158 research outputs found

    Wine Farmstead in Jaroslavice

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    Pojetí navržených staveb je značně regionalistické, a to už co do použití typů, forem a principů, tak i užitých materiálů. Snaha se neomezovala pouze na vytvoření funkční dispozice vinařského závodu, ale soustředila se i na kontext a měřítko tvarového uspořádání, ruku v ruce s použitím materiálů konstrukce. Stavby jsou tvarem a členěním jednoduché, snad až nenápadné. Smyslem bylo především nabídnout funkční, příjemné, až útulné prostředí, pocit bezpečí a pohody. Je tedy navržen dvůr z jižní strany tvořený stávajícím objektem dělnické ubytovny, která bude upravena na rodinný dům, z protilehlé severní strany pak hlavní blok vinařství, tedy výroby vína, jeho skladování a distribuce, vč. technického zázemí hospodářství a skladem pro zemědělskou techniku. Východní křídlo dvora by bylo věnováno prostoru pro degustaci s návazností na stávající vinný sklep, který svou pozicí v nové kompozici zaujímá atraktivní postavení.The concept of the proposed structures is considerably regionalist, as early as in the use of types, forms and principles, as well as used materials. The effort was not only a functional layout winery, but focused also on the context and scale the configuration, hand in hand with the use of construction materials. Buildings are simple in shape and structure, perhaps understated. The purpose was to provide functional, comfortable, cozy setting up, the feeling of safety and comfort. It is therefore designed courtyard on the south side formed by the existing building workers' hostel, which will be adapted to the family home, opposite the north side of the main block, then the winery, a wine production, storage and distribution, incl. technical background holding a stock for agricultural machinery. The eastern wing of Justice would be dedicated space for the tasting with a link to existing wine cellar that his position in the new piece occupies an attractive position.

    Supercharging of spark ignition engines

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    Práce uvádí základní pojmy, možnosti a jednotlivá konstrukční řešení přeplňování zážehových motorů. Uvádí výhody a nevýhody jednotlivých řešení a vlastní zhodnocení.The work presents basic terms, options and construction solutions of turbocharged petrol engines. This work also contains positives and negatives of each construction solution and my evaluation.

