23 research outputs found

    The orthodontist’s civil responsibility post-orthodontic therapy

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    Objective: The aim of this work was to investigate what the orthodontist’s difficulties are, analyzing whether the adopted procedures are able to satisfy the complaints of individuals, who already concluded orthodontic therapy, according to the determinations of the civil code and the Costumer’s Defense Code, as well as the relationship between patient and professional. Methods: A questionnaire was sent by postal service to all the odonthology specialists inrolled in the CRO/RJ amounting to 990 professionals.Results: The percentual analysis of the analysis showed that 96.9% of them adopt some pattern of kind of contract. The majority (65.8%)regards the orthodontist’s Civil Responsibility as a result. In case of reincident postrentation, 87.2% of the professionals inform the individual that it’s possible and also propose them orthodontic re-treatment. Concerning the conduct adopted by the orthodontist towards the individual’s dissatisfaction, 76.5%, anyhow, try to avoid a lawsuit. Conclusion: Some professionals may be subject to future court problems, there was wide divergence between professionals in relation to the time of filing of the orthodontic documentation and there was a relative same opinion of professionals in making an oversight of the patient in the period post-restraint

    Knoop hardness of enamel and shear bond strength of brackets bonded with composite resin with and without fluoride

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the Knoop hardness of enamel, shear bond strength and failure pattern (adhesive, bracket/resin interface or mixed) after bonding and debonding brackets, using resin composite with fluoride (Ortho Lite Cure, Ortho Source®) and without fluoride (Orthobond, Morelli®). METHODS: Fragments (6 mm x 6 mm) of 40 bovine incisor crowns were embedded in acrylic self-polymerizing resin. The Knoop hardness measurements were performed before and after bonding metal brackets. The specimens were divided into two groups, according to composite resin: with fluoride (Ortho Lite Cure, Ortho Source®) and without fluoride (Orthobond, Morelli®). After bonding, the specimens were submitted to demineralization and remineralization cycling for 14 days. Shear bond strength testing was performed in a universal test machine (EMIC), at 5 mm/min crosshead speed. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in shear bond strength between Groups I and II. After demineralization and remineralization procedures (DE/RE), the specimens bonded with Ortho Lite Cure showed higher Knoop hardness than Orthobond. For both groups there was predominance of failure at bracket/resin interface. CONCLUSION: specimens bonded with fluoride resin composite showed higher microhardness after DE/RE cycling than those bonded with resin composite without fluoride, although no difference in shear bond strength was found

    Evaluation of the wire flexibility used in the Mandibular Advancement Device submitted to thermal cycling / Avaliação da flexibilidade do fio utilizado no Dispositivo de Avanço Mandibular submetido ao ciclagem térmica

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a flexibilidade de fios utilizados na confecção de molar lock do Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD), submetidos à variação de temperatura. Foram utilizados 64 segmentos de fios ortodônticos (n = 8), assim alocados: G1) Dentauro; G2) Leoni; G3) Leoni (Bio Steel); G4) Morelli; G5) Dentaurum + Termociclagem (TC); G6) Leoni + TC; G7) Leoni (Bio Steel) + TC; G8) Morelli + TC. Os segmentos foram analisados pelo método de flexão em três pontos, com auxílio de Máquina Universal de Ensaios. Os grupos submetidos à termociclagem foram submetidos a um total de 2300 ciclos térmicos (5 ° C e 55 ° C) correspondentes a 8 meses. Após esse período, os corpos-de-prova foram novamente imersos em água destilada a 37 ° C e mantidos em estufa por 24 horas. A partir desse processo de termociclagem, as amostras foram submetidas a um ensaio de flexão em três pontos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA-two-way) seguida do teste de Tukey, considerando o nível de significância de 5%. Não houve diferença significativa na flexibilidade entre os grupos com e sem ciclismo, considerando a mesma marca e mesmo ponto (p = 0,05). Sem pedalar, a marca Dentaurum apresentou maior flexão média no ponto de 0,5mm, e Morelli apresentou maior flexão no ponto de 1,0mm (p <0,05). A marca Leoni apresentou valores maiores em 2 e 3 mm, e maiores que a marca Dentaurum no ponto de 2 mm (p <0,05). Para os grupos submetidos à termociclagem, nos pontos de 0,5 mm, não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos, exceto para o grupo Leoni, obtendo maior resistência à flexão em relação ao fio da marca Dentaurum (p <0,05). Em 1, 2 e 3 mm, o fio da marca Leoni apresentou maior flexibilidade em relação ao Dentaurum e Leoni (Bio Steel) e Morelli (p <0,05). A variação da temperatura não influencia nas propriedades de flexibilidade dos fios utilizados na confecção do MAD, porém, existem diferenças entre as diferentes marcas quando avaliadas nas mesmas condições

