24 research outputs found

    HPLC Evaluation of L-Tryptophan and Its Metabolites in Biological Material

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    Univerzita Karlova Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra farmaceutické chemie a farmaceutické analýzy Kandidát: Kateřina Málková Vedoucí diplomové práce: PharmDr. Petr Kastner, Ph.D. Název diplomové práce: HPLC hodnocení L-tryptofanu a jeho metabolitů v biologickém materiálu Tématem diplomové práce bylo vyvinutí optimalizovaných podmínek pro stanovení L-tryptofanu a jeho metabolitů (L-kynurenin, kyselina kynurenová, serotonin, kyselina 5-hydroxyindol-3-octová, melatonin) pomocí vysokoúčinné kapalinové chromatografie. Separace probíhala na silikagelové koloně Kinetex EVO C18 (100A, 150 × 3 mm, 5 μm) s předkolonou OPTI-GUARD 1 mm C18 za použití spektrofotometrické a fluorimetrické detekce. Výchozí parametry detekce uvedené v metodě byly nastavené pro kynurenin (absorbance při 369 nm, 227 nm a fluorescenční detekce Ex: 369 Em: 475). Detekční a eluční parametry metody byly dále optimalizovány dle přidávaných analyzovaných látek na základě jejich individuálních UV a fluorescenčních spekter. Byly zkoušeny různé mobilní fáze, různá pH tlumivých roztoků. Výsledná mobilní fáze se skládala ze dvou složek: mobilní fáze A: voda + octanový tlumivý roztok 0,1 M; pH 4,5; methanol v poměru 97:3 mobilní fáze B: methanol. Byla využita eluce gradientová. Průtoková rychlost mobilní fáze byla 0,5 ml/min....Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis Candidate: Kateřina Málková Supervisor: PharmDr. Petr Kastner, Ph.D. Title of thesis: HPLC evaluation of L-tryptophan and its metabolites in biological material The purpose of this thesis was to develop optimized conditions for determination of L-tryptophan and its metabolites (L-kynurenine, kynurenic acid, serotonin, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid, melatonin) using high performance liquid chromatography. Separation was achieved by a silica gel column Kinetex EVO C18 (100A, 150 × 3 mm, 5 μm) with guard column OPTI-GUARD 1 mm C18 using spectrophotometric and fluorimetric detection. Initial parameters of detection mentioned in the method were for kynurenine (absorbance at 369 nm, 227 nm and fluorescence detection Ex: 369 Em: 475). Detection and elution parameters of the method were further optimized for subsequently added analysed substances on the basis of their individual UV and fluorescence spectra. Different types of mobile phase, different pH of buffer were examined. The finally mobile phase consisted of two components: mobile phase A: water + acetate buffer 0,1 M; pH 4,5; methanol in a ratio 97:3 mobile phase B: methanol. The separation was performed by gradient...Katedra farmaceutické chemie a farmaceutické analýzyDepartment of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical AnalysisFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    Citátová kompozita v románech Terryho Pratchetta

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    Tématem bakalářské práce jsou citátová kompozita v románech Terryho Pratchetta. Teoretická část se zabývá citátovými kompozity obecně a jejich srovnáním s běžnými kompozity. Na bázi srovnání různých přístupů je stanovena pracovní definice a zvolena odpovídající terminologie. Dále jsou zde navrženy dostupné možnosti klasifikace citátových kompozit podrobněji rozvinuté v praktické části. Je zkoumána též produktivita daného jevu v souvislosti s obecnou jazykovou typologií a zhodnoceny charakteristiky stylu Terryho Pratchetta. Praktická část klasifikuje celkem 108 různých citátových kompozit, excerpovaných z prvních 10 knih Zeměplochy Terryho Pratchetta, dle syntaktických rolí, dle původu a dle sémantiky. V této souvislosti je zhodnocena produktivita citátových kompozit a originalita Terryho Pratchetta.The topic of the present thesis are quotational compounds in Terry Pratchett's novels. The theoretical part discusses quotational compounds generally and their comparison to common compounds. On the basis of the comparison of several existing approaches a working definition and terminology is arrived at. Several existing classifications of quotational compounds are proposed, which are further developed in the practical part. The productivity of the given phenomenon is examined in relation to language typology, and the characteristics of Terry Pratchett's style are considered. The practical part classifies 108 different quotational compounds, excerpted from the first 10 novels of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, according to their syntactic roles, origin and semantics. In this relation the productivity of quotational compounds is reconsidered and Terry Pratchett's original treatment of quotational compounds observed.Department of the English Language and ELT MethodologyÚstav anglického jazyka a didaktikyFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    The Motivation of the Students between the 11 - 15 Years in Foreign Langure Teaching