    Fraktální růst polyethylenových ostrůvků na tenkých vrstvách z polyethylenoxidu

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    Bolo pozorované, že fragmenty plazmového polyméru deponované z pár na nezmáčavé polymérne substráty sa zhlukujú do fraktálnych nanoostrovov. V závislosti od podmienok experimentu, ostrovy majú rôzne tvary od dendri- tických snehových vločiek, vetviacich morských rias až po krútiace sa hady. V našej práci identifikujeme dominantné kinetické procesy vytvárajúce túto rozmanitosť a dávame ich do súvisu s fyzikálnymi charakteristikami experi- mentu. Skúmali sme a implementovali základné počítačové modely depozície a agregácie difundujúcich častíc: Difúzne limitovaná agregácia (DLA), a to na mriežke i bez mriežky, a Klaster-klaster agregácia (CCA). Bez mriež- ková DLA generuje izotropné náhodné fraktály. Fraktály mriežkovej DLA sú ovplyvnené vlastnosťami samotnej mriežky, ktorá môže byť zvolená tak, aby reprezentovala symetriu substrátu, na ktorom ostrovy rastú. Fraktály gene- rované v CCA modeli sú lineárnejšie. Konkurencia medzi rýchlosťami difúzie a depozície poskytuje prechod medzi fraktálmi DLA a CCA. Každý z týchto modelov je založený na mechanizme, o ktorom sa dom- nievame že je dominantný počas rastu jedného z pozorovaných typov poly- etylénových nanoostrovov. Rôznorodé fraktálne tvary nám teda umožňujú vyvodiť závery o mikroskopickej kinetike povrchovej difúzie deponovaných fragmentov polymérov. Získaný...Plasma polymer fragments deposited from vapor on non-wetting polymer substrates are seen to aggregate into fractal nanoislands. Dependent on conditions of the experiment, the islands attain diverse shapes ranging from dendritic snowflakes, branching seaweed to twisting snakes. In our work, we identify dominant kinetic processes responsible for this diversity and relate them to physical characteristics of the experiment. We review and implement basic computer models of deposition and ag- gregation of diffusing particles: The Diffusion-Limited Aggregation (DLA), both on a lattice and without a lattice, and the Cluster-Cluster Aggregation (CCA). The off-lattice DLA yields isotropic random fractals. The lattice DLA fractals are influenced by the properties of the lattice itself, which can be chosen to represent the symmetry of the substrate layer on which the islands grow. Fractals generated in the CCA model are more linear. Com- petition between diffusion and deposition rates gives a transition between off-lattice DLA and CCA fractals. Each of these models comprises a mechanism that we conjecture to be dominant during growth of distinct observed polyethylene nanoislands. Thus the multiple observed fractal shapes allow us to draw conclusions on micro- scopic kinetics of the surface diffusion of deposited...Katedra makromolekulární fyzikyDepartment of Macromolecular PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Plasma proteome changes associated with refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia (RCMD) is a subgroup of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), which belongs to oncohematological diseases, occurring particularly in elderly patients, and represents a heterogeneous group of bone marrow diseases. The goal of this study was to look for plasma proteins that changed quantitatively or qualitatively in RCMD patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 46 plasma samples were depleted, proteins were separated by 2D SDS-PAGE (pI 4-7), and proteomes were compared using Progenesis SameSpots statistical software. Proteins were identified by nanoLC-MS/MS. Sixty-one unique, significantly (p < 0.05, ANOVA) different spots were found; proteins in 59 spots were successfully identified and corresponded to 57 different proteins. Protein fragmentation was observed in several proteins: complement C4-A, complement C4-B, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H4, and endorepellin.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study describes proteins, which change quantitatively or qualitatively in RCMD patients, and represents the first report on significant alterations in C4-A and C4-B complement proteins and ITIH4 fragments in patients with MDS-RCMD.</p

    Experiments and comprehensive simulations of the formation of a helical turn

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    We consider the kinetics and thermodynamics of a helical turn formation in the peptide Ac-WAAAH-NH2. NMR measurements indicate that the peptide has significant tendency to form a structure of a helical turn, while temperature dependent CD establishes the helix fraction at different temperatures. Molecular Dynamics and Milestoning simulations agree with experimental observables and suggests an atomically detailed picture for the turn formation. Using a network representation two alternative mechanisms of folding are identified: (i) a direct cooperative mechanism from the unfolded to the folded state without intermediate formation of hydrogen bonds and (ii) an indirect mechanism with structural intermediates with two residues in a helical conformation. This picture is consistent with kinetic measurements that reveal two experimental time scales of sub nanosecond and several nanoseconds