    Photoelastic analysis of stress generated by wires when conventional and self-ligating brackets are used: A pilot study

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    OBJECTIVE: By means of a photoelastic model, this study analyzed the stress caused on conventional and self-ligating brackets with expanded arch wires. METHOD: Standard brackets were adhered to artificial teeth and a photoelastic model was prepared using the Interlandi 19/12 diagram as base. Successive activations were made with 0.014-in and 0.018-in rounded cross section Nickel-Titanium wires (NiTi) and 0.019 x 0.025-in rectangular stainless steel wires all of which made on 22/14 Interlandi diagram. The model was observed on a plane polariscope - in a dark field microscope configuration - and photographed at each exchange of wire. Then, they were replaced by self-ligating brackets and the process was repeated. Analysis was qualitative and observed stress location and pattern on both models analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: Results identified greater stress on the region of the apex of premolars in both analyzed models. Upon comparing the stress between models, a greater amount of stress was found in the model with conventional brackets in all of its wires. Therefore, the present pilot study revealed that alignment of wires in self-ligating brackets produced lower stress in periodontal tissues in expansive mechanics

    Effect Of Activation Mode On Shear Bond Strength Of Metallic Brackets.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS) of metallic orthodontic brackets bonded to bovine teeth using light-activated or chemically activated composite resins. One hundred and twenty bovine mandibular incisors were divided into 6 groups (n=20), according to the bonding materials: Transbond XT (T); Enforce Dual (ED); Enforce chemical (EC); Enforce Light-activated (EL); Concise Orthodontic (C); and RelyX Unicem Capsule (UN). Metallic brackets were positioned and firmly bonded to the teeth. Light-activation for T, ED, EL and UN was carried out with four exposures on each side of the bracket with 20 s total exposure times using XL2500 (3M ESPE). EC and C were chemically cured. Next, all specimens were stored in deionized water at 37 °C for 24 h. The shear bond strength was carried out at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The adhesive remnant index (ARI) was evaluated at 8× magnification. C (17.72 ± 4.45) presented significantly higher SBS means (in MPa) than the other groups (p<0.05), followed by EC (11.97 ± 5.77) and ED (10.57 ± 1.32). EL (5.39 ± 1.06) and UN (4.32 ± 1.98) showed the lowest SBS means, while T (9.09 ± 2.56) showed intermediate values. For ARI, there was a predominance of score 0 for EC, C and UN, and score 3 for T, ED and EL. In conclusion, the activation mode influenced the SBS.24513-

    Relationship between posterior crossbite and postural alterations in children

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    Objective: To evaluate the posture of individuals with functional posterior crossbite, malocclusion is one of the most in need of orthodontic treatment. Methods: This work presents an analysis of postural among children 6 to 12 years who present functional posterior cross bite of both genders who are in mixed dentition or no intervention prior orthodontic and orthopedic. Was obtained images in the plans: front and back where it was analyzed the asymmetry or symmetry of the individual in the image and in the lateral, anterior, a posterior or normality. Results: 100% had some kind of postural change, and the asymmetry between the scapulae (shoulder) found the greatest change, as one of extreme importance in this age group represents a growing skeletal muscle. Conclusion: analyzes all of the children showed postural abnormalities and malocclusion are also of great importance not only to be treating the problem orally, but the postural problem with the help of a multidisciplinary team