32 research outputs found

    Inoculation of growth-promoting bacteria in the lettuce crop

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    Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) are an alternative to increase the productivity of several crops, including lettuce. Several reports are found in the literature with the use of plant growth-promoting bacteria in lettuce cultivation, but most seek increments during the production of seedlings. Aiming to provide increments in the cultivation of lettuce in the field and to generate subsidies to technicians and producers, the present work aimed to study the influence of the application of commercial products based on Azospirillum brasilense, Bacillus subtilis + B. megaterium and Pseudomonas fluorescens, on agronomic characteristics and quality of crisp lettuce. The experiment was implemented in two locations, in a randomized block design, in a 4 x 3 factorial scheme, with four replications. The first factor refers to the application of different PGPB: control, without inoculation; inoculations with A. brasilense; B. subtilis + B. megaterium and P. fluorescens. The second factor was composed of three times of application of PGPB, the first being on the day of seedling transplantation (DAT), the second at 15 STR and the third on the day of seedling transplantation + 15 DAT. At 15 DAT, the relative chlorophyll content, plant height, head diameter, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, leaf dry mass, stem dry mass, root dry mass, total dry mass, root volume were evaluated. and root length. At harvest, the same variables analyzed at 15 DAT + leaf fresh mass, stem fresh mass, head fresh mass, root fresh mass, total fresh mass and leaf contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were analyzed. The inoculated plant growth-promoting bacteria did not promote a significant increase in the development of the lettuce cultivar Vera when compared to the control (without PGPB application)

    Efeito do fosfito na reação de pimentão e pimenteira a Phytophthora capsici

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    Phosphite has been recommended to enhance plant resistance against Phytophthora. This work evaluated the response of hot and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) to Phytophthora capsici from juvenile up to the adult stage following treatment with phosphite. Sweet pepper hybrids considered to be resistant to P. capsici, like Reinger, Nathalie and Athenas, were evaluated. The susceptible checks were hybrid Magali R and cvs. Myr 10 and Ikeda. Hot pepper Criollo de Morelos 328, CM 334, BGH 3756, BGH 5122, CNPH 294 and Locorte were used as referential resistant lines. Phosphite did not have an effect on the hot pepper resistant lines because of their genetic homozygozity, while no protection was observed for the Athenas hybrid claimed to be resistant. Heterozygous hybrids recognized as resistant, like Reinger and Nathalie, showed higher survival following phosphite treatment, and their reaction was equivalent to the resistant cvs. CM 328 and CM 334, except for the fruiting stage. Depending of the hybrid heterozygous genotype, phosphite possibly acts through indirect phytoalexin induction through the inhibited pathogen.Fosfito tem sido recomendado para aumentar o sistema de resistência de plantas atacadas por fitopatógenos. Este trabalho avaliou a ação do fosfito nas reações de pimentão e pimenteiras (Capsicum annuum L.) a Phytophthora capsici na fase juvenil até a fase adulta, tratadas com fosfito. Os híbridos de pimentão considerados resistentes a P. capsici foram Reinger, Nathalie e Athenas, enquanto que o híbrido Magali R e as cvs. Myr 10 e Ikeda constituíram as referenciais suscetíveis. As linhagens de pimenta Criollo de Morelos 328, CM 334, BGH 3756, BGH 5122, CNPH 294 e Locorte, foram usadas como padrão referencial de resistência ao patógeno. O fosfito não afetou a reação das linhagens resistentes devido sua homozigosidade genética. Não houve ação protetora do fosfito nos hospedeiros suscetíveis, inclusive no híbrido Athenas. Os híbridos heterozigotos considerados resistentes, como Nathalie e Reinger, tiveram uma sobrevivência equivalente ao CM 328 e 334, mas sua reação de resistência não persistiu na fase de pós-transplante. Possivelmente, o fosfito age através da indução da produção de fitolexinas no hospedeiro indiretamente por meio do patógeno inibido