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    This diploma thesis deals with a second language learners´ motivation at primary schools, particularly its effects on English lessons. At the very beginning it describes the term motivation, all kinds of motivation we can meet with and features which it is composed from. The aim of thesis is to evaluate which types of motivation students find the most stimulating for studying second language, whether intrinsic or extrinsic motivation and its relation with the attitude which learners take towards the second language

    Tourist Potential of the Spa Town of Poděbrady

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    Import 11/07/2012Bakalářská práce pojednává o turistickém potenciálu lázeňského města Poděbrady a vytváří přehled o možnostech trávení volného času ve městě. Práce je rozdělena do pěti hlavních kapitol a obsahuje část teoretickou a praktickou. V první polovině teoretické části je vymezen pojem cestovní ruch, včetně vývoje a typologie. Následně se práce věnuje pojmu lázeňství, popisuje jeho historii, formy lázeňské péče, přírodní léčivé zdroje a nejvýznamnější české lázně. Závěrem teoretické části jsou vysvětleny pojmy podnikatelský potenciál, dotazování a SWOT analýza. V praktické části je nejprve představeno město Poděbrady a následně jsou do práce zaneseny výsledky dotazníkového šetření, zhodnocení města a SWOT analýza. Závěr práce se věnuje návrhům opatření a doporučení pro rozvoj cestovního ruchu.The bachelor thesis deals with the Tourist Potential of the Spa Town of Podebrady and creates an overview of leisure opportunities in the city. The thesis is divided into five main chapters and includes part theoretical and practical. In the first half of the theoretical section defines the notion of tourism, including development and typology. Afterwords, the work deals with the concept spa, describes its history, types of spa treatment, natural healing resources and the most important Czech spa. Finally, the theoretical section explains the concepts of business potential, interviews and SWOT analysis. In the practical part is first introduced the town of Podebrady and afterwords are entered the survey results into the work, evaluation of town and SWOT analysis. The conclusion deals with proposals for measures and recommendations for tourism development.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    The Reinterpretation of the figure of Achilles in the Literature of Early Empire

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    This thesis attempts to outline and reinterpret the concept of the character of Achilles, which is often considered very schematic, in the Roman literature of the early empire. It tries to prove that its treatment is, on the contrary, based on a number of often contradictory features, properties and motives, and therefore cannot be simplified. In the introductory part of the work, attention is paid to Achilles' depiction in the Iliad and in the works of Roman authors of the Augustan era (Catullus, Horace, Propertius, Vergil, Ovid), which forms the basis for later texts. The main part of the work focuses on specific authors of the early imperial period (the author of the Ilias Latina, Dictys of Crete, Statius, Seneca) and, by analyzing selected passages, an attempt is made to determine Achilles' key motives in individual works and in the given period.Tato práce se pokouší nastínit a reinterpretovat pojetí postavy Achillea, které je často považováno za velice schematické, v římské literatuře raného císařství. Snaží se dokázat, že jeho zpracování je naopak založeno na řadě často protikladných rysů, vlastností a motivů, a i proto jej nelze zjednodušovat. V úvodní části práce je pozornost věnována zobrazení Achillea v Íliadě a v dílech římských autorů Augustovy doby (Catullus, Horatius, Propertius, Vergilius, Ovidius), což tvoří základ pro pozdější texty. Hlavní část práce se zaměřuje na konkrétní autory doby raného císařství (autor Ilias Latina, Diktys z Kréty, Statius, Seneca) a rozebráním vybraných pasáží se pokouší určit motivy, které jsou klíčové v pojetí postavy Achillea, v jednotlivých dílech i v dané době.Institute for Greek and Latin StudiesÚstav řeckých a latinských studiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    The Reinterpretation of the figure of Achilles in the Literature of Early Empire

