3 goat milk. CONCLUSION: The functional efficacy of both consumed formulations of an antioxidative probiotic L. fermentum ME-3 is proved by the increase of the intestinal lactobacilli counts providing putative defence against enteric infections and by reduction of the oxidative stress indices of blood and urine of healthy volunteers. In non-diseased host the probiotic health claims can be assessed by improvement of some measurable laboratory indices of well-established physiological functions of host, e.g. markers of antioxidative defence system