9 research outputs found

    High-spin structure of ^{95}Pd

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    The level scheme of the neutron-deficient nucleus 95Pd has been studied with the 58Ni\u2009+\u200940Ca fusion-evaporation reaction at 135 MeV with the GASP \u3b3-ray array, the ISIS silicon ball, and the N-ring neutron detector. Excited levels with spins at least up to 45/2\u210f are reported for both parities. The observed experimental data are compared to large-scale shell-model calculations

    High-spin states in the odd\u2013odd nucleus 80Y

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    The high-spin states of 80Y have been studied with the reactions 24Mg(58Ni, pn\u3b3) at 180 MeV and 58Ni(24Mg, pn\u3b3) at 77 MeV. Gamma-ray transitions in this nucleus have been unambiguously assigned by using the GASP detector array in conjunction with the recoil mass spectrometer CAMEL and the ISIS Silicon detector ball. These transitions have been arranged into several rotational bands extending up to an excitation energy of about 12 MeV and spin 24 \u210f. The bands are discussed within the framework of the interacting boson\u2013fermion\u2013fermion and cranked shell models

    Study of the cross section determination with the PRISMA spectrometer: The 40Ar + 208Pb case

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    The PRISMA spectrometer’s response function was successfully applied to match three angular and magnetic settings over a wide angular range for measurements of quasi-elastic reactions in 40Ar+208Pb. The absolute scale of cross sections has been obtained by using the Rutherford cross section at the forward angles and the information from the energy distributions measured with the spectrometer without and with gamma-coincidences with the CLARA gamma-array. The semi-classical model GRAZING has been used to test the unfolding procedure and for comparison with the corrected cross sections

    Selective properties of neutron transfer reactions in the 90Zr + 208Pb system for the population of excited states in zirconium isotopes

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    Nuclei produced via multineutron transfer channels have been studied in 90Zr + 208Pb close to the Coulomb barrier energy in a fragment-\u3b3 coincident measurement employing the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer coupled to the CLARA \u3b3-array. The selective properties of the reaction mechanism have been discussed in terms of states and their strength excited in the neutron transfer channels leading to 89-94Zr isotopes. A strong population of yrast states, with energies up to ~7.5 MeV has been observed. \ua9 2015 Elsevier B.V

    Experimental study of neutron-rich nuclei near the N = 82 closed shell using the 96Zr+124Sn reaction with GASP and PRISMA-CLARA arrays

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    In this contribution an experimental study of the deep-inelastic reaction Zr-96(40) + Sn-124(50) at 530 MeV, using the GASP and PRISMA-CLARA arrays, is presented. The experiments populate a wealth of projectile-like and target-like binary fragments, in a large neutron-rich region around N >= 50 and Z approximate to 40. Preliminary results on the study of the yrast and near-yrast states for Nb-95 will be shown, along with a comparison of the experimental yields obtained in the experiments

    Spectroscopy of odd-mass cobalt isotopes toward the N=40 subshell closure and shell-model description of spherical and deformed states

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    The neutron-rich cobalt isotopes up to A=67 have been studied through multinucleon transfer reactions by bombarding a 238U target with a 460-MeV 70Zn beam. Unambiguous identification of prompt \u3b3 rays belonging to each nucleus has been achieved using coincidence relationships with the ions detected in a high-acceptance magnetic spectrometer. The new data are discussed in terms of the systematics of the cobalt isotopes and interpreted with large-scale shell-model calculations in the fpgd model space. In particular, very different shapes can be described in 67Co, at the edge of the island of inversion at N=40, where a low-lying highly deformed band coexists with a spherical structure

    Isospin mixing in the N = Z nucleus Ge-64

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    The N=Z nucleus 64Ge has been investigated in two experiments using the EUROBALL III and EUROBALL IV spectrometers coupled to ancillary devices. Multipole mixing ratios, linear polarization and picosecond lifetimes for various transitions have been measured. The linear polarization results determine unambiguously the multipole character of the 5--->4+ 1665 keV transition, allowing to extract the electric dipole strength and to investigate for the first time the amount of isospin mixing implied by the presence of a forbidden E1 transition