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    This thesis attempts to outline and reinterpret the concept of the character of Achilles, which is often considered very schematic, in the Roman literature of the early empire. It tries to prove that its treatment is, on the contrary, based on a number of often contradictory features, properties and motives, and therefore cannot be simplified. In the introductory part of the work, attention is paid to Achilles' depiction in the Iliad and in the works of Roman authors of the Augustan era (Catullus, Horace, Propertius, Vergil, Ovid), which forms the basis for later texts. The main part of the work focuses on specific authors of the early imperial period (the author of the Ilias Latina, Dictys of Crete, Statius, Seneca) and, by analyzing selected passages, an attempt is made to determine Achilles' key motives in individual works and in the given period

    Quotational compounds in Terry Pratchett's novels

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    The topic of the present thesis are quotational compounds in Terry Pratchett's novels. The theoretical part discusses quotational compounds generally and their comparison to common compounds. On the basis of the comparison of several existing approaches a working definition and terminology is arrived at. Several existing classifications of quotational compounds are proposed, which are further developed in the practical part. The productivity of the given phenomenon is examined in relation to language typology, and the characteristics of Terry Pratchett's style are considered. The practical part classifies 108 different quotational compounds, excerpted from the first 10 novels of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, according to their syntactic roles, origin and semantics. In this relation the productivity of quotational compounds is reconsidered and Terry Pratchett's original treatment of quotational compounds observed

    Zdeněk Pololáník - Life and work

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    The work named "Zdeněk Pololáník - Life and work" subtitled "Sonata bravura-composition for organ" introduces a leading Moravian composer Zdeněk Pololáník and focuses on detailed analysis of Sonata bravura. The enclosure contains a brief overview of the composer´s work of Sonata bravura intself

    Využití terapeutických prvků ve volnočasových aktivitách u dětí se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami

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    The final work deals with "The use of therapeutic elements in leisure activities for children with special educational needs". In the theoretical part, the terms "mental disability", "combined disability" and "integration and inclusion" are defined. Furthemore, the therapeutic approaches that are useful for individuals with mental disabilities are explained as well as the key terms of this work such as "music therapy", "art therapy", "canistherapy" and "occupational therapy". At the end of the theoretical part the Miroslav Leisure Center and its project RUBIKON are presented. The practical part contains a methodical demonstration of activities using elements of music therapy, art therapy, canis therapy and occupational therapy. The aim of the work is to design and compile activities using the mentioned therapeutic elements and verify their effectiveness in practice

    HPLC Evaluation of L-Tryptophan and Its Metabolites in Biological Material

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    Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis Candidate: Kateřina Málková Supervisor: PharmDr. Petr Kastner, Ph.D. Title of thesis: HPLC evaluation of L-tryptophan and its metabolites in biological material The purpose of this thesis was to develop optimized conditions for determination of L-tryptophan and its metabolites (L-kynurenine, kynurenic acid, serotonin, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid, melatonin) using high performance liquid chromatography. Separation was achieved by a silica gel column Kinetex EVO C18 (100A, 150 × 3 mm, 5 μm) with guard column OPTI-GUARD 1 mm C18 using spectrophotometric and fluorimetric detection. Initial parameters of detection mentioned in the method were for kynurenine (absorbance at 369 nm, 227 nm and fluorescence detection Ex: 369 Em: 475). Detection and elution parameters of the method were further optimized for subsequently added analysed substances on the basis of their individual UV and fluorescence spectra. Different types of mobile phase, different pH of buffer were examined. The finally mobile phase consisted of two components: mobile phase A: water + acetate buffer 0,1 M; pH 4,5; methanol in a ratio 97:3 mobile phase B: methanol. The separation was performed by gradient..