    Crescimento e produção da couve-da-Malásia submetida a adubação nitrogenada

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate, through the growth analysis, the effects of nitrogen doses on the development of Brassica campestris var. chinensis (Pak Choi). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, from October to November, 2007, in Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná. The experimental design was the randomized block, with five treatments (0, 60, 105, 150 and 195 kg ha-1 of N) and four replications. The hybrid used was Chouyou. The nitrogen was equally applied in three times, when in transplantation, and at seven and 14 days after the transplantation. The dry mass production, and the foliage area were weekly evaluated reaching the following indices of growth: relative and absolute growth rate, net assimilation rate, leaf area ratio, and specific leaf area. The fresh mass of the aerial part was also evaluated in the last collection. The increase of nitrogen fertilization positively affects the growth parameters, and provides an increased production with emphasis on the dose of 195 kg ha-1 of N.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, através da análise de crescimento, o desenvolvimento e produção de Brassica campestris var. chinensis, híbrido Choyou, cultivada sob diferentes doses de adubação nitrogenada. O experimento foi conduzido em cultivo protegido, de outubro a novembro de 2007, em Marechal Cândido Rondon/PR. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos (0, 60, 105, 150 e 195 kg ha-1 de N) e quatro repetições. O nitrogênio foi aplicado parceladamente, em três partes iguais, nos momentos do transplantio e aos sete e 14 dias após o transplantio. A produção de massa seca e a área foliar das plantas foram avaliadas semanalmente para obtenção dos seguintes índices de crescimento: taxas de crescimento absoluto e relativo, taxa assimilatória líquida, razão de área foliar e área foliar específica. Na última coleta foi também avaliada a produção de massa fresca da parte aérea. O incremento na adubação nitrogenada afeta positivamente os parâmetros de crescimento e proporciona incremento na produção com destaque para a dose de 195 kg ha-1 de N

    Características produtivas de cultivares de tomateiro italiano em função de tipos de poda

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    Em virtude da importância sócio-econômica a nível mundial que o tomateiro possui, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de técnicas de condução da planta que facilite os tratos culturais sem comprometer a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de tipos de poda nas características produtivas de frutos de tomate italiano. O delineamento experimental adotado foi blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 5, contendo quatro repetições. O primeiro fator constitui-se por duas cultivares de tomate (Giuliana e Tyna) e o segundo, pelos tipos de poda, sendo: (1) apenas a haste principal; (2) haste principal + haste secundária emitida imediatamente abaixo do primeiro cacho; (3) as duas primeiras hastes secundárias que surgirem na planta com o desponte da haste principal; (4) as quatro primeiras hastes secundárias que surgirem na planta com o desponte da haste principal e (5) haste principal e mais três hastes secundárias emitidas abaixo do primeiro cacho. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto ao diâmetro transversal e longitudinal, biomassa média, estimando-se a produção por planta. Também foi determinado sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, pH, ratio e teor de ácido ascórbico. A produção da cultivar Giuliana foi 32% superior que da cultivar Tyna. Em relação ao tipo de poda não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para as características relacionadas ao tamanho dos frutos e área foliar. Para o teor de sólidos solúveis o tipo de condução 2 e 3 apresentaram os maiores valores (5,5 e 5,37°Brix, respectivamente). Os frutos que apresentaram a maior quantidade de vitamina C foi o tratamento 2 (31,81 mg 100 g-1)


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the seasonally and phytoregulators about the propagation in vitro of Java citronella. The explants were collected in each season of the year and inoculated in MS medium in addition to concentrations of IBA (0,0; 0,1; 0,2 e 0,3 mg dm-3) and BAP (0,0; 1,0; 2,0 e 3,0 mg dm-3) combined and isolated among oneself. The present study was completely randomized design. At the end of 30 days the following parameters had been evaluated: height, number of shootings, formation of callus and oxidation. The higher multiplication was obtained in explants were collected during the summer (2.87 shootings) being ideal concentration 1.73 mg dm-3 of BAP in the medium culture and absence of oxidation in explants collected in this season. The height only presented significant results in explants were collected during the winter. It had formation of callus either in explants were collected during the autumn or in the winter and in the summer. But in the explants were collected during the summer it had a concomitant increase in the number of shootings. The oxidation was higher in the explants were collected during the spring.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito das épocas de coleta e de fitoreguladores sobre a propagação in vitro da citronela de Java (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt). Os explantes foram coletados em cada uma das estações do ano e inoculados em meio de cultura MS acrescido de concentrações de AIB (0,0; 0,1; 0,2 e 0,3 mg dm-3) e BAP (0,0; 1,0; 2,0 e 3,0 mg dm-3) combinadas e isoladas entre si. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. Ao final de 30 dias foram avaliadas as variáveis: altura, número de brotações, formação de calo e oxidação. A maior taxa de brotação foi obtida a partir dos explantes coletados no verão (2,87 brotos por explante), sendo a concentração ideal 1,73 mg dm-3 de BAP ao meio de cultura, e ausência de oxidação nesta condição. A altura dos explantes somente apresentou resultados significativos com explantes obtidos no inverno. Para os materiais obtidos no outono, inverno e verão ocorreu formação de calo, sendo que nos de verão houve também um aumento no número de brotações por explante. A oxidação se deu de forma mais intensa nos explantes coletados na primavera

    Gas exchange and morphometric characteristics of basil according to the times and collection positions in the plant

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    The productive potential of plant species depends on the genotype versus environment interaction, so the choice of cultivar is decisive for the success of the crop. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the levels of photosynthetic pigments and morphometric characteristics of two cultivars of green and red basil as a function of the collection time and different collection positions in the plant, as well as the gas exchange in response to variation of the flux density of photosynthetically active photons. The experiment was carried out in a protected environment with a randomized block design in a 2 x 3 x 3 factorial scheme containing 2 treatments consisting of two basil cultivars (alfavaca basilicão, red and green) and fifteen replications. The first factor was constituted by the cultivars, the second, by the time of collection, and the third, by the positions in which the collections were carried out on the plant. For evaluations of morphometric variables and gas exchange rates, the two cultivars were compared. Basil has photosynthesis saturation at radiation rates of about 1500 μmol m-2 s-1. The green colored cultivar was more productive, in addition to having the highest levels of chlorophyll a, b and total, and lower rate of leaf transpiration in response to photosynthetically active photons flow density, adapted for greater carboxylation efficiency and water use

    Aqueous extract of tiririca, bio-stimulant and micronutrient in beet productivity and quality parameters

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    The use of stimulants in the beet crop can serve as a complement in the production and quality of the final product. In order to compare and evaluate the effects of physiological activators and aqueous extracts of tiririca on the parameters of beet quality and productivity, an experiment was conducted at the field in the municipality of Formosa do Oeste (Paraná, Brazil), in a typical dystroferric RED LATOSOL. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four treatments (T1 - control, T2 - Stimulate® 0.004%, T3 - tiririca (Cyperus rotundus L.) 10%, T4 - Starter® 0.004%), with seven replicates. The seedlings were kept in the soil for 24 h in each treatment and then taken to the field and planted in beds. Leaf height (cm), number of leaves, stem length (cm), root diameter (cm), slight effects (%), serious effects (%) and productivity (t ha-1) were evaluated. Micronutrient application increased yields by around 5 t ha-1. The aqueous extract of tiririca and biostimulant presented a larger root diameter in the beet

    Productive characteristics of pak choi (chinese white cabbage) grown over different soil cover materials and under floating blanket

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características produtivas do repolho branco chinês, em função do uso de diferentes materiais de cobertura do solo e de manta flutuante sobre as plantas. O experimento foi conduzido na estação experimental Professor Dr. Antônio Carlos dos Santos Pessoa, da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná. O delineamento utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições, sendo os tratamentos distribuídos em dois fatores. No primeiro fator (parcela) ficaram alocados os tratamentos de cobertura da planta com manta flutuante (com e sem manta), e no segundo fator (subparcela) os tratamentos de cobertura do solo (plástico preto, agrotêxtil preto, palha de tifton, e testemunha). As características avaliadas foram altura e diâmetro da planta, massa fresca da cabeça, massa fresca das folhas, massa fresca dos pecíolos, número de folhas, área foliar, massa seca de folhas, massa seca dos pecíolos e massa seca total. A cobertura do solo com filme preto se apresentou como uma alternativa que permite melhorar as características produtivas do pak choi. Com relação ao uso de manta flutuante pode-se dizer que sua utilização não se apresenta eficiente para cultivo do pak choi branco, em condições de temperaturas moderadas. This study aimed to evaluate the production characteristics of Pak Choi, due to the use of different mulching materials and floating blanket over the plants. The experiment was conducted at the experimental station Dr. Antonio Carlos dos Santos Pessoa of the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná. The design was a randomized block in split plot, with four replications, with treatments distributed in two factors. In the first factor (plot) were allocated the plant covering treatments with floating blanket (with and without floating blanket), and the second factor (subplot) soil cover treatments (black plastic, black agrotextile tifton straw and bare soil). The characteristics evaluated were height and diameter of the plant, fresh weight of the head, fresh mass of leaves, fresh weight of petioles, leaf number, leaf area, dry weight of leaves, dry weight of petioles and total dry mass. The soil cover with black plastic is presented as an alternative that improves the productive characteristics of pak choi. Regarding the floating blanket use it can be said that their use does not appear effective for cultivation of pak choi white, under conditions of moderate temperatures.El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar las características productivas del repollo blanco chino, en función del uso de diferentes materiales de cobertura del suelo y de manta fluctuante sobre las plantas. El experimento fue realizado en la estación experimental Profesor Dr. Antonia Carlos dos Santos persona, de la Universidad Estadual do Oeste do Parana. El diseño experimental utilizado fue de blocos al azar, en esquema de parcelas subdivididas, con cuatro repeticiones, siendo los tratamientos distribuidos en dos factores. En el primer factor (parcela) quedaron agrupados los tratamientos de cobertura de la planta con manta fluctuante (con y sin manta), y en el segundo factor (subparcela) los tratamientos de cobertura de suelo (plástico negro, agrotextil negro, rastrojo de tifton y testigo). Las características evaluadas fueron altura y diámetro de la planta, masa fresca de la cabeza, masa fresca de las hojas, masa fresca de los peciolos, numero de hojas, área foliar, masa seca de las hojas, masa seca de los peciolos y masa seca total. La cobertura del suelo con filme negro se presentó como una alternativa que permite mejorar las características productivas del pak choi, con relación al uso de manta fluctuante se puede decir que su utilización no se presenta eficiente para el cultivo de pak choi blanco, en condiciones de temperaturas moderadas

    Agronomic characteristics of quinoa genotypes

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    The consumption of quinoa is growing in the world because of its high nutritional value and genetic variability, but are still required further study on its development in Brazil. This work aimed to characterize the development of sixteen genotypes of quinoa grown in the western region of Paraná. Two experiments were conducted in the period September to December 2014 and October 2014 to January 2015. The parameters evaluated were: number of days to flowering, plant height at flowering, cycle, plant height at maturity, height insertion of the first inflorescence, plant population, productivity, saponin and moisture content. Plant height at flowering ranged from 0.75 to 1.09 m, and 0.80 to 0.91m in the experiments, respectively. In the first experiment the Q13-17 genotype with higher productivity, only took 46.57 days after sowing to flower, and time below the eleven genotypes. All genotypes are considered bitter, presented early cycle and height of the first inflorescence enough to allow mechanized harvesting. The genotypes Q13-17, Q13-21, Q13-04 and Q12-23 showed productive potential to continue to be evaluated in order to select cultivars adapted to the environmental conditions of the Western Region of Paraná.The consumption of quinoa is growing in the world because of its high nutritional value and genetic variability, but is still required further study on its development in Brazil. This work aimed to characterize the development of 16 genotypes of Chenopodium quinoa grown in the western region of Paraná. Two experiments were conducted in the period of September to December 2014 and October 2014 to January 2015. The parameters evaluated were: number of days to flowering, plant height at flowering, cycle, plant height at maturity, height insertion of the first inflorescence, plant population, productivity, saponin content and moisture content. Plant height at flowering ranged from 0.75 to 1.09 m, and 0.80 to 0.91m in the experiments, respectively. In the first experiment the Q13-17 genotype with higher productivity, only took 46.57 days after sowing to flower, and time below the eleven genotypes. All genotypes are considered bitter, presented early cycle and height of the first inflorescence enough to allow mechanized harvesting. The genotypes Q13-17, Q13-21, Q13-04 and Q12-23 showed productive potential to continue to be evaluated in order to select cultivars adapted to the environmental conditions of the Western Region of Paraná

    Productivity of tomato hybrids due to the application of calcium silicate

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    Silicon is a beneficial nutrient for the growth and production of many plant species, including tomatoes. The objective was to evaluate the influence of calcium silicate on the morphophysiological characteristics of tomatoes and the absorption of silicon, calcium, and magnesium. The experiment was conducted in a protected environment from August to December 2017, in a random block design, in a 2 x 5 factor scheme, with four repetitions. The first factor consisted of two hybrids (Ivety and Natalia) and the second factor by doses of calcium silicate (0, 150, 300, 450 and 600 kg ha-1). The fruits were evaluated for number of fruits per plant, longitudinal and transversal diameter, average fruit mass, commercial, non-commercial, and total productivity. The plants were evaluated for number of leaves, stem diameter, plant length, leaf area, membrane integrity damage, lignin content, stem and leaves dry mass, silicon accumulation and content, calcium, and magnesium contents in the leaves and in tomato fruits. The morphometric characteristics of Ivety and Natalia tomato hybrids were not altered by increasing doses of calcium silicate. The increased doses of calcium silicate influenced the non-commercial productivity of the tomato fruits, showing a reduction of this with the increased doses. Calcium silicate influenced differently in each hybrid, and it is worth noting that these results may vary in terms of genetic material and cultivation environment