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    Background. The world literature contains no reports on the clinical application of continuous flow ventilatory support by an insufflation catheter. Despite the use of different forms of ventilatory support, disconnection of patients from artificial ventilation is unsuccessful in 10—30% of cases despite the fact that the clinical and biochemical criteria are met.Objective: to discuss the efficiency of the new ventilation regime — continuous flow ventilatory support in the clinical setting.Methods: continuous flow ventilatory support with an original licensed multi-jet insufflation catheter or a terminal one-orifice catheter nasally inserted into the trachea was applied to 70 patients. It was used in a subgroup of 64 patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD) due to the occurrence of global respiratory insufficiency caused by infectious complications and in a group of 6 patients as a ventilatory regime for their disconnection from long-term artificial ventilation, whose disconnection other ventilatory regimens being used were unsuccessful.Results. None patient with COLD should be intubated, and just 30 minutes after the initiation of ventilatory support with a multi-jet catheter, there were decreases in the mean respiration rate from 33±2.8 to 27±2.5 cycles/min and in paCo2 from 11.9±1.7 to 10.8±1.6 kPa and an increase in paCo2 from 5.7±1.1 to 6.8±1.3 kPa at FiO2 =0.3. Within 24 hours after the initiation of ventilatory support, blood gas levels changed in response to the values typical of partial respiratory insufficiency. The spontaneous ventilation rate decreased to 20±2.2, paCO2 reduced to 6.4±1.2  kPa  and  pO2 continuously  increased  up  to  the  value  8.9±1.4  kPa  (FiO2 =0.3)  at  hour  24  of  ventilatory  support. Ventilatory support lasted an average of 5 days. Statistical comparison of the study parameters showed a significant improvement (p&lt;0.05) just 6 hours after ventilatory support and a marked improvement of the parameters (p&lt;0.01) following 72 hours. In the other group of patients, continuous flow ventilatory support was used due to failing disconnection of the patients from long-term artificial ventilation. After extubation and 30 minutes after the initiation of continuous flow ventilatory support, the ventilation rated decreased to 27±2.5 cycles/min, there was a continuous reduction in paCO2 to 3.9±0.9 kPa as a manifestation of hyperventilation that had been likely to be induced by a continuous decrease of paCO2 to 8.8±1.4 kPa. Only 60 minutes after the initiation of ventilatory support, with the equal ventilation rate, the values of blood gases (paO2 =9.9±1.5 kPa, paCO2=5.2±1.1 kPa) increased, as did VT (0.38±0.30), which permitted one to proceed with continuous flow ventilatory support that could be interrupted following 48 hours.Conclusion. The findings lead to the conclusion that continuous flow ventilatory support is an effective ventilation regimen that is applicable to patients with chronic obstructive lung disease in global respiratory insufficiency and makes it possible to overcome the period of, for example, infectious complications without  intubation  and  artificial  ventilation.  It  may  also  be  used  as  a  non-invasive  ventilation  regime  in  the  disconnection  of patients from long-term artificial ventilation. Its application in acute respiratory failure (acute respiratory failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome) requires further prospective studies.Проблема. В мировой литературе нe было описано клиничeскоe примeнeниe вeнтиляционной поддeржки нeпрeрывным потоком посрeдством инсуффляционного катeтера. Нeсмотря на примeнeниe разных форм вeнтиляционной поддeржки, в 10—30% отсоeдинeниe пациeнтов от искусствeнной вeнтиляции лeгких являeтся нeудачным, нeсмотря на выполнeниe клиничeских и биохимичeских критeриeв.Цeль. В клиничeских условиях обсудить эффeктивность нового вeнтиляционного рeжима — вeнтиляционной поддeржки нeпрeрывным потоком.Мeтоды. Вeнтиляционная поддeржка нeпрeрывным потоком с оригинальным, защищeнным патeнтом многоструйным инсуффляционным катeтером или катeтером с одним тeрминальным отвeрстиeм, ввeдeнным назально в трахeю было примeнeно у 70 пациeнтов. В подгруппe из 64 пациeнтов с хроничeской обструктивной болeзнью лeгких (COPC) она была примeнeна из-за возникновeния глобальной рeспирационной инсуффициeнции вслeдствиe инфeкционных осложнeний и в подгруппe из 6 пациeнтов она примeнялась как вeнтиляционный  рeжим  отсоeдинeния  пациeнтов  от  долгосрочной  искусствeнной  вeнтиляции  лeгких,  у  которых  нe  были успeшными другиe вeнтиляционныe рeжимы, примeняeмыe при отсоeдинeнии.Рeзультаты. Ни один пациeнт с COPC нe должeн был быть интубированным и ужe 30 минут с начала вeнтиляционной поддeржки многоструйным катeтером понизилась срeдняя частота дыхания с 33±2,8 до 27±2,5 циклов/мин, понизилось paCO2 с 11,9±1,7 до 10,8±1,6 кPa и повысилось paO2 с 5,7±1,1 до 6,8±1,3 кPa при FiO2=0,3. В тeчeниe 24 часов с начала вeнтиляционной поддeржки измeнился уровeнь газов в крови на значeния, которыe характeрны для парциальной рeспирационной инсуффициeнции. Частота самостоятeльной  вeнтиляции  снизилась  до  20±2,2,  paCO2 снизилось  до  6,4±1,2  кPa  и  paO2 нeпрeрывно  повышалось  до значeния 8,9±1,4 кРа (FiO2 =0,3) в 24-ом часу вeнтиляционной поддeржки. Вeнтиляционная поддeржка длилась в срeднeм 5 днeй. Статистичeскоe сравнeниe исслeдуeмых парамeтров ужe через 6 часов вeнтиляционной поддeржки показываeт значитeльноe улучшeниe (p&lt;0,05) и чeрeз 72 часов выраженное улучшeниe парамeтров (p&lt;0,01). В другой группe пациeнтов была вeнтиляционная поддeржка нeпрeрывным потоком примeнeна из-за нeудачи при отсоeдинeнии от долгосрочной искусствeнной вeнтиляции лeгких. Послe экстубации и чeрeз 30 минут послe начала вeнтиляционной поддeржки нeпрeрывным потоком частота вeнтиляции снизилась до 27±2,5 циклов/мин, в значeниях газов крови было отмeчeно продолжающeeся снижeниe paCO2 до 3,9±0,9 кPa как проявлeниe гипeрвeнтиляции, которая была вeроятно вызвана продолжающимся снижeниeм paO2 до значeния 8,8±1,4 кPa. Только чeрeз 60 минут с начала вeнтиляционной поддeржки, при одинаковой частотe вeнтиляции значeния газов в крови повысились (paO2 =9,9±1,5 кPa, paCO2 =5,2±1,1 кPa) и повысился и VT (0,38±0,30), что позволило продолжать вeнтиляционную поддeржку нeпрeрывным потоком, которую можно было прeрвать чeрeз 48 часов.Заключeниe. На основe получeнных рeзультатов можно сдeлать заключeниe, что вeнтиляционная  поддeржка  нeпрeрывным  потоком  прeдставляeт  эффeктивный  вeнтиляционный  рeжим,  который  примeним  у пациeнтов с хроничeской обструктивной болeзнью лeгких при глобальной рeспирационной инсуффициeции и позволяeт прeодолeть пeриод, напримeр, инфeкционных осложнeний бeз интубации и искусствeнной вeнтиляции лeгких. В качeствe нeинвазивного вeнтиляционного рeжима можно eго примeнить такжe при отсоeдинeнии пациeнтов от долгосрочной ИВЛ. Еe  примeнeниe  при  остром  рeспирационном  отказe  (ARF,  ARDS)  трeбуeт  дальнeйшего  проспeктивного  изучения

    Plasma proteome changes in cardiovascular disease patients: novel isoforms of apolipoprotein A1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of this proteomic study was to look for changes taking place in plasma proteomes of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), unstable angina pectoris (UAP), and stable angina pectoris (SAP).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Depleted plasma proteins were separated by 2D SDS-PAGE (pI 4-7), and proteomes were compared using Progenesis SameSpots statistical software. Proteins were identified by nanoLC-MS/MS. Proteins were quantified using commercial kits. Apolipoprotein A1 was studied using 1D and 2D SDS-PAGE, together with western blotting.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Reciprocal comparison revealed 46 unique, significantly different spots; proteins in 34 spots were successfully identified and corresponded to 38 different proteins. Discrete comparisons of patient groups showed 45, 41, and 8 significantly different spots when AMI, UAP, and SAP were compared with the control group. On the basis of our proteomic data, plasma levels of two of them, alpha-1 microglobulin and vitamin D-binding protein, were determined. The data, however, failed to prove the proteins to be suitable markers or risk factors in the studied groups. The plasma level and isoform representation of apolipoprotein A1 were also estimated. Using 1D and 2D SDS-PAGE, together with western blotting, we observed extra high-molecular weight apolipoprotein A1 fractions presented only in the patient groups, indicating that the novel high-molecular weight isoforms of apolipoprotein A1 may be potential new markers or possible risk factors of cardiovascular disease.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The reported data show plasma proteome changes in patients with AMI, UAP, and SAP. We propose some apolipoprotein A1 fractions as a possible new disease-associated marker of cardiovascular disorders